(TB) 'Lluvia De Oro' 1942, DeForest 'Lluvia De Oro' (Fred DeForest, R. 1941) TB. (36"). Early bloom season. Color Class Y7D. 'Salar' x 'Far West'. Irisknoll 1942….
■(TB) 'Loads of Love' 2020, Black 'Loads of Love' (Paul Black, R. 2020). Seedling X42A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light pink, lac...
(TB) 'Loch Inch Blue' 1967, MacLean 'Loch Inch Blue' (Carleton MacLean, R. 1967). Seedling# M64 C27. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BlF, Mari...
(TB) 'Loch Lomond' 1948, Lowry 'Loch Lomond' (Mrs. F. P. Lowry, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Mountain Sky' x 'Great Lakes'. Main.BobPries ...
(TB) 'Lochbuie' 2013, Hall 'Lochbuie' (Jerry Hall, R. 2013). Seedling# 2004 5 C. TB, 38 (97 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale yellow; falls white cream, brown veini...
(TB) 'Lochinvar' 1931, Sass 'Lochinvar' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. 'Mme Chéreau' X 'Amas'. H. P. Sass 1931. * * Reference...
■(TB) 'Lochlynn Victoria' 2015, Scott 'Lochlynn Victoria' (Bonne Scott, R. 2015) TB, 30" (76 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards and style arms pale purple blue; ...
■(TB) 'Lockwood' 1947, DeForest 'Lockwood' (Fred DeForest, R. 1947) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. 'Casa Morena' x 'Copper River'. See below: * * R...
■(TB) 'Lodestar' 1925, Hall "Lodestar' (Charles H. Hall, 1925) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D. ('Gajus' x unknown) x 'Iris King'. Award of Merit 1927. Award...
(TB) 'Lodestone' 1949, Whiting 'Lodestone' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1949). Seedling# 462. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y7D. 'Ola Kala' x 'Rocket'. Maple Valley 19...
■(TB) 'Lofty And Poetic' 2009, Ernst Lofty And Poetic' (Richard Ernst, R. 2009. Seedling# W110 19X A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards blended...
(TB) 'Loganberry Classic' 1958, Grant 'Loganberry Classic' (Genevieve Grant, R. 1958). TB, 36" (91 cm). Color Class RV1D, Red purple self; orange beard. 'Solid M...
■(TB) 'Lohengrin' 1910, Goos Koenemann 'Lohengrin' (Max Goos and August Koenemann, 1910) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R1L. See below: * * References...
(TB) 'Lois' 1947, Lothrop 'Lois' (Lena Lothrop, R. 1947) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. ('Brown Betty' x 'Miss Sally') x 'Fort Knox'. Main.BobPries ...
■(TB) 'Lois Craig' 1956, Craig 'Lois Craig' (Tom Craig, R. 1956). TB, 45" (114 cm), Early to late bloom and rebloom. Color Class YR5, Blended Bokhara (M P 47 L2...
(TB) 'Lois Rae Krause' 1960, Scholl 'Lois Rae Krause' (Grace Scholl, R. 1960). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y4YO, Standards dull gold; Fa...
(TB) 'Lois Summerhill' 1961, Blyth 'Lois Summerhill' (Charles Blyth, R. 1961). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class BlM, Medium blue self; blue b...
(TB) 'Lola' 1925, Millet 'Lola' (Millet et Fils, 1925) TB. Color Class B2D. 'Dominion' X unknown. See below: * References References Millet et Fils, irises...
(TB) 'Lola Csonka' 1935, Gersdorff 'Lola Csonka' (Charles Gersdorff, 1935) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Mme De Sévigné' X 'Rose Madder'. Main….
(TB) 'Lolita' 1956, Weyland 'Lolita' (Mrs. Fred Weyland, R. 1956). Sdlg. 54 71. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Color Class W4, Bicolor, white and yellow. 'Truly You...
(TB) 'Lolo Trail' 1961, Smith 'Lolo Trail' (Eva Smith, R. 1959). Seedling# 58 7. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class YO5P, Golden tan self. 'Water...
(TB) 'Loma De Oro' 1953, Lyon 'Loma De Oro' (David Lyon, R. 1953). Seedling# D25 50. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Deep Empire yellow self. ...
(TB) 'Lona' 1923, Sass 'Lona' (Jacob Sass, 1923) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class S5M. J. Sass 1923. See below: * * References References: From Sass...
