(TB) 'Harriet Belle Rigg'

1954, Ricker

'Harriet Belle Rigg' (Ethel Ricker, R. 1954). Seedling# R14-52. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class-BV1, Wistaria-violet self, light area on falls beneath beard. 'Three Oaks' X "Caroline". Ricker 1954. Honorable Mentionn 1959.

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From Fleur De Lis Gardens catalog 1956: HARRIET BELLE RIGG (Ricker 1954) M. L. 40 in. (Three Oaks x Caroline Burr). A clean light self of Wisteria violet with a light area at the tip of the golden beard. Large, slightly ruffled flowers of excellent form are carried on sturdy well branched stalks. 12.50.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2011-01-06
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Jun 2019, BetsyHiggins
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