

(TB) Tall Bearded - J

(TB) 'J. Arthur Nelson' 1990, Foster 'J. Arthur Nelson' (Frank Foster, R. 1990). Seedling# 8552B. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom Standards medium yellow; falls ...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. B. Dumas' 1917, Denis 'J. B. Dumas' (Fernand Denis, 1917) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3M. 'Ricardi' X 'Queen Of May'. See below: * References ...
■ (TB) 'J. B. Hale' 2003, Turner 'J. B. Hale' (Harry Turner, R. 2000). Seedling# 18 93. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light beige; style arms yellow...
r9 - 16 Apr 2020 - 21:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. C. Drake' 1919, Fryer 'J. C. Drake' (Willis Fryer, 1919). TB. Color Class B3M. See below: * * References References: From Fryer's catalog, 1921:...
r4 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. C. Weld' 1923, Perry 'J. C. Weld' (Amos Perry, 1923) TB; Midseason bloom. Color Class R9M; Medium red bitone; Bonnewitz 1923; Sheets 1928; ('Ricardi' X '...
r7 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. Callot' 1931, Cayeux 'J. Callot' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S6L. See below: * References References Awaiting origin...
(TB) 'J. F. Millet' 1927, Cayeux 'J. F. Millet' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1927) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4M. See below: * References References Bulletin ...
(TB) 'J. F. Reidy' 1931, Toedt 'J. F. Reidy' (Sarah Toedt, R. 1931) TB. Color Class S7D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catalog ...
(TB) 'J. Findley' 2005, Thomason 'J. Findley' (Bob Thomason, R. 1998). Seedling# BT 94 030B. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards rose lavender veine...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. J. Dean' 1922, Dean 'J. J. Dean' (Jennett Dean, 1922) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: From Dean Iris...
r6 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. M. Duvernay' 1933, Cayeux 'J. M. Duvernay' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1933) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. See below: * References References Bulle...
(TB) 'J. N. Armstrong' 2015, Nichols 'J. N. Armstrong' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2015) Seedling# 12M3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards honey mocha; Falls s...
r3 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'J. Norman' ?, Bowles 'J. Norman' (Edward Augustus Bowles) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting orig...
(TB) 'J. S. Woodsworth' 1944, Bartlett 'J. S. Woodsworth' (Eva Bartlett, R. 1944). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Nêné' x 'Black Wings'. See below: * *...
■(TB) 'J'Veux Du Soleil' 2016, Chapelle 'J'Veux Du Soleil' (Alain Chapelle, R. 2016). Seedling# 09 61G R1. TB, 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards intense o...
(TB) 'J. W. Lyon' 1929, McSkimming 'J.W. Lyon' (W. McSkimming, R. 1929) None provided in AIS 1939 Check List. See below: * References * Culture References...
(TB) 'Jabal Kerak' 1954 White 'Jabal Kerak' (Clarence G. White, R. 1954). Seedling# 35A54. AB, EC, 30” (76 cm). Early bloom. White and pale lemon yellow; primulin...
r4 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jabot' 1964, Knopf 'Jabot' (Maynard Knopf, R. 1963). Seedling# 61 84 E. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y1, Lemon yellow self, matchi...
r6 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:36 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jacamer' 1948, Gersdorff 'Jacamer' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R6M. ((('Springmaid') x ('Rameses' x 'Eros'): Lapham seedli...
■ (TB) 'Jacaranda' 1981, Gaulter 'Jacaranda' (Larry Gaulter, R. 1980). Seedling# 75 45. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Lightly laced light red violet; ruffled ...
(TB) 'Jacaranda Festival' 1992, Nilsen 'Jacaranda Festival' (Kevin Nilsen, R. 1992). Seedling# 71 87 1. TB, 32" (82 cm), Late midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled vio...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jachitropan' 2021, Altenhofer 'Jachitropan' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2021) Seedling 15 CY x BrPr 2. TB, 33" (85 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and st...
(TB) 'Jacinth' 1943, Spender 'Jacinth' (Maj. R.E.S. Spender, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4M. ('Golden Hind' x 'Député Nomblot') x (sister seedling)...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:21 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jacinto' 1924, Berry 'Jacinto' (Samuel Berry, 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. I. mesopotamica x 'Isoline' See below: * * References References: From ...
r10 - 01 Apr 2022 - 16:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jack Cooke' 1942, Douglas 'Jack Cooke' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Claude Aureau' x 'Joycette'. See below: * * Refer...
(TB) 'Jack Flash' 2017, Taylor 'Jack Flash' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2017) Seedling 14L012 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms golden br...
(TB) 'Jack Frost' 1951, Corey 'Jack Frost' (Mrs. P. E. Corey, R. 1949) Seedling# 211 I 6. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Snow Flurry' x ( 'Gloriole' x 'Shi...
■ (TB) 'Jack Horner' 1962, Austin 'Jack Horner' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1961). Seedling# 8135. TB, 40" (102 cm). Early midseason to midseason bloom. Color Class W4V. St...
(TB) 'Jack Howard' 1939, Graves 'Jack Howard' (Robert Graves, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y6M. 'Nebraska' x 'Lady Paramount'. See below: * * Refe...
■ (TB) 'Jack London' 2011, Loktev 'Jack London' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2011) Seedling# 04 329 2. TB, 34 (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards creamy grey green bl...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jack O'Lantern' 1939, Groff 'Jack O'Lantern' (Henry Groff, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D. Groff, Kellogg 1939. See below: * * References ...
r5 - 05 Oct 2020 - 15:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jack Of Diamonds' 1944, Monroe Lothrop 'Jack Of Diamonds' (John Monroe and Lena Lothrop, R. 1944) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. Parentage unkn...
r4 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jack Of Hearts' 2022, Filardi 'Jack Of Hearts' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2021). Seedling BF 965A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark brown red, slig...
■(TB) 'Jack Pot Du Barry' 2015, Vasquez Poupin 'Jack Pot Du Barry' (Rose Linda Vasquez Poupin, R. 2015). Seedling 10 719. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early or midseason bl...
■ (TB) 'Jack R. Dee' 1974, Sexton 'Jack R. Dee' (Neva Sexton, R. 1974). Seedling# 33 68. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Fluted and ruffled azure blue self; deep na...
TB 'Jack Reynolds' 1996, Attenberger 'Jack Reynolds' (Ed Attenberger, R. 1996) Seedling# 92 02 06. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medi...
r10 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jack Tar' 1922, Thomson 'Jack Tar' (William M. Thomson, 1922) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting ...
■ (TB) 'Jackal Cackle' 2002, Kasperek 'Jackal Cackle' (Brad Kasperek, R. 2001). Seedling# 95B 31A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards tan (RHS 165D), spl...
■(TB) 'Jacked Up' 2016. Butler 'Jacked Up' (Brett Butler, R. 2016) Seedling# Buo7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards peach; falls purple, edged...
r4 - 22 Nov 2020 - 16:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jackie Horden' 2002, DeSantis 'Jackie Horden' (Peter DeSantis, R. 2002). Seedling# 85 5. BB 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pure white; style arms t...
r7 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jackrose' 1929, Andrews 'Jackrose' (Darwin Andrews, 1929) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. 'Jacquesiana' x unknown. See below: * * References ...
(TB) 'Jacks Are Better' 1998, Cochran 'Jacks Are Better' (Helen Cochran, R. 1997). Seedling# 94 02 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue violet, dee...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:46 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jack's Choice' 2011, Spoon 'Jack's Choice' (Donald Spoon, R. 2011) Seedling# 2002 138ABC. TB, 35 (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards creamy light yel...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:47 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jacob' 2008, Kerr 'Jacob' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2008) Seedling# 97 045B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and falls dark blue violet;...
r14 - 19 Jul 2022 - 20:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jacobean' 1934, Murrell 'Jacobean' (Olive Murrell, R. 1934) TB. Extra early bloom. Color Class S5M. 'W. R. Dykes' x unknown. See below: * * References ...
■(TB) 'Jacobean Age' 2024, Sutton 'Jacobean Age' (Mike Sutton, R. 2024). Seedling AE 386 A, TB, 34" (86.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet, pale cream at ed...
■(TB) 'Jacobin' 1986, Smith 'Jacobin' (Paul R. Smith, R. 1980). Seedling# 74 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Empire yellow (RHS 11D) with purple i...
(TB) 'Jacola' 1948, Gersdorff 'Jacola' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class R9M. 'Frank Adams' x Loomis SQ70. See below: * * Refe...
(TB) 'Jacotte' 1936, Gersdorff 'Jacotte' (Charles Gersdorff, 1936) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class S7L. 'Vesper Gold' x 'Onnoris'. See below: * * Referen...
(TB) 'Jacquard' 1931, Ayres 'Jacquard' (Dr. Wylie M. Ayres, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. ('Oporto' x 'Lent A. Williamson') x 'Cardinal'. See below:...
■ (TB) 'Jacqueline' 1999, Plotner 'Jacqueline' (William Plotner, R. 1999). TB, 38" (97 cm). Late bloom. Standards silky dark violet (blend of RHS 89C and 95B), da...
■ (TB) 'Jacqueline Guillot' 1924, Cayeux 'Jacqueline Guillot' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1924) TB. Midseason/Late bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * References R...
(TB) 'Jacqueline K' 1962, Innes 'Jacqueline K' (Robert Innes, R. 1961). Seexdling# 1 61. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class OlP, Apricot pink s...
r7 - 09 Nov 2017 - 17:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jacqueline Ramage' 2022, Cosi 'Jacqueline Ramage' (Christine Cosi, R. 2022). Seedling 1824/15. TB, 33.5" (86 cm). Early bloom. Standards very pale purple (...
