■(TB) 'Memories'
1953, Sass
'Memories' (
Henry Sass, R. 1952). TB, 34" (86 cm), Very late bloom. Color Class-OR1, Self, pink (carrot red, shade lighter than Wilson 612/3) with darker beard. Complete parentage appears in Region 1 Bull., summer 1952, wherein it was called Sass Pink. Sass seedling. 48-196 X
'Pink Sails'. Fleur de Lis, Sass 1953. Honorable Mention 1953.
From the 2022 Rebloom Checklist: Rebloom reported in: CA, TX. USDA Zones 7, 9
See below:
From Sass catalog, 1953: MEMORIES (50-227) (1953)- Color according to Wilson Color Chart is Carrot Red (612/3) Darker beard giving the flower a darker glow through center, broad petals, full flower. Good substance and branching. 34-inch. $20.00 |
From Fleur De Lis catalog, 1956: MEMORIES (Sass 1953) M. L. 36 in. (Pink Sails x Cotton Candy). This lovely new pink from the Sass gardens is really fulfilling its earlier promise of being sensational. The flowers are quite large, with broad heavily substanced petals and excellent form. The color is a rich medium pink that is brightened by a full pink beard. H. M. 1953. 15.00 |
From Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog 1965: MEMORIES (Sass '53) ++ Ml-35". Heaviest July Bloomer of our Flamingo pinks. No Flamingo yet created is capable of regular 100% bloom in summer, but Memories achieved about 40% bloom in July, a great surprise to everyone. Sometimes continues blooming until late Aug., but no fall bloom. A beautiful light salmon pink with a full pink beard. Flowers large with broad heavy substanced petals, excellent form. HM'53. Pink Sails X Cotton Candy. Regularly $2.50; on $10 order $2.10; on $25 order $1.85. |
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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
BobPries - 2011-03-07
- Pix are from what was sold to me as "Memories" but beard color makes id a ? -- DaveinPA - 2015-05-21