

(TB) Mj-Mo

■(TB) 'Mladshaya Sestra' 2016, Riabykh 'Mladshaya Sestra' Младшая сестра (Olga Riabykh, R. 2016) Seedling# A272 3. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early bloom. Standards an...
r5 - 05 Jan 2019 - 00:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mladý Kodiak' 2021, Siedl 'Mladý Kodiak' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2021). Seedling H0611. TB, 31" (80 cm), Late bloom. Red brown self; fringed; beards burnt tang...
r3 - 11 Mar 2023 - 19:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mlechny Put' 2010, Kolesnikov 'Mlechny Put' Млечный путь (Viktor Kolesnikov, R. 2010). Seedling# C 1 01. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards milky w...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 14:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mlle Jeanne Bél' 1920, Denis 'Mlle Jeanne Bél' (Fernand Denis, 1920) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W4. 'Ricardi' X 'Dalmatica'. See below: * Reference...
■(TB) 'Mlle. Modiste' 1972, Benson 'Mlle. Modiste' (Cliff Benson, R. 1970). Seedling 66 15B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled pink self; pink beard. 'Cha...
r12 - 11 Oct 2023 - 17:42 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mlle Schwartz' 1916, Denis 'Mlle Schwartz' (Fernand Denis, 1916) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7L. 'Ricardi' X 'Dalmatica'. See below: * References ...
(TB) 'Mlle Suzanne Woolfry' 1927, Millet 'Mlle Suzanne Woolfry' (Millet et Fils, 1927) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. See below: * References * Synon...
(TB) 'Mme Abel Chatenay' 1924, Cayeux 'Mme Abel Chatenay' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1924) Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. See below: * References References Jou...
(TB) 'Mme Bazes' 1918, Denis 'Mme Bazes' (Fernand Denis, 1918) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y8M. See below: * References * Synonyms References Journ...
(TB) 'Mme Blanche Pion' 1906, Cayeux 'Mme Blanche Pion' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1906) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9L. See below: * References * Synonyms ...
(TB) 'Mme Boullet' 1907, Denis 'Mme Boullet' (Fernand Denis, 1907) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S2D. See below: * References * Synonyms References J...
(TB) 'Mme Cécile Bouscant' 1923, Millet et Fils 'Mme Cécile Bouscant' (Millet et Fils, 1923). TB B. Color Class R1L. (unknown x 'Ricardi') X 'Queen Of May'. CM, S...
(TB) 'Mme Chabal' 1917, Millet 'Mme Chabal' (Millet et Fils, 1917) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9L. 'Ricardi' X unknown. Mil. 1919; Sheets 1928. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Mme Chéreau' 1844, Lémon 'Mme Chéreau' (Jean Nicolas Lémon, 1844) TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. Fragrant. High Commendation R.H.S. 1916.). Diploïd. ...
■(TB) 'Mme. Cheri' 1918, Sturtevant 'Mme. Cheri' (Grace Sturtevant, 1918) TB, Early bloom. Color Class S7M. ('Caterina' X 'Mrs. George Darwin') Journal of the Ro...
■(TB) 'Mme Chobaut' 1916, Denis 'Mme Chobaut' (Fernand Denis, 1916) TB, Midseason to late bloom. Color Class S8M. 'Ricardi' X unknown. See below: * References ...
(TB) 'Mme Claude Monet' 1912, Denis 'Mme Claude Monet' (Fernand Denis, 1912) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Ricardi' X kochii. See below: * References...
(TB) 'Mme De Beaumarchais' 1931, Millet 'Mme De Beaumarchais' (Millet et Fils, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. See below: * References * Synonym...
■(TB) 'Mme de Sévigné' 1916, Denis 'Mme de Sévigné' (Fernand Denis, R. 1916) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8. See below: * References * Synonyms Refer...
(TB) 'Mme Durrand' 1912, Denis 'Mme Durrand' (Fernand Denis, 1912). TB Midseason bloom. Color Class S6L. 'Ricardi' X 'Darius'. See below: * References * Syn...
■(TB) 'Mme François Debat' 1957, Cayeux 'Mme François Debat' (Ferdinand Cayeux, R. 1957). TB, Late bloom. Color Class O1P. Salmon pink self; tangerine beard. 'Bel...
(TB) 'Mme Guerville' 1860, Verdier 'Mme Guerville' (Eugène Verdier, 1860) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. See below: * References * Synonyms Referenc...
r19 - 10 Mar 2023 - 17:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mme Henri Cayeux' 1924, Cayeux 'Mme Henri Cayeux' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1924). TB, Midseason to late bloom. Color Class S9D. Standards smoky reddish violet; f...
(TB) 'Mme Lévêque' 1860, Verdier 'Mme Lévêque' (Eugène Verdier, 1860) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * References * Synonyms References ...
■(TB) 'Mme Louesse' 1860, Verdier 'Mme Louesse' (Eugène Verdier, 1860). 34". TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S8L. Standards white veined purple; Falls white with...
r37 - 10 Mar 2023 - 17:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mme Mayling' 1943, Grant 'Mme Mayling' (Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1943). TB. Early midseason to Midseason. Color Class W4. 'Sunday Best' X 'Chosen'. Main...
(TB) 'Mme Patti' 1894, Reuthe 'Mme Patti' (George Reuthe, 1894) TB. Midseason bloom. Color ClassY9D. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Mme Pompadour' 1932, Wayman 'Mme Pompadour' (Robert Wayman, 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. See below: * * References References Awaiting...
(TB) 'Mme Raya' 1945, DeForest 'Mme Raya' (Fred DeForest, R. 1945) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class R4M. 'Pretty Penny' X 'Casa Morena'. See below: * * Refer...
(TB) 'Mme Récamier' 1934, Washington 'Mme Récamier' (Thomas Washington, R. 1933) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. See below: * * References Refe...
(TB) 'Mme Roberte Huet' 1957, Cayeux 'Mme Roberte Huet' (Ferdinand Cayeux, R. 1957). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1D, Old gold self. 'Tobacco Road' X 'Sunset...
(TB) 'Mo Roon' 1965, MacLean 'Mo Roon' (Carleton MacLean, R. 1964). Seedling# M59 12. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VlD, Deep blue purple self. '...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:42 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mo Town Sister' 1999, Nicholson 'Mo Town Sister' (Gordon Nicholson, R. 1998). Seedling# 53 94. TB, 36 38" (91 97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light grap...
r8 - 20 Apr 2019 - 18:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moa' 1919, Bliss 'Moa' (Arthur John Bliss, 1919). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. Unknown x 'Dominion'. See below: * * References References: ...
r9 - 07 Sep 2017 - 20:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moby Dick' 1953, Sass 'Moby Dick' (Henry Sass, R. 1953). Seedling# 48 182. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. White self. Name released by W...
r12 - 14 Oct 2020 - 02:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moby Grape' 1998, Lauer 'Moby Grape' (Larry Lauer, R. 1998). Seedling# 91 212 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. . Ruffled reddish purple self; b...
■(TB) 'Mocambo' 1978, Denney 'Mocambo' (Don Denney, R. 1978). Seedling# D73 112B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Standards grey green blend (RHS 157B); falls violet...
(TB) 'Moccas' 1931, Dykes 'Moccas' (Katherine Dykes, 1931) TB. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r2 - 09 Mar 2014 - 03:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mocha' 1968, Lorenz 'Mocha' (David Lorenz, R. 1968). Seedling# 65 32. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O5D, Standards blend of coffee and choco...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mocha Blush' 2023, Liddicoat 'Mocha Blush' (Glenda Liddicoat, R. 2023) Seedling F 16 31, TB, 35.4" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale pink; style arm...
(TB) 'Mocha Cream' 1961, Fuller 'Mocha Cream' (Gertrude Fuller, R. 1961). Seedling# 59 8. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YO5D, Coffee with cream br...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mocha Dream' 2001, Grumbine 'Mocha Dream' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2001). Seedling# MG95 07 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards golden chocolate cream;...
r3 - 08 Sep 2017 - 20:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mocha Frappe' 2024, Collins 'Mocha Frappe' (Brad Collins, R. 2023) Seedling 12 12F, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Early bloom. Standards light mocha brown; style arms...
(TB) 'Mocha Mist' 1962, Schroeder 'Mocha Mist' (Ralph Schroeder, R. 1962). Seedling# 61 86 1. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y30, Standards gold, t...
r6 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mocha Polka' 1962, Suiter 'Mocha Polka' (Melvina Suiter, R. 1958). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Cream plicata, dotted coffee. 'Pat...
r3 - 12 Sep 2017 - 18:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mocha Royale' 1985, Dexter 'Mocha Royale' (Stan Dexter, R. 1984). Seedling# 1981 21 B. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark gold; falls plum...
r9 - 11 Aug 2023 - 19:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mochadoodle' 2010, Johnson 'Mochadoodle' (Larry Johnson, R. 2010). Seedling# JO3 26C. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards lavender to brown; fa...
r3 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mocium Panie' 2019, Kilimnik 'Mocium Panie' (Zbigniew Kilimnik, R. 2019). Seedling ZK 15 308 G. TB, 39.5" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Sandards and style ...
(TB) 'Mockingbird Lane' 1964, Baker 'Mockingbird Lane' (O. T. Baker, R. 1964). Seedling# 61 34. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y5V, S...
r5 - 26 Sep 2017 - 21:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mockingjay' 2019, Smith 'Mockingjay' (Ty J. Smith, R. 2015) Seedling# TY 12 29B. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards silky port wine, edge close ...
■(TB) 'Mod Mode' 1970, Gibson 'Mod Mode' (James Gibson, R. 1969). Seedling# 27 50. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light orchid pink; falls light orch...
(TB) 'Modelier' 2021, Dudka 'Modelier' (Tatiyana Dudka, R. 2021). Seedling 563 17. TB, 37" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark pink with dark lilac base; sty...
NEW - 27 Mar 2022 - 22:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modelnoe Agentstvo' 2016, Troshkin 'Modelnoe Agentstvo' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2016) Seedling TB1089 1. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards ...
(TB) 'Modern Art' 1956, Scarborough 'Modern Art' (Scarborough, R. 1956). TB, 36" (91 cm), 'Char Maize' X 'Lady Mohr'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r7 - 02 Jul 2020 - 17:12 by Pamina
■(TB) 'Modern Classic' 1975, Knocke 'Modern Classic' (Frederick Knocke, R. 1975). Seedling# K 919 TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Aster violet markings...
(TB) 'Modern Design' 1958, Muhlestein 'Modern Design' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1957). Seedling# 51 106 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class V1D, Deep...
■(TB) 'Modern Drama' 2011, Kerr 'Modern Drama' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2011). Seedling 05 019 3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms orange (RH...
■(TB) 'Modern Era' 2007, Kerr 'Modern Era' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2006). Seedling# 01 057D. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white, pinkish go...
■(TB) 'Modern Madness' 2021, Toth 'Modern Madness' (David Toth, R. 2020) Seedling 16 318. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards honey yellow, streak...
■(TB) 'Modern Majesty' 2023, Black 'Modern Majesty' (Paul Black, R. 2023) Seedling Z53B, TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Standards mid dark purple ...
■(TB) 'Modern Major General' 1997, Feuerstein 'Modern Major General' (Abram Feuerstein, R. 1997). Seedling# 92 460 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
r8 - 10 Sep 2022 - 16:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modern Man' 2024, Burseen 'Modern Man' (Tom Burseen, R. 2023) Seedling.18 301C, TB, 37" (94 cm), Very early bloom. Standards chrysanthemum crimson (RHS 185...
(TB) 'Modern Manner' 1972, Niswonger 'Modern Manner' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1970). Seedling# 51 69. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Medium violet self; ruffled...
■(TB) 'Modern Music' 1990, Nelson by Williamson 'Modern Music' (John Nelson by Bryce Williamson, R. 1995). TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Straw orange, flushed...
r7 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Modern Princess' 1996, Fan 'Modern Princess' (Chun Fan, R. 1996). Seedling# F90 142. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet (RHS 86B), midrib s...
r4 - 25 Aug 2017 - 02:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modern Story' 1987, Brown 'Modern Story' (Opal Brown, R. 1987). Seedling# 82 3B5. TB, 30" (77 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards brick pink (RHS 35C), li...
■(TB) 'Modern Tale' 2018, Burseen 'Modern Tale' (Tom Burseen, R. 2017). Seedling# 014 243A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms but...
(TB) 'Modern Talking' 2018, Karpenko 'Modern Talking' (Victor Karpenko, R. 2018). Seedling 13 11 4. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peach pink; styl...
■(TB) 'Modern Times' 1992, Gatty 'Modern Times' (Joseph Gatty, R. 1991). Seedling# S22 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bluish white (M P 41 AB 2) d...
(TB) 'Modern Trend' 1964, Nelson 'Modern Trend' (Jeannette Nelson, R. 1963). Seedling# 60 61 2. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4V, Standards white...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modern Venus' 1976, Sellman 'Modern Venus' (Edgar Sellman, R. 1976). Seedling# F 16. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white with very faint lave...
(TB) 'Modern Vogue' 1970, Reinhardt 'Modern Vogue' (Robert Reinhardt, R. 1969). Seedling# 68 22. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class VlP, Lavend...
■(TB) 'Modern Woman' 2005, Johnson 'Modern Woman' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2005). Seedling# T45F. TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium blue orchid, dark...
■(TB) 'Modernaire' 1974, Luihn 'Modernaire' (Walter Luihn, R. 1973). Seedling# 70 4 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards campanula violet (Wilso...
■(TB) 'Modernistic' 2020, Blyth 'Modernistic' (Barry Blyth, R. 2020) Seedling Y61 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards near white, infused soft blue vio...
(TB) 'Modest Valour' 1986, Boushay 'Modest Valour' (Jack Boushay, R. 1986). Seedling# 72 AH 14. TB, 37" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards mineral violet (HCC 63...
r7 - 11 Feb 2019 - 17:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Modesta' 1941, Gage 'Modesta' (L. Merton Gage, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R6M. slight fragrance. 'Cheerio' x 'Rosy Wings'. Gage(Sunnyside Gar...
r7 - 02 Nov 2021 - 17:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modestá Belta' 2021, Garanzini 'Modestá Belta' (Angelo Garanzini, R. 2021). Seedling 2112 2. TB, 43" (110 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms grey...
r4 - 27 May 2022 - 16:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Modeste Guérin' 1860? 'Modeste Guérin' (Verdier, )TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class S6M. ff 148; C.RHS 1916, AA clxii. See below: * References Reference...
r7 - 10 Mar 2023 - 17:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Modestie' Bef. 1929, Cayeux 'Modestie' (Ferdinand Cayeux, before 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. See below: * References References Awaiti...
(TB) 'Modesty' 1954, Taylor 'Modesty' (Carl C. Taylor, R. 1953). TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Reverse bicolor. Standards clear yellow, Falls ...
■(TB) 'Modiste' 1938, Hall 'Modiste' (David Hall, R. 1938) TB. 34 40". Early bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Rameses' X ('Dolly Madison' x 'W. R. Dykes'). Cooley 1938. H...
(TB) 'Modnitsa' 2004, Mikhaylov 'Modnitsa' Модница (Valentin Mikhaylov, R. 2004). Seedling# TB 174 01 60 1 V.M. TB, 31" (80 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modnyi Kurort' 2020, Troshkin 'Modnyi Kurort' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2020) Seedling TB16144 1. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pea...
(TB) 'Modoc' 1929, Essig 'Modoc' (Edward Essig, R. 1929). TB, Midseason bloom, Color Class B9D. 'Alcazar' X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. See below: * * References...
■(TB) 'Modra Obzorja' 2003, Golob 'Modra Obzorja' (Izidor Golob, R. 2003). Seedling H 02 38/G. TB, 33" (85 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms med...
■(TB) 'Modré Pondělí' 1997, Seidl 'Modré Pondělí' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 1997). Seedling# 89 PAMD/3. TB, 41" (105 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms light ...
r13 - 12 Mar 2023 - 22:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modrooka' 2003, Polaszek 'Modrooka' (Henryk Polaszek, R. 2000). Seedling# 4/PO. TB, 43" (109 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light blue; falls white g...
r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modrý Anjel' 2023, Mego 'Modrý Anjel' (Anton Mego, R. 2023) Seedling AM 13/5298 11, TB, 29.1" (74 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, thin brown...