(TB) 'Jacqueline Seymour' ' 1976, Seymour 'Jacqueline Seymour' (William Seymour, R. 1976). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue to straw; falls ...
r6 - 09 Nov 2017 - 17:59 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jacques Cœur' 2010, Cayeux 'Jacques Cœur' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2009). Seedling 0092E. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; falls ...
■ (TB) 'Jacques Offenbach' 2014, Edinger 'Jacques Offenbach' (Philip Edinger, R. 2014) TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards cattleya orchid paling tow...
■(TB) 'Jacques Pougeoise' 2020, Dejoux 'Jacques Pougeoise' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2020) Seedling RD14 34A. TB, 33.5" (85 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards yellow; ...
■(TB) 'Jacquesiana' 1840, Lémon 'Jacquesiana' (Jean Nicolas Lémon, 1840). TB, Late bloom. Color Class S9M. Please note that at least two clones are called Jacques...
(TB) 'Jacqui' 2012, Emmerson 'Jacqui' (Barry Emmerson, R. 2012) Seedling# FOP PC 7. TB, 37 (94 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms red cerise; ...
r4 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jacqui Gleason' 2005, Thomason 'Jacqui Gleason' (Bob Thomason, R. 2001). Seedling# BT97003D. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled white, Falls wi...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jade' 1963, Abell 'Jade' (Thornton Abell, R. 1961). AB (Tb onco). 28". Early to midseason bloom. Color Class B1. Standards light cobalt, light fern green pa...
r3 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jade Madonna' 1942, Essig 'Jade Madonna' (Edward Essig, R. 1942) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class W6L. ('China Lantern' x 'W. R. Dykes') x 'Golden Mado...
(TB) 'Jade Moon' 1997, O'Brien 'Jade Moon' (Lois O'Brien, R. 1996). Seedling# 91 24A. TB, 3" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Greenish cream self; beards soft yello...
r5 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:26 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jade Queen' 1958, Knopf 'Jade Queen' (Mary Ellen Knopf, R. 1957). Seedling# 1700 H. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class GB4, Standards willow green; ...
r13 - 11 Nov 2022 - 17:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jade Shadows' 1976, Roach 'Jade Shadows' (Lura Roach, R. 1975). Seedling# 72 47. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Standards willow green (HCC 0862/3) base wit...
r6 - 10 Nov 2017 - 20:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jadite' 1966, Dunn 'Jadite' (Robert Dunn, R. 1967). Seedling# 62 29. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1Y, Warm white self; pale yellow beard. ...
r5 - 10 Nov 2017 - 20:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jadu' 1929, Sturtevant 'Jadu' (Grace Sturtevant, R. 1929) TB. Color Class W2. See below: * * References References: From Glen Road Iris Gardens catalo...
■ (TB) 'Jadzia' 2014, Piatek 'Jadzia' (Robert Piatek, R. 2014) Seedling# 10 127 A RP. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards apricot, edged light ...
■ (TB) 'Jael's Conquest' 1986, Miller 'Jael's Conquest' (Bernice Miller, R. 1986). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Laced deep maroon, iridescent rose violet spo...
■(TB) 'Jafhen Star' 2021, Dejoux 'Jafhen Star' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2021) Seedling RD15 132A. TB, 39" (100 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms yello...
■(TB) 'Jaggazomal' 2020, Altenhofer 'Jaggazomal' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2020). Seedling 15 FL x Cattalomak 8. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Standards very pale paste...
■(TB) 'Jagodowe Wzgorze' 2016, Koncewicz 'Jagodowe Wzgorze' (Józef Koncewicz, R. 2012) Seedling# JK 09 15C. TB, 35 (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards raspberry p...
■ (TB) 'Jaguar Blue' 2001, Sutton 'Jaguar Blue' (George Sutton, R. 2001). Seedling# G 57. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled ethyl blue (light...
r15 - 31 Oct 2021 - 14:19 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jailbird' 1965, Scharff 'Jailbird' (Jake Scharff, R. 1963). Seedling# 54 14 31. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OY2, Standards tan; falls ...
(TB) 'Jailhouse Rock' 2001, Sutton 'Jaihouse Rock' (George Sutton, R. 2001). Seedling# G 19BSA. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms co...
r6 - 10 Nov 2017 - 21:10 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jaime Delgado' 2009, Spoon 'Jaime Delgado' (Donald Spoon, R. 2008). Seedling# 96 908J. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Cranberry self (blend of RHS 70A ...
■ (TB) 'Jaime Lynn' 1984, Hamner 'Jaime Lynn' (Bernard Hamner, R. 1984). Seedling# 80 46. TB, 32 34" (81 86 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled coral peach; coral beard...
(TB) 'Jaipur' 1966, Plough 'Jaipur' (Gordon Plough, R. 1965). Seedling# 60 134 17. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early to late bloom. . Color Class W1Vcm, Standards white, wid...
■(TB) 'Jais Moqueur' 2016, Chapelle 'Jais Moqueur' (Alain Chapelle, R. 2016). Seedling# 08 61D R6. TB, 35.5" (90 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms bl...
(TB) 'Jai's Surprise' 1997, Belford 'Jai's Surprise' (Indra Belford, R. 1997). Seedling# 89A 2 9123. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards pale orchid; ...
r5 - 10 Nov 2017 - 21:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jakarta' 1967, Plough 'Jakarta' (Gordon Plough, R. 1966). Seedling# 62 189 19. TB, 38" (97 cm). Early midseason bloom. Color Class W2V. Standards white bor...
r16 - 16 Dec 2023 - 20:08 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jake' 1943, Sass 'Jake', (Jacob Sass, R 1943) TB. Late bloom. Color Class WW. ('Tiffany' x 'Maid of Astolat'). Sass, J. D. Long 1943. Note on introduction...
(TB) 'Jalapeno' 1985, Shepard 'Jalapeno' (Don Shepard, R. 1985). Seedling# 80A 2 84090. TB, 42" (107 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards lightly ruffled rich ...
■(TB) 'Jallah Ad Din' 1951 White 'Jallah Ad Din' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1951). AB, OX (Tb onco), 30” (76 cm). Extra early to very, very late bloom. Cinnamon, ...
r4 - 10 Nov 2017 - 23:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jallah Effendi' 1951, White 'Jallah Effendi' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1951). AB, OX (Tb onco), 18" (46 cm). Extra early to very, very late bloom. Yellow,...
(TB) 'Jalna' 1955, Wilson 'Jalna' (Hilda Wilson, R. 1955). Seedling# 2083. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5, Blend of golden tan overlaid terra c...
r6 - 10 Nov 2017 - 23:13 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jam Session' 1981, Crandall 'Jam Session' (Fred Crandall, R. 1981). Seedling# 66 38. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; falls yello...
(TB) 'Jamaica' 1937, Pilkington 'Jamaica' (Geoffrey Pilkington, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. ('Purissima' x Député Nomblot') x 'King Midas'. See...
r5 - 10 Nov 2017 - 23:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jamaica Jewel' 1958, Aylett 'Jamaica Jewel' (William Aylett, R. 1958). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Cream plicata with chocolate...
■ (TB) 'Jamaica Me Crazy' 2006/07, Blyth 'Jamaica Me Crazy' (Barry Blyth, registered 2006). Seedling# M55 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards o...
(TB) 'Jamaica Rum' 1965, Riley 'Jamaica Rum' (Joseph Riley, R. 1965). Seedling# R 58 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y1D, Medium golden brow...
r5 - 10 Nov 2017 - 23:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jamaica Sands' 1975, Jaeger 'Jamaica Sands' (Edwin Jaeger, R. 1974). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon yellow; falls buff with blue blaze; o...
■(TB) 'Jamaica Skies' 1977, Roberts 'Jamaica Skies' (Sanford Roberts, R. 1977). Seedling# R75 29. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced f...
■ (TB) 'Jamaican Brew' 2009, Williamson 'Jamaican Brew' (Bryce Williamson, R. 2009). Seedling# 1602. TB, 36 38" (91 97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards peach ...
r10 - 10 Nov 2017 - 23:46 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jamaican Dream' 2010, Schreiner 'Jamaican Dream' (Schreiner, R. 2010) Seedling# PP 1161 1. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards yellow (RHS 4A); fa...
■ (TB) 'Jamaican Sunset' 1978, Mohr 'Jamaican Sunset' (David Mohr, R. 1976). Seedling# C 96 71 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards yellow orang...
■ (TB) 'Jamais Trop Tard' 2010, Ransom 'Jamais Trop Tard' (Lawrence Ransom, R. 2010). Seedling 91/147 2. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light lave...
(TB) 'Jamboree' 1942, Peckham 'Jamboree' (Mrs. E. A. Peckham, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. 'Ethelwynn Dubuar' x 'Ethelwynn Dubuar'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Jambris' 1978, Innerst 'Jambris' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1978) Seedling# 350 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards peach pink; Falls lavende...
r8 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James A. Carson' 2005, Thomason 'James A. Carson' (Bob Thomason, R. 2001). Seedling# BT98237A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards soft yello...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James Booher' 1970, Freudenberg 'James Booher' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1969). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class V1DD, Very dark blue self wit...
(TB) 'James Boyd' 1915, Farr 'James Boyd' (Bertrand Farr, 1915) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. See below: * * References References: From Wing S...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James Caldwell' 1948, Gersdorff 'James Caldwell' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class R9M. 'Albert Gersdorff' x 'Bertha Do...
■(TB) 'James Chu' 2023, Chu ‘James Chu’ (Anthony Chu, R. 2023). TB, 31" (78.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale purple; style arms pale purple; falls velvety p...