■(TB) 'London Pride' 1933, Murrell 'London Pride' (Olive Murrell, R. 1933) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9L. 'Aphrodite' x unknown. See below: * * Reference...
(TB) 'London Town' 1961, Watkins 'London Town' (Edward and Arthur Watkins, R. 1957). Sdlg. 53 38. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Pale hyacinth...
(TB) 'Lone Star' 1931, Benners 'Lone Star' (Mrs. William Benners, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3. 'Nancy Orne' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 ...
(TB) 'Lonely Love' 1962, Enright 'Lonely Love' (Edward Enright, R. 1962). Seedling# 777. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W2V, White ground p...
(TB) 'Lonely Night' 1962, Baker 'Lonely Night' (O. T. Baker, R. 1962). Seedling# 58 28 A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class R1D, Deep maroon s...
(TB) 'Lonely Sea' 1965, Tompkins 'Lonely Sea' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1965). Seedling# 61 135A. TB, 44" (112 cm). Midseason to very late bloom. Pale blue self. 'Mounta...
(TB) 'Lonesome Pine' 1946, Becherer 'Lonesome Pine' (Joseph Becherer, R. 1946) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. Seedling #63 x Seedling #51. Main.B...
(TB) 'Long Blue Line' 1972, Pickard 'Long Blue Line' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1971). Seedling# 7637. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Blue purple self. 'Egypti...
■(TB) 'Long Embrace' 2010, Van Liere 'Long Embrace' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2009). Seedling# 22 567. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style ...
(TB) 'Longhorn' 1996, Sutton 'Longhorn' (George Sutton, R. 1996). Seedling# G19 A. TB, 40" (107 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards white, hint of lavender pink;...
■(TB) 'Longing For The Spring' 2017, Piatek 'Longing For The Spring' (Robert Piatek, R. 2014). Seedling# 10 142 B RP. TB, 38.5" (98 cm), Early to Midseason bloom….
■(TB) 'Look For The Lines' 2018, Sorensen 'Look For The Lines' (Donald Sorensen, R. 2015) Seedling# S 02 15 8. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standard...
■(TB) 'Looking For Love' 1999, Ernst 'Looking for Love' (Richard Ernst, R. 1999). Seedling# N105 J. TB, height 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled deep pink, pa...
(TB) 'Loramel' 1977, Swartz 'Loramel' (O. C. Swartz, R. 1977). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. White ground plicata marked blue; muted gold on hafts; blue stripe thr...
■(TB) 'Lord Baltimore' 1969, Nearpass 'Lord Baltimore' (D. C. Nearpass, R. 1968). Seedling# 1 65 2. TB, 40" (102 cm). Early bloom. Color Class W4VD. Standards blu...
(TB) 'Lord Boscawen' 1940, Graves 'Lord Boscawen' (Robert Graves, R. 1940) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class B1M. 'Sensation' x 'Gloriole'. Main.BobPries ...
(TB) 'Lord Dongan' 1940, Smith 'Lord Dongan' ( Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3D. K. Smith 1940. Honorable Mention 1940. Note: Comme...
(TB) 'Lord Marmion' 1949, Milliken 'Lord Marmion' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. Red seedling x 'Spring Meadow'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Lord Of June' 1911, Yeld 'Lord Of June' ( George Yeld, 1911) TB Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. Standards lavender blue; falls deep aniline blue, yellow ...
■(TB) 'Lord Of Mayfair' 2009/2010, Blyth 'Lord Of Mayfair' (Barry Blyth, R. 2009). Seedling# N214 B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards rose tan ...
■(TB) 'Lord Of Rings' 2003, Sutton 'Lord Of Rings' (George Sutton, R. 2002). Seedling# K 24. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom and re bloom. Standards and sty...
■(TB) 'Lord Of Skyline' 2024, Piątek 'Lord Of Skyline' (Robert Piątek, R. 2024). Seedling 19 2647 A RP, TB, 29.9" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards very pale pu...
■(TB) 'Lord Of The Forest' 2024, Piątek 'Lord Of The Forest' (Robert Piątek, R. 2023) Seedling 18 2312 A RP, TB, 31.1" (79 cm) Very late bloom. Standard olive gre...
■(TB) 'Lord Of The Night' 2005, Sutton 'Lord Of The Night' (George Sutton, R. 2005). Seedling# J 167BP. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Black self with hi...
■(TB) 'Lord Of The Seas' 2023, Filardi 'Lord Of The Seas' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2023) Seedling BF 2110B, TB, 32" (81.5 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white, hi...