(TB) 'Modry Krystal' 1998, Dudek 'Modry Krystal' (Josef Dudek, R. 1997). Seedling#91 PAVA 1. TB, 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled, laced dark blue vi...
r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Modry Ram' 2013, Blazek 'Modry Ram' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013). Seedling# ODYBMR. TB, 31.5 (80 cm), Late bloom. Dark blue plicata self; beards white, blue tip...
r3 - 15 Sep 2017 - 19:44 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Modry Trn' 2010, Seidl 'Modry Trn' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2002). Seedling# 96ThSH/8. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light greyed lavender blue self; bea...
r16 - 12 Mar 2023 - 16:04 by zseidl
(TB) 'Moe' 1970, Tompkins 'Moe' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1970) TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Deep royal blue self; electric blue beard. ('Flag Ship' x 'Full Cir...
r6 - 12 Aug 2017 - 23:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moeke' 1999, Engelen 'Moeke' (Koen Engelen, R. 1999). Seedling#95.003. TB, 31" (78 cm), Late midseason bloom. Crystal pink, falls with small creamy white ce...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mogambo' 1985, Bovet 'Mogambo' (Bernard Bovet, R. 1985). TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale purple; Falls dark purple; purple beard; ruffled. ...
(TB) 'Mogen David' 1958, Wolff 'Mogen David' (Myrtle Wolff, R. 1956). Seedling#54 61 4. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class RV1, Petunia purple sel...
r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moglia' 1939, Senni 'Moglia' (Countess Giulio Senni, 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Santa Barbara' X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. See below: *...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 21:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mogul' 1992, Ghio 'Mogul' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1991). Seedling# 85 199H3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Standards violet, blending to apricot ...
(TB) 'Mohave' 1934, Berry 'Mohave' (Samuel Berry, 1934) TB. Early bloom. Color Class S9M. ('Rose Madder' x 'Mauna Loa') x 'Druid'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07...
r4 - 04 Sep 2016 - 21:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mohave Gold' 1955, Sass 'Mohave Gold' (Henry Sass, R. 1955). Seedling# 50 549. TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class OY1, Orange yellow self. ((Se...
(TB) 'Mohawk' 1942, Berry 'Mohawk' (Samuel Berry, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom. Color Class R4D. ('Rose Madder' x 'Mauna Loa') x 'King Tut'. Prior Registration: 'Mohaw...
■(TB) 'Mohawk Brave' 1991, Hedgecock 'Mohawk Brave' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 1990). Seedling# 84 72 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards wine red, some white ...
r5 - 19 Aug 2017 - 18:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohawk Chief' 1942, Parker 'Mohawk Chief' (J. B. Parker, R. 1942) Tb. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. Seedling# 2651: ('Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' x seedlin...
r5 - 23 Sep 2017 - 14:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohawk Maiden' 1964, Guerin 'Mohawk Maiden' (Phillip Guerin, R. 1964). Seedling# B3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RO5P, Standards baby pink...
r3 - 23 Sep 2017 - 13:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohawk Trail' 1965, Markham 'Mohawk Trail' (Peter Markham, R. 1965). Seedling# 61 9G2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards golden brown shaded ...
(TB) 'Mohican' 1931, Berry 'Mohican' (Samuel Berry, 1931) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r5 - 16 Dec 2016 - 17:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohican Lodge' 1945, Parker 'Mohican Lodge' (J. B. Parker, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Jelloway' x 'Moon Magic') x ( 'Jelloway' strain x...
r4 - 23 Sep 2017 - 14:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohican Tears' 2007, Hedgecock 'Mohician Tears' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2006). Seedling# H 13 J. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale brown, irregula...
r4 - 19 Aug 2017 - 18:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Affair' 1952, Walker 'Mohr Affair' OB (Marion Walker, R. 1952). AB, EC, 30" (76 cm). Late bloom. Deep wine self; falls heavily marked. 'William Mohr' ...
(TB) 'Mohr And More' 1952, Muhlestein 'Mohr And More' OB (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1952). Seedling# 48 91A. AB, EC, 40" (102 cm). Late midseason bloom. Violet purple ...
■(TB) 'Mohr Beauty' 1949, Milliken 'Mohr Beauty' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1949). TB (Tb onco). Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. Light yellow. 'Elmohr' x yellow seed...
■(TB) 'Mohr Courageous' 1953, Naylor 'Mohr Courageous' OB (M. D. Naylor, R. 1953). AB, EC, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Dark dahlia purple self. 'William ...
r8 - 10 Oct 2024 - 16:52 by mikeu
(TB) 'Mohr Fun' 1959, Gibson 'Mohr Fun' (James Gibson, R. 1958). Seedling# 67 3F. TB, 32" (81 cm). Mohr type blossom. Midseason bloom. Standards violet, lightly s...
r6 - 11 Aug 2017 - 23:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mohr Glorious' 1952, Muhlestein 'Mohr Glorious' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1952). EC, 32" (81 cm). Midseason late bloom. Color Class RV1, TB onco. Red violet sel...
■(TB) 'Mohr Haven' 1957, Reynolds 'Mohr Haven' (Serlena Reynolds, R. 1956). Seedling# 50EA. TB, 33 35". Midseason bloom. Color Class VBL, Gray blue self, violet s...
(TB) 'Mohr Ivory' 1960, Sundt 'Mohr Ivory' (Eugene Sundt, R. 1959). Seedling# 5573 8A. Arilbred, (TB onco) 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Pale Dresden yell...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Lace' 1958, Recknor 'Mohr Lace' (Mrs. Earl Recknor, R. 1957). Seedling# 54 1. TB, 39" (99 cm). Very late bloom. Color Class V1M, Medium violet self, go...
(TB) 'Mohr Lemonade' 1958, Muhlestein 'Mohr Lemonade' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1957). Seedling# 56 122. Onco TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y1L, ...
r7 - 17 Aug 2017 - 02:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Lovely' 1949, Linse 'Mohr Lovely' (Jack Linse, R. 1949). TB (Tb onco). Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Ormohr' x 'Snoqualmie'. NOTE: Also listed in ...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Luck' 1953, Till 'Mohr Luck' (HenryTill, R. 1953). Eupogocyclus hybr., 30 34". Late midseason to late bloom. Color Class V1, Lavender blue, stippled an...
r2 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:21 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mohr Magic' 1960, Plough 'Mohr Magic' OB (Gordon Plough, R. 1959). Seedling 54 16 2. AB, OX, (TB onco). 38" (97 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards Camp...
■(TB) 'Mohr Majesty' 1952, Walker 'Mohr Majesty' (Marion Walker, R. 1949) TB. (Tb onco). Midseason late bloom. Color Class S6M. 'William Mohr' x 'Golden Majesty'....
(TB) 'Mohr Pink' 1953, Fay 'Mohr Pink' (Orville Fay, R. 1953). Seedling# 51 78. Eupogocyclus hybred., 36" (91 cm). Color Class RV1. Midseason bloom. Orchid toned ...
r2 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Symphony' 1952, Galyon 'Mohr Symphony' OB (Frank Galyon, R. 1952). AB, EC, 26" (66 cm). Midseason bloom. Violet (medium lavender) self. 'William Mohr'...
r2 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohr Velvet' 1952, Muhlestein 'Mohr Velvet' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1952). EC, 38" (97 cm). Mideason late bloom. Tb onco. Color Class Y1. Yellow self, medium. ...
(TB) 'Mohrdyke' 1946, Aylett 'Mohrdyke' OB (William Aylett, R. 1946). AB, TMB, tall. Early midseason bloom. Light yellow with reddish pattern. 'William Mohr' X '...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mohrlight' 1955, Stevens 'Mohrlight' (Jean Stevens, R. 1955). Seedling# 1/X46. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late bloom. Color Class Y3L, Pale straw yellow slightly frec...
r5 - 31 Aug 2017 - 22:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mohrloff' 1945, Schirmer 'Mohrloff' (H. W. Schirmer, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2D. 'Ormohr' x 'Orloff'. NOTE: Registered as a TB but consi...
r10 - 01 Dec 2021 - 18:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mohrning Haze' 1959, Luihn 'Mohrning Haze' OB (Walter Luihn, R. 1956). Seedling# 56 C. AB, TB (hybrid), TMB, 30" (76 cm). Early midseason bloom. Grayed la...
■(TB) 'Mohrson' 1935, White 'Mohrson' (Clarence G. White, R. 1935) TMB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'William Mohr' x Unknown. Also listed in AB web: 'M...
■(TB) 'Moi Renessanse' 2014, Trotskiy 'Moi Renessanse' Мой Ренессанс (Aleksandr Trotskiy, R. 2014) TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style a...
(TB) 'Moi Snovideniya' 1999, Koroliov 'Moi Snovideniya' Мои сновидения (Viktor Koroliov, R. 1999). Seedling# STG10 95K. TB, 43" (110 cm), Midseason bloom. Standar...
r5 - 22 Sep 2017 - 18:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moicano' 2016, Bianco 'Moicano' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2016). Seedling# 87 10. TB, 37" (94 cm), Very early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ice wh...
■(TB) 'Moïse' 2004, Fur 'Moïse' (Virginie Fur, R. 2004). Seedling 95 09B. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Light violet blue self; beards blue tipped orange, blue at...
■(TB) 'Mojave' 1993, Brown 'Mojave' (Bob Brown, R. 1993). Seedling# 8824. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards muted golden yellow with lavender infusion; ...
(TB) 'Mojave Dawn' 1957, Rogers 'Mojave Dawn' (Glenn Rogers, R. 1957). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RO1, Henna self; beard same color. 'Pretty Qu...
r4 - 28 Sep 2017 - 21:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mojave Moods' 1975, Pond 'Mojave Moods' (Mrs. F. Pond, R. 1974). Seedling# P65 3 22. TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards lavender butterscotch; fa...
r9 - 24 Mar 2021 - 17:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mojave Moonlight' 2006, Begley 'Mojave Moonlight' (James Begley by Barbara BeVier, R. 2005). Seedling# G1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards stro...
(TB) 'Mojca' 1978, Golob 'Mojca' (Izidor Golob, R. 1978). Seedling# 691 A. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards apricot orange; falls apricot white pink; ...
r4 - 08 Sep 2017 - 19:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mojo' 2008, Hedgecock 'Mojo' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2008). Seedling# M 86 M. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards red purple; falls same, prominent purp...
(TB) 'Moka Meringue' 1974, DeFussi 'Moka Meringue' (Don DeFussi, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Extra early bloom. Color Class W5, Blend of snow white, greenish white...
(TB) 'Mokena' 1937, Lapham Gersdorff 'Mokena' (E. G. Lapham Charles Gersdorff, 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R6M. 'King Tut' x 'Jerry'. Main….
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moki' 1937, Thole 'Moki' (Thole's Gardens, R. 1937) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class S6D. 'Zuni' x 'Député Nomblot'. Also listed in the following n...
r9 - 22 May 2022 - 15:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mokosz' 2023, Zalewska Taylor 'Mokosz' (Kat Zalewska Taylor, R. 2023). Seedling 37 15 KZ N, TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, yellow str...
r3 - 06 Sep 2023 - 17:12 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molalla Mystery' 2019, Price 'Molalla Mystery' (Nancy Price, R. 2018). Seedling 12 75U. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium rust red; falls ...
(TB) 'Molasses' 1944, White Lothrop 'Molasses' OB (Clarence G.White and Lena Lothrop, R. 1944). TMB, (TB onco), tall. Midseason bloom. Medium red yellow blend. (...
■(TB) 'Molène' 2007, Madoré 'Molène' (Gérard Madoré, R 2007). Seedling 01 43. TB, 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls medium to ...
(TB) 'Molière' 1920, Vilmorin 'Molière' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, R. 1920) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. See below: * References References Jour...
■(TB) 'Mollie Dalton' 1973, Denman 'Mollie Dalton' (Clarence Denman, R. 1973). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Standards spectrum violet (735) with bit of white inf...
r4 - 03 Oct 2017 - 22:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mollie Emms' 1962, Hamblen 'Mollie Emms' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1961). Seedling# H7 103. TB, 30" (76 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V5M, Fuchsi...
(TB) 'Mollie Savell' 1986, Grosvenor 'Mollie Savell' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1984). Seedling# GJ 10 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Pink; red beard. 'E...
r5 - 11 Aug 2017 - 22:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molly' 1948, Cave 'Molly' (N. Leslie Cave, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. ('China Maid' x 'Morocco Rose') x sister seedling. Selected for tr...
r3 - 04 Oct 2017 - 17:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molly Brown' 1982, Magee 'Molly Brown' (Tom Magee, R. 1978). Seedling# 7214B. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peach pink; peach pink style arms...
r8 - 16 Feb 2023 - 16:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molly Darlin' 1987, Meek 'Molly Darlin' (Duane Meek, R. 1987). Seedling# 274 1 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium blue; falls slig...
(TB) 'Molly Jessica' 1989, Anderson 'Molly Jessica' (C. M. Anderson, R. 1989). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards frosted burgundy; falls white, ...
r4 - 29 Sep 2017 - 22:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molly Koger' 1959, Mertins 'Molly Koger' (Louis Mertins, R. 1959). TB, , . Color Class Y2V, Standards clouded petunia violet, edged violet; Falls cream, lin...
■ (TB) 'Molly Louise's Charmer' 2014, Grumbine 'Molly Louise's Charmer' ( Mark Grumbine, R. 2011). Seedling# MG07 704 8. TB, 33 (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standard...
r7 - 08 Sep 2017 - 20:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molly Malone' 1977, Suiter 'Molly Malone' (Melvina Suiter, R. 1977). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. White self; deep blue beard. ('Sweet Alice Lee' x 'Decemb...
r4 - 12 Sep 2017 - 18:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molly Mathews' 1977, Bledsoe 'Molly Mathews' (William Bledsoe, R. 1976). Seedling# 74 35. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early to midseason bloom. . Canary yellow self, ...
r13 - 04 Jul 2023 - 17:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molly May' 1944, DeForest 'Molly May' (Fred DeForest, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R6L. 'Lighthouse' x 'Salar'. De Forest 1944. See below: * ...
r6 - 14 Oct 2020 - 02:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molly Price' 1967, Cassebeer 'Molly Price' (Fred Cassebeer, R. 1967). Seedling# 956. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Light blue self, ruf...
r4 - 25 Sep 2017 - 23:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molniya V Nochi' 2024, Riabykh 'Molniya V Nochi' (Olga Riabykh, R. 2024). Seedling B 0815 3, TB, 28.3" (72 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards violet; sty...
(TB) 'Molo' 1929, Dykes 'Molo' (Katherine Dykes, 1929) TB. Color Class R1M. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 14:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molodoy Yunets' 2013, Riabykh 'Molodoy Yunets' Молодой юнец (Olga Riabykh, R. 2013). Seedling# 0421 5. TB, 43.5 (110 cm), Early midseason bloom. Stand...
r9 - 06 Jan 2019 - 16:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molodyi Misiats' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Molodyi Misiats' МОЛОДЫЙ МИСЯЦЬ. (Svetlana Yakovchuk, not registered) TB. See below: * * References References: De...
■(TB) 'Molokini' 2016, Sutton 'Molokini' (Michael Sutton, R. 2016) Seedling# A 6417 F. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards cinnamon, violet blue ...
(TB) 'Molong' 2015/16, Grosvenor 'Molong' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2011). Seedling# F45 2. TB, 37 (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards mustard yellow, green bro...
r4 - 11 Aug 2017 - 22:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molten' 1950, Craig 'Molten' (Tom Craig, R. 1950). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class RM/ODv5, Rose brown, violet blend. 'Prairie Sunset' x...
(TB) 'Molten Brass' 1980, Henderson 'Molten Brass' (Norlan Henderson, R. 1979). Seedling# 75 3BR. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich golden brown (R...
■(TB) 'Molten Embers' 1969, Schreiner 'Molten Embers' (Schreiners, R. 1969). Seedling# W 593 B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class OR5D, Suffused ...
r19 - 28 Dec 2023 - 00:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molten Fire' 1968, Beck 'Molten Fire' (Margaret Beck, R. 1967). Seedling# 64R3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class VR5L, Light rose blend, m...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 17:05 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molten Flame' 2013, Tasco 'Molten Flame' (Richard Tasco, R. 2013). Seedling# 08 TB 13 16. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards spanish orange (...
r15 - 23 Aug 2022 - 19:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Molten Gold' 1946, Tharp 'Molten Gold' (Mary Tharp, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color CLass Y4D. 'Jean Cayeux' x 'Sun Hawk'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 ...
r4 - 13 Aug 2017 - 21:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Molytva' 2009, Khorosh 'Molytva' (Igor Khorosh, R. 2008). Seedling# IX 041018. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and falls white (RHS N999D)...
(TB) 'Mom Darling' 1961, Freudenburg 'Mom Darling' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1960). Seedling# 58 18. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YOl, Golden tan sel...
r3 - 16 Sep 2017 - 23:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mom Scott' 1968, Macomber 'Mom Scott' (Marie Macomber, R. 1968). Seedling# 29 66 12 1. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4W, Standards pale le...
r4 - 04 Oct 2017 - 17:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Momauguin' 1960, Stephenson 'Momauguin' (Ruth Stephenson, R. 1960). TB, 48" (122 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class R3, Standards dark red over brow...
(TB) 'Mombo' 1954, Oshlo 'Mombo' (Robert Oshlo, R. 1954). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV1M, Smoky medium purple self. 'Vagabond Prince' x 'Mich...
r2 - 29 Jul 2015 - 21:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moment In Time' 1983, Kegerise 'Moment In Time' (Evelyn Kegerise, R. 1980). Seedling# 7S 89. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Heavily ruffled crea...
