

■(TB) 'Mrs. Alan Gray'

1909, Foster

'Mrs. Alan Gray' (Sir Michael Foster, 1909) TB. Early thru late bloom. Color Class-R1L. I. cengialti x 'Queen Of May'.

See below:

mrs alan gray flPhoto by Rick Tasco


From Gardeners Chronicle, Oct. 9, 1913, Late Flowering Iris by E. Wallace and Co., Colchester: We are sending you herewith a few blooms of an Iris now in flower with us. The variety is 'Mrs. Alan Gray', and is one of the many beautiful hybrids raised by the late Sir Michael Foster. It is not uncommon for some of the varieties of Iris germanica to throw an occasional bloom in late summer, but we have noticed in regard to this variety ever since it has been in our nursery that it flowers regularly twice a year, not here and there a spike, but nearly every plant. We have a bed containing some five or six hundred plants, and the effect at the present time is quite beautiful.
From G. G. Whitelegg catalog, 1921: Mrs. Alan Gray. A most beautiful soft mauve self, extremely free flowering. Extra good.
From R. Wallace Co. catalog, 1922: Mrs. Alan Gray (Foster, 1909). (Cengialti x Queen of Moy). One of the most beautiful. The flowers have that neatness and self-colourin gnoticeable in all the Cengialti seedlings, and are of a delightful lilac shade derived from Queen of May, which gives one the impression of pink in comparing it with other Irises. It is unique in generally bearing a second crop of flowers in August, and no Iris is lovelier when massed in quantity, 2-2½ft. C IX. 1/- each.
From H. P. Simpson catalog, 1922: MRS. ALAN GRAY (Foster, 1909). S. and F. a delicate, pale lavender-pink of a pleasing cool appearance. Dainty and pretty. 24 inches. 30¢

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r13 - 24 Dec 2017, BetsyHiggins
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