(TB) 'Lord Salisbury' 1906, Ware 'Lord Salisbury' (Thomas Ware, 1906). TB. Color Class S9L. See below: * * References References: From Fryer's catalog...
■(TB) 'Lorenzaccio De Médicis' 1978, Anfosso 'Lorenzaccio De Médicis' (Pierre Christian Anfosso, R. 1979). Seedling PC 73 6. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Early bloom. Stand...
■(TB) 'Loretta Max' 1975, Max 'Loretta Max' (Jess Max, R. 1975). Seedling# 72 106. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early to late bloom. White ground plicata stitched lavender;...
(TB) 'Lori Ann' 1965, Stoner 'Lori Ann' (Lil Stoner, R. 1965). Seedling# J M 62 l. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class OlP, Apricot pink self; tan...
(TB) 'Lori Wadland' 1959, Wadland 'Lori Wadland' (E. B. Wadland, R. 1959) Sdlg. 58 38. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason late bloom. White self, white beard. Involving '...
(TB) 'Lorice' 1931, Gersdorff 'Lorice' (Charles Gersdorff, 1931) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. 'Mme De Sévigné' X 'Rose Madder'. Main.BobPries ...
■(TB) 'Lorilee' 1981, Schreiner 'Lorilee' (Schreiner, R. 1981). Seedling# J229 A. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason to late midseason bloom. Ruffled warm cast of lavende...
(TB) 'Lorna Lee 1949' 1949, Gibson 'Lorna Lee 1949' (James Gibson, R. 1949). TB, Early bloom. Color Class WW. Purissima X Claridad. Slight fragrance. Western Iris...
■(TB) 'Lorna Lynn' 1962, Plough 'Lorna Lynn' (Gordon Plough, R. 1960). Seedling# 56 59 29. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y01, Salm...
(TB) 'Lorna's Big Red' 2003, Werner 'Lorna's Big Red' (Elmer Werner, R. 2002). Seedling# R 6 SS 2. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Mahogany red, style arms wit...
(TB) 'Lorna's Blue Lake' 2002, Werner 'Lorna's Blue Lake' (Elmer Werner, R. 2001). Seedling# R 9 12. TB, 45" (114 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Royal blu...
(TB) 'Lorna's Kid' 2005, Werner 'Lorna's Kid' (Elmer Werner, R. 2005). Seedling# R9 29. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards golden bronze with pale red ca...
(TB) 'Lorna's Moonbeam' 2003, Werner 'Lorna's Moonbeam' (Elmer Werner, R. 2002). Seedling# R 10. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to, late bloom and rebloom. Standards and ...
(TB) 'Lorna's Red Hen' 2004, Werner 'Lorna's Red Hen' (Elmer Werner, R. 2003). Seedling# 2R2 3 1. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced brick ...
(TB) 'Lorna's Red Ruth' 2005, Werner 'Lorna's Red Ruth' (Elmer Werner, R. 2004). Seedling# A F 1. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red, style arms red ...
(TB) 'Lorna's Rosita' 2003, Werner 'Lorna's Rosita' (Elmer Werner, R. 2002). Seedling# L R 2 3. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to late bloom and rebloom. Standards white,...
(TB) 'Lorraine Morgan' 1924, Morgan 'Lorraine Morgan' (F. Cleveland Morgan, 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. 'Queen Of May' x unknown. Main.BobPri...
■(TB) 'Los Angeles' 1927, Mohr Mitchell 'Los Angeles' (William Mohr Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1927) TB, 46", Midseason bloom. Standards white faintly edged pale lav...
■(TB) 'Los Banos' 1989, Williamson 'Los Banos' (Bryce Williamson, R. 1989). Seedling# 86 BMW A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium brown wit...
(TB) 'Lost Chord' 1942, Schirmer 'Lost Chord' (H. W. Schirmer, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Lady Paramount' x seedling. Main.BobPries 20...
(TB) 'Lost Horizon' 1938, Baker 'Lost Horizon' (S. Houston Baker, 1938) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Souv. de Loetitia Michaud' x unknown. Ma...
■(TB) 'Lost in Love' 2009, Johnson 'Lost In Love' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2009). Seedling# TU174B. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white blushed p...
■(TB) 'Lost In Thought' 2024, Johnson 'Lost In Thought' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2024). Seedling TM78XX, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards buff pink,...
■(TB) 'Lost In Translation' 2019, Moores 'Lost In Translation' (Walter Moores, R. 2017). Seedling# 11 14 A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason to midseason blo...