■(TB) 'Moment Musical' 1948, von Stein Zeppelin 'Moment Musical' (Helen von Srein Zeppelin, not registered) TB. See below: * References * Culture Referenc...
■(TB) 'Moment Of Oblivion' 2023, Piątek 'Moment Of Oblivion' (Robert Piątek, R. 2023) Seedling 18 2186 C RP, TB, 37.8" (96 cm) Midseason to late bloom. Standard...
■(TB) 'Moment Of Peace' 2023, Johnson 'Moment Of Peace' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2023) Seedling TK52C, TB, 34" (86.5 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards blue pink ...
■(TB) 'Moment Of Reflection' 2024, Johnson 'Moment Of Reflection' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2024). Seedling TK131B, TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards ...
■(TB) 'Moment To Savour' 2013, Blyth 'Moment To Savour' (Barry Blyth, R. 2013). Seedling# S5 2. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards medium blue, slightly ...
■(TB) 'Moment To Treasure' 2016, Johnson 'Moment To Treasure' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2016) Seedling# TC77A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms pin...
■(TB) 'Momentous Occasion' 2000, Sutton 'Momentous Occasion' (George Sutton, R. 1999). Seedling# H 116. TB, 33" (84 cm). Early to late bloom. Standards and style ...
■(TB) 'Moments From The Kazan' 2016, Piatek 'Moments From The Kazan' (Robert Piątek, R. 2016). Seedling# 12 288 A RP. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Early bloom. Standards b...
r9 - 27 Feb 2020 - 19:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moments Of Decision' 1974, Brown 'Moments Of Decision' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1974). Seedling# 68 19. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloo...
■(TB) 'Momentum' 1986, Dunn 'Momentum' (Mary Dunn, R. 1984). Seedling M80 738A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, stitched pale blue; Falls white...
r18 - 17 Jan 2023 - 18:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Momma Caroline' 2016, Spoon 'Momma Caroline' (Donald Spoon, R. 2015) Seedling# 2006 132RE. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseaspon bloom and rebloom. Standards w...
■(TB) 'Momma Rosemary' 2011, Spoon 'Momma Rosemary' (Donald Spoon, R. 2011). Seedling# 2006 77FANCIATA/RE. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Sta...
■(TB) 'Momma's Angel' 2009, Spoon 'Momma's Angel' (Donald Spoon, R. 2008). Seedling# 2000 202GLACIATA. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Pure white self; be...
■(TB) 'Momotaro' 2009, Johnson 'Momotaro'(Larry Johnson, R. 2009). Seedling# JO3 15A 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pinkish cream rimmed creamy pe...
r7 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Momsablonde' 2022, Burseen 'Momsablonde' (Tom Burseen, R. 2021). Seedling 18 7A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms nasturt...
(TB) 'Mon Amie' 1965, Beeman 'Mon Amie' (L. W. Beeman, R. 1965). Seedling# 122 6 S. TB, 36" (91 cm), Very early bloom. Color Class YlL, Light yellow self. 'Easter...
r4 - 04 Oct 2017 - 17:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mon Bleu' 1992, Scopes 'Mon Bleu' (Nora Scopes, R. 1992). Seedling# 9S90. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled pale sapphire blue, heart deeper; beards...
r7 - 14 Aug 2017 - 15:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mon Chouchou' 2020, Dejoux 'Mon Chouchou' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2020) Seedling RD14 56A. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms gold yel...
■(TB) 'Mon Petit Clown' 2020, Dejoux 'Mon Petit Clown' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2020) Seedling RD15 11A. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and styl...
(TB) 'Mona' 1923, Perry 'Mona' (Amos Perry, 1923) TB Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: From Perry's Hardy Plant Far...
r5 - 02 Sep 2017 - 18:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mona Calling' 1944, Douglas 'Mona Calling' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. 'Naranja' x 'Claude Aureau'. Main.BobPries ...
r4 - 11 Sep 2017 - 21:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mona Clarke Doonan' 1989, Doonan 'Mona Clarke Doonan' (Sara Doonan, R. 1989). Seedling# 83 22 4. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled deep purp...
r3 - 04 Oct 2017 - 17:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mona French' 2021, Holland 'Mona French' (Greer Holland, R. 2021). Seedling 16 282D. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason to late midseason bloom. Standards and...
(TB) 'Mona Lee' 1951, Bautz 'Mona Lee' (Marshall Bautz, R. 1951). TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self. 'Azure Skies' X 'Winter Carnival'....
r2 - 17 Aug 2015 - 03:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mona Lee Fries' 2010, Briody by Foster 'Mona Lee Fries' (Victor Briody, deceased, by Frank Foster, R. 2005). Seedling# 9413PR. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason b...
(TB) 'Mona Lisa' 1931, Gottschall 'Mona Lisa' (Roy Gottschall, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S5L. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mona Lorraine' 2003, Shepard 'Mona Lorraine' (Don Shepard, R. 2003). Seedling# 99003 9732. TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards golden yellow lightl...
(TB) 'Mona My Love' 2021, Holland 'Mona My Love' (Greer Holland, R. 2021). Seedling 16 27S. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late midseason bloom. Standards mid pink, bl...
NEW - 27 Mar 2022 - 15:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monaco' 1977, Brown 'Monaco' (Bob Brown, R. 1976). Seedling# 7118. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled and laced light lavender with lig...
r15 - 04 Jul 2023 - 17:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monadnock' 1937, Salbach 'Monadnock' (Carl Salbach, R. 1936) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R7M. 'Marquita' x 'Dark Knight'. Honorable Mention 1939 1...
(TB) 'Monakh' 2002, Sholupov 'Monakh' Монах (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2001). Seedling# 27 2. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pansy violet t...
r5 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monal' 1936, Williamson 'Monal' (E. B. Williamson, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7D. 'Cavatina' x unknown. Longfield 1936. See below: * * Re...
■(TB) 'Monalis Krawblue' 2022, Dejoux 'Monalis Krawblue' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2022) Seedling RD15 07A. TB, 35" (90 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards and style a...
■(TB) 'Monarch Falls' 2020, Dash 'Monarch Falls' (Howard Dash, R. 2019). Seedling ADG 12 09 19. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms gold; ...
(TB) 'Monarch Pass' 1957, Rogers 'Monarch Pass' (Glenn Rogers, R. 1957). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RO1, Copper bronze self; yellow beard. 'Pre...
r3 - 28 Sep 2017 - 21:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monarch Queen' 1993, Hamner 'Monarch Queen' (Bernard Hamner by Shepard Iris Garden, R. 1993). Seedling# 87 11. TB, 48" (122 cm), Early midseason bloom. Sta...
■(TB) 'Monarch's Cape' 2015, Miller 'Monarch's Cape' (David Miller, R. 2014) Seedling# 99 44A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards straw yellow; style arms ...
r5 - 09 May 2018 - 22:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monarch's Robe' 1985, Warner 'Monarch's Robe' (H. Warner, R. 1985). Seedling# H83 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark rose lavender; ...
(TB) 'Monarda' 1933, Richer 'Monarda' (Mrs. J. Richer, R. 1933). TB. Very late bloom. Color Class R9D. 'Shekinah' X 'Parisiana'. Richer 1933. Main.BobPries ...
r5 - 22 Sep 2017 - 18:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monarkh' 2021, Dudka 'Monarkh' (Tatiyana Dudka, R. 2021). Seedling 801 20. TB, 37" (95 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms light lilac; fal...
NEW - 27 Mar 2022 - 14:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monasheskiy Obet' 2004, Mikhaylov 'Monasheshkiy Obet' Монашеский обет (Valentin Mikhaylov, R. 2004). Seedling# TB 279 01 29 1 V.M. TB, 43" (110 cm), Very ea...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monastery Garden' 1977, Zurbrigg 'Monastery Garden' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1976). Seedling# G 78 Glory. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom and re...
(TB) 'Monastir' 1922, Cayeux 'Monastir' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1922) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. See below: * References References Bulletin de la So...
(TB) 'Moncalieri' 1939, Senni 'Moncalieri' (Countess Giulio Senni, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Purissima' x 'Claridad'. Main.BobPries 2...
■(TB) 'Monday Monday' 1993, Nelson 'Monday Monday' (Roger Nelson, R. 1992). Seedling# RN 86 79BT. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to late bloom. Smooth bright deep lavende...
■(TB) 'Monday Morning Blues' 2011, Van Liere 'Monday Morning Blues' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2011). Seedling# 24DG9. TB, 40 (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Grey b...
(TB) 'Monday's Blues' 2006, Ginter 'Monday's Blues' (William Ginter, R. 2004). Seedling# CBxBP 95. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue white; style...
r3 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mondenschimmer' 2002, Lesche 'Mondenschimmer' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2002). Seedling# 31. TB, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyed white; falls gre...
r5 - 15 Sep 2017 - 20:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mondo Cane' 1965, Foster 'Mondo Cane' (Frank Foster, R. 1965). TB, 33 35", Early, midseason, late bloom. Color Class VlD, Dark violet self; Standards black ...
■(TB) 'Mondo Gatto' 2023, Montanari 'Mondo Gatto' (Lorena Montanari, R. 2023) Seedling 9/12 A, TB, 34.3" (87 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards salmon pink, li...
■(TB) 'Mondscheinserenade' 2009, Diedrich 'Mondscheinserenade' (Gunter Diedrich, R. 2003). Seedling# 4/96/5. TB, 38" (96 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards clear yel...
■(TB) 'Monee' 1960, Goett 'Monee' (John E. Goett, R. 1958). Seedling# 55 3. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Sky Ranger' X '...
■(TB) 'Monet Painting' 2023, Miller 'Monet Painting' (Lynda Miller, R. 2022) Seedling 5217A, TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark apricot, blend...
(TB) 'Moneta' 1937, Dean 'Moneta' (Jennett Dean, R. 1937) TB. Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class R3D. From the 2022 Rebloom Checklist: Rebloom reported in: CA. ...
■(TB) 'Monet's Blue' 1998, Schreiner 'Monet's Blue' (Schreiner, R. 1998). Seedling# CC 146 1. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled light blue (RHS 93D) self;...
■(TB) 'Monet's Lady' 1998/99, Blyth 'Monet's Lady' (Barry Blyth, R. 1998). Seedling# D83 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white, slight lemon a...
r12 - 10 Aug 2017 - 23:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monet's Sky' 2013, Spoon 'Monet's Sky' (Donald Spoon, R. 2013) TB. 34" (86 cm), 7 9 buds. Late midseason bloom. Light horizon blue self with wash of light ...
r12 - 17 Jan 2023 - 18:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Money' 1977, Roe 'Money' (Bernice Roe, R. 1976). Seedling# F 22 2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Bright butter yellow to gold suffused self with small ...
■(TB) 'Money Honey' 2023, Burseen 'Money Honey' (Tom Burseen, R. 2022) Seedling 19 28B, TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white, heavy lemon ye...
■(TB) 'Money In Your Pocket' 2007, Black 'Money In Your Pocket' (Paul Black, R. 2007). Seedling K146A. TB, 44" (118 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards medium bl...
(TB) 'Monferina' 1949, Peckham 'Monferina' (Mrs. E. A. Peckham, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Great Lakes' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 ...
r4 - 13 Sep 2017 - 22:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mongolia' 1955, Knowlton 'Mongolia' (Harold Knowlton, R. 1955). Seedling# 48 75A. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. Color Class OY1D, Deep orange yellow self. 'O...
r4 - 12 Sep 2017 - 22:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monhegan' 1942, Berry 'Monhegan' (Samuel Berry, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. ('Acropolis' x 'King Tut') x sibling. Main.BobPries 20...
r4 - 04 Sep 2016 - 21:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moni' 1994, Beer 'Moni' (Manfred Beer, R. 1992). Seedling# EWMB 6/82A. TB, 36" (90 cm), Early bloom. Ice blue; beards gold yellow, tipped ice blue; sweet fr...
r5 - 18 Aug 2017 - 01:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monique' 1956, McKee 'Monique' (William McKee, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class W4, White and yellow. 'Fairday' X 'Fairday' line...
r7 - 23 Sep 2017 - 00:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monkey's Uncle' 2024, Burseen 'Monkey's Uncle' (Tom Burseen, R. 2022) Seedling 18 323B, TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms tan and purpl...
(TB) 'Monkeyshine' 1957, Nelson 'Monkeyshine' (Jeannette Nelson, R. 1955). Seedling# 54 F 15. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V4, Standards dark vio...
(TB) 'Monkshood' 1955, Emery 'Monkshood' (E. A. Emery, R. 1954). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class VB3, Monkshood blue (M P), falls shade darke...
■(TB) 'Mono Mania' 2011, Burseen 'Mono Mania' (Tom Burseen, R. 2010). Seedling 07 236A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Standards creamy yellow; style arms yellow; ...
(TB) 'Monogram' 1934, Donahue 'Monogram' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Imperator' x mixed pollen. Main.BobPries 2011 03 ...
r4 - 31 Aug 2017 - 21:51 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monologue' 1994, Williamson 'Monologue' (Bryce Williamson, R. 1993). Seedling# 2086 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standaards soft lavender blue with...
■(TB) 'Monomoy' 1936, McKee 'Monomoy' (William McKee, R. 1933) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. Blue seedling x 'Royal Beauty'. Honorable Mention 1934….
(TB) 'Monona' 1942, Whiting 'Monona' ( Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S1D. 'Creole Belle' x 'Matula'. Fragrant. Maple Valley 1942. See...
(TB) 'Monopoli' 1939, Senni 'Monopoli' (Countess Giulio Senni, R. 1939) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Sensation' x 'Lola'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Monpansiye' 2000, Gavrilin 'Monpansiye' Монпансье (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 1999). Seedling# 94 4103. TB, 33" (85 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and s...
r4 - 09 Sep 2017 - 14:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monreale' 1934, Spender 'Monreale' (Maj. R.E.S. Spender, 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Monrepo' 2006, Gavrilin 'Monrepo' Монрепо (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 2006). Seedling# 0122 2065. TB, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms f...
r4 - 09 Sep 2017 - 14:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mons. Arnal' 1923, Denis 'Mons. Arnal' (Fernand Denis, 1923) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3L. 'Isoline' X 'Ménétrier'. See below: * References * ...
(TB) 'Mons. Chaber' 1920, Denis 'Mons. Chaber' (Fernand Denis, 1920). TB. Midseason bloom, Color Class S3L. 'Ricardi' X 'Amas'. See below: * References * Sy...
(TB) 'Mons. Du Sible' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Mons. Du Sible' TB. 1939 Check List shows Farr 1911; Wing 1919; Rainbow 1917. See below: * References References Fr...
(TB) 'Monsal Dale' 2004, Dodsworth 'Monsal Dale' (B.L.C. Dodsworth, R. 2004). Seedling# EB 98 P. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white suffused purple...
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monselice' 1942, Douglas 'Monselice' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. 'Timagami' x 'Moonglo'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 11 Sep 2017 - 21:44 by Harloiris
◼(TB) 'Monsieur Monsieur' 1994, Ségui 'Monsieur Monsieur' (Jean Ségui, R. 1998). TB, 35" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Plum purple (RHS 79A) self; beards mustar...
■(TB) 'Monsignor' 1907, Vilmorin 'Monsignor' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1907) Seedling year 1903. TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. Registered as IB, now cons...
■(TB) 'Monsigny' 1938, Vilmorin 'Monsigny' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. See below: * References References Bullet...
r12 - 19 Nov 2022 - 16:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monsoon' 1966, Plough 'Monsoon' (Gordon Plough, R. 1965). Seedling# 60 32 11. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class VlD, Standards dark Victor...
r6 - 15 Sep 2017 - 20:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monsoon Moon' 2008, Keppel 'Monsoon Moon' (Keith Keppel, R. 2007). Seedling# 00 110A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards olive yellow (M P ...
■(TB) 'Monster Mash' 2019, Burseen 'Monster Mash' (Tom Burseen, R. 2018). Seedling 015 205A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bright yellow; style arms...
■(TB) 'Montage' 1972, Keppel 'Montage' (Keith Keppel, R. 1970). Seedling# 65 6F. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards buff yellow (near M P 10 F 1) ble...
(TB) 'Montaigne' 1947, Cayeux 'Montaigne' (Ferdinand Cayeux by René Cayeux, R. 1947) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9D. See below: * References References...
(TB) 'Montalcino' 1939, Senni 'Montalcino' (Countess Giulio Senni, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Purissima' x 'Purissima'. Main.BobPries ...
■(TB) 'Montana Daughter' 2020, Baisch 'Montanta Daughter' (Mona Baisch, R. 2020) Seedling 309B 18. TB, 36" (91 cm), Mid to late season bloom. Standards pale pink,...