(TB) 'James Eddy' 1971, Watkins 'James Eddy' (Arthur Watkins, R. 1971). Seedling# 65 30. TB, 28 30" (71 76 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards mimosa yellow; Falls pa...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James F. Ballard' 2002, Thomason 'James F. Ballard' (Bob Thomason, R. 1992) Seedling# BT 8933H. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. White, thin yellow rim, fa...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James Franklin Clay' 1992, Smith 'James Franklin Clay' (Louise Smith, R. 1992). TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Slightly ruffled white self; beards yellow...
r6 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'James Hudelson' 1930, Hudelson 'James Hudelson' (H. M. Hudelson, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Alcazar' x 'Lent A. Williamson'. See below:...
(TB) 'James Lloyd' 1937, Tharp 'James Lloyd' (Mary Tharp, R. 1937) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1M. 'Titan' x 'Santa Barbara'. See below: * * Reference...
■(TB) 'James P.' 1995, Dunn 'James P' (Mary Dunn, R. 1994). Seedling# M84 889 3. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled silvery french blue violet, deeper...
(TB) 'James Parisiana' 1931, James 'James Parisiana' (Ellis O. James, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. See below: * * References References: Aw...
(TB) 'James Storer' 1935, Storer 'James Storer' (Rev. Jacob Storer, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3D. Tip Top Gardens 1935. See below: * * Referenc...
r5 - 10 Nov 2021 - 17:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jamie Boy' 1967, MacLean 'Jamie Boy' (Carleton MacLean, R. 1967). Seedling# M65 135. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class W1W, Large white ru...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jamie Roo' 2008, Hersey 'Jaime Roo' (Brian Hersey, R. 2008). Seedling# BH 92 06. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark purple; style arms...
r7 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jamila' 1935, Gersdorff 'Jamila' (Charles Gersdorff, 1935) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class S6D. 'Ochracea Caerulea' x 'Chasseur'. See below: * * Referen...
■(TB) 'Jammin' Jeanie' 2019, Murphy 'Jammin' Jeanie' (Don Murphy, R. 2019). Seedling DM 11 03 16. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow ground...
■ (TB) 'Jammy Prints' 1997, Meininger 'Jammy Prints' (LeRoy Meininger, R. 1997). Seedling# I.F. 89. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, blue v...
■(TB) 'Jan Baby' 2018, Worel 'Jan Baby' (Jack Worel, R. 2017) Seedling 0700. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Stanadards and style arms medium pink, darker ...
(TB) 'Jan Burt' 1982, Rowlan 'Jan Burt' (Henry Rowlan, R. 1981). Seedling# 76BJ 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled full violet, brown shoulders, bit of ...
■(TB) 'Jan Elizabeth' 1959, Muhlestein 'Jan Elizabeth' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1958). Seedling# 57 70. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V5P, Blen...
(TB) 'Jan Hess' 1955, Graves 'Jan Hess' (Dr. Robert Graves, R. 1950). Seedling# 47 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BL1, Light blue self. 'Ja...
(TB) 'Jan Leslie Yates' 1962, Bush 'Jan Leslie Yates' (Flossie Bush, R. 1962). Seedling# 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason. Color Class Y5, Golden fawn self; ta...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jan Malypetr' 2020, Krupka 'Jan Malypetr' (Zdeněk Krupka, R. 2019). Seedling 11 01 01. TB, 41" (104 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards almost white wit...
(TB) 'Jan Maree 2013, Taylor 'Jan Maree' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2013) Seedling# I10 1. TB, 35 (89 cm), Midseason bloom. White self; beards white; sweet fragranc...
r3 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jan Paul' 1959, McKusick 'Jan Paul' (Herb McKusick, R. 1959). Seedling# 59 59. TB, 40" (102 cm). Early bloom. Color Class O1P, Light shell pink self; shell ...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jana' 1955, Holmberg 'Jana' (R. D. Holmberg, R. 1955). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self, orange beard. 'Snow Flurry' X ...
■(TB) 'Jana Mouse' 2018, Burkhardt 'Jana Mouse' (Klaus Burkhardt, R. 2018). Seedling KB 75. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Early bloom. Standards violet white; falls dar...
r3 - 08 Nov 2019 - 20:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jane Austin' 1929, Insole 'Jane Austin' (Violet Insole, 1929) TB. Late bloom. Color Class W8. 'Steepway' x ( 'Aphrodite' x 'Susan Bliss'). See below: * *...
■ (TB) 'Jane Beer' 1966, Craig 'Jane Beer' (Tom Craig, R. 1966). Seedling# 66 B 2. TB, 42" (107 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class V5L, Standards amber white, ...
r8 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jane E. Davis' 1977, Payne 'Jane E. Davis' (Frank Payne, R. 1977). Seedling# 5 5. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light tan; Falls purple, ...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 23:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jane Ellen' 1954, Freudenburg 'Jane Ellen' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W2B, White and campanula blue. 'Blue S...
(TB) 'Jane Hagedorn' 1983, Horton 'Jane Hagedorn' (Donald Horton, R. 1983). TB, 44" (112 cm), Early bloom. Apricot; burnt orange beard; pronounced sweet fragrance...
(TB) 'Jane Hofford' 1953, Norton 'Jane Hofford' (John Wood, introducer, for originator, Luke Norton, deceased, R. 1952). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color C...
r8 - 21 May 2023 - 13:38 by RobertBobPries
(TB) 'Jane Krey' 1930, Mindeleff 'Jane Krey' (Louise Mindeleff, 1930) TB. Early to very late bloom. Color Class B7M. See below: * * References References: ...
(TB) 'Jane M. Douglas' 1942, Douglas 'Jane M. Douglas' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1L. 'Purple Haze' x 'Twilight Blue'. See bel...
(TB) 'Jane McIntire' 1948, McClanahan 'Jane McIntire' (C. C. McClanahan, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S6M. 'Matula' x McClanahan buff seedling. See b...
r5 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jane Neale' 1934, Lapham 'Jane Neale' (E. Greig Lapham, 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7L. 'Midgard' x 'Inez Bryan'. See below: * * References ...
(TB) 'Jane Oppel' 1947, Whiting Swanman 'Jane Oppel' (Mrs. C. Whiting by Mrs. W. A. Swanman, R. 1946). Seedling# 4126. TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. ...
r10 - 08 Nov 2021 - 14:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jane Phillips' 1950, Graves 'Jane Phillips' (Robert J. Graves, R. 1946). TB, 34 38". Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Medium blue self. 'Helen McGregor' x...
■(TB) 'Jane Troutman' 2007, Kerr 'Jane Troutman' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2006) Seedling# 97 019 1. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards amber orange, inside wh...
(TB) 'Jane Williamson' 1928, Williamson 'Jane Williamson' (E. B. Williamson, 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7L. 'Parc du Neuilly' x mixed pollen. See bel...
(TB) 'Jane's Emma' 2016/17, Grosvenor 'Jane's Emma' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2013) Seedling# F54 2. TB, 36 (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards salmon pink, tan...
r5 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jane's Persuasion' 2019, Grosvenor 'Jane's Persuasion' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2013) Seedling# F54 1. TB, 36 (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue violet; ...
r5 - 26 Aug 2020 - 16:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janet' 1930, Lothrop 'Janet' (Lena Lothrop, R. 1930) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S9L. 'Mrs. H. F. Bowles' x 'Valkyrie'. See below: * * Referenc...
(TB) 'Janet Butler' 1938, McKee 'Janet Butler' (William McKee, R. 1936). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. 'Mary Geddes' x 'Coronation'. McKee, Kellogg 1938. ...
r7 - 30 Jan 2020 - 20:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janet Diane' 1967, Fail 'Janet Diane' (Hilda Fail, R. 1967). Seedling# h 18. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Color Class R1P, Pink self (Wilson spinel red 002...
(TB) 'Janet Hines' 1995, Ericson 'Janet Hines' (Thom Ericson, R. 1995). Seedling# 88G94 21. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light blue (RHS 97C...
r5 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janet Lemon' 1988, Henderson 'Janet Lemon' (Norlan Henderson, R. 1984). Seedling# 81 6Y. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich lemon yellow (RHS ...
■(TB) 'Janet Marie' 1968, Gaskill 'Janet Marie' (Ferris Gaskill, R. 1966). Seedling# 965 10. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y1Lcm, Aur...
r9 - 01 Jun 2019 - 22:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Janet Price' 2010, Bushnell 'Janet Price' (Howard Bushnell, R. 2010). Seedling 02Y. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, pale blue midrib; st...
(TB) 'Janet Richter' 1927, Crawford 'Janet Richter' (Mrs. William Crawford, R. 1927) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. See below: * * References Refere...
r4 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Janet Sue' 1998, Hedgecock 'Janet Sue' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 1996). Seedling# A 13 1. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late midseasone bloom. Medium pink self; beards reddish...
r7 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janet Thomas' 2004, Nichols 'Janet Thomas' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2004). Seedling# 9554A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Medium blue self; beards blue ...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janet's Choice' 2007, Grosvenor 'Janet's Choice' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2007). Seedling# A123 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, narrow bl...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Janet's Joy' 2009, Grosvenor 'Janet's Joy' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2008). Seedling# D18 1. TB, 43" (110 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and falls white...
(TB) 'Janice' 1943, Schreiner 'Janice' (Robert Schreiner, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Sensation' x 'Zulu'. Schreiner 1943. See below: * * Re...
r5 - 05 Oct 2020 - 15:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janice Irene' 1944, Lothrop 'Janice Irene' (Lena Lothrop, R. 1944) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. Seedling x 'Persia'. See below: * * Referen...
r4 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janice Lee' 1963, Wilson 'Janice Lee' (Geneva Wilson, R. 1962). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1, Deep orchid self; red beard. 'Limelight' ...
r6 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janice Marie Eulette' 1961, Bush 'Janice Marie Eulette' (Flossie Bush, R. 1961). Seedling# 13. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y5V, Stan...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janice Ruth' 1967, Buckles 'Janice Ruth' (Eugene Buckles, R. 1966). Seedling# 63 66. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1L, Medium lavender self...
