

■(TB) 'Miss Venus'

1975, Zurbrigg

'Miss Venus' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1973). Seedling# 68-118C-A. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Very late bloom. Standards pale red; falls pale red-orange including flounces; pale tangerine beard. ('Golden Unicorn' x 'Crinkled Ivory') X 'Super Flounce'. Avonbank 1975.

See below:
Photo scanned from the Lloyd Zurbrigg slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Glenn Corlew slide collection


From AIS Bulletin #217 April 1975 Introducing MISS VENUS. In the Space-Age contest, this candidate counts on winning by winsome coyness, or perhaps sheer erotic pulchritude. A self of very pale, but quite telling pink, even to the widely-expanded flounces which rise above the very flaring falls. Several purists have "fallen to her charms." (I well remember the first sight of her!) Only moderately wide at the "waist," both falls and flounces expand widely, so the effect is opulent. Unlike many Spaceager's, these are good growers here, and the branching and triple budding, along with late season, make them very valuable in extending the season in spring. (No remontancy in these lines.) Fertility unbounded. (Sdlg. 68-118B-A). $60.00. Avonbank Iris Gardens.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- MarilynCampbell - 2010-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
missvenus01.JPGJPG missvenus01.JPG manage 66 K 17 Jul 2014 - 15:16 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Lloyd Zurbrigg slide collection
missvenus02.JPGJPG missvenus02.JPG manage 966 K 30 Apr 2017 - 18:58 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Glenn Corlew slide collection
Topic revision: r12 - 28 Mar 2022, TerryLaurin
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