■(TB) 'Saint Jude'

1956, Gatty

'Saint Jude' (Joseph Gatty, R. 1956). Seedling# 54-3. TB 36" Midseason bloom. Color Class-B1L. Light blue self. 'Sky Song' x (Bellmer seedling# 49-J: ((seedling 'Missouri' x 'Great Lakes') x 'Gloriole')., Tell 1958.

See below:



From AIS Bulletin #149, April 1958. Co-introducing with Tell's Iris Garden SAINT JUDE-(J. Gatty '58) ML Hgt. 37" $20.00. (Sky Song x Granny Sherman). A serene and exquisite light blue. The smooth and heavy-substanced blossoms are produced in abundance atop sturdy and well-branched stalks. The standards are well domed and firmly held while the wide semi-flaring falls of smooth coloring are lightly ruffled. A most prolific variety and a worthy addition to the light blue' class. Joseph Gatty.
From Tell’s Iris Garden catalog, 1958: SAINT JUDE (Joseph Gatty, Jersey City, N. J.). Midseason-Late. 36 inches. (Sky Song) x (Granny Sherman: ((Missouri x Great Lakes) x Gloriole)). Since I am the "grandfather" of this lovely light blue, Mr. Gatty has let me cointroduce his first introduction and winner of an H.C. 1957. Classically tailored, smoothly finished with just enough ruffling in the falls to give it charm. A fine addition to this color class and one that does not fade but holds its color to the last. Prolific of bloom and healthy. $20.00

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- JoelleFRANJEULLE - 2010-01-26
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saintjude1.JPGJPG saintjude1.JPG manage 351 K 21 Jun 2016 - 02:30 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
saintjude2.JPGJPG saintjude2.JPG manage 291 K 21 Jun 2016 - 02:32 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
Topic revision: r10 - 27 Mar 2018, BetsyHiggins
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