■(TB) 'Montana Dawn' 2018, Baisch 'Montana Dawn' (Mona Baisch, R. 2018). Seedling. 12 005 5 (47 17). TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ...
■(TB) 'Montana De Oro' 2003, Sutton 'Montana De Oro' (George Sutton, R. 2002). Seedling H 370. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white, veined gold...
r21 - 26 Mar 2023 - 21:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Montana Maid' 1965, Holden for Knapp 'Montana Maid' (Ethelyn Holden, selector for Knapp, R. 1965). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4Vcm,...
r5 - 01 Apr 2022 - 16:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Montazona' 1954, Odle 'Montazona' (Harold Odle, R. 1954). Seedling# 51 4. TB, 44" (112 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class VB1M, Lavender blue self, fal...
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montclair Remembers' 2004, Roberts 'Montclair Remembers' (Joan Roberts, R. 2004). Seedling# 1526 1. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Bright ro...
■(TB) 'Monte Albano' 1992, Muska 'Monte Albano' (Ladislav Muska, R. 1995). Seedling# SESS 03B. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Laced white; beards orange. 'Suns...
r4 - 13 Aug 2017 - 22:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monte Autore' 1939, Senni 'Monte Autore' (Countess Giulio Senni, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Purissima' x 'Indian Chief'. Main.BobPr...
(TB) 'Monte Bianco' 2003, Mostosi 'Monte Bianco' (Luigi Mostosi, R. 2003). Seedling# TB 1198 02. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Star white (Pantone 11 4202) se...
r4 - 23 Sep 2017 - 18:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monte Brione' 1886, Foster 'Monte Brione' (Sir Michael Foster, 1886 Monte Brione, near Riva, Italy) TB Early to midseason bloom. Color class B7D. Nursery Li...
r5 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monte Carlo' 1953, Cook 'Monte Carlo' (Franklin Cook, R. 1952). Seedling# 49 17. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Plicata, yellow feathered...
r12 - 28 Dec 2023 - 00:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monte Conero' 2009, Montanari 'Monte Conero' (Lorena Montanari, R. 2009). Seedling 4/05 A. TB, 43" (108 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards chamois, purp...
(TB) 'Monte Cristo' 1936, Henderson 'Monte Cristo' (W. H. Henderson, 1936) TB, Late bloom, Color Class S9M. Nursery Listings: Billmyrt Gardens 1939; Irisdale Gard...
(TB) 'Monte M' 1969, Carstensen 'Monte M' (Katie Carstensen, R. 1968). Seedling# C.3.68. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Color Class OYL4OD, Standards pongee; falls ...
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monte Rosa' 1946, Berry 'Monte Rosa' (Samuel Berry, R. 1946) Sdlg. #24 182 19. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9M. 'Rose Madder' x 'Mauna Loa'. Berry 1946...
r6 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monte Sano' 1963, Bledsoe 'Monte Sano' (William Bledsoe, R. 1963). Seedling# 63 8. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self, li...
■(TB) 'Monte Sereno' 1979, Coleman 'Monte Sereno' (Ralph Coleman, R. 1978). Seedling# 19 73. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Lavender self, darker toward center; r...
■(TB) 'Monte Vista' 2019, Miller 'Monte Vista' (David Miller, R. 2018). Seedling 07 14C. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms whit...
■(TB) 'Montecito' 1955, Milliken 'Montecito' (M. Oliver, for originator, Carl S. Milliken, R. 1955). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Color Class Y4, Standards lemo...
r12 - 25 Aug 2021 - 14:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montefiore' 2012, Urbinati 'Montefiore' (Leonardo Urbinati, R. 2011). Seedling 27/05 A. TB, 41" (104 cm); Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms co...
■(TB) 'Montego Bay' 1972, Meek 'Montego Bay' (Joyce Meek, R. 1970). Seedling# JB14. TB, 37" (94 cm). Late midseason bloom. Amaranth red violet blend, blue violet ...
r8 - 21 Oct 2023 - 14:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montélimar' 2006, Laporte 'Montélimar' (Bernard Laporte, R. 2006). Seedling 95 41 Q. TB, 35" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards cream yellow; style a...
(TB) 'Montello' 1939, Senni 'Montello' (Countess Giulio Senni, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Santa Fe' x 'Ministre Fernand David'. See below: ...
r4 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monterey' 1929, Mohr Mitchell 'Monterey' (William Mohr and Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. 'Bruno' x unknown. Nursery Li...
(TB) 'Monterey Bay' 1967, Fail 'Monterey Bay' (Hilda Fail, R. 1967). Seedling# H 26. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Color Class BlP, Wilson sea blue self (43/3); w...
(TB) 'Monterey Drive' 2015, Sutton 'Monterey Drive' (Robert G. Sutton, R. 2015) Seedling# 1017 4 6 29. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards coral, cr...
NEW - 30 May 2016 - 16:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Monterey Jack' 1983, Moores 'Monterey Jack' (Walter Moores, R. 1983). Seedling# 81 9. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Laced cream with yellow highlights m...
r3 - 23 Sep 2017 - 19:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montevideo' 1987, Ghio 'Montevideo' (JosHelpeph Ghio, R. 1986). Seedling# 81 SS O3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late to very late bloom. Mid to dark orange; tangerine...
(TB) 'Montewees' 1952, Becherer 'Montewees' (Joseph Becherer, R. 1952). TB, 42" (107 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Self, pale blue. 'Sylvia Murray' ...
r4 - 13 Aug 2017 - 21:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Montezuma' 1909, Farr 'Montezuma' (Bertrand Farr, 1909) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5M. Note: Today this would not be in the modern TB class but proba...
r6 - 23 Sep 2017 - 13:51 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montezuma's Ransom' 1969, Rogers 'Montezuma's Ransom' (Willard Rogers, R. 1966). Seedling# 256301. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YlF, Gol...
r9 - 04 Aug 2024 - 05:21 by mikeu
◼(TB) 'Montgolfiade' 2008, Cancade 'Montgolfiade' (Sébastien Cancade, R. 2008). Seedling 04/13/E. TB, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white flushed blue; ...
(TB) 'Monticello' 1962, Varner 'Monticello' (Steve Varner, R. 1961). Seedling# 59 87. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4W, Standards light yel...
■ (TB) 'Montmartre' 2008, Keppel 'Montmartre' (Keith Keppel, R. 2007). Seedling# 01 49B. TB, 33" (84 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Luminata. Standards greyed...
■(TB) 'Montour' 1925, Hall 'Montour' (Charles H. Hall, R. 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. 'Mount Penn' x unknown. Hall 1925. Synonyms: Montaur Nursery...
(TB) 'Montreal' 1931, Morgan 'Montreal' (F. Cleveland Morgan, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Montrose' 2023, Harding 'Montrose' (Robert Harding, R. 2023) TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards apricot pink; style arms same; falls apric...
(TB) 'Montserrat' 1972, McClanahan 'Montserrat' ( Beryl McClanahan, R. 1972). Sdlg. 53 87. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white; Falls medium purple ...
r6 - 10 Jul 2016 - 23:24 by waynemesser
■(TB) 'Montserrat by Morrison' 1923, Morrison 'Montserrat' (Benjamin Y. Morrison, 1923) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. 'Caterina' x 'Alcazar'. Note: There ...
(TB) 'Montville' 1984, Martin 'Montville' (Teresa Martin, R. 1983). Seedling# 81 1SN. TB, 32 35" (81 89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled near red raspberry, ...
(TB) 'Monty' 1945, Miles 'Monty' (William Miles, R. 1945) Sdlg. #38/3B. TB. Late bloom season. Color Class R4M. 'Trader Horn' x 'Spokan'. Fragrant. See below: *...
r6 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Monty's Sweet Blue' 1994, Byers 'Monty's Sweet Blue' (Monty Byers by Phyllis Dickey, R. 1994). TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark blue violet; b...
(TB) 'Monument Valley' 1952, Raymond 'Monument Valley' (John E. Raymond, R. 1952). TB, 40" (102 cm), Extra early bloom. Color Class R1, Rose self, bronze veining ...
r4 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mood For Love' 2022, Johnson 'Mood For Love' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2022) Seedling TL252A, TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards pink centers,...
■(TB) 'Mood Glorious' 1977, Williams 'Mood Glorious' (Peggy Williams, R. 1977). Seedling# P 6 72. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Rose pink self with deep gol...
(TB) 'Mood Indigo' 1971, Zurbrigg 'Mood Indigo' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1970) Seedling 67 1 B. TB, height 34" (86 cm). Early to very late bloom and rebloom. Dark viol...
(TB) 'Mood Indigo by Tharp' 1946, Tharp 'Mood Indigo' (Mary Tharp, R. 1946) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B3D. ('San Diego' x 'Buto') x 'Black Wings'. Strong fragra...
r6 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mood Lights' 2023, Liddicoat 'Mood Lights' (Peter Liddicoat, R. 2023) Seedling A 17 15, TB, 32.3" (82 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon, greyed plum fl...
(TB) 'Mood Mauve' 1958, Clevenger 'Mood Mauve' (Dr. Louis Clevenger, R. 1956). Seedling# PX7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, Standards rosy li...
■(TB) 'Mood Ring' 2017, Keppel 'Mood Ring' (Keith Keppel, R. 2015). Seedling# 10 99B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards plumbago purple (M P 47 E 6), ol...
■(TB) 'Mood Swing' 1997, Ghio 'Mood Swing' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1996) Seedling# 92 15N3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards smoky violet pink; falls apri...
■(TB) 'Moody' 1976, Christensen 'Moody' (Edward Christensen by P. Stump, R. 1974). Seedling# 7L4 10. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards mustar...
r5 - 13 Jan 2022 - 18:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moody Blue' 1975, Roderick 'Moody Blue' (Elvan Roderick, R. 1972). Seedling# 7205. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards light blue; falls medium...
■(TB) 'Moody Blue Eyes' 2011, Lauer 'Moody Blue Eyes' (Larry Lauer, R. 2011). Seedling# 2079 21. TB, 33 (84 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards wisteria blue (RH...
r5 - 13 Aug 2017 - 22:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moody Girl' 2002, Morrison 'Moody Girl' (Lorna Morrison, R. 2001). Seedling# R 1 MW1. TB, 31" (79 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards red violet, center li...
r3 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mookie Prance' 2006, Reynolds 'Mookie Prance' (Jacke Reynolds, R. 2006). Seedling# 02 18. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich mocha edged warm ...
r3 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moomba' 1985, Blyth 'Moomba' (Barry Blyth, R. 1985). Seedling# 0101 12. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late midseason bloom. Standards lilac, shot blue orch...
(TB) 'Moon At Midnight' 2013, Schreiner 'Moon At Midnight' (Schreiner's, R. 2013). Seedling# TT 1181 1. TB, 36 (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow (RHS 8C)...
r2 - 15 Aug 2017 - 01:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Blossom' 1946, Tompkins 'Moon Blossom' (Chet Tompkins, Revised parentage 1946, R. 1945). Seedling# 44 14. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Blend of bu...
r9 - 30 Sep 2020 - 11:30 by Pamina
(TB) 'Moon By Jet' 1969, Carrington 'Moon By Jet' (Thelma Carrington, R. 1969). Seedling# 69 C. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V1DD, Blue b...
r3 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Castle' 1975, Brown 'Moon Castle' (Opal Brown, R. 1975). Seedling# 70 7C2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Yellow (RHS 12B) self; ruffled falls; yel...
■(TB) 'Moon Crest' 1962, Rudolph 'Moon Crest' (Nate Rudolph, R. 1963). Seedling# 59 36. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1M, Medium yellow self, lig...
■(TB) 'Moon Dancer' 1970, Marsh 'Moon Dancer' (James Marsh, R. 1970). Seedling# 66 93. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lightly ruffled yellow; falls b...
r7 - 16 Nov 2023 - 15:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Dream' 2023, Toth 'Moon Dream' (David Toth, R. 2023) Seedling 20 04, TB, 34" (86.5 cm), Early bloom. Standards near white, pale lavender; style arms n...
(TB) 'Moon Drift' 1992, Tompkins 'Moon Drift' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1992). Seedling# 80 118A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Fluted colonial to mimosa cream;...
r8 - 12 Aug 2017 - 23:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Duster' 1965, Kelway 'Moon Duster' (Kelway, R. 1965). Seedling# 463. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class RO5D, Rusty brown blend. 'Casca...
r4 - 07 Aug 2017 - 18:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Face' 2011, Day 'Moon Face' (Beth Day, R. 2011). Seedling# 19A. TB, 33.5 (85 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white heavily edged violet; style...
r3 - 31 Aug 2017 - 23:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Fantasy' 1956, DeForest 'Moon Fantasy' (Fred DeForest, R. 1955 for 1956). Seedling# 52 48B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1P, Pale cr...
r4 - 16 Sep 2017 - 19:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Glimmer' 1975, Schreiner 'Moon Glimmer' (Schreiner, R. 1975). Seedling# C 1506 6. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards pure mid yell...
■(TB) 'Moon Goddess' 1949, Craig 'Moon Goddess' (Tom Craig, R. 1949). TB, , Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, ('Advance Guard' x Mitchell seedling# 2 21) X b...
■(TB) 'Moon In Nets' 1999, Muska 'Moon In Nets' (Ladislav Muska, R. 1999). Seedling# 98 DZCL 02. TB, 90 cm, Midseason bloom. Standards creamy yellow, light brown ...
r10 - 27 Dec 2020 - 22:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Journey' 1988, Hager 'Moon Journey' (Ben Hager, R. 1987). Seedling# T4256THEYAm. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls mid yellow; ...
(TB) 'Moon Landing' 1969, Hall 'Moon Landing' (Charles C. Hall, R. 1969). Seedling# S12/4. TB, 36 40", Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5F, Standards old gold; falls...
r3 - 07 Aug 2017 - 17:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Lantern' 1949, Whiting 'Moon Lantern' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1949). Seedling# 4042. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Matula' x 'Burning Bronze'. Wa...
■(TB) 'Moon Love' 1994, Magee 'Moon Love' (Tom Magee, R. 1989). Seedling# 8423B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and scrolled yellow ivory, darker yello...
■(TB) 'Moon Madness' 1970, Smith 'Moon Madness' (Eva Smith, R. 1970). Seedling# 66 22. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards soft yellow; falls ivory, bor...
(TB) 'Moon Magic' 1931, Shull 'Moon Magic' ( J. M. Shull, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Sophronia' x 'Coppersmith'. See below: * * References...
(TB) 'Moon Maiden' 1957, Lowry 'Moon Maiden' (Edith Lowry, R. 1957). Seedling# L52 13. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Soft cream yellow self. 'Yellow Diamond' x 'Me...
r4 - 27 Sep 2017 - 19:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Maiden by Sheets' 1930, Sheets 'Moon Maiden' (Earl Sheets, R. 1930) TB. Color Class R6. 'Lord Lambourne' x 'Steepway'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 14 Sep 2017 - 16:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Mirage' 1975, Buckles by Niswonger 'Moon Mirage' (Eugene Buckles by David Niswonger, R. 1975). Seedling# B 71 8. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. S...
(TB) 'Moon Mist' 1937, Salbach 'Moon Mist' (Carl Salbach, R. 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R1L. Not introduced. 'Miss California' x seedling. M...
r5 - 23 Aug 2017 - 21:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Mistress' 1976, Osborne 'Moon Mistress' (Manley Osborne, R. 1975). Seedling# 3 4. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peachy pink (RHS 24D); ...
(TB) 'Moon Music' 1966, Bledsoe 'Moon Music' (William Bledsoe, R. 1966). Seedling# 65 10. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards can...
r5 - 04 Oct 2017 - 17:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Over Madness' 2003, Otterness 'Mon Over Madness' (Pat Otterness, R. 2002). Seedling# A 73. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards pale ye...
r5 - 26 Mar 2019 - 19:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Over Miami' 1988, Spahn 'Moon Over Miami' (Fred Spahn, R. 1987). Seedling# 77F1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late to late bloom. Ruffled deep gold; ora...
■(TB) 'Moon Over Morro' 2001, Scott 'Moon Over Morro' (Bonne Scott, R. 2000). Seedling# 94801. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards cool white; style...
r4 - 18 Aug 2017 - 18:34 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Palace' 2001, Kerr 'Moon Palace' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2000). Seedling# 9311C. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Laced medium yellow, falls with lar...
r5 - 26 Aug 2017 - 17:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Pool' 1946, Gersdorff 'Moon Pool' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1946) TB. Late bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Arcata' X Loomis seedling# SQ70. Main.BobPries ...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Princess' 1974, Harder 'Moon Princess' (Lowell Harder, R. 1973). Seedling# 6815 12. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ruffled yellow; falls ...
■(TB) 'Moon Print' 1972, Harder 'Moon Print' (Lowell Harder, R. 1969). Seedling# 6319 5. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason late bloom. Standards yellow; falls white ce...
■(TB) 'Moon Ranger' 1965, Austin 'Moon Ranger' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1964). Seedling# 23. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early bloom. Color Class Y1. Clear yellow, chocolate veinin...