■(TB) 'Janie' 1957, Voris 'Janie' (Charles Voris, R. 1953). TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class YO1, Buff self, solidly gilded, tan haft markings….
r6 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janie B.' 1969, Smith 'Janie B.' (Delora Smith, R. 1969). Seedling# 67 0 1. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y2R, Standards amber flushed...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janie Lynn Snyder' 1962, Bush 'Janie Lynn Snyder' (Flossie Bush, R. 1962). Seedling# 55. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W2V, Standards ...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janie Maas' 1964, Bacon 'Janie Maas' (Mabel Bacon, R. 1963). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late season bloom. Color Class O5P, Light apricot self. Involving 'Hi Time' an...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 17:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Janie Meek' 1987, Meek 'Janie Meek' (Joyce Meek, R. 1987). Seedling# G164 2 9. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Standarads soft pink; falls orchid lavende...
■(TB) 'Janie Vaughn' 1957, Smith 'Janie Vaughn' (Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1955). Seedling# 53 2. TB, 35 1/2", Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Sharp lemon yello...
(TB) 'Janie Wolfe' 1952, Wolfe 'Janie Wolfe' (Mrs. H. M. Wolfe, R. 1952) TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Apricot pink self, tangerine beard. 'Pink Forma...
r8 - 17 Nov 2017 - 20:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janine' 1934, Cayeux 'Janine' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. See below: * References References: Bulletin de la Socié...
(TB) 'Janine Louise' 2000, Bartlett 'Janine Louise' (Cy Bartlett, R. 2000). Seedling# ST.EA. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled mulberry self; beards ...
r7 - 17 Nov 2017 - 20:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janizary' 1965, Wills 'Janizary' (Jesse Wills, R. 1965). Seedling# 80 59. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class R5F, Standards deep rose lightl...
r6 - 17 Nov 2017 - 20:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Janni' 1967, Hamblen 'Janni' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1966). Seedling# H59 73. TB, 30" (76 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Medium pink self; cerise be...
(TB) 'Jannie Collier' 1963, Harrison 'Jannie Collier' (Charles Harrison, R. 1963). TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1L, Light blue self. 'Sn...
■(TB) 'Jan's Favorite' 2016, Speirs 'Jan's Favorite' (Graham Speirs, R. 2016) Seedling# C13 3. TB, 43.5" (110 cm), Midseason bloom. Mauve self; beards burnt or...
r4 - 24 Nov 2020 - 18:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jansie' 1941, Tharp 'Jansie' (Mary Tharp, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Purissima' x 'Dolly Madison'. See below: * * References Ref...
■(TB) 'Jantar' 2023, Piątek 'Jantar' (Robert Piątek, R. 2022) Seedling 14 734 E RP, TB, 32" (82 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pure yello...
■(TB) 'Japanesque' 1922, Farr 'Japanesque' (Bertrand Farr, R. 1921). 30" (74cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. Standards lavender white flecked violet; falls ...
■(TB) 'Jardin D'Éden' 2017, Chapelle 'Jardin D'Éden' (Alain Chapelle, R. 2017). Seedling# 71G R12. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light red pink, c...
■(TB) 'Jardin De Fréville' 2020, Dejoux 'Jardin De Fréville' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2020) Seedling RD14 111C. TB, 37.5 (95 cm). Very late bloom. Standards crisp white...
■(TB) 'Jardins De Chaumont' 2013, Cayeux 'Jardins De Chaumont' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2013). Seedling 0620B. TB, 37.5" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards very ...
r12 - 25 Jul 2023 - 19:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jardins De L'Imaginaire' 2024, Cosi 'Jardins De L'Imaginaire' (Christine Cosi, R. 2024) Seedling 1828/02, TB, 36.2" (92 cm), midseason bloom. Standards lig...
■(TB) 'Jarmila' 2013, Blazek 'Jarmila' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013) Seedling# VHLCT. TB, 33.5 (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Snow white self; beards red. Selected circ...
r7 - 09 Feb 2020 - 15:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jarni Sen' 2013, Blazek 'Jarni Sen' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013) Seedling# TSJMSF. TB, 33.5 (85 cm), Very late bloom. Standards clean pink; falls pink ground, sh...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jaroslav Strouhal' 2024, Seidl 'Jaroslav Strouhal' (Zdeněk Seidl, R. 2024). Seedling G0602, TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Early to midseason bloom, Standards purple; ...
■(TB) 'Jaskolka' 2020, Piątek 'Jaskolka' (Robert Piątek, R. 2018). Seedling 13 363 A RP. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards icy bright blue; style arms brigh...
■(TB) 'Jasmania' 1935, Ayres 'Jasmania' (Dr. Wylie M. Ayres, R. 1934) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class Y4M. 'K. V. Ayres' x yellow seedling. Ayers, Quality 1...
(TB) 'Jasmine' 1943, Grant 'Jasmine' (Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1943) TB. Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Sunday Best' x 'Radiant'. See below: *...
(TB) 'Jasmine by Nesmith' 1939, Nesmith 'Jasmine' (Elizabeth Nesmith,R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Betty Nesmith' x white seedling. See below: ...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jasmine How' 2014, Fan 'Jasmine How' (Chun Fan, R. 2013) Seedling# F05 010B. TB, 35" (89 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards pastel pink; style arms p...
■(TB) 'Jasper Agate' 1941, Williams 'Jasper Agate' (Edna Williams, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. ('Junaluska' x 'Consort') x 'Cheerio'. High Comm...
(TB) 'Jasper County' 1999, Gass 'Jasper County' (John Gass, R. 1999). Seedling# 20 90 60. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Copper, falls lighter around burn...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jasper Walls' 1976, Miller 'Jasper Walls' (Bernice Miller, R. 1974). Seedling# 3 6 1 8 74. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Red self from brown...
(TB) 'Jataka Of Nagasena' 1950 White Lothrop 'Jataka Of Nagasena' OGB (Clarence G. White and Lena Lothrop, R. 1950). AB, OX(Tb onco), 30” (76 cm). Early bloom. Vi...
r3 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jaunatre' 1967, Blyth 'Jaunatre' (Charles Blyth, R. 1967) TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom.. Color Class Y1L, Lemon yellow self. (''New Snow' x 'Happy B...
(TB) 'Jaunty' 1962, Berndt 'Jaunty' (Tena Berndt, R. 1962) Seedling# 77. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Lavender self; lavender beard tipped yellow. 'L...
(TB) 'Jaunty Aire' 1985, Roberts 'Jaunty Aire' (Barbara Roberts, R. 1985). Seedling#. PT66 3. TB, 34 36" (86 91 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled full lemon yellow, white...
r6 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jaunty Dancer' 1997/98, Blyth 'Jaunty Dancer' (Barry Blyth, R. 1997). Seedling# D72 1. TB, 36" (92 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards light tan brown; f...
■(TB) 'Jaunty Gilbreath' 2021, Burseen 'Jaunty Gilbreath' (Tom Burseen, R. 2020). Seedling 16 30J. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards nasturtium orange ...
■(TB) 'Jaunty Texan' 1973, Denman 'Jaunty Texan' (Clarence Denman, R. 1973). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom and rebloom. Yellow (RHS 11A) with small light y...
(TB) 'Java Beauty' 1958, Dyer 'Java Beauty' (Fred Dyer, R. 1958). Seedling# Sib TA545. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class YO5D, Brown self. 'Thotmes III' x ...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Java Bleue' 2009, Cayeux 'Java Bleue' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2008). Seedling 0080A. TB, 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and falls marine blue; beards ...
■(TB) 'Java Charm' 1976, Plough 'Java Charm' (Gordon Plough, R. 1975). Seedling# 71 158 17. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white with very slight pi...
■(TB) 'Java Dove' 1964, Plough 'Java Dove' (Gordon Plough, R. 1963). Seedling# 59 277 3. TB, 29" (74 cm). Early midseason bloom. Color Class W40. Standards warm w...
(TB) 'Java Head' 1938, Groff 'Java Head' (Henry Groff, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. See below: * * References References: Awaiting orig...
(TB) 'Java Jewel' 1951, DeForest 'Java Jewel' (Fred DeForest, R. 1951). Sdlg. 16 46. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1, Old gold self. ('Rio Oro' ...
(TB) 'Java Peach' 1983, Plough 'Java Peach' (Gordon Plough, R. 1983). Seedling# 74 166 23. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards near white; Falls medium p...
r6 - 10 Nov 2017 - 21:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Java Sky' 1942, Wareham 'Java Sky' (John Wareham, R. 1941) TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. Seedlings from 'Dominion' x I. trojana . Fairmoun...
■(TB) 'Java Sunbird' 1974, Zurbrigg 'Java Sunbird' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1973). Seedling# 68 112A. TB, height 32" (81 cm), Early to midseason bloom and rebloom (Oct...
■(TB) 'Javalanche' 2020, Schreiner 'Javalanche' (Schreiner, R. 2020). Seedling A 1410 2. TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender brown blend; ...
■(TB) 'Jaw Dropper' 2007, Burseen 'Jaw Dropper' (Tom Burseen, R. 2006). Seedling# 01 287E. TB, height 34" (86 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms marigold o...
r12 - 04 Jan 2021 - 18:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jawbone Flats' 2021, Schreiner 'Jawbone Flats' (Schreiner, R. 2021). Seedling A 1410 1. TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender violet, white...
