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■(TB) 'Kashmir White'

1912, Foster

'Kashmir White' (Sir Michael Foster, 1912) 48". Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls white slightly flushed blue-gray shading to yellow at hafts. Very fragrant. Award of Merit(Royal Horticultural Society) 1914; Award of Merit(Royal Horticultural Society) 1931.

Nursery listings: Van W. 1912; Wal. 1913; Van T. 1917; Bon. 1920; 1923; Sim. 1923; Indian Spr. 1927; Sheets, 1928; Tip Top 1938; Kat. 1939.

See below:

Photo by David Potembski, My Garden 2018, Finksburg, MD.Photo by Rick Tasco


From H. P. Simpson catalog, 1923: KASHMIR WHITE (Foster, 1913). A most beautiful white hybrid that we owe to Sir Michael Foster. Flowers of stout texture and perfect shape on 38-40 inch stems. The finest white within reach of the average pocketbook, and a fine, tall white is today the scarcest thing in irises. Anna Farr is a tall, near-white and La Neige (which I don’t list) is a dwarf near-white. Somewhat slow to get established and should have perfect drainage as well as plenty of lime in the soil. Starred variety and roots small and scarce. Price $2.60
From Bonnewitz catalog, 1923/24: KASHMIR WHITE (Foster) $3. This variety has a large white bloom and is very attractive, but it is extremely difficult to get acclimated in my part of the United States. I have purchased it five different times, and after seven years’ effort I have only thirty roots of it. The same effort spent on a variety like Anna Farr would have produced many thousand plants in the same time.
From Indian Spring Farms catalog, 1927: KASHMIR WHITE (Foster 1913). Fine, large, pure-white flowers produced on very tall, strong stems. 48 inches. To do well this variety must have a well-drained location in full sun. $1.00 each.
The SIGNA Checklists of Iris states "Foster was uncertain of the parentage of the cross producing 'Kashmir White' and 'Miss Wilmott'. Although he believed that Iris kashmiriana was a parent, Geddes Douglas in AIS Bulletin#87, p.40-44 presents another view. F. Denis believed that 'Miss Wilmott' came not from Iris kashmiriana but from a cross of I. cypriana and I. pallida 'Dalmatica'. He was able to synthesize his hypothesis by crossing I. cypriana X I. pallida and getting a goodly proprtion of albinos. since there is as yet no definitive proof either in favor of Denis's belief or Foster's we have chosen arbitrarily to go with Foster. These plants were at the base of most modern white tall-bearded lines and it wouuld be interesting for someone to explore Iris kashmiriana further."

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_9908.jpgjpg IMG_9908.jpg manage 320 K 27 Dec 2018 - 21:38 DavidPotembski Photo by David Potembski, My Garden 2018, Finksburg, MD.
KashmirWhiteRT.jpgjpg KashmirWhiteRT.jpg manage 22 K 21 Jan 2012 - 21:09 BetsyHiggins Photo by Rick Tasco
Topic revision: r15 - 14 Nov 2022, Harloiris
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