(TB) 'Moon Ray' 1943, Sass 'Moon Ray' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom. Color Class W4. White seedling X 'Sandalwood'. Synonym: Moonbeam. H. P. Sass 1943...
(TB) 'Moon Reflection' 1986, Simon 'Moon Reflection' (William Simon, R. 1986). Seedling# 87 4 2. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white with cream inf...
r7 - 19 Mar 2023 - 22:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Rings' 1956, Brown 'Moon Rings' (Rex Brown, R. 1955). Seedling# 42 4. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early Midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards yellow fading t...
■(TB) 'Moon River' 1963, Sexton 'Moon River' (Neva Sexton, R. 1962). Seedling# 58 64. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Antique gold self. 'Mixed ...
(TB) 'Moon Rocket' 1965, Rundlett 'Moon Rocket' (Edwin Rundlett, R. 1957). Seedling# B 27 R. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Class Y4...
(TB) 'Moon Shine' 1956, Weyland 'Moon Shine' (Mrs. Fred Weyland, R. 1956). Seedling# 54 105. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Color Class Y1L, Cream self, gold throa...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Shot' 1959, Voris 'Moon Shot' (Charles Voris, R. 1959). Seedling# JE54812. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y5L, Lemon, flushed wh...
r3 - 06 Aug 2017 - 02:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Song' 1946, Tompkins 'Moon Song' (Chet Tompkins, Parentage revised 1949, R. 1946). Seedling# 47 29. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Orchid, crea...
r6 - 12 Aug 2017 - 23:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Space' 1961, Etheridge 'Moon Space' (Mrs. J. B. Etheridge, R. 1961). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YlP, Light cream self, gold wash at ...
■(TB) 'Moon Spirit' 2011, Kerr 'Moon Spirit' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2011). Seedling# 04 066B1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light slate blue (RHS 92D)...
r7 - 19 Jul 2022 - 20:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Tide' 2012, Sumsion 'Moon Tide' (Joseph Sumsion, 2012) Sdlg 0915 A. TB, height 36" (92 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white ground, wide blue violet ...
r7 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moon Valley' 1955, Holmberg 'Moon Valley' (R. D. Holmberg, R. 1955). TB, 43" (109 cm), Extra early bloom. Color Class Y1L, Light yellow self. 'Golden Eagle'...
■(TB) 'Moon Walk' 1972, Hager 'Moon Walk' (Ben Hager, R. 1970). Seedling# T1892F. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blend of cream, beige and pale cocoa...
r12 - 25 Aug 2021 - 14:05 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon Watcher' 2024, Sutton 'Moon Watcher' (Mike Sutton, R. 2024). Seedling AF 5221 A, TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards very dark violet,...
■(TB) 'Moonbow' 2005, Parkhill 'Moonbow' (Tom Parkhill, R. 2001). Seedling# 96 201. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards light buff yellow darker at edges, slig...
■(TB) 'Moondreamer' 1980, Luihn 'Moondreamer' (Walter Luihn, R. 1977). Seedling# 77 29. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards apricot; falls slightl...
■(TB) 'Moondust Magic' 2000, Shepard 'Moondust Magic' (Don Shepard, R. 2000). Seedling# 97010 9343. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards pure white, p...
r4 - 06 Aug 2017 - 22:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mooneetoon' 2022, Burseen 'Mooneetoon' (Tom Burseen, R. 2021). Seedling 18 66C. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms tangeri...
(TB) 'Moonflight' 1973, Irvin 'Moonflight' (L. P. Irvin, R. 1969). Seedling# 66B l. TB, 36" (91 cm), Very early bloom. Color Class OlP, Pale apricot (Nickerson 7….
(TB) 'Moonflower' 1968, Smith 'Moonflower' (Delora Smith, R. 1968). Seedling# 66 5 F. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YlP, Pale milk cream self even...
r6 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonfrost' ?, James 'Moonfrost' (Ellis O. James) TB. Color Class W1. ('Caterina' x 'Parisiana') x 'Santa Barbara'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moongate' 1961, El Dorado 'Moongate' (El Dorado, R. 1960). Seedling# 11 59T. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W4B, Standards white; falls white sha...
■(TB) 'Moonglint' 2020, Keppel 'Moonglint' (Keith Keppel, R. 2019). Seedling 13 31A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards wisteria violet (M P 41 F ...
(TB) 'Moonglo' 1935, Williamson 'Moonglo' (E. B. Williamson, R. 1933). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y8M. Longfield 1935. Honorable Mention 1936, See below: ...
■(TB) 'Moonglow' 2010, Baumunk 'Moonglow' (Lowell Baumunk, R. 2009). Seedling# 481B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards pale glowing cream; style a...
(TB) 'Moongold' 1935, Berry 'Moongold' (Samuel Berry, R. 1935) TB. Extra early bloom. Color Class Y4M. 'Argentina' x 'Colonial'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r5 - 04 Sep 2016 - 21:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlight' 1923, Dykes 'Moonlight' (William Rikatson Dykes), 1923). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class W4. See below: * * References References: MOONL...
r20 - 28 Dec 2023 - 00:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlight And Roses' 1967, Sexton 'Moonlight And Roses' (Neva Sexton, R. 1967). Seedling# 58 61. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Yellow self with coral f...
■(TB) 'Moonlight And Wine' 2011, Moores 'Moonlight And Wine' (Walter Moores, R. 2008). Seedling# 03 10 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium yello...
r13 - 22 Feb 2024 - 16:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Bay' 1981, Crandall 'Moonlight Bay' (Fred Crandall, R. 1976). Seedling# 74 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced cream self; yell...
(TB) 'Moonlight Becomes You' 1995, Donnell 'Moonlight Becomes You' (Leslie Donnell, R. 1995). Seedling# 91.14.11. TB, 31" (78 cm), Midseason bloom. Off white self...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Blue' 1986, Owen 'Moonlight Blue' (Margaret Owen, R. 1986). Seedling# MO/80/1/2. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Lightly ruffled silver ...
(TB) 'Moonlight' by Sturtevant 1920, Sturtevant 'Moonlight' (Grace Sturtevant, R. 1920 ) TB, Color code Y. Yellow pallida. Declared obsolete in the 1939 checklist...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Dance' 1987, Brown 'Moonlight Dance' (Opal Brown, R. 1987). Seedling# 83 3A12. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled light mimosa yellow (RHS...
(TB) 'Moonlight Dream' 1948, Stanley 'Moonlight Dream' (Lyle G. Stanley, R. 1948) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class W4. 'Miss Willmott' x I. mesopotamica . ...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Duet' 1972, Smith 'Moonlight Duet' (Raymond G. Smith, R. 1971). Seedling# 6913 IR. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards greenis...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Empress' 2010, Fan 'Moonlight Empress' (Chun Fan, R. 2010). Seedling# F02 0081. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards white washed lavender; st...
r6 - 25 Aug 2017 - 02:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlight Interval' 1992, Plotner 'Moonlight Interval' William Plotner, R. 1992). Seedling# 84 215. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white; styl...
r4 - 27 Sep 2017 - 22:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlight Kiss' 2018, Montanari 'Moonlight Kiss' (Lorena Montanari, R. 2018). Seedling 22/10 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards icy w...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Lady' 1985, McWhirter 'Moonlight Lady' (James McWhirter, R. 1984). Seedling# J78 34 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards lig...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Madonna' 1942, Sass 'Moonlight Madonna' ( Jacob Sass, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom. Color Class Y4L. slight fragrance. Yellow seedling x 'Elsa Sass'. ...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Magic' 1971, Hamner 'Moonlight Magic' (Bernard Hamner, R. 1969). Seedling# 67 40. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class YlP, Sta...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Medley' 1989, Stevens 'Moonlight Medley' ( Stephen Stevens, R. 1988). Seedling# 81 6 13. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender (RH...
(TB) 'Moonlight Melody' 1958, Voris 'Moonlight Melody' (Charles Voris, R. 1957). Seedling# Pin ML 521. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y1L, ...
r4 - 06 Aug 2017 - 02:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Midnight' 1958, Vallette 'Moonlight Midnight' (Wilma Vallette, R. 1955). TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W2, Plicata, white wi...
r6 - 14 Aug 2017 - 14:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Mist' 1958, Smith 'Moonlight Mist' (Catherine and Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1957). Seedling# 55 15. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class B...
r8 - 14 Sep 2017 - 16:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Mood' 1950, Tompkins 'Moonlight Mood' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1949). Seedling# 49 168. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class S7L. Deep ...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Romance' 2008, Spoon 'Moonlight Romance' (Donald Spoon, R. 2007). Seedling# 97 182A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards and style a...
r17 - 07 Dec 2022 - 18:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlight Serenade' 1952, Naylor 'Moonlight Serenade' ( M. D. Naylor, R. 1949) Seedling #49 L 11. TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W6L. 'Snow Flurry'...
(TB) 'Moonlight Shadows' 1939, Grant 'Moonlight Shadows' (Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1938) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Alice Harding' x 'Los Angeles'...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Sketch' 1998, Nejedlo 'Moonlight Sketch' (Pavel Nejedlo, R. 1998). Seedling# DERRSM 90 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blended sil...
(TB) 'Moonlight Snow' 1952, Brown 'Moonlight Snow' (Ethel Brown, R. 1952). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y1L, Very light cream white self, l...
■(TB) 'Moonlight Sonata' 1946, Stevens 'Moonlight Sonata' (Mrs. W. R. Stevens, R. 1946). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1D. (yellow seedling x 'Claude Aureau')...
(TB) 'Moonlight Sonata by Gersdorff' 1937, Gersdorff 'Moonlight Sonata' (Charles Gersdorff, 1937) TB. Extra early bloom. Color Class Y6L. 'Geo. J. Tribolet' x 'Sa...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Trail' 1956, Lauck 'Moonlight Trail' (Albert Lauck, R. 1956). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards deep cream,...
(TB) 'Moonlight Tryst' 1955, Overstreet 'Monlight Tryst' (Mrs. Dorsey Overstreet, R. 1955). Seedling# 50 97. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlight Whisper' 2016, Day 'Moonlight Whisper' (Beth Day, R. 2016) Seedling# 7E. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Early bloom. Standards light lemon; style arms yellow...
r2 - 31 Aug 2017 - 23:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit' 1986, Byers 'Moonlit' (Monty Byers, R. 1985). Seedling# A 6 2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards pearly white to pale orient pin...
■(TB) 'Moonlit Avenue' 2013, Blyth 'Moonlit Avenue' (Barry Blyth, R. 2013). Seedling# T318 AA. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon cream, soft olive...
r10 - 07 Jul 2022 - 16:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Crystal' 2006, Willott 'Moonlit Crystal' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 2005). Seedling# W 01 110B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Stand...
r8 - 23 Sep 2017 - 18:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Drive' 2014, Biggs 'Moonlit Drive' (Gary Biggs, R. 2013) Seedling TSRW 09. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white, lavender blue highlig...
(TB) 'Moonlit Gold' 1950, Fraim 'Moonlit Gold' (Irving Fraim, R. 1950). TB, 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Color Class YP/YD3, Cream and gold bitone. 'Sunny Ruffles' x...
(TB) 'Moonlit Lace' 1994, Marsh 'Moonlit Lace' (Connell Marsh, R. 1994). Seedling# 85 26 6 C. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white center, washe...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlit Magic' 2019, Taylor 'Moonlit Magic' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2016). Seedling# J9 2. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards buff, violet infu...
r3 - 05 Sep 2020 - 21:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Mirage' 2013, Nicodemus 'Moonlit Mirage' (Barbara Nicodemus, R. 2012). Seedling# D21 02. TB, 30" (76 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards grey w...
r12 - 22 Feb 2024 - 16:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonlit Mist' 1971, DeForest 'Moonlit Mist' (Caroline DeForest, R. 1971). Seedling# 70 60A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Pale lemon self; self beard. '...
r4 - 23 Sep 2017 - 18:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Rendezvous' 2021, Johnson 'Moonlit Rendezvous' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2021). Seedling TJ95ZZ. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms...
■(TB) 'Moonlit Sea' 1943, Jacob Sass 'Moonlit Sea' (Jacob Sass, R. 1942) TB. Height 35" Midseason bloom. Color code W8D. High Commendation 1942, Honorable Mentio...
■(TB) 'Moonlit Theatre' 1994, Probst 'Moonlit Theatre' (Riley Probst, R. 1991). Seedling# 86TX2MS1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light violet ...
r9 - 30 Jul 2019 - 17:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Water' 2005, Keppel 'Moonlit Water' (Keith Keppel, R. 2004). Seedling# 96 11F. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early thru late bloom.Standards greyed violet (M P ...
(TB) 'Moonlit Waves' 1967, Lorenz 'Moonlit Waves' (David Lorenz, R. 1967). Seedling# 65 100. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Sky blue self; sel...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonlit Winter Night' 2019, Hedgecock 'Moonlit Winter Night' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2019). Seedling V 13 A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dar...
r3 - 19 Feb 2024 - 22:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonraker' 1997, Sutton 'Moonraker' (George Sutton, R. 1997). Seedling# F 32 ARSA. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms golden y...
(TB) 'Moonrise' 1957, Corey 'Moonrise' (Mrs. P. E. Corey, R. 1951). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Yellow self, medium tone. 'Moontide' X 'Gold...
r5 - 16 Sep 2017 - 15:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moon's Delight' 1985, Hager 'Moon's Delight' (Ben Hager, R. 1984). Seedling# 1T3625RfLm. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Clear lemon yellow, paling...
(TB) 'Moonset' 1941, Peckham 'Moonset' (Mrs. E. A. Peckham, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. ('Parthenon' x 'Parthenon') x 'Oriana'. Main.BobPri...
r4 - 13 Sep 2017 - 22:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonskin' 2021, Cholewa 'Moonskin' (Cholewa, Katarzyna, R. 2021). Seedling 15 15 B KCh. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late bloom. Standards white, lavender flash at the...
(TB) 'Moonstone' 1920, Cleveland 'Moonstone' (Frances Cleveland, R. 1920) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Fro...
■(TB) 'Moonstone Mirror' 2014, Piatek 'Moonstone Mirror' (Robert Piatek, R. 2013). Seedling# 10 141 A RP. TB, 38 (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light satin g...
■(TB) 'Moonstruck' 1979, Schreiner 'Moonstruck' (Schreiner, R. 1979). Seedling# I 1225 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Sulphur yellow self; light yello...
(TB) 'Moontide' 1946, McKee 'Moontide' (William McKee, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Red Gleam' x 'Mary Vernon'. Fairmount 1946. High Commendati...
(TB) 'Moonwake' 1942, Douglas 'Moonwake' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y6D. 'Naranja' x ('Los Angeles' x 'El Tovar'). Main.BobPri...
r4 - 11 Sep 2017 - 21:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moonwind' 1981, Drake 'Moonwind' (Mary Drake, R. 1980). Seedling# 76 12 4. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Light violet. Seedling# 74 2: ('Happiness Is' x...
r6 - 10 Feb 2023 - 21:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moonwrack' 1980, Scopes 'Moonwrack' (Nora Scopes, R. 1980). Seedling# SG1. TB, 36 38" (91 97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards tan yellow; falls me...
r8 - 25 Mar 2021 - 22:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moor' 1910, Caparne 'Moor' (William J. Caparne, 1901) TB; Color code =SL1; Caparne 1901, Farr 1920, AAA 143; synonyms; cengialti The Moor; The Moor $ See b...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moorish Prince' 1948, Gersdorff 'Moorish Prince' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Albert Gersdorff' x 'Bertha Dorothea'. ...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moorish Princess' 1984, Smith 'Moorish Princess' (M. D. Smith, R. 1984). Seedling# 1977D. TB, 34.5" (88 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light red violet; fa...
r5 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moor's Raiment' 1986, Protzmann 'Moor's Raiment' (Clarence Protzmann, R. 1986). Seedling# 75MG. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light brown blen...
r3 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moosilauke' 1938, Lewis 'Moosilauke' (Carrie Stover Lewis, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W7. 'Dogrose' x 'Pluie D'Or'. Main.BobPries 2011...
r4 - 25 Sep 2017 - 23:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mopsa' 1924, Hort 'Mopsa' (Sir Arthur Hort, 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. I. mesopotamica x 'Lady Foster'. See below: * * References Re...
(TB) 'Mora' 1931, Mead 'Mora' (Franklin B. Mead, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3M. 'Dominion' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 12 Aug 2017 - 21:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morado Rose' 1955, Robinson 'Morado Rose' (Fern Robinson, R. 1955). Seedling# 53 9. TB, 38 39", Midseason bloom. Color Class RY1L, Petunia purple self (Wils...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moravská Brána' 2024, Seidl 'Moravská Brána' (Zdeněk Seidl, R. 2024). Seedling K0213, TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards yellow; style ...
(TB) 'Morbihan' 2008, Cayeux 'Morbihan' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2007). Seedling 93109C. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and falls between dark...