(TB) 'Jay Choice' 1930, Jay 'Jay Choice' (J. C. Jay, 1930) TB. Color Class Y5. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catalog descriptio...
(TB) 'Jay Darling' 1965, Torbett 'Jay Darling' (Marcella Torbett, R. 1965). Seedling# 1004. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1Pcm, Standards pearly ...
(TB) 'Jay Pink' 1931, Jay 'Jay Pink' (J. D. Jay, 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original cata...
(TB) 'Jay R' 1992, Dunn 'Jay R' (Robert Dunn, R. 1991). Seedling# B87 1021 X. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards buckskin tan, slight deep cordovan red s...
(TB) 'Jay Tee Gee' 1965, Guerin 'Jay Tee Gee' (Phillip Guerin, R. 1965). Seedling# B6. TB AR, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1Fcm, Standards deep gold...
r5 - 19 Nov 2017 - 22:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jaycee' 1996, Russell 'Jaycee' (John Clive Russell, R. 1996). Seedling# S SH 93/1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards icy lavender white, midrib bu...
r6 - 19 Nov 2017 - 22:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jayceetee' 2001, Grosvenor 'Jayceetee' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2001). Seedling# U163 1A. TB, 37" (94 cm). Early bloom. White self; beards white; slight fragr...
■(TB) 'Jazwin' 2013, Piatek 'Jazwin' (Robert Piatek, R. 2011) Seedling# S 13 08 RP. TB, 41 (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards smoky mustard with pink purple inf...
■(TB) 'Jazz Band' 2006, Keppel 'Jazz Band' (Keith Keppel, R. 2005). Seedling# 99 52B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms buff orange (M P ...
(TB) 'Jazz Champs' 2000, Pinegar 'Jazz Champs' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 1999). Seedling# TGY 93 79C. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark violet self; beards dark v...
r5 - 19 Nov 2017 - 22:26 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jazz Club' 2015/16, Blyth 'Jazz Club' (Barry Blyth, R. 2015) Seedling# U330 2. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards honey tan, faint viol...
r12 - 16 Dec 2023 - 20:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazz Combo' 1982, Martin 'Jazz Combo' (Bethel Martin, R. 1977). Seedling# 69A8. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ivory to white; falls red; yell...
■(TB) 'Jazz Echo' 1991, Denney by McWhirter 'Jazz Echo' (Don Denney by James McWhirter, R. 1991). Seedling# D79 18 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards ...
r10 - 13 Jan 2021 - 00:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazz Era' 2010, Keppel 'Jazz Era' (Keith Keppel, R. 2009). Seedling# 99 37C. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms hydrangea pink...
■(TB) 'Jazz Festival' 1990, Schreiner 'Jazz Festival' (Schreiner, R. 1990). Seedling# T 710 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards buff cream (RHS 1...
r35 - 14 Feb 2024 - 19:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jazz Impulse' 2016, Taylor 'Jazz Impulse' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2016) Seedling# J5 1. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards apricot, flushed and...
r2 - 19 Nov 2017 - 22:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazz Jubilee' 1985, Dunn 'Jazz Jubilee' (Robert Dunn, R. 1984). Seedling# B78 651 2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards lightly ruffled re...
(TB) 'Jazz June' 1970, Craig 'Jazz June' (Tim Craig, R. 1970). Seedling# SBR R. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Standards minuet; falls between lilac and wisteria vi...
r6 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazz Me Blue' 1993, Schreiner 'Jazz Me Blue' (Schreiner, R. 1993). Seedling# Y 23 1. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Billowy ruffled blue (RHS 96B); bear...
■(TB) 'Jazz Pizzazz' 2012, Helsley 'Jazz Pizzazz' (Calvin Helsley, R. 2005). Seedling# 04 04. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards soft orange, pink flush ...
■(TB) 'Jazz Queen' 2013, Nicodemus 'Jazz Queen' (Barbara Nicodemus, R. 2011) Seedling# L42A. TB, 33 (84 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards snow white; style ...
■(TB) 'Jazz Solo' 2009, Schreiner 'Jazz Solo' (Schreiner, R. 2009). Seedling# MM 739 A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms buff peach (RHS...
r19 - 25 Mar 2023 - 15:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazz Swinger' 1985, Hamblen 'Jazz Swinger' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1984). Seedling# H76 69A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards tan (RHS 161C); fa...
■(TB) 'Jazzberry' 2013, Painter 'Jazzberry' (John Painter, R. 2012) Seedling J05 2B. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards almost solid dark red grape;...
■(TB) 'Jazzebel' 1993, Ensminger 'Jazzebel' (Allan Ensminger, R. 1992) Seedling# 186 68. TB, 28" (71 cm). Late midseason bloom. Carmine rose (HCC 21/3) with ameth...
■(TB) 'Jazzed Up' 1994, Schreiner 'Jazzed Up' (Schreiner, R. 1994) Seedling# AA 1462 1. TB, 42" (107 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white (RHS 155D); falls rosy ...
(TB) 'Jazzy' 1965, Craig 'Jazzy' (Tim Craig, R. 1964). Seedling# SR 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Class V5P, Standards pale pastel; ...
■(TB) 'Jazzy Gypsy' 2018, Davis 'Jazzy Gypsy' (Rosie Davis, R. 2018). Seedling K12 16 BAND. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, heavily ...
r3 - 19 Feb 2024 - 22:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jazzy Image' 2020, Burseen 'Jazzy Image' (Tom Burseen, R. 2019) Seedling 16 699A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pale b...
■(TB) 'Jazzy Magenta' 2018, Corson 'Jazzy Magenta' (Marilyn Corson, R. 2018). Seedling 08B39 02. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms...
r4 - 21 Sep 2019 - 16:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jazzy Razzy' 1998, Byers 'Jazzy Razzy' (Monty Byers by Phyllis Dickey, R. 1998). Seedling# G55 1. TB, height 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Deep red...
r11 - 20 Nov 2017 - 13:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Je L'Adore' 2007, Cayeux 'Je L'Adore' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2006). Seedling 98198C. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light pink self, small white spot ...
r19 - 25 Mar 2023 - 15:06 by Harloiris
◼(TB) 'Je Pense À Fernande' 2007, Boulon 'Je Pense À Fernande' (Jérôme Boulon, R. 2007). Seedling 00 39 04 B. TB, 37" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white bo...
■(TB) 'Je T'Aime' 1994, Gartman 'Je T'Aime' (Lilly Gartman, R. 1990). Seedling# 86 2W. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled white; beards soft coral. 'C...
■(TB) 'Je Vole' 2015, Cayeux 'Je Vole' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2015) Seedling 07 135 C. TB, 29.5" (75 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and styles arms yellow, slightly...
■(TB) 'Jealous Guy' 2011, Blyth 'Jealous Guy' (Barry Blyth, R. 2009). Seedling Q84 3. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards coffee tan, slight laven...
■(TB) 'Jealous Halo' 2005, Painter 'Jealous Halo' (John Painter, R. 2004). Seedling# J97 23A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards clean white, narrow brig...
r22 - 25 Mar 2023 - 15:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jealous Lover' 1969, Nearpass 'Jealous Lover' (D. C. Nearpass, R. 1968). Seedling# 2 66 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV2cm, Standards v...
r11 - 23 Oct 2023 - 15:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jealousy' 1962, Babson 'Jealousy' (Sanford Babson, R. 1962) Seedling# 1 76 3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ecru, green tinge at maturity, lav...
(TB) 'Jean Aicard' 1931, Denis 'Jean Aicard' (Fernand Denis, about 1931) TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class R9L. See below: * References References ...
r12 - 19 Nov 2022 - 15:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jean Ann' 1961, Waters 'Jean Ann' (Donald G. Waters, R. 1961). Seedling# D.P.58. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Shell pink self; pink be...
(TB) 'Jean Baptiste Yçon' 1936, Verdier 'Jean Baptiste Yçon' (Eugène Verdier, 1936) TB B. See below: * References References Awaiting original catalog desc...
(TB) 'Jean Batten' 1936, Aylett 'Jean Batten' (William Aylett, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. 'Lord Of June' x 'Pride Of Wagga'. See below: * *...
■(TB) 'Jean Beliveau' 2006, Lebrun 'Jean Beliveau' (Gisele Lebrun, R. 2006). TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue; style arms yellow (RHS 3B); fa...
(TB) 'Jean Belle' 1957, Smith 'Jean Belle' (William Orr Smith, R. 1957). Seedling# 31. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1D, Light iris purple self;...
r7 - 20 Nov 2017 - 13:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jean Boyd Fittz' 1961, Watkins 'Jean Boyd Fittz' (Edward and Arthur Watkins, R. 1960). Seedling# 57 15A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1N, ...
(TB) 'Jean Carolyn' 1952, Freudenburg 'Jean Carolyn' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1952). TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Yellow and white bicolor; Stan...
■(TB) 'Jean Cayeux' 1931, Cayeux 'Jean Cayeux' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1931) TB, 38" Midseason to late bloom season, Color Code S4M, Glistening pale Havana brown flush...
■(TB) 'Jean Chevreau' 1923, Cayeux 'Jean Chevreau' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1923) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5L. See below: * References References Jour...
■(TB) 'Jean Denis Hennequin' 2020, Dejoux 'Jean Denis Hennequin' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2020) Seedling RD12 45A. TB, 33.5" (85 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and sty...
■(TB) 'Jean Graham' 1984, Durrance 'Jean Graham' (John Durrance, R. 1984). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Deep yellow; bushy self beard. 'Gold Galore' X ...
■(TB) 'Jean Guymer' 1977, Zurbrigg 'Jean Guymer' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1976). Seedling# H 60 JULY. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Everblooming (May September in Virginia)....