■(TB) 'Lost In Wonder' 1975, Brown 'Lost In Wonder' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1975). Seedling# 69 87. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards b...
■(TB) 'Lost Tale' 2022, Piątek 'Lost Tale' (Robert Piątek, R. 2021). Seedling 17 1712 A RP. TB, 33" (85 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards brown and burgund...
(TB) 'Lost Valley' 1947, Allen 'Lost Valley' (Robert E. Allen, R. 1947) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Purissima' x 'Trinity by Allen'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Lothario' 1942, Schreiner 'Lothario' (Schreiner, R. 1942). TB. Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B3M. 'Madame Maurice Lassailly' x 'Winneshiek'. Schrein...
(TB) 'Lotta K' 1931, Baker 'Lotta K' (Mrs. J. M. Baker, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. 'Morning Splendor' x 'Geo. J. Tribolet'. Main.BobPries...
(TB) 'Lou Barbey' 1940, Bommersbach 'Lou Barbey' (John Bommersbach, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D. 'Conquistador' x 'Coronation'. John N. Bommersb...
(TB) 'Lou Lewallen' 1956, Burch 'Lou Lewallen' (J. E. Burch, R. 1956). Seedling# 56 Pi I. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y5L, Blend of ivory ...
(TB) 'Loucroft' 1934, Danenhauer 'Loucroft' (H. L . Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Sherbert' x 'Cardinal'. Main.BobPries ...
(TB) 'Louis' 1943, Bommersbach 'Louis' (John Bommersbach, R. 1943) TB. Very late bloom season. Color Class B3D. 'Spokan' x 'Wabash'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 ...
(TB) 'Louis David' 1928, Cayeux 'Louis David' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1928) TB. Color Class S9D. See below: * References References Bulletin de la Société Natio...
(TB) 'Louis Meyer' 1912, Farr 'Louis Meyer' (Bertrand Farr, 1912) TB. Color Class S4M. Synonym: Louis Van Meyer. See below: * * References References: ...
(TB) 'Louis Van Houtte' 1840, Lémon 'Louis Van Houtte' (Jean Nicolas Lémon, 1840). TB. Color Class S7L. Wing Seed and Farr describe a neglecta… See below: * ...
(TB) 'Louis Willert' 1935, Storer 'Louis Willert' (Rev. Jacob Storer, R. 1931) TB. Color Class Y9M. Tip Top Gardens 1935. See below: * * References Reference...
(TB) 'Louise' 1963, Morgan 'Louise' (Richard W. Morgan, R. 1963). TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V1F, Violet self, matching beard. 'First Vio...
(TB) 'Louise Aureau' 1946, Cayeux 'Louise Aureau' (Ferdinand Cayeux by René Cayeux, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * References R...
(TB) 'Louise Belsterling' 1940, Benners 'Louise Belsterling' (Mrs. William Benners, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Rajput' x 'Gloriae'. Main...
(TB) 'Louise Blake' 1942, Smith 'Louise Blake' (Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Madame Maurice Lassailly' x 'Wabash'. NOTE: Clas...
(TB) 'Louise Emma' 2005, Hall 'Louise Emma' (Jerry Hall, R. 2005). Seedling# 96 09 C. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late bloom. Pale lavender self, darker lavender veining on ...
(TB) 'Louise McCoy' 1946, Douglas 'Louise!McCoy' (Geddes Douglas, R. 1946) TB. Seedling 43 10. Early bloom season. Color Class R4L. 'China Maid' x Washington seed...
(TB) 'Louise Of Three Oaks' 1953, Hodges 'Louise Of Three Oaks' (Jennie Hodges, R. 1953). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Color Class Y5, Standards oyster gray sha...
(TB) 'Louise Prieto' 1953, Iglehart 'Louise Prieto' (Mrs. C. M. Iglehart, R. 1953). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self, beard ...
(TB) 'Louise With Lace' 1995, O'Brien 'Louise With Lace' (Lois O'Brien, R. 1995). TB, 38" (96 cm), Late midseason bloom. Frosty white self; beards white, pale cre...
■(TB) 'Louisiana Lemonade' 2018, Sutton 'Louisiana Lemonade' (Michael Sutton, R. 2018). Seedling AA 400 A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards a...
(TB) 'Loute' 1897, Vilmorin 'Loute' (Vilmorin, 1897). TB. Color Class S9L. See below: * References References Journal de la Société Nationale d'Horticult...