■(TB) 'More Chudych' 2018, Seidl 'Moře Chudých' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2018). Seedling A13.17. TB, 39.5" (100 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms pale blue;...
r3 - 18 Feb 2020 - 18:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'More Please' 2016/17, Blyth 'More Please' (Barry Blyth, R. 2015) Seedling# V275 A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards pastel lilac, heavi...
■(TB) 'More Refreshing' 1982, Hoage 'More Refreshing' (Joseph Hoage, R. 1982). Seedling# H66 21B. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Light green chartreuse; bronze...
r8 - 15 Apr 2023 - 15:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'More Than Ruffles' 2020, Black 'More Than Ruffles' (Paul Black, R. 2020) Seedling Y93D. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light slate ma...
r7 - 10 Feb 2022 - 17:21 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'More Than White' 2003, DeRose 'More Than White' (Tony and Irene DeRose, R. 2003). Seedling# N 5 99 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled white, sl...
■(TB) 'More To Adore' 2018, Burseen 'More to Adore' (Tom Burseen, R. 2017). Seedling 015 455A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards light violet (...
(TB) 'Morello' 1937, Berry 'Morello' (Samuel Berry, 1937) TB. Extra early bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Nancy Orne' x (( I. mesopotamica x 'Lent A. Williamson') x si...
r6 - 21 Oct 2020 - 13:34 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morellowine' 1949, Bartlett 'Morellowine' (Eva Bartlett, R. 1949) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Winneshiek' X (( 'Nêné' x 'Dauntless') x 'Egy...
r4 - 28 Sep 2015 - 23:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morepork Mayhem' 2016, Begbie 'Morepork Mayhem' (Wendy Begbie, R. 2016). Seedling# SFGL2/13. TB, 27.5" (70 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale peach (HDD...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moreta Polo' 1952, Bailey 'Moreta Polo' (Arthur Bailey, R. 1952). TB, 43" (109 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class VR1, Self, bright wine red. 'The Red ...
(TB) 'Moreton Bay' 1945, Aylett 'Moreton Bay' (William Aylett, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Inspiration' x 'Dauntless'. Main.BobPries 20...
r4 - 05 Aug 2017 - 13:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morgan Elizabeth' 2023, Sutton 'Morgan Elizabeth' (Michael Sutton, R. 2023) Seedling AE 47745 C, TB, 30" (76.0 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards yel...
(TB) 'Morgan Le Fay' 1938, Gersdorff 'Morgan Le Fey' (Charles Gersdorff R. 1938) TB. Late bloom. Color Class Y9D. 'Dusk' x 'Bruno'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 0...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morgan Raider' 1988, Slade 'Morgan Raider' (George Slade, R. 1987). Seedling# 81 14 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pure white; falls violet...
(TB) 'Morgan Rebecca' 2002, Zurbrigg 'Morgan Rebecca' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 2002). Seedling# PP 98. TB, height 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Light violet; b...
r9 - 06 Aug 2017 - 22:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morgane' 1935, Cayeux 'Morgane' (Ferdinand Cayeux, R. 1935) TB. Early bloom. Color Class W9M. 'Jean Cayeux' X 'Président Pilkington'. See below: * Refere...
■(TB) 'Morgat' 2005, Madoré 'Morgat' (Gérard Madoré, R. 2005). Seedling 01 79. TB. 35" (90 cm) , Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls wisteria b...
r24 - 26 Mar 2023 - 21:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morgengruss' 1966, Werckmeister 'Morgengruss' (Peter Werckmeister R. 1966). Seedling# TB, 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Color Class VlL, Orchid self….
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morisk' 1949, Peckham 'Morisk' (Mrs. E. A. Peckham, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. 'Great Lakes' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 13 Sep 2017 - 22:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morn Aglow' 1972, Peterson 'Morn Aglow' (Les Peterson, R. 1971). Seedling# LP 68 05. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Smoky blue self; red burnt orange be...
■(TB) 'Morning' 1948, Faught 'Morning' (Eva Faught, R. 1948) TB, Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y3L. Seedling x 'Spun Gold' See below: * * References ...
(TB) 'Morning Blue' 1947, Jory 'Morning Blue' (Stafford Jory, R. 1947). AB, TMB, tall, Early bloom. Color Class B3L. Light blue bitone. Also listed in AB Web: 'Mo...
■(TB) 'Morning Breaking' 2007, Meininger 'Morning Breaking' (LeRoy Meininger, R. 2007). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white tinted light peach,...
r10 - 30 Jul 2019 - 17:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Breeze' 1963, Fay 'Morning Breeze' (Orville Fay, R. 1962). Seedling # 59 5. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. Blue orchid self, white tipped tangerine ...
■(TB) 'Morning Bright' 1951, Cook 'Morning Bright' (Paul Cook, R. 1951). Seedling# 19547. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Buff cream and wine rose bicolor...
■(TB) 'Morning Call' 1980, Alexander 'Morning Call' (Ellen Alexander, R. 1973). Seedling# A 67 28 1. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light mauve, edge...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Charm' 1941, Lapham 'Morning Charm' ( E. Greig Lapham, R. 1938) TB. Early bloom. Color Class R9L. slight fragrance. Sass 30 18 x 'Grace Lapham'. Lap...
r6 - 02 Nov 2021 - 17:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Cheer' 1969, Lorenz 'Morning Cheer' (David Lorenz, R. 1969). Seedling# 65 50A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class OlP, Standards...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Coffee' 2022, Piątek 'Morning Coffee' (Robert Piątek, R. 2022) Seedling 17 1710 A RP, TB, 37" (93 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light brown, go...
(TB) 'Morning Delight' 1938, Sill 'Morning Delight' (B. W. Sill, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7L. 'Purissima' x 'Clara Noyes'. Main.BobPries ...
(TB) 'Morning Echos' 1967, Brown 'Morning Echos' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1967). Seedling# 61 26. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class O5F...
(TB) 'Morning Fair' 1935, Timmerman 'Morning Fair' ( Walter Timmerman, 1935) TB. Early bloom. Color Class Y4L. Yellow seedling x White seedling. Main.BobPrie...
■(TB) 'Morning Favor' 1978, Peterson 'Morning Favor' (Les Peterson, R. 1977). Seedling# LP 75 1 2. TB, 32" (81 cm). Late midseason bloom. Pastel lilac (HCC 4...
(TB) 'Morning Flush' 1957, Voris 'Morning Flush' (Charles Voris, R. 1955). Seedling# PSGR 5211. TB, 36 38", Midseason bloom. Color Class R1L, Pink self, orange ta...
r3 - 06 Aug 2017 - 02:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Frost' 2004, Schreiner 'Morning Frost' (Schreiner, R. 2004). Seedling# FF 475 C. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms light laven...
(TB) 'Morning Glory' 1929, Kirkland 'Morning Glory' (James Kirkland, R. 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9D. Quality Gardens 1929, Wassenberg 1938, Peckham...
(TB) 'Morning Glow' 1936, Nesmith 'Morning Glow' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S6M. 'Sunlight' x 'Quivera'. See below: * * Refer...
r5 - 21 Aug 2017 - 17:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Has Broken' 2021, Campbell 'Morning Has Broken' (Colin Campbell, R. 2020) Seedling 1D14. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blend of peac...
(TB) 'Morning Hero' 1939, Spender 'Morning Hero' (Maj. R.E.S. Spender, R. 1939). TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Blass R4D. ((('Évolution' x 'Melchior') x (seedl...
r6 - 06 Sep 2017 - 23:14 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Hymn' 1980, Schreiner 'Morning Hymn' (Schreiner, R. 1980). Seedling# G 582 2. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled and laced full orchid; lemon yel...
r12 - 01 May 2022 - 23:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning In May' 2005, Stewart 'Morning In May' (Georgia Stewart, R. 2005). Seedling# BEA 005. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white ground, broa...
r4 - 15 Sep 2017 - 19:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Joy' 1937, Tobie 'Morning Joy' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, R. 1937). TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. 'Sunlight' x unknown. Mai...
r3 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Kiss' 1968, Tucker 'Morning Kiss' (James Tucker, R. 1966). Seedling# 158A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class OlP, Very light pink ...
■(TB) 'Morning Mail' 1998/99, Blyth 'Morning Mail' (Barry Blyth, R. 1998). Seedling# E148 3. TB, height 38" (96 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Orchid lilac self; ...
r17 - 01 May 2021 - 19:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Medley' 1971, Swearengin 'Morning Medley' (Lillian Swearengin, R. 1971). Seedling# A 2 3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rose pink (Wil...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 18:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Melody' 1948, Becherer 'Morning Melody' (Joseph Becherer, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. 'China Maid' x 'Morocco Rose'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Morning Minuet' 2021, Shadlow 'Morning Minuet' (Robin Shadlow, R. 2022) Seedling 122 15 1, TB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms...
■(TB) 'Morning Mood' 1998, Keppel 'Morning Mood' (Keith Keppel, R. 1997). Seedling# 91 85A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards buff peach (M P 9...
■(TB) 'Morning Musicale' 1981, Helsley 'Morning Musicale' (Calvin Helsley, R. 1980). Seedling 6Y CH 77. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled cream, blen...
■(TB) 'Morning Pause' 2013, Valenzuela 'Morning Pause' (Margie Valenzuela, R. 2013). Seedling# SQC 07 J. TB, 36 37 (9238 cm), Midseason to midseason late bloom. S...
r4 - 08 Sep 2017 - 21:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Prime' 1941, Spender 'Morning Prime' (Maj. R.E.S. Spender, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4L. 'Hélios' x 'Alastor'. Main.BobPries ...
r5 - 06 Sep 2017 - 23:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Princess' 1995, Matheny III 'Morning Princess' (Ed Matheny III, R. 1994). Seedling# 01 02 93. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards shel...
r3 - 29 Sep 2017 - 18:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Rain' 1968, Lorenz 'Morning Rain' (David Lorenz, R. 1968). Seedling# 65 13. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4V, Standards cool blue w...
r3 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Red' 1990, Slade 'Morning Red' (George Slade, R. 1990). Seedling# 84 30 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards buff pink; falls dark r...
■(TB) 'Morning Reveille' 2004, Meininger 'Morning Reveille' (LeRoy Meininger, R. 2004). Seedling# W 02 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards lavend...
r10 - 30 Jul 2019 - 17:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Run' 2006, Ernst 'Morning Run' (Richard Ernst, R. 2006). Seedling# W112 27. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, pale yellow infused ...
r9 - 16 Feb 2024 - 20:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Shadows' 1982, Dunn 'Morning Shadows' (Robert Dunn, R. 1982). Seedling# B77 612B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue violet, da...
(TB) 'Morning Showers' 2000, Wood 'Morning Showers' (Vernon Wood, R. 2000). Seedling# 94 49. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cool white, midrib infuse...
r5 - 02 Sep 2017 - 23:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Sky' 1945, Berry 'Morning Sky' (Samuel Berry, R. 1945) TB. Late bloom. Color Class S9L. 'Dayspring' x 'Moongold'. See below: * * References ...
r5 - 12 Feb 2019 - 22:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Song' 1939, White 'Morning Song' ( Clarence G. White, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y7L. 'Fiesta' x 'Chosen'. Main.BobPries 2011 ...
■(TB) 'Morning Splendor' 1923, Shull 'Morning Splendor' (J. M. Shull, R. 1923) 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. Standards petunia violet; falls rich raisin ...
r18 - 13 Jan 2022 - 18:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Star' 1929, Winter 'Morning Star' (Frank Winter, 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y6L. Unknown x 'Shekinah'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 21:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Sun' 1940, Hahn 'Morning Sun' (Hahn's Iris Garden, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. ('Happy Days' x 'Eilah') x 'Alta California'. ...
r5 - 02 Oct 2017 - 23:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Sun Rayz' 2023, Toth 'Morning Sun Rayz' (David Toth, R. 2023) Seedling 20 34, TB, 38" (96.5 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards bright canary ...
■(TB) 'Morning Sunlight' 1955, Randolph 'Morning Sunlight' (L. Fitz Randolph, R. 1952). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Yellow self. 'Gypsy...
r11 - 13 Jan 2022 - 18:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning Sunrise' 2005, Johnson 'Morning Sunrise' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2005). Seedling# T101F. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, thi...
(TB) 'Morning Sunshine' 1981, Daling 'Morning Sunshine' (Merle Daling, R. 1981). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards spinel pink (HCC 0625); falls white g...
r5 - 13 Sep 2017 - 18:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning Surprise' 1949, Buneaux 'Morning Surprise' (John Buneaux, R. 1949). Sdlg. 47 12. TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. (Seedling# 45 16: ('Sier...
■(TB) 'Morning Tear' 2018, Zalewska 'Morning Tear' (Katarzyna Zalewska, R. 2018). Seedling 22 13 KZ B. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards intense sky b...
■(TB) 'Morning Thunder' 1984, Magee 'Morning Thunder' (Tom Magee, R. 1982). Seedling# 7513J. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale violet white, gradin...
r8 - 20 Feb 2023 - 20:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morning White' 1958, Nash 'Morning White' (T. P. Nash, R. 1958). Seedling# 56 36. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, Crisp white self; yello...
r5 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morning World' 2017, Schreiner 'Morning World' (Schreiner, R. 2017). Seedling# WW 615 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards lavender; ...
r10 - 20 Feb 2023 - 20:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morningside' 1952, Raboin 'Morningside' (H. A. Raboin, R. 1952). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Color Class R3, Standards pink, falls medium...
r2 - 16 Aug 2015 - 21:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morningside Cream' 1946, Ramsey 'Morningside Cream' (Mrs. Buford Ramsey, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W4. 'Purissima' x 'Gudrun'. Main.Bob...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moroccan Interlude' 2013, Hedgecock 'Moroccan Interlude' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2013). Seedling# Q 144 B. 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow, ...
■(TB) 'Moroccan Magic' 2004/05, Blyth 'Moroccan Magic' (Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling# L124 2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards peach with p...
■(TB) 'Morocco' 1980, Keppel 'Morocco' (Keith Keppel, R. 1978). Seedling# 72 39D. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards tawny brown (M P 13 D 10) flus...
■(TB) 'Morocco Majesty' 1974, Stump 'Morocco Majesty' (Janette Stump, R. 1974). Seedling# B 7 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards brown, amb...
r10 - 21 Apr 2022 - 19:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morocco Red' 1943, Hahn 'Morocco Red' (Hahn's Iris Garden, R. 1943). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. ('Junaluska' x 'Jerry') x ('War Eagle'x Sass 30 4...
r5 - 02 Oct 2017 - 23:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morocco Rose' 1937, Loomis 'Morocco Rose' (Dr. P. A. Loomis, R. 1937). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. Loomis seedling# H22: ('Lent A. Williamson' x ...
(TB) 'Morongo' 1937, Berry 'Morongo' (Samuel Berry, R. 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R1D. 'King Tut' x 'Acropolis'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 04 Sep 2016 - 21:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moroz I Solntse' 1999, Loktev 'Moroz I Solntse' Мороз и солнце (Sergey Loktev, R. 1999). Seedling# 94 R11 12G. TB, 32" (80 cm). Early to late bloom. Standar...
r5 - 13 Jan 2019 - 05:39 by ruiris
■(TB) 'Morozko' 2015, Troshkin 'Morozko' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2015) Seedling# TB10141 3. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards snow white, blushed gold ...
(TB) 'Moroznoe Utro' 2022, Buzalevskaya 'Moroznoe Utro' (Vera Buzalevskaya, R. 2022) Seedling 157 22, TB, 39" (100 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards blue, whi...
(TB) 'Morozny Den' 2021, Riabykh 'Morozny Den' (Olga Riabykh, R. 2021). Seedling A 7832 18. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. White self; beards lime, ends w...
NEW - 26 Mar 2022 - 22:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morphée' 1840, Lémon 'Morphée' (Jean Nicolas Lémon, 1840) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W3L. See below: * References References Lémon, Annales de...
■(TB) 'Morpheus' 2014, Miller 'Morpheus' (Lynda Miller, R. 2013). Seedling# 20109A. TB, 28" (71 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards dark maroon; style arms gold,...
■(TB) 'Morris Dancing' 2019, Barrell 'Morris Dancing' (Mary Barrell, R. 2019). Seecling 2015/1mb. TB, 43" (109 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards dark straw yellow w...
■(TB) 'Morse' 2015/16, Grosvenor 'Morse' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2011) Seedling# F64 1. TB, 35 (89 cm), Early bloom. Standards pastel mauve violet veined buff,...
