■(TB) 'Indigo Rim'

1974, Gibson

'Indigo Rim' (James Gibson, R. 1977). Seedling# 39-8A. TB, 46" (117 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards aconite violet with white center; falls pure white with narrow intense aconite violet rim; yellow beard tipped deep violet. 'Bold Overture' X 'Stepping Out'. Gibson 1974. Honorable Mention 1975.

See below:


From AIS Bulletin #212 January 1974 Introducing INDIGO RIM '74. M. 46".#39-8A. $25.00. Tall beautifully branched plicata. It's large 6"X7" perfectly formed blooms are outstanding in quality as well as distinctive in markings and color. Highly ruffled standards have a dark wide Aconite violet rim. Stitching of the same color extends down into a pure white ground color. The falls are the eye-catcher of this variety. They are 3" across of pure white, with a narrow dark Aconite violet rim, appearing almost black from a distance. Stylearm crests are large and of the same color. The beard is two toned, having a deep yellow base tipped with color of the rest of the flower. Blood lines include DOT AND DASH, ROCOCO, STEPPING OUT, BOLD OVERTURE, and seedlings of similar characteristics. This has been an outstanding performer every year. Gibson's Iris Garden.


-- RolandDejoux - 2010-03-17
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