■(TB) 'Louvois' 1936, Cayeux 'Louvois' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1936). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. ('Fétiche' x 'Roi Soleil') X ('Iceberg' x 'Évolution'). Awa...
(TB) 'Lov Lee' 1955, Rogers 'Lov Lee' (Glenn Rogers, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class W2, White and blue plicata, yellow beard. 'Arian...
■(TB) 'Lovable You' 1970, Brown 'Lovable You' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1970). Seedling# 63 31. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled apric...
■(TB) 'Love Actually' 2005, Blyth 'Love Actually' (Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling# H83 L. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards coffee rose brown b...
(TB) 'Love Affair' 1946, Mitchell 'Love Affair' (Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8L, Plicata seedling x plicata seedling. Salbach 1...
■(TB) 'Love And Devotion' 2010, Black 'Love And Devotion' (Paul Black, R. 2010). Seedling# L33A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standardsmedium peachy apr...
■(TB) 'Love And Harmony' 2025, Taylor 'Love And Harmony' (Timothy John Taylor, R. 2025). Seedling 08 5 1, TB, 34" (86.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pure white...
(TB) 'Love And Kisses' 1968, Hardy 'Love And Kisses' (Ruth Hardy, R. 1968). Seedling# 68 A 1. TB, 48" (122 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W40, Standards white;...
■(TB) 'Love And Light' 2023, Johnson 'Love And Light' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2023) Seedling TM166A, TB, 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Standards light to medium pink; styl...
■(TB) 'Love For Peach' 2015, Piatek 'Love For Peach' (Robert Piatek, R. 2012) Seedling# 10 118 B RP. TB, 36 (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards juicy ora...
(TB) 'Love In Bloom' 1972, Ewing 'Love In Bloom' (Verna Mae Ewing, R. 1971). Sdlg. 61 64 2. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled white self; white beard. 'Sn...
■(TB) 'Love In Blue' 1970, Shortman 'Love In Blue' (William Schortman, R. 1969). Seedling# 6715B1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class B1F, Medium...
■(TB) 'Love In Stars' 2022, Piątek 'Love In Stars' (Robert Piątek, R. 2021). Seedling 16 1358 B RP. TB, 33" (83 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards. lavender,...
■(TB) 'Love In The Dark' 2024, Johnson 'Love In The Dark' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2024). Seedling TM149WW, TB, 38" (96.5 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards deep ox...
■(TB) 'Love Is All Around' 2005, Aitken 'Love Is All Around' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 2005). Seedling# 98T15A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Stan...
(TB) 'Love Is Blind' 2009, Ung 'Love is Blind' (Kim Ung, R. 2009). TB, 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and falls light pink; beards r...
■(TB) 'Love Is Blue' 2018, Van Liere 'Love Is Blue' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2018). Seedling 13JM73. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arm...
■(TB) 'Love Is On Fire' 2024, Schiller 'Love Is On Fire' (Melissa Schiller, R. 2024). Seedling G17 A, TB, 35" (89 cm), Very early to midseason bloom. Standards mo...
■(TB) 'Love Is Pink' 2008, Cadd 'Love Is Pink' (Anna and David Cadd, R. 2008). Seedling# 16 2000 1. TB, 40 42" (102 107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and...
(TB) 'Love It' 1962, Noyd 'Love It' (Luella Noyd, R. 1960). Seedling# N8 76. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late to very late bloom. Color Class OlP, Pink self; pink beard, cre...
■(TB) 'Love Me Still' 2023, Speirs 'Love Me Still' (Graham Speirs, R. 2023) Seedling S5 6, TB, 27.6" (70 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards pale lavender, g...
(TB) 'Love Minus Zero' 2022, Emmerson 'Love Minus Zero' (Barry Emmerson, R. 2022) Seedling 20/8/19, TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards pale pink ...
■(TB) 'Love Of Life' 2013, Ghio 'Love Of Life' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2012) Seedling# 07 62A V2. TB, 32" (81 cm). Late to very late bloom. Standards light to mid pink; ...
(TB) 'Love Of Pink' 1996, McCord 'Love Of Pink' (Cloyd McCord, R. 1996). Seedling# 06 93. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Ruffled and laced pale pin...
■(TB) 'Love Story' 1949, Sapp 'Love Story' (Mrs. J. A. Sapp, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4L. 'Golden Eagle' x D.Hall seedling# 43 18. High Commenda...