■(TB) 'Morse Code' 1997, Miller 'Morse Code' (Lynda Miller, R. 1996). Seedling# 4689. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. White ground, dark lavender near solid edge ...
r8 - 23 Aug 2021 - 13:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskaia Puchina' 2014, Troshkin 'Morskaia Puchina' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2014). Seedling# TB10247 3. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and ...
r7 - 18 Aug 2017 - 18:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskaia Regata' 2018, Troshkin 'Morskaia Regata' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2018). Seedling TB13113 10. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards and st...
r3 - 09 Apr 2023 - 21:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskaya Pena' 2005, Volovik 'Morskaya Pena' Морская пена (Marina Volovik, R. 2005). Seedling# 36 02. TB, 30" (76 cm). Early midseason bloom. Light blue ...
r8 - 19 Mar 2021 - 19:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morski Vitryla' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Morski Vitryla' МОРСЬКИ ВИТРЫЛА. (Svetlana Yakovchuk, not registered). TB. See below: * * References References: De...
(TB) 'Morskiye Prostory' 2006, Mikhaylov 'Morskiye Prostory' Морские просторы (Valentin Mikhaylov, R. 2006). Seedling# TB 124 01 40 1 VM. TB, 55" (140 cm), Early ...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morskoi Kruiz' 2017, Troshkin 'Morskoi Kruiz' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2017). Seedling# TB1386 2. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style a...
NEW - 08 Oct 2018 - 00:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskoy Briz' 2019, Riabykh 'Morskoy Briz' (Olga Riabykh, R. 2019). Seedling A5513 2. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Lilac blue self; beards or...
■(TB) 'Morskoy Diyavol' 2010, Krutchenko 'Morskoy Diyavol' Морской дьявол (Yuriy Krutchenko, R. 2010). Seedling# 5 7. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
r6 - 17 Nov 2018 - 18:07 by ruiris
■(TB) 'Morskoy Drakon' 2014, Riabykh 'Morskoy Drakon' Морской дракон (Olga Riabykh, R. 2014). Seedling# A1434 6. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standar...
r7 - 05 Jan 2019 - 00:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morskoy Kochevnik' 2005, Mikhaylov 'Morskoy Kochevnik' Морской кочевник (Valentin Mikhaylov, R. 2005). Seedling# TB 188 01 51 1 VM. TB, 31" (80 cm), Early b...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morskoy Koniok' 2001, Volfovich Moler 'Morskoy Koniok' Морской конёк (Adolf Volfovich Moler, deceased, by Vladimir Volfovich Moler, R. 2001). Seedling# M 16...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskoy Kot' 2011, Riabykh 'Morskoy Kot' Морской кот (Olga Riabykh, R. 2011). Seedling# 8514 2. TB, 31 (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards very light blue,...
r8 - 05 Jan 2019 - 00:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskoy Peyzazh' 2013, Riabykh 'Morskoy Peyzazh' Морской пейзаж (Olga Riabykh, R. 2013. Seedling# 0420 1. TB, 31.5 (80 cm), Early midseason bloom. Sta...
r8 - 05 Jan 2019 - 00:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morskoy Priboy' 1997, Volfovitch Moler 'Morskoy Priboy' Морской прибой (Adolf Volfovitch Moler, R. 1997). Seedling# V 141. TB, 75 cm, Late midseason bloom….
r9 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morskoy Razvedchik' 2010, Kolesnikov 'Morskoy Razvedchik' Морской разведчик (Viktor Kolesnikov, R. 2010). Seedling# D 36. TB, 35" (90 cm), Late midseason bl...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 14:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Morskoy Shtorm' 2016, Ostapenko 'Morskoy Shtorm' (Viacheslav Ostapenko, R. 2016) Seedling10 114 2. TB, 32.5" (83 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark violet self; be...
(TB) 'Morskoye Chudo' 2010, Rebro 'Morskoye Chudo' Морское чудо (Nadezhda Rebro, R. 2010). Seedling# 6 09 26. TB, 33" (85 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards dar...
r4 - 25 Sep 2017 - 23:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mort Tunney' 2017, Rowlands 'Mort Tunney' (Ronda Rowlands, R. 2017). Seedling# 2012/15. TB, 27.5" (70 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards uranium gr...
r3 - 25 Feb 2020 - 15:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mort W. Sanford' 1919, Fryer 'Mort W. Sanford' (Willis Fryer), 1919. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9. See below: * * References References: Fr...
r3 - 06 Aug 2017 - 01:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Morwell' 1917, Bliss 'Morwell' (Arthur J. Bliss, R. 1917) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Trosuperba' x 'Dalmatica'. See below: * * References ...
■(TB) 'Morwenna' 1991, Nichol 'Morwenna' (R. E. Nichol, R. 1984). Seedling# E17. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue, slightly deeper at midrib;...
r13 - 14 Feb 2024 - 21:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mosaic King' 1932, Sheets 'Mosaic King' (Earl Sheets, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9M. 'Cameliard' X 'Mme Henri Cayeux'. See below: * * Ref...
■(TB) 'Mosaic Madness' 2019, Toth 'Mosaic Madness' (David Toth, R. 2019). Seedling 15 12. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms cocoa brown; fal...
■(TB) 'Mosaic Of Blessing' 2004, Middleton 'Mosaic Of Blessing' (Gary Middleton, R. 2004). Seedling# 98/QCC 18. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards...
r6 - 14 Sep 2017 - 20:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mosby's Ghost' 2018, Spoon 'Mosby's Ghost' (Ginny Spoon, R. 2017). Seedling# 2012 5 GG. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light grey (darker than RH...
■(TB) 'Mosby's Lady' 2023, Spoon 'Mosby's Lady' (Ginny Spoon, R. 2022) Seedling G 2012 5C, TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light cream, flushed ...
■(TB) 'Moscova' 2015, Cayeux 'Moscova' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2014) Seedling 06188A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pure mid blue; style arms blue; Fall...
■(TB) 'Moselle Moon' 2001, Summerill 'Moselle Moon' (Margaret Summerill, R. 2001). Seedling# J 12 4. TB, 38" (96 cm), Late bloom. Standards light lemon yellow; ...
r7 - 01 May 2021 - 22:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moses' 1975, Wagner 'Moses' (Brother Gene Wagner, R. 1975). Seedling# 12 K 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards primrose yellow; falls sunshine ye...
■(TB) 'Mosey Along' 2017, Burseen 'Mosey Along' (Tom Burseen, R. 2017). Seedling 12 91A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms mocha...
(TB) 'Moskovski Bambuk' 1999, Gavrilin 'Moskovski Bambuk' Московский бамбук (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 1998). Seedling# 4 12 2 94. TB, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom...
r4 - 09 Sep 2017 - 14:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moskovskiy Bliuz' 2008, Loktev 'Moskovskiy Bliuz' Московский блюз (Sergey Loktev, R. 2007). Seedling# 97 6 2A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Stan...
r7 - 13 Jan 2019 - 05:42 by ruiris
(TB) 'Moskovskiy Ozornoy Guliaka' 2006, Loktev 'Mosokovskiy Ozornoy Guliaka' Московский озорной гуляка (Sergey Loktev, R. 2005). Seedling# 97 R16 13G. TB, 31" (78...
r6 - 13 Jan 2019 - 05:44 by ruiris
■(TB) 'Moskva Zlatoglavaya' 2011, Krutchenko 'Moskya Zlatoglavaya' Москва златоглавая (Yuriy Krutchenko, R. 2011). Seedling# 110 5. TB, 31 (79 cm), Midseason bloo...
r6 - 31 Aug 2017 - 21:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moss Agate' 1962, Knopf 'Moss Agate' (Maynard Knopf, R. 1961). Seedling# 13 A 102. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards metal...
■(TB) 'Mossburn Knight' 2008, Lapham 'Mossburn Knight' (Noel Lapham, R. 2008). Seedling# 00 90/1. TB, 37" (95 cm), Early bloom. Standards intense purple; falls ve...
r5 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mossenova' 1981/82, Blyth 'Mossenova' (Barry Blyth, R. 1981). Seedling# M91 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to early midseason bloom. Standards pure white; falls...
r10 - 10 Aug 2017 - 23:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Most Desirable' 1971, Carstensen 'Most Desirable' (Katie Carstensen, R. 1970). Seedling# C 29 69. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Crinkled light pink; ...
■(TB) 'Most Ever' 2015, Burseen 'Most Ever' (Tom Burseen, R. 2015) Seedling# 12 1366A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms honeysuckle (RHS...
r7 - 28 Apr 2020 - 14:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Most Precious' 1966, Plough 'Most Precious' (Gordon Plough, R. 1965). Seedling# 61 10 13. TB, 30" (76 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class YO4W, Standa...
■(TB) 'Most Stunning' 1994, Roberts 'Most Stunning' (Ed Roberts, R. 1992). Seedling# 921. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light lilac, yellow at base;...
(TB) 'Most Wanted' 1995, Black 'Most Wanted' (Polly Black, R. 1995). Seedling# PA3 2PL. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium purple, some white show...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mostly Cloudy' 2017, Burseen 'Mostly Cloudy' (Tom Burseen, R. 2016). Seedling# 013 782A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arm...
■(TB) 'Mostly Ghostly' 2015, McMillen 'Mostly Ghostly' (John McMillen, R. 2015). Seedling# 082114. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cool light foggy bl...
r4 - 14 Sep 2017 - 17:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother' 1939, Gersdorff Watkins 'Mother' (Charles Gersdorff Howard Watkins, R. 1939), R. 1937. TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R6D. 'Geo. J. Tribole...
r7 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother Dear' 1940, Gersdorff 'Mother Dear' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1940). TB Midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. ('Bruno' x 'Sherbert') x 'Dauntless'. Watkins ...
r6 - 18 Sep 2017 - 15:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mother Earth' 1988, Hager 'Mother Earth' (Ben Hager, R. 1987). Seedling# T3703RfBi. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards oyster cream, tinted ...
■(TB) 'Mother Eve Smiles' 1991, Miller 'Mother Eve Smiles' (Bernice Miller, R. 1991). Seedling# MES91. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom (Oct/AL). Stan...
■(TB) 'Mother Kate' 2008, Parkhill 'Mother Kate' (Tom Parkhill, R. 2007). Seedling# 00 903. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and Falls very pale blue, ...
(TB) 'Mother Lode' 1942, Essig 'Mother Lode' (Edward Essig, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. ('China Lantern' x 'W. R. Dykes') x 'Blue And Gold'. ...
r4 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother Machree' 1958, Aylett 'Mother Machree' (William Aylett, R. 1958). TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W4, Standards oyster shot wi...
r4 - 14 Apr 2021 - 20:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother Machree by Moore' 1927, Moore 'Mother Machree' (Irving Moore, 1927) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class 3M. Note: Note to be confused with 'Mother Machr...
r6 - 14 Apr 2021 - 20:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mother Marshmallow' 1997, McWhirter 'Mother Marshmallow' (James McWhirter by Abram Feuerstein, R. 1997). Seedling# 89 94 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason...
■(TB) 'Mother Mary' 2001, Sorensen 'Mother Mary' (Donald Sorensen, R. 2000). Seedling# S 91 12 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms wista...
r8 - 12 Sep 2017 - 21:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother May I' 2013, Corson 'Mother May I' (Marilyn Corson, R. 2013). Seedling# 06B18 17. TB, 30 (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light blue, washed...
r3 - 26 Sep 2017 - 21:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother O'Mine' 1937, Groff 'Mother O'Mine' (Henry Groff, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r5 - 23 Sep 2017 - 14:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother Of Angels' 1996, McCord 'Mother Of Angels' (Cloyd McCord, R. 1996). Seedling# 85 62 01. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms light ...
r4 - 25 Sep 2017 - 15:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mother of Dragons' 2021, Spoon 'Mother of Dragons' (Donald Spoon, R. 2019). Seedling 2013 58 RDRE. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Sta...
■(TB) 'Mother Of Pearl' 1917, Sturtevant 'Mother Of Pearl' (Grace Sturtevant, 1917). TB, Late midseason bloom. Color Class B7L. Kunderd 1917; 1921; Sturtevant 192...
r18 - 04 Aug 2024 - 05:24 by mikeu
■(TB) 'Mother's Bessie' 2001, Summerill 'Mother's Bessie' (Margaret Summerill, R. 2001). Seedling# I 6 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards crea...
r6 - 01 May 2021 - 22:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother's Day' 1945, Milliken 'Mother's Day' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1945) TMB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S1L. Lavender seedling x 'Top Hilly'. NOTE: Also l...
r4 - 29 Sep 2017 - 19:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mother's Little Helper' 1995, Ernst 'Mother's Little Helper' (Richard Ernst, R. 1994). Seedling# JF169 5. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Lightly ru...
r15 - 13 Oct 2022 - 22:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mother's Love' 2009, Elliott 'Mother's Love' (Dan and Nancy Elliott, R. 2009). Seedling# 48 99 ML. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white (R...
r6 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Motif' 1931, Sturtevant 'Motif' (Grace Sturtevant, R. 1931). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. ( 'Sherbert' x 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau') X 'Moa'. S...
r11 - 21 Dec 2018 - 18:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Motion Of The Ocean' 2021, Van Liere 'Motion Of The Ocean' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2022) Seedling 12EQ34, TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; ...
■(TB) 'Motion On The Ocean' 2012, Hoch 'Motion On The Ocean' (Ernie Hoch, R. 2012). Seedling# 09 ATxQC1. TB, 35 37 (8984 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards a...
r5 - 07 Sep 2017 - 22:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Motley Fool' 2002, Otterness 'Motley Fool' (Pat Otterness, R. 2000). Seedling# Z 69. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium bishops violet (RHS ...
r3 - 23 Sep 2017 - 19:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mottled Cream' 1939, Aylett 'Mottled Cream' (William Aylett, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1M. 'Mrs. Valerie West' x 'Happy Days'. Main.Bo...
r4 - 05 Aug 2017 - 13:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Motyl Emanuel' 2021, Seidl 'Motyl Emanuel' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2021). Seedling G2005. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms y...
r3 - 11 Mar 2023 - 19:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Motyl Mimoza' 2020, Cych 'Motyl Mimoza' (Zbigniew Cych, R. 2019). Seedling E091A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon yellow, network of gr...
■(TB) 'Motylek' 2010, Kilimnik 'Motylek' (Zbigniew Kilimnik, R. 2004). Seedling# ZK 2000 01A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards pink apricot viole...
r10 - 29 Jan 2022 - 18:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mouche' 2020, Cayeux 'Mouche' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2019). Seedling 12 319A. TB, 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards yellow, lightly smoked; style arms...
■(TB) 'Moucheture' 2019, Laporte 'Moucheture' (Bernard Laporte, R. 2019). Seedling BB 173 02. TB, 35" (90 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards cream white groun...
r5 - 19 Nov 2022 - 16:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moulin de Trévilis' 2013, Jacob 'Moulin de Trévilis' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2008). Seedling 030503. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pinky beige...
r23 - 11 Nov 2023 - 20:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moulin Rouge' 1954, Tompkins 'Moulin Rouge' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1954) TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. Crimson self. 'Caravan' x 'Bandit'....
(TB) 'Mount Blanc' 1946, Grant 'Mount Blanc' ( Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1946) TB, 39", Late midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Sunday Best' x white seedling. Fairmo...
r9 - 27 Dec 2021 - 15:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Cloud' 1936, Milliken 'Mount Cloud' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1936) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Rajput' x 'Easter Morn'. Milliken Iris Ga...
(TB) 'Mount Diablo' 1950, Mitchell 'Mount Diablo' (Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. Seedling# 9 84 variegata seedling x 'Sultan'...
■(TB) 'Mount Eden' 1965, Ghio 'Mount Eden' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1964). Seedling# 60 135J. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white, blue tint; falls...
(TB) 'Mount Emmons' 1999, Crosby by Edinger 'Mount Emmons' (Luzon Crosby by Philip Edinger, R. 1999). TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Flared white self; b...
r4 - 16 Sep 2017 - 15:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Evans' 1954, Winegar 'Mount Evans' (Nina Winegar, R. 1954). Seedling# 531. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self, blue beard. '...
r5 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Everest' 1939, Kirkland 'Mount Everest' (James Kirkland, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. See below: * * References There are images….
r5 - 31 Aug 2017 - 22:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Gerlach' 2019, Mego 'Mount Gerlach' (Anton Mego, R. 2019). Seedling AM 13/5479 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, thin yellow wir...
(TB) 'Mount Hermon' 1945, Lowry 'Mount Hermon' (Mrs. F. P. Lowry, R. 1942) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Buechley Giant' x 'Phébus'. See below: * ...
r7 - 27 Sep 2017 - 19:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Holly Legacy' 2014, Grumbine 'Mount Holly Legacy' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2010). Seedling# MG06 611 18. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white ...
r4 - 08 Sep 2017 - 20:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Hope' 1964, Yunker 'Mount Hope' (Edna Yunker, R. 1961). Seedling# 75. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Wl, White self; lemon yellow...
(TB) 'Mount Ida' 1975, Yunker 'Mount Ida' (Edna Yunker, R. 1972). Seedling# 95 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards creamy white; falls ruffled ...
