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■(TB) 'William Mohr'

1925, Mohr

'William Mohr' OB (Willliam Mohr, 1925). AB, TMB, Midseason bloom. Color Class-S7M. Pink to red-toned blend, self, medium. 'Parisiana' X I. gatesii . Syonym: William Mohr-Lilac. S. B. Mitchell, 1925.

Also listed in AB web: see 'William Mohr'.

See below: * * References

William Mohrbh.jpgwilliammohr1.JPG


From Indian Spring Farms catalog, 1927: WILLIAM MOHR (Mohr 1925). This is probably one of the most remarkable Irises ever raised. It was obtained by the late Wm. Mohr from a cross of the Pogoniris Parisiana with pollen from the rare and beautiful Oncocyclus Gatesii. As Mr. Mohr considered it his finest achievement, it has been named in his memory. The ground color is pale lilac, standards flushed darker, and the whole flower beautifully veined manganese-violet. It is very large with broad, rounded segments of fine form and great substance. Stems strong and rigid. 20 to 24 inches. This interesting variety gives promise of being one of the finest additions to our Iris list. It has all the weird charm of I. Susiana, the Mourning Iris, with sufficient vigor to withstand the cold winters of the North. $25.00 each.
William Mohr: (Mohr-Mitchell). While it is a difficult iris to grow, well worth while when it blooms, short season. [Belsley, Ray J., Varietal Comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society 74 (July 1939), 19.]
WILLIAM MOHR does not stand up well after a "heavy mist." The flowers are bunched on the stalk. Yet, if I were planting another garden, I would surely have it, even if this new garden were in the showery Puget Sound country. [Dornblut, J., Bellingham, Wash. Varietal Notes, American Iris Society Bulletin 55(February 1935), 100.]


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
William_Mohrbh.jpgjpg William_Mohrbh.jpg manage 47 K 02 Sep 2017 - 19:15 BetsyHiggins  
williammohr1.JPGJPG williammohr1.JPG manage 214 K 11 Apr 2020 - 02:18 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1955 Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog by Kate Brewitt
Topic revision: r9 - 13 Apr 2020, Harloiris
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