■(TB) 'Love You More' 2024, Johnson 'Love You More' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2024). Seedling TM243ZZ, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards near white, w...
■(TB) 'Love You So' 2023, Johnson 'Love You So' (Thomas Johnson, R 2023) Seedling TK1F, TB, 38" (96.5 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards flesh pink blending ...
(TB) 'Lovelace' 1948, Mitchell 'Lovelace' (Sydney B. Mitchell, 1948), TB, 36", Late bloom season. Color Class W8L. Seedling plicata x seedling plicata. Tom Craig ...
(TB) 'Lovelight by Gersdorff' 1937, Gersdorff 'Lovelight' (Charles Gersdorff, 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7L. 'Distinction' x ('Wild Rose' x unkn...
(TB) 'Lovelight By Wright' 1946, Wright 'Lovelight' (Albert Wright, R. 1946) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. 'Aphrodite' x probably 'Dream'. Main...
(TB) 'Lovelock' 1958, Craig 'Lovelock' (K. Craig, R. 1958). Seedling# K 532. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom (fall and winter). Color Class R1P...
■(TB) 'Lovely Again' 1966, Smith 'Lovely Again' (Raymond G. Smith, R. 1963). Seedling# B30DR. TB, 30" (76 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Class V1, Lavend...
(TB) 'Lovely Ballerina' 1969, Brown 'Lovely Ballerina' (Rex Brown, R. 1968). Seedling# 64 61 34. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V3PF, Standar...
(TB) 'Lovely Cecile' 1959, Rutherford 'Lovely Cecile' (Mrs. R. R. Rutherford, R. 1959). TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Medium pink self;...
(TB) 'Lovely Day' 1938, Hillson 'Lovely Day' (H. M. Hillson, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'San Francisco' x 'Wambliska'. Hillson 1938. See below:...
(TB) 'Lovely Dream' 1954, Smith 'Lovely Dream' (Fran Smith, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV1L, Rose lavender self, cream area in center...
(TB) 'Lovely Lass' 1943, Small 'Lovely Lass' (Robert Small, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4L. From a seedling line. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
■(TB) 'Lovely Leah' 2015, Joosten 'Lovely Leah' (Marianne Joosten, R. 2015) TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Very early bloom. Standards blue violet, white veining at midrib; s...
(TB) 'Lovely Legend' 1959, Van Slyke 'Lovely Legend' (Margaret Van Slyk, R. 1959). Seedling# 314. TB, 40" (102 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class V5P, Standar...
(TB) 'Lovely Lyric' 1963, Fraser 'Lovely Lyric' (Dr. L. E. Fraser, R. 1962). Sdlg. 57 1 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Color Class W1, White self, light gold on ...
(TB) 'Lovely Melody' 1945, Smith 'Lovely Melody' (Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5L. Seedling# 4 10; Plicata seedling x 'Balmung'. S...
(TB) 'Lovely One' 1965, Gordon 'Lovely One' (Charles Gordon, R. 1965). Seedling# G 62 15. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1D, Dark violet self. 'Ja...
■(TB) 'Lovely Rose' 1943, Horton 'Lovely Rose' (Mrs. Norman Horton, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. 'Matterhorn' x 'Lyndon'. See below: * * Refe...
■(TB) 'Lovely Senorita' 2002, Schreiner 'Lovely Senorita' (Schreiner, R. 2002). Seedling JJ 1747 A. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style...
(TB) 'Lovenest' 1960, Schortman 'Lovenest' (William Schortman, R. 1959). Seedling# 6108. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class BL1, Light blue self...
■(TB) 'Lover's Lane' 1991, Blyth 'Lover's Lane' (Barry Blyth, R. 1991). Seedling# Y4 5. TB, 38" (97 cm), Very early to early bloom. Standards pure white; falls he...
■(TB) 'Love's Labor' 1967, Plough 'Love's Labor' (Gordon Plough, R. 1966). Seedling# 62 204 3. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class W40, Standards ne...
(TB) 'Lovesome' 1942, Douglas 'Lovesome' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1L. 'Alice Harding' x 'Shining Waters'. Main.BobPries 2...
■(TB) 'Loving Memories' 1974, Brown 'Loving Memories' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1974). Seedling# 68 168. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standa...
■(TB) 'Lower Lights' 1968, Brown 'Lower Lights' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1968). Seedling# 62 102. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Clas...
■(TB) 'Loyalty' 1964, Smith 'Loyalty' (Catherine and Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1957). Seedling# 55 23. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Very nea...