(TB) 'Mount Lofty' 1945, Aylett 'Mount Lofty' (William Aylett, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Edmondson V. C.' x 'Easter Morn'. Main.BobPries...
r4 - 05 Aug 2017 - 13:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Madonna' 1979, Coleman 'Mount Madonna' (Ralph Coleman, R. 1978). Seedling# 10 73. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark violet mulberry self with lig...
r3 - 05 Oct 2017 - 17:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Mazama' 1953, Bailey 'Mount Mazama' OB (Mrs. Albert Bailey, R. 1953). AB, EC, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Red violet self, deeper in center of f...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Mugga' 1977, Payne 'Mount Mugga' (Frank Payne, R. 1977). Seedling# 31 1. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards lavender, stippled white; fa...
r3 - 13 Sep 2017 - 18:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Of Olives' 1956, Voris 'Mount Of Olives' (Charles Voris, R. 1956). Seedling# PinEx5210. TB, 30 36", Very very late bloom. Color Class V3L, Standard...
(TB) 'Mount Penn' 1909, Farr 'Mount Penn' (Bertrand Farr, 1909) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. See below: * * References References: From Wing S...
r7 - 23 Sep 2017 - 13:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Reed' 1949, Naylor 'Mount Reed' (M. D. Naylor, R. 1949) TB. Early bloom. Color Class W1. 'Snow Flurry' x white seedling. Main.BobPries 2011 03 ...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Repose' 1964, Watkins 'Mount Repose' (Edward Arthur Watkins, R. 1960). Seedling# 55 15A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue self. 'Lady ...
■(TB) 'Mount Royal' 1929, Morgan 'Mount Royal' (F. Cleveland Morgan, R. 1924) 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. Standards deep blue violet; falls velvety red...
(TB) 'Mount Rushmore' 1960, Murawaska 'Mount Rushmore' (Arthur Murawaska, R. 1960). TB, 39" (99 cm), Early bloom. Color Class WlB, White with blue; light yellow b...
(TB) 'Mount Shasta' 1953, Streibich 'Mount Shasta' (Belden Streibich, R. 1953). TB, 42" (107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self, light yellow ...
(TB) 'Mount Shavano' 1950, Shulenburg 'Mount Shavano' (H. M. Shulenburg, R. 1950). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OYLy1, Cream self, yellow infusi...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Shuksan' 1961, Gaulter 'Mount Shuksan' (Larry Gaulter, R. 1961). Seedling# 56 26. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class WlB, Blue white self, ...
r5 - 18 Aug 2017 - 00:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Snow' 1960, Hite 'Mount Snow' (Harry Hite, R. 1960). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4B, Standards white; falls blue. Light blue seedli...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Spokane' 1971, Smith 'Mount Spokane' (Eva Smith, R. 1971). Seedling# 68 4. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled ivory cream self; yellow beard. ...
r5 - 21 Aug 2017 - 17:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mount Timp' 1945, Muhlestein 'Mount Timp' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1945). TB, Early bloom season; Color Class W8L. 'October Opera' x 'Tiffany'. From the 2022 Re...
(TB) 'Mount Vernon' 1930, Sheets 'Mount Vernon' (Earl Sheets, R. 1930) TB. Color Class Y4. 'Elaine' x 'Imperator'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
r4 - 14 Sep 2017 - 16:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mount Vesuvius' 2003, Ghio 'Mount Vesuvius' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2003). Seedling# 97 80C2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Rosy purple, metallic shee...
■(TB) 'Mount Washington' 1937, Essig 'Mount Washington' (Edward Essig, R. 1937) TB, Midseason bloom, Color Class W4. Strong fragrance. 'Shining Waters' x ((New Al...
(TB) 'Mountain' 1976, Busch 'Mountain' (Ron Busch, R. 1976). Seedling# N 649/1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards light cream, delicately flushe...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Adventure' 2024, Piątek 'Mountain Adventure' (Robert Piątek, R. 2024) Seedling 16 1418 G RP, TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, ...
(TB) 'Mountain Blue' 1945, Wheeler 'Mountain Blue' (Louis Wheeler, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Pacific' x 'Happy Days'. Main.BobPries 2...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Breeze' 1962, Baker 'Mountain Breeze' (O. T. Baker, R. 1962). Seedling# 59 24. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class W5B, Mother of pea...
r6 - 26 Sep 2017 - 21:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Dew' 1980, Innerst 'Mountain Dew' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1979). Seedling# 404 3. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Blend of mustard, yellow and g...
r9 - 12 Apr 2023 - 17:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Dew by Graves' 1941, Graves 'Mountain Dew' (Robert Graves, R. 1941) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class W1. Seedling# 37 22X x 'Snowking'. M...
r4 - 27 Sep 2017 - 18:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Dusk' 1985, Mahoney 'Mountain Dusk' (James A. Mahoney, R. 1982). Seedling# 77/96A. TB, 31" (79 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards lightly ruffled...
■(TB) 'Mountain Echo' 1997, Schreiner 'Mountain Echo' (Schreiner, R. 1997). Seedling# BB 1173 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ...
■(TB) 'Mountain Greenery' 1980, Zurbrigg 'Mountain Greenery' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1979). Seedling# L 10 Beulah. TB, height 36" (19 cm), Midseason to late bloom. ...
r10 - 18 Apr 2023 - 13:14 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Halo' 2008, Ernst 'Mountain Halo' (Richard Ernst, R. 2008). Seedling# V3 2. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late Midseason bloom. Standards blended violet purple...
(TB) 'Mountain Haze' 1981, Mahoney 'Mountain Haze' (James A. Mahoney, R. 1981). Seedling# 76/63. TB, 31 32" (79 81 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled and lightly ...
r3 - 22 Sep 2017 - 18:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Heather' 1990, Brown 'Mountain Heather' (Opal Brown, R. 1988). Seedling# 82 7B8. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled lilac pink (RHS 65A); s...
r13 - 20 Apr 2020 - 14:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain High' 1970, Moldovan 'Mountain High' (Steve Moldovan, R. 1969). Seedling# 65 18. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Greyed blue white self; ru...
r6 - 12 Sep 2017 - 18:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Laurel' 2013, Sutton 'Mountain Laurel' (Michael Sutton, R. 2013). Seedling# V 2727. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards methyl violet, pin...
(TB) 'Mountain Lightning' 1992, Mohr 'Mountain Lightning' (Ken Mohr, R. 1992). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason late to very late bloom. Heavily ruffled dark blue viole...
(TB) 'Mountain Magic' 1956, Crandall 'Mountain Magic' (Fred Crandall, R. 1956). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, Standards wine purple, Falls wi...
(TB) 'Mountain Maid' 1920, McKinney 'Mountain Maid' {Ella Porter McKinney R. 1920) TB. "A good sized pink." See below: * References * Culture References ...
■(TB) 'Mountain Majesty' 1995, Ghio 'Mountain Majesty' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1994). Seedling# 88 20 C2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Deep purple self with bl...
(TB) 'Mountain Meadow' 1967, Lorenz 'Mountain Meadow' (David Lorenz, R. 1967). Seedling# 65 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1GY, Standards white...
r5 - 03 Oct 2017 - 18:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Melody' 1984, Gibson 'Mountain Melody' (James Gibson, R. 1983). Seedling# 45 OB. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards smoky mulber...
(TB) 'Mountain Mist' 1931, Andrews 'Mountain Mist' (Darwin Andrews, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9L. 'Candlelight' x 'Amerind'. Main.BobPries 20...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Music' 1959, Tompkins 'Mountain Music' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1959). Seedling# 53 217. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Violet self, violet b...
■(TB) 'Mountain Rose' 1983, Dennis 'Mountain Rose' (Paul Dennis, R. 1982). Seedling# 79 24. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled light rose, shading ...
(TB) 'Mountain Shadows' 1997, Brown 'Mountain Shadows' (Opal Brown, R. 1996). Seedling# 90 3F4. TB, 38 40" (97 102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style...
r9 - 13 Sep 2017 - 19:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Sky' 1941, Milliken 'Mountain Sky' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1939). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Fragrant. Seedling# 1594 X seedling# 1485. Mi...
(TB) 'Mountain Snow' 1937, Kellogg 'Mountain Snow' (W. M. Kellogg, R. 1937) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1. See below: * * References References...
r5 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Sunbeams' 1985, Magee 'Mountain Sunbeams' (Tom Magee, R. 1982). Seedling# 7522G. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow edged g...
(TB) 'Mountain Sunlight' 1949, Houghton 'Mountain Sunlight' (T. B. Houghton, R. 1949) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class Y4M. 'California Gold' x unknown. M...
■(TB) 'Mountain Sunrise' 2007, Sutton 'Mountain Sunrise' (Michael Sutton, R. 2006). Seedling# NN 1427 A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason to very late bloom. Standards ...
■(TB) 'Mountain Sunset' 1934, Kleinsorge 'Mountain Sunset' (Rudolph E. Kleinsorge, R. 1934) TB. 30". Very late bloom. Color Class S9D. ('Ochracea Cærulea' x 'Mage...
r16 - 04 Aug 2024 - 05:25 by mikeu
(TB) 'Mountain Tops' 1967, Fothergill 'Mountain Tops' (H. Senior Fothergill, R. 1966). Seedling# 1/7. TB, 38" (97 cm), Very early to midseason bloom. Standards wh...
r5 - 18 Aug 2017 - 00:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mountain Valley' 1984, Scopes 'Mountain Valley' (Nora Scopes, R. 1984). Seedling# 6G60C. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled deep blue; slight...
r6 - 14 Aug 2017 - 15:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain View' 2002, Black 'Mountain View' (Paul Black, R. 2002). Seedling# G38D. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium violet blue veined da...
r19 - 26 Mar 2023 - 21:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountain Violet' 1985, Hamner 'Mountain Violet' (Bernard Hamner, R. 1984). Seedling# 81 8. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom and rebloom (February in ...
■(TB) 'Mountain Waters' 2018, Sutton 'Mountain Waters' (Michael Sutton, R. 2018). Seedling AA 802 B. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and sty...
r4 - 02 Sep 2019 - 22:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mountains And Plains' 2016, Taylor 'Mountains And Plains' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2016). Seedling# 12J11 5. TB, 37.5" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards...
(TB) 'Mountjoy' 1937, Nesmith 'Mountjoy' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S6M. 'Mary Geddes' x 'El Tovar'. Also listed in the fo...
■(TB) 'Mourning Bob' 2014, Annand 'Mourning Bob' (Robert Annand, deceased, by Rob Marshall, R. 2014). Seedling# 88 25A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late bloom. Standards a...
r7 - 06 Sep 2020 - 15:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mourning Cloak' 1934, Essig 'Mourning Cloak' (Edward Essig, 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. ('Alcazar' x 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau) X ('Uncle Remu...
(TB) 'Mourning Dove' 1953, Craig 'Mourning Dove' OB (Tom Craig, R. 1953). AB, EC, 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Color Class V5. Standards light gray, lavender gray t...
■(TB) 'Moury' 2013, Chernoguz 'Moury' (Alla Chernoguz, R. 2013). Seedling# 08100 1 17. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards matte light violet (RHS 85B), ...
■(TB) 'Moustache Rose' 2016, Cayeux 'Moustache Rose' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2015) Seedling 09179 A. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style arms...
r17 - 26 Mar 2023 - 21:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Movaline' 2015, Boivin 'Movaline' (Stéphane Boivin, R. 2015) Seedling 10 03 12. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards blue violet, white a...
■(TB) 'Move Closer' 1975, Nelson 'Move Closer' (Jeannette Nelson, R. 1974). Seedling# 70 79 5. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards medium yell...
r5 - 05 Dec 2021 - 22:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Move On' 1993, Grosvenor 'Move On' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1993). Seedling# R30 1. TB, 42" (107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled apricot self; beards red….
(TB) 'Movie Buff' 2008, Grosvenor 'Movie Buff' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2008). Seedling# D10 1. TB, 37" (95 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards apricot pink edged ...
r5 - 11 Aug 2017 - 22:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Movie Hour' 1960, Kehr 'Movie Hour' (Robert Kehr, R. 1959). Sdlg. 56 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W1, White self. 'Tranquility' ...
■(TB) 'Movie Magic' 1994, Mohr by Williamson 'Movie Magic' {(Ken Mohr by Bryce Williamson, R. 1994). Seedling# Q 250 C. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Med...
■(TB) 'Movie Queen' 1982, Gatty 'Movie Queen' (Joseph Gatty, R. 1981). Seedling# F71 3. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards clear pink (M P 49 B 2...
(TB) 'Movie Star' 1956, Harrell 'Movie Star' (Mildred Harrell, R. 1956). Seedling# 4937. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Yellow ground plicata. ...
r4 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moving Darkly' 2000, Bartlett 'Moving Darkly' (Cy Bartlett, R. 2000). Seedling# C95 43. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Standards indigo, slight white ground; ...
r6 - 29 Sep 2017 - 21:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moving On' 2024, Keppel 'Moving On' (Keith Keppel, R. 2023) Seedling 18 13A, TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards marguerite yellow (M P 10 1 C), ce...
(TB) 'Moving On Down' 2000, Meek 'Moving On Down' (Duane Meek, R. 2000). Seedling# 450 1 1. TB, 33" (84 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, violet flush; ...
■(TB) 'Moy Benefis' 2011, Trotskiy 'Moy Benefis' Мой бенефис (Aleksandr Trotskiy, R. 2011) Seedling A 0106. TB, 33 (84 cm), Early midseason bloom. Bright blue lil...
■(TB) 'Moy Burgomistr' 2006, Trotskiy 'Moy Burgomistr' Мой бургомистр (Aleksandr Trotskiy, R. 2006). TB, 30" (75 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style ar...
■(TB) 'Moy Gimeney' 1996, Miroshnichenko 'Moy Gimeney' Мой Гименей (Nina Miroshnichenko, R. 1996). TB, 43" (110 cm), Midseason bloom. Milky white self; beards ...
r6 - 21 May 2019 - 13:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moy Gorod' 2006, Mikhaylov 'Moy Gorod' Мой город (Valentin Mikhaylov, R. 2006). Seedling# TB 006 01 09 1 VM. TB, 43" (110 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standa...
r5 - 18 Sep 2017 - 18:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Moy Kumir' 2015, Ostapenko 'Moy Kumir' Мой кумир (Viacheslav Ostapenko, R. 2015). Seedling# 12 397 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards ...
r4 - 27 Sep 2017 - 19:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moy Mezmerayzer' 2008, Sholupov 'Moy Mezmerayzer' Мой Мезмерайзер (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2008). TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standarads, style arms and f...
r5 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moy Shkiper' 2000, Gavrilin 'Moy Shkiper' Мой шкипер (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 1999). Seedling# 94 453. TB, 33" (85 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards cre...
r4 - 09 Sep 2017 - 14:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moy Stil' 2021, Riabykh 'Moy Stil' (Olga Riabykh, R. 2021). Seedling A 7330 6. TB, 35" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms bright lilac...
NEW - 26 Mar 2022 - 15:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moya Koleya' 2008, Sholupov 'Moya Koleya' Моя колея (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2008). Seedling# 525 1. TB, 39" (98 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich yellow; st...
■(TB) 'Moya Tsukerochka' 2021, Nazarov 'Moya Tsukerochka' (Eugene Nazarov, R. 2021). Seedling U 267 D NE. TB, 28" (71 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light g...
(TB) 'Moyo Pochteniye' 2001, Sheviakov 'Moyo Pochteniye' Моё почтение (Viktor Sheviakov, R. 2001). Seedling#18E 10. TB, 30" (75 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standar...
r5 - 09 Sep 2017 - 20:36 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Moyo Vdokhnoveniye' 1995, Gordodelovy 'Moyo Vdokhnoveniye' Моё вдохновение (Vitali and Nadezhda Gordodelovy, R. 1995). Seedling# 220. TB, 32" (80 cm), Midse...
r6 - 29 Sep 2017 - 22:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Mozambique' 1934, Mead Riedel 'Mozambique' (Mrs. Franklin B. Mead and J.M.E. Riedel, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. Longfield 1934. See belo...
(TB) 'Mozart' 1854, Van Houtte 'Mozart' (Louis Benoît Van Houtte, 1854) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. See below: * * References References: Awaiti...
r6 - 16 Jun 2021 - 16:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mozart' 1952, von Stein Zeppelin 'Mozart' (Helen von Stein Zeppelin, not registered) TB. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting or...
(TB) 'Mozelle' 1963, Morris 'Mozelle' (Glenn Morris, R. 1963). Seedling# D20 3 61. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class OlP, Venetian pink self, ...
r3 - 06 Oct 2017 - 22:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Mozo' 1938, White 'Mozo' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1938). AB, TMB, tall, Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. Bitone blend, pink to red toned, medium. Onco se...
■(TB) 'Mozzafiato' 2008, Bianco 'Mozzafiato' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2008) Seedling# 878. TB, 32" (82 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards wisteria; style arms same t...
Number of topics: 722

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r3 - 04 Apr 2018, BobPries
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