(TB) 'Jean Harriett' 1934, Tharp 'Jean Harriett' (Mary Tharp, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8M. 'Gertrude Fields' x 'Damozel'. See below: * * Refe...
■(TB) 'Jean Hoffmeister' 1983, Gatty 'Jean Hoffmeister' (Joseph Gatty, R. 1982). Seedling# K87 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue (M P 41 E 10 to 41...
(TB) 'Jean Hughes' 1943, Tharp 'Jean Hughes' (Mary Tharp, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. 'Mist O' Rose' x 'Jean Cayeux'. See below: * * Referen...
(TB) 'Jean Johnson' 1984, Grosvenor 'Jean Johnson' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1984). Seedling# GF 25 1. TB, 38" (96 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Blue; white beard tip...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jean Lafitte' 1935, Washington/Stahlman 'Jean Lafitte' (Thomas Washington/ Mrs. Edward Stahlman, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. See below: ...
r6 - 20 Nov 2017 - 13:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jean Marie' 1995, Zurbrigg 'Jean Marie' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1994). Seedling# KK 5 1 1. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pure white; style...
(TB) 'Jean Marryat' 1963, Fothergill 'Jean Marryat' (H. Senior Fothergill, R. 1963). Seedling# 2 19. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class W5V, C...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 14:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jean Nesbett' 1944, Aylett 'Jean Nesbett' (William Aylett, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Oregon Sunshine' x 'Golden Hind'. See below: *...
■(TB) 'Jean Pierre De Pouzioux' 2024, Bourdillon 'Jean Pierre De Pouzioux (Nicolas Bourdillon, R. 2024) Seedling NB 20 89 10, TB, 33.9" (86 cm), midseason to late...
■(TB) 'Jean Queen' 2005, Burseen 'Jean Queen' (Tom Burseen, R. 2004). Seedling# A 274A. TB, height 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light willow green (RHS...
r19 - 03 Feb 2021 - 17:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jean Sibelius' 1959, Benson 'Jean Sibelius' (Cliff Benson, R. 1957). Seedling# 55 17. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, Pure steel blue se...
r13 - 20 Feb 2021 - 01:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jean Wall' 2010, Emmerson 'Jean Wall' (Barry Emmerson, R. 2010) Seedling# HJ/F 6/6F. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, pale purple halo; st...
r4 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:21 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jeanette' 1977, Rogers 'Jeanette' (Mark Rogers, R. 1974). Seedling# 68 42 A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale creamy yellow; falls opaque sparkl...
(TB) 'Jeanette Allen' 1960, Allen 'Jeanette Allen' (Chester Allen, R. 1960). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W5, Standards white touched light lavender;...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeanette Baker' 1937, Gersdorff 'Jeanette Baker' (Charles Gersdorff, 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. 'Geo. J. Tribolet' x 'Margery'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Jeanette MacDonald' 1945, Covert 'Jeanette MacDonald' (A. H. Covert, R. 1945) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. ('Jean Cayeux' x 'Amenti') x (Sass ...
r4 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeanette May Kennedy' 1931, Keller 'Jeanette May Kennedy' (Marcella Keller, R. 1929) TB. 38". Midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. Keller 1931. See below: *...
(TB) 'Jeanette White' 2006, Kilgore 'Jeanette White' (Sue Kilgore, R. 2006). Seedling# G 2000 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms d...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeanie' 1961, Smith 'Jeanie' (Eva Smith, R. 1960). Seedling# 59 155. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. . Color Class O1P, Medium pink self; tangerine b...
(TB) 'Jeanie C' 1979, Henderson 'Jeanie C' (Norlan Henderson, R. 1979). Seedling# 74 2E. TB, 28" (71 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled sea lavender (RHS 85D) with narrow g...
(TB) 'Jeanie Martin' 1963, Rees 'Jeanie Martin' (George Rees, R. 1963). TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1B, White, faint blue tint, pale blue crest...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeanne' 1923, Denis 'Jeanne' (Fernand Denis, 1923) TB. Color Class B1M. 'Ricardi' X unknown. See below: * References References Awaiting original cat...
■(TB) 'Jeanne Clay Plank' 2012, Kerr 'Jeanne Clay Plank' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2011) Seedling 04 037A. TB, 44" (112 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms o...
■(TB) 'Jeanne d'Arc' 1907, Verdier 'Jeanne d'Arc' (Verdier, R. 1907) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. Please note that the cultivar known today in the USA as ...
(TB) 'Jeanne Louise' 2017, Scott 'Jeanne Louise' (Bonne Scott, R. 2017) TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Pink self; beards deep orange in throat, yellow orange i...
(TB) 'Jeanne Loutz' 1998, François 'Jeanne Loutz' (Jean Jacques François, R. 1998). Seedling 2 11(95). TB, 35" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards very ligh...
■(TB) 'Jeanne Price' 1977, Jones 'Jeanne Price' (Bennett Jones, R. 1976). Seedling# 70 1 2. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Medium yellow self; lemon beard. 'Le...
■(TB) 'Jeanneton' 2013, Tasquier 'Jeanneton' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2013) Seedling A095A. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale yellow, yellow base; styl...
(TB) 'Jeannie' 1920, Denis 'Jeannie' (Fernand Denis, 1920) TB. Color Class B7L. 'Ricardi' X I. junonia. See below: * References References Millet et Fils c...
(TB) 'Jeannie Jayne' 1967, Gill 'Jeannie Jayne' (Mrs. Harold Gill, R. 1967). TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Standards light peach; falls sligh...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jeb Stuart' 1932, Washington 'Jeb Stuart' (Thomas Washington, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7D. Elizabeth Noble Nesmith 1932. Wasserman 1938; ...
■(TB) 'Jedi Knight' 1988, Nelson 'Jedi Knight' (John Nelson, R. 1988). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pastel cream yellow flushed, netted and washed ...
r7 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:42 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jedi Master' 2020, Spoon 'Jedi Master' ('Ginny Spoon, R. 2018). Seedling 2012 G22/SA. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards pink (RHS 36A) cent...
■(TB) 'Jedi Princess' 2019, Dash 'Jedi Princess' (Howard Dash, R. 2018) Seedlng ADG 13 14 04. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; fa...
■(TB) 'Jeff Kurtzeman' 2011, Kurtzeman by Kary 'Jeff Kurtzeman' (Jeff Kurtzeman, deceased, by Ardi Kary, R. 2011) Seedling# JK2000 4A. TB, 36 (91 cm), Midseason b...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeffersonian' 1964, Lebo 'Jeffersonian' (Carson Lebo, Jr., R. 1964). TB, 36" (91 cm). Color Class V1D, Black purple self, white haft markings. 'Masked Ball'...
■(TB) 'Jeffery' 1970, Berndt 'Jeffery' (Tena Berndt, R. 1969). Seedling# 99M. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1DD, Black self; ruffled; black beard...
(TB) 'Jeffrey Booher' 1971, Freudenburg 'Jeffrey Booher' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1971). Seedling# 67 27. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards empire yellow; ...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeffrey Lee Krause' 1960, Scholl 'Jeffrey Lee Krause' (Grace Scholl, R. 1960). TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards cream white; falls le...
(TB) 'Jeffrey Scott Burns' 1964, Burns 'Jeffrey Scott Burns' (Harvey Burns, R. 1964). Seedling# 62 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class O1Y, N...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeff's Choice' 2016, Day 'Jeff's Choice' (Beth Day, R. 2016) Seedling# 69A. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms old gold; ...
r2 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jeff's Guardian Angel' 2012, Murphy 'Jeff's Guardian Angel' (Don Murphy, R. 2012). Seedling# 35 TB 37". Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms bab...
(TB) 'Jéhova' 1938, Cayeux 'Jéhova' (Ferdinand Cayeux by René Cayeux, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. See below: * References References: Bul...
(TB) 'Jelloway' 1937, Parker 'Jelloway' (J. B. Parker, R. 1935). TB, Late midseason bloom, Color Class Y4D. 'Afterglow' x Unknown) for several generations x Willi...
r10 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jelly Bean Parade' 2014, Kanarowski 'Jelly Bean Parade' (Douglas Kanarowski, R. 2014) Seedling# 0448. TB, 33" (84 cm). Early to midesason bloom. Standards ...
■(TB) 'Jelly Roll' 1983, Gaulter 'Jelly Roll' (Larry Gaulter, R. 1983). Seedling# 77 147. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Deep coral pink; brilliant red coral beard….
■(TB) 'Jelly Splatter' 2021, Toth 'Jelly Splatter' (David Toth, R. 2021). Seedling 18 129. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms snow white; falls...
■(TB) 'Jena Star' 2007, Lesche 'Jena Star' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2007). Seedling# 55 2. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards strong lemon yellow, dark blue ...
r10 - 01 Apr 2021 - 17:05 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Jena Starlight' 2005, Lesche 'Jena Starlight' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2005). Seedling# 46 3. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, with olive br...
r6 - 20 Nov 2017 - 20:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jena Tiger' 2006, Lesche 'Jena Tiger' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2006). Seedling# 40 2. TB, 31" (80 cm). Early bloom. Standards and style arms pale yellow orange...
r9 - 01 Apr 2021 - 17:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jenaer Nacht' 2007, Lesche 'Jenaer Nacht' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2007). Seedling# BL 181 4, TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms red vi...
r4 - 20 Nov 2017 - 20:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jenaer Sinfonie' 2010, Lesche 'Jenaer Sinfonie' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2010). Seedling# BL 546/1. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards brownish red; f...
r4 - 20 Nov 2017 - 20:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jenaya' 2006, Grosvenor 'Jenaya' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2005). Seedling# A147 01 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards mauve pink, darker fl...
r8 - 25 Mar 2023 - 15:05 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jenna's Joy' 2013, McMillen 'Jenna's Joy' (John McMillen, R. 2013). Seedling# 078109. TB, 33 (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium to deep lilac blue;...
