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■(TB) 'Morning Splendor'

1923, Shull

'Morning Splendor' (J. M. Shull, R. 1923) 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class-R7D. Standards petunia violet; falls rich raisin purple. I. trojana x 'Lent A. Williamson'. Shull 1923. Honorable Mention 1922.

Nursery listings: Shull 1923; 1926; 1938; Sturt. 1924; Indian Spr. 1927; Sheets 1928; Brand 1932; Bun. 1938; Rowan. 1938; Wass. 1938.

See below:

Taken in my garden 2014, Reston, VA Zone 6BPhoto by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Detail of Davepote photoPhoto by Rick Tasco


From Chevy Chase Iris Garden, Marion Shull catalog, 1926: MORNING SPLENDOR (Shull 1923) — H.M., A.I.S.,1922 — All that the name implies. Should always be planted where the low-lying sun may be seen through it for then its Petunia Viole standards and Raisin Purple falls produce the most brilliant red effect we have yet seen among the Tall Bearded Irises. Flowers are large, of fine form, heavy substance, and delightful fragrance, and are borne on tall, strong stems. In 1925 one of our best known connoisseurs and writers on garden topics declared it “The finest American Iris I have ever seen.” $7.50.
From Indian Spring Farms catalog, 1927: MORNING SPLENDOR (Shull 1923). This is the outstanding Iris of all American introductions today. In 1922 it received Honorable Mention from the American Iris Society, and in 1926 it was awarded the Silver Medal of the Garden Club of America in competitive test at the New York Botanical Garden. The flowers are large, of fine form, heavy substance, and delightful fragrance, and are borne on tall, strong stems. S. petunia violet; F. rich raisin-purple. When viewed in rtransmitted sunlight, a most beautiful red effect is produced, the most brilliant yet seen in an Iris. 48 inches. $5.00 each.
Other awards: Gold Medal, Garden Club of America 1926; Silver Medal, Garden Club of America 1926; AM, Haarlem 1931; AM R.H.S. 1931.
Citations: Horticulture Directory 5:239. 15 June 1927, includes illustration; A.I.S. Bulletin 14:28 Jan. 1925; Journal Royal Horticultural Society 57:Pt 1:73, 1932 Trials.


Quick Summary of Cultural Directions

Hardiness Zones 4-8 for most varieties, Some cultivars tolerate colder, others tolerate warmer zones (please comment in comment box with your location if this cultivar grows well in zone 3, 4, 9, or 10.)
Exposure Prefers full sun for optimal performance, may still bloom in half-day shade
Water: Prefers well drained good garden soil, Tolerant of dry conditions in established plants, Intolerant of swampy conditions.
PH Prefers Neutral to basic solis 6.1 to 8.5, quite toleranr of more extreme conditions
Fertilizer Prefers rich conditions on relatively inorganic soils.

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_5303.jpgjpg IMG_5303.jpg manage 67 K 17 Feb 2017 - 19:45 DavidPotembski Taken in my garden 2014, Reston, VA Zone 6B
MorningSplendorRT.jpgjpg MorningSplendorRT.jpg manage 31 K 21 Jan 2012 - 21:25 BetsyHiggins Photo by Rick Tasco
MorningSplendorbh.jpgjpg MorningSplendorbh.jpg manage 37 K 25 Aug 2017 - 18:13 BetsyHiggins Detail of Davepote photo
morningsplendor9.JPGJPG morningsplendor9.JPG manage 172 K 13 Jan 2022 - 15:32 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
morningsplendor90.JPGJPG morningsplendor90.JPG manage 193 K 13 Jan 2022 - 15:32 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
morningsplendor91.JPGJPG morningsplendor91.JPG manage 241 K 13 Jan 2022 - 15:33 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
Topic revision: r18 - 13 Jan 2022, Harloiris
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