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Tall-Bearded Irises starting with the letters U-Z; return to Old Web

example; 'Vanity' Vanity

With over 20,000 Tall bearded Irises we have broken them up into 5 alphabetical webs. Select a letter or go to a different letter group:
Letters A through E

Letters F through J

Letters K through O

Letters P through T

U; V; W; X; Y; Z

"Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supported by Emembership in AIS, If you would like to help sustain this reference, for $15 you can become an Emember, click here."

Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website

White TBs
Uvalde Vanilla Frappe White Room White Pool=

Blue TBs
U F O Uncharted Seas Unstable Gene Uptown Lady
Yellow TBs
Undina Utomlionnoye Solntse Vikings Gold Valeria Romoli
Red TBs
Up In Flames Ukradene Sontse Velluto rosso Very Very Good
Pink TBs
Undivided Attention Uvlechenlye Valentine Romance Ukrainian Song
Plicata TBs
Ujlak Unicorn Unveiling A Scarf Urluberlu
Bicolor TBs
Unfinished Business Upside Down Urban Cowgirl Valey Of Dreams

Welcome to the TbUthruZ web

Available Information

TbUthruZ Web Utilities

Tb count in this web as of 4/7/2018 there were 2,801 cultivars in this web

Web count with image as of 4/7/2018 there were 1,062 cultivars with an image in this web or 38%

Tall Bearded Iris Insert

Old Web
Topic revision: r30 - 12 Feb 2023, RobertBobPries
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