(TB) 'Jennett Dean' 1919, Sturtevant 'Jennett Dean' (Grace Sturtevant, 1919) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3L. 'Sherbert' x 'Sarpedon'. Sturtevant 1919; Bulle...
r6 - 10 Nov 2017 - 20:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jenni Lee' 1983, Craig 'Jenni Lee' (John Craig, R. 1983). Seedling# 1 80. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ivory yellow, overlaid lavender blue on falls, d...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 20:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jennie Bucher' 1963, Rees 'Jennie Bucher' (George Rees, R. 1963). TB, 36" (91 cm), Middseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Sunflower yellow, sprinkled with gold d...
(TB) 'Jennie D.' 1965, Beeman 'Jennie D.' (L. W. Beeman, R. 1965). Seedling# 25 9 3. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late Midseason bloom. Color Class W1B, Blue white self; blue...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 20:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jennie Durfee' 1941, Bommersbach 'Jennie Durfee' (John Bommersbach, R. 1941) TB. Early bloom. Color Class R1D. 'Sir Michael' x 'Tenaya'. See below: * * R...
(TB) 'Jennie Skeels' 1932, Morrison 'Jennie Skeels' (Benjamin Y. Morrison, R. 1932) TB. Early bloom. Color Class R7M. See below: * * References References:...
■(TB) 'Jennifer Derby' 2024, Derby Miller 'Jennifer Derby' (Jennifer Derby Miller, R. 2024). Seedling 2010 1D, TB, 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards very pale l...
(TB) 'Jennifer Hilliard' 1969, Watkins 'Jennifer Hilliard' (Arthur Watkins, R. 1969). Seedling# 66 33a. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Pink se...
r6 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jennifer Leigh' 1978, Estrellas 'Jennifer Leigh' (Willie Mae Estrellas, R. 1978). Seedling# 11. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Lightly ruffled lemon yellow s...
r5 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jennifer Michelle' 1983, Breth 'Jennifer Michelle' (Theodore Breth, R. 1983). Seedling# EM7100C0. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. White, light gold hafts;...
r5 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jennifer Rebecca' 1985, Zurbrigg 'Jennifer Rebecca' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1984). Seedling# Q181. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom (Oct in VA). Ru...
(TB) 'Jennifer Ruth' 2016, Day 'Jennifer Ruth' (Beth Day, R. 2016) Seedling# 43A3. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls royal ...
r2 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jennifer Stout' 2009, Mullin 'Jennifer Stout' (Ron Mullin, R. 2009). Seedling# V26E. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards pale violet becoming ...
■(TB) 'Jennifer Williamson' 1983, Connally 'Jennifer Williamson' (Margaret Connally, R. 1982). Seedling# 76 48 A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Dark ...
r13 - 16 Feb 2023 - 16:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jennifer's Wish' 1990, Burrows 'Jennifer's Wish' (Nancy Burrows, R. 1989). Seedling# 67 503. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark rose purple to...
(TB) 'Jenny E' 1991, Beer 'Jenny E' (Manfred Beer, R. 1991). Seedling# MB 28/84A. TB, 43" (110 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls medium blue; beards ye...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:14 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jenny Lynn' 2000, Burseen 'Jenny Lynn' (Tom Burseen, R. 1999). Seedling# 95 229A. TB, height 37" (94 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Pearled light pink (RHS...
r11 - 18 Nov 2017 - 19:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jenny Morris' 2023, Chu ‘Jenny Morris’ (Anthony Chu, R. 2023). TB, 43" (109 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale violet; style arms pale violet; falls pale...
■(TB) 'Jenny's Friend' 2006, Grumbine 'Jenny's Friend' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2006). Seedling# MG02 91 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark purpl...
r7 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jenny's Lake' 1982, Fuller 'Jenny's Lake' (John Fuller, R. 1982). Seedling# JF33A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled blue purple; l...
r5 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jens Olaf' 2010, Gorbitz 'Jens Olaf' (Siegmar Gorbitz, R. 2010). Seedling# 9925 A4. TB, 43" (110 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and falls dark blue violet...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jephthah's Daughter' 1986, Miller 'Jephthah's Daughter' (Bernice Miller, R. 1986). TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom and re bloom (Summer and Fall in Alabama). ...
■(TB) 'Jeremy Jets On' 2006, Burseen 'Jeremy Jets On' (Tom Burseen, R. 2005). Seedling 01 95A. TB, height 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms b...
(TB) 'Jeremy Poldark' 1992, Nichol 'Jeremy Poldark' (R. E. Nichol, R. 1992). Seedling# J25 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled blue violet (RHS 93B) self; be...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jericho' 1948, McKee 'Jericho' (William McKee, R. 1948). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M. ('Miobelle' x 'Misty Rose') X 'Moontide'. Honorable Mention 1...
■(TB) 'Jerico Springs' 2011, Nicodemus 'Jerico Springs' (Barbara Nicodemus, R. 2011). Seedling# JR1 B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Standards an...
■(TB) 'Jerilee' 2004, Nebeker 'Jerilee' (Don Nebeker, R. 2000). Seedling# N1220 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late Midseason bloom. Ruffled, heavily laced white ground plic...
r8 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeri's Joy' 2005, Rogers 'Jeri's Joy' (Francis Rogers, R. 2005). Seedling# C 838 K. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms purple (RHS 79C), ...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeroma' 1942, Tharp 'Jeroma' (Mary Tharp, R. 1942) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class B7M. ('Luther Peterson' x 'Morning Splendor') x 'Joycette'. See below: ...
r4 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jerosch' 1984, Woerfel 'Jerosch' (Erhard Woerfel, R. 1984). Seedling# 4/80. TB, 43" (110 cm), Early bloom. Standards lavender; falls dark wine red; yellow b...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jerry' 1933, Lapham 'Jerry' ( E. Greig Lapham, R. 1931). TB, Late midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Bruno' X 'Belle Porter'. Lapham 1933. See below: * ...
r23 - 16 Dec 2021 - 18:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jerry Schneider' 1968, Riggs 'Jerry Schneider' (Harry Riggs, R. 1968). Seedling# 1 J 2. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V3D DD, Standards acon...
r5 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jerry's Promise' 2002, Hall 'Jerry's Promise' (Jerry Hall, R. 2002). Seedling# 97 10 G. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late bloom. Standards lavender; style arms white to...
r5 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jersey' 1955, Lapham 'Jersey' (E. Greig Lapham, R. 1955) Seedling# 8 54. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Light golden brown with slight purple flush; m...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jersey Beauty' 1960, Schortman 'Jersey Beauty' (William Schortman, R. 1959). Seedling# 653. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1R, Red violet...
■(TB) 'Jersey Bounce' 2001, Keppel 'Jersey Bounce' (Keith Keppel, R. 2000). Seedling# 93 111B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled cream white...
(TB) 'Jersey Fantasy' 1964, Gray 'Jersey Fantasy' (Charles Gray, R. 1964). Seedling# 668 4. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Color Class V1, Orchid self; flaming tan...
r5 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jersey Gem' 1964, Gray 'Jersey Gem' (Charles Gray, R. 1964). Seedling# 59 4 1. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class O1P, Flush pink self, c...
r5 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jersey Maid' 1981, Carr 'Jersey Maid' (Franklin Carr, R. 1981). Seedling# 74 45. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Lightly laced light peach pink; reddish t...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jersey Princess' 1960, Hailman 'Jersey Princess' (Victor G. Hallman, R. 1960). Seedling# 1 A 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self...
r6 - 30 Oct 2020 - 17:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jersey Queen' 1960, Hallman 'Jersey Queen' (Victor G. Hallman, R. 1960). Seedling# 210. TB, 36" (91 cm), M. Color Class V1, Orchid self. (Hall seedling x Ke...
r6 - 30 Oct 2020 - 17:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jerzy Marchwinski' 2009, Bushnell 'Jerzy Marchwinski' (Howard Bushnell, R. 2008). Seedling# 99 50 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards, styl...
■(TB) 'Jesmond' 2023, Harding 'Jesmond' (Robert Harding, R. 2023) TB, 27.5 31.5" (70 80 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white; style arms white; falls w...
(TB) 'Jessamy' 1944, Douglas 'Jessamy' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1944) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Cheerio' x 'Chromylla'. See below: * * References ...
(TB) 'Jesse Williamson' 1930, Williams 'Jesse Williamson' (Emma Williams, 1930) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class R1. 'Lent A. Williamson' X 'Souv. De Mme Ga...
■(TB) 'Jesse's Song' 1983, Williamson 'Jesse's Song' (Bryce Williamson, R. 1979). Seedling# 65773. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white center, sande...
(TB) 'Jessica' 1995, Black 'Jessica' (Polly Black, R. 1995). Seedling# MT21 35W. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled white self, green hint around beard; beards...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jessica Ann' 1998, Hempel 'Jessica Ann' (Ingeborg Hempel, R. 1998). TB, 38" (96 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls white, diamond duste...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jessica Chu' 2023, Chu ‘Jessica Chu’ (Anthony Chu, R. 2023). TB, 40" (101.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards mulberry, central white area heavily veined wit...
