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■(TB) 'Siegfried'

1936, Sass

'Siegfried' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1935). TB, Midseason late bloom, Color Class-Y8L. Standards deep creamy Naples yellow, slight brown cast near edges; falls yellowish white ground with brown stripes and border; yellow gold beard. 'Al-Lu-We' x ('Jubilee' x unknown). Sass 1936. Honorable Mentiion 1936; Award of Merit 1938.

See below:

IMG 0525.jpgsiegfried1-jb.jpgsiegfried2-jb.jpgSiegfriedRT.jpg


From Sass catalog, 1937: SIEGFRIED (H. P. Sass, 1936) - A large ruffled flower of good substance. S. Naples yellow with a sheen of dotted purple. F. pale yellow and striped brown on the haft with purple dots along the side of the distinct yellow beard. Flaring falls. Large flowers on 44-inch branching stem $30.00
SIEGFRIED (Hans Sass). A most unusual development in a new type of plicata. Very tall, very striking, and decidedly distinct. This new iris has created a distinct furore among the iris fans of the nation and, to date, stock has been exceedingly scarce. The standards are of rich golden bronze; the falls white with purple stitchings. Good form and habit, and fine branching. H.M., A.I.S. 1936. Midseason. 45-inch. $25.00. [Carl Salbach iris catalog, 1938]
Siegfried: (H. Sass). A new type plicata with very large blossoms on tall stalk, coloring unlike any other yellow with violet brownish markings, somewhat flaring falls quite ruffled. [Belsley, Ray J., Varietal Comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society 74 (July 1939), 18-19.]
"In 1936 SIEGFRIED (ALLUWEE X yellowish plicata seedling) appeared, the first large yellow plicata. One of the latest iris to bloom, SIEGFRIED'S flowers have a fluting and ruffling that some of our other iris could use to advantage. The Havana brown marking on a creamy white ground were as different a color pattern in iris as could be imagined".Schreiner, Robert, "The Evolution of our Yellow Plicatas", American Iris Society Bulletin, Issue# 88, January, 1943, p. 60.
"It was my pleasure in the thirties to see the first flowering of the tall, yellow-ground plicatas such as SIEGFRIED, ORLOFF, and TIFFANY. SIEGFRIED grows as tall as 40 inches in the Midwest and I have seen it that tall on the west coast." Gaulter, Larry, "Love Those Plicatas!", American Iris Society Bulletin, Issue# 159, October, 1960, p. 28. -- DavidPotembski - 03 Nov 2012
Siegfried is a blanket-stitched plicata with an edging of the frosty gold standards around the very long, hanging falls. These are an ivory ground with all the marking concentrated in a broad margin around the edge. It is not considered a perfect iris and is a weak grower for me, but definitely distinctive and desirable. [Lila McCombs, “A Critical Evaluation of Older Irises”, The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 110 (July 1948): 59.]
See John C. Wister Collection, Scott Arboretum Archives, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College Wister%20Iris%20149%20--%20Iris%20Siegfried%2066-18.jpg

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_0525.jpgjpg IMG_0525.jpg manage 381 K 22 Dec 2018 - 03:51 DavidPotembski Photo by David Potembski, My Garden 2018, Finksburg, MD
SiegfriedRT.jpgjpg SiegfriedRT.jpg manage 34 K 22 Jan 2012 - 00:03 BetsyHiggins Photo by Rick Tasco
siegfried1-jb.jpgjpg siegfried1-jb.jpg manage 50 K 23 Feb 2013 - 17:09 Main.Harloiris photo by Mike Unser
siegfried2-jb.jpgjpg siegfried2-jb.jpg manage 47 K 23 Feb 2013 - 17:10 Main.Harloiris photo by Mike Unser
Topic revision: r16 - 26 Jan 2020, Harloiris
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