

■(TB) 'Spring Ballet'

1981, Palmer

'Spring Ballet' (Dorothy Palmer, R. 1981). Seedling# 2378A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light cream, light yellow at base; falls white, bright yellow around beard and at hafts; bright yellow beard; ruffled. Seedling# 6275P: (seedling# 6072A: (seedling# 10226R: ((('First Violet' x 'Violet Harmony') x 'Whole Cloth') x ('Pinnacle' x 'Fairday')) x 'Golden Snow') x 'Proud Heritage') X seedling# 6072D. Echo Hill Garden 1982. . See below:
Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection


From AIS Bulletin #245 April 1982 Introducing SPRING BALLET-Sdlg. 2378A. The light cream standards have light yellow at the base. Broad, horizontal falls are white with bright yellow around the beards and at the hafts. A stiff, ruffled tantalizer. In short supply. Mid to late, 34". HC 1981. $25.00. Echo Hill Garden.


-- JoelleFRANJEULLE - 2010-01-25
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springballet.JPGJPG springballet.JPG manage 689 K 17 Dec 2018 - 14:42 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
Topic revision: r9 - 16 Apr 2022, TerryLaurin
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