

■(TB) 'Wasatch'

1935, Thorup

'Wasatch' (Herman Thorup, R. 1935) TB; Midseason bloom. Color Class-W2M; Introduced by Thorup 1935; Pattison 1935; Honorable Mention A.I.S. 1936; in A.I.S. Bulletin 63: 64. October 1936; Illustrated in Flower Grower 24: 6 283. June 1937%. synonym 'Wasacht'.

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Photo by David Potembski, Presby 2016Photo Courtesy of HIPS


Longfield Farm 1936 Catalog notes:" 'Wasatch' (Thorup, 1935). The largest plicata yet introduced. Of pure glistening white evenly marked with medium blue. Plicata marking very pronounced in the bud, and the opened flower has no dark brown or other markings. The excellently formed flowers are of heavy substance that withstand wind and rain. 40 inches."
Wasatch: (Thorup). Flower is so floppy can't see why it was introduced. [Belsley, Ray J., Varietal Comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society 74 (July 1939), 19.]
"In the Ulrich garden I discovered Wasatch after overlooking it for all these years. It looked like a really fine plicata to me, though perhaps not so glamorous as some of the newer ones." [David R. Kinnish, “Kansas and Missouri Gardens in 1946” The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 103, (October 1946): 28.]
See John C. Wister Collection, Scott Arboretum Archives, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College Wister%20Iris%20159%20--%20Iris%20Wasatch%20May%208%2c%201945.jpg

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.



-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_7358.jpgjpg IMG_7358.jpg manage 355 K 20 Dec 2018 - 23:59 DavidPotembski Photo by David Potembski, Presby 2016
Wasatchcct.JPEGJPEG Wasatchcct.JPEG manage 30 K 20 Feb 2012 - 14:07 BetsyHiggins Photo Courtesy of HIPS
Topic revision: r13 - 04 Jul 2019, BobPries
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