■(TB) 'Jessica In Pink' 2015, Cross 'Jessica In Pink' (Mel Cross, R. 2014) Seedling# D0207. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light pink, sligh...
r6 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jessica Susanne' 2000, Tyson 'Jessica Susanne' (William Tyson, R. 2000). Seedling# 92 2 22. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards barium yellow (RHS ...
r10 - 11 Feb 2021 - 16:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jessie Brice' 1943, Covert 'Jessie Brice' (A. H. Covert, R. 1943) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4M. 'Duart' x 'Miss Aravilla'. See below: * * R...
■(TB) 'Jessie Dove' 2013, Blazek 'Jessie Dove' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013) Seedling# JVJD. TB, 31.5 (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls white, lemon...
r7 - 09 Feb 2020 - 15:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jessie Galbraith Morris' 1935, Hand 'Jessie Galbraith Morris' (W. H. Henderson, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4D. 'Glowing Embers' x unknown. S...
(TB) 'Jessie Ley' 1968, Ladd 'Jessie Ley' (David Ladd, R. 1968). Seedling# 34 5. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V2Ocm, Standards light tan; falls, ...
r5 - 22 Nov 2017 - 21:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jessie McInnes ' 1919, Fryer 'Jessie McInnes' (Willis Fryer, 1919. TB. Color Class Y9M. See below: * * References References: From Fryer's catalog,...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jessie Viette' 1962, Randolph 'Jessie Viette' (L. Fitz Randolph, R. 1960). Seedling# 53125. TB, 32" (81 cm), . Color Class W4Y, Yellow amoena. ('Pinnacle' ...
r11 - 28 Dec 2021 - 23:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jessie's Chorus' 1992, Black 'Jessie's Chorus' (Polly Black, R. 1992). Seedling# WG5 16P. TB, 30" (76 cm). Early bloom. Standards delicate orchid; falls whi...
r4 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jessie' Girl' 2014, Taylor 'Jessie's Girl' (John Charles Taylor, R. 2013). Seedling# F64 3. TB, 35.5 (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet, grey ...
r8 - 31 Jan 2024 - 18:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jessy' 2006, Beer 'Jessy' (Manfred Beer, R. 2006). Seedling# MB 16/94Y. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. White (RHS 155A) self; beards yellow, (13D) at en...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jester' 1989, Hager 'Jester' (Ben Hager, R. 1988). Seedling# SP3969YHr. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards full yellow; falls white, hazed or...
■(TB) 'Jester's Robe' 2011, Ernst 'Jester's Robe' (Richard Ernst, R. 2011). Seedling# R08 06. TB, 35 (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red purple (RHS 60A C) an...
r6 - 31 Mar 2021 - 20:37 by georgebacon
(TB) 'Jet' 1957, Haskovec 'Jet' (Mrs. Charlie Haskovec, R. 1955). Seedling# 18 5. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class R3D, Standards blackish red,...
r5 - 23 Nov 2017 - 16:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jet Black' 1962, Brizendine 'Jet Black' (Roy Brizendine, R. 1961). Seedling# B 6 59. TB, 34" (86 cm). Extra early to early bloom. Color Class N3, Standards...
■(TB) 'Jet Fire' 1964, Tompkins 'Jet Fire' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1964) TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Standards wine red, interior white; falls whit...
(TB) 'Jet Pilot' 1957, Lyell 'Jet Pilot' (R. L. Lyell, R. 1955). Seedling# 48 55. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV1D, Deep maroon purple self, cre...
r5 - 23 Nov 2017 - 20:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jet Set Jezebel' 2017, Pain 'Jet Set Jezebel' (Shirley Pain, R. 2017) Seedling 11C21. TB, 38.5" (98 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white, heavily ...
r6 - 31 Jan 2024 - 18:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jet Setter' 2004, Ransom 'Jet Setter' (Lawrence Ransom, R. 2004). Seedling 92/96 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards flesh pink shaded ora...
(TB) 'Jet Stream' 1959, Clevenger 'Jet Stream' (Dr. Lewis Clevenger, R. 1958). Seedling# S 100. TB, 31" (79 cm). Midseason bloom. Black violet self. 'Black Hills'...
(TB) 'Jeva' 1931, Dykes 'Jeva' (Katherine Dykes, 1931) TB. Not introduced See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catalog description ...
r3 - 23 Nov 2017 - 21:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jevilar' 2013, Blazek 'Jevilar' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013) Seedling# JVLG. TB, 33.5 (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls yellow; beards yello...
■(TB) 'Jewaroxi' 2020, Altenhofer 'Jewaroxi' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2020). Seedling 15 FL x Cattalomak 9. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms ...
(TB) 'Jewel' 1952, Whiting 'Jewel' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1952). Seedling# 4667. TB, 28" (71 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Yellow and white bicolor. St...
(TB) 'Jewel Beach' 1990, Fan 'Jewel Beach' (Chun Fan, R. 1990). Seedling# 86 19. TB, 37" (93 cm), Early bloom. Standards white, slight yellow lacing at upper edge...
r6 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jewel Box' 1945, Essig 'Jewel Box' (Edward Essig, R. 1945) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. (seedling# 1527 x 'Miss California' involving a very...
r6 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jewel Drop' 1970, Rogers 'Jewel Drop' (Mark Rogers, R. 1966). Seedling# 64 L 10 A. Short TB, 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV1L, Medium orchid s...
(TB) 'Jewel Haven' 1964, Reynolds 'Jewel Haven' (Serlena Reynolds, R. 1963). Seedling# 30W 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class O1P, Smooth pink s...
(TB) 'Jewel Jayne' 2013, Fan 'Jewel Jayne' (Chun Fan, R. 2012) Seedling# F02 1016. TB, 35 (89 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms dark purple; falls black, ...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jewel Of Spring' 1988, Kegerise 'Jewel Of Spring' (Evelyn Kegerise, R. 1987) Seedling# 83 432 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled smooth apricot, light...
(TB) 'Jewel Song' 1955, Williams 'Jewel Song' (B. Kensel Williams, R. 1955). Seedling# 552. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V5, Amethyst violet with...
r5 - 23 Nov 2017 - 21:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jewel Tone' 1966, Schreiner 'Jewel Tone' (Schreiner, R. 1966). Seedling# W 459 A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class R1D, Rich glossy ruby...
■(TB) 'Jewel Tree' 1965, DeForest 'Jewel Tree' (Fred DeForest, R. 1964). Seedling# 61 54. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4, Standards pale opali...
r8 - 28 Oct 2022 - 23:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jeweled Empress' 1969, Tams 'Jeweled Empress' (Esther Tams, R. 1969). Seedling# T 13 65. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class BVL3RV, Stand...
r7 - 23 Nov 2017 - 23:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jeweled Flight' 1968, Hamblen 'Jeweled Flight' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1966). Seedling# H61 48. TB, 30" (76 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W1R, Velve...
r10 - 16 Dec 2023 - 20:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jeweled Ivory' 1989, Hamblen 'Jeweled Ivory' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1988). Seedling# H80 04C. TB, 30" (81 cm). Late midseason bloom. Ivory with orchid lavender...
■(TB) 'Jeweled Starlight' 1980, Burch 'Jeweled Starlight' (James Burch, R. 1979). Seedling# 74 21C. TB, 45" (114 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards yellow (R...
(TB) 'Jewelite' 1944, Cassebeer 'Jewelite' (Fred Cassebeer, R. 1944) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class S7D. 'Junaluska' x 'Radiant'. See below: * * Refere...
■(TB) 'Jewelry Everywhere' 2007, Burseen 'Jewelry Everywhere' (Tom Burseen, R. 2007). Seedling# 04 496G. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arm...
■(TB) 'Jewels Of The Madonna' 1944, Hodson 'Jewels Of The Madonna' (E. L. Hodson, R. 1944) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Easter Morn' x 'Mount Cloud...
r7 - 24 Oct 2020 - 15:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jezebel' 1945, Smith 'Jezebel' (Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. 'Aubanel' x seedling# X76. See below: * * References ...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 17:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Ji Yuan Fan Xing' 2023, Zhao 'Ji Yuan Fan Xing' (Xiaojie Zhao, R. 2023). Seedling 2019 2 36, TB, 27.6 29.5" (70 75 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards strong o...
■(TB) 'Jiaoxiangqu' 2024, Yuan 'Jiaoxiangqu' (Haiyan Yuan, R. 2024). Seedling 202211, TB, 34.2" (86.8 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards brilliant yellow (RHS 13B); ...
(TB) 'Jicarilla' 1939, Gersdorff 'Jicarilla' (Charles Gersdorff, 1939) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class S6M. ('Lone Star') x (Ua;'Bruno' x 'Sherbert'). See b...
■(TB) 'Jigsaw' 1985, Tompkins 'Jigsaw' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1985). Seedling# 80 13B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards bright azure blue on white gro...
r18 - 21 Aug 2021 - 15:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jil Lyn' 2002, Pinegar 'Jil Lyn' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 2001). Seedling# J 94 167A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medium yellow...
r9 - 04 Aug 2022 - 18:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jilby' 1965, Gaulter 'Jilby' (Larry Gaulter, R. 1964). Seedling# 62 31. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V3, Deep orchid to light purple self;...
(TB) 'Jileen' 1970, Jones 'Jileen' (Floyd Jones, R. 1970). Seedling# 64 F. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Lemon cream with yellow shoulders; yellow beard. 'Bar...
r6 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jill' 1949, Dolman 'Jill' (John Dolman, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Sibley' x 'Chivalry'. See below: * * References References: ...
(TB) 'Jill Marie Yates' 1962, Bush 'Jill Marie Yates' (Flossie Bush, R. 1962). Seedling# 62. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V1L, Pink lilac s...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jill Rosalind' 1981, Dodsworth 'Jill Rosalind' (B.L.C. Dodsworth, R. 1976). Seedling# A/2/13. TB, 34" (36 cm), Early midseason bloom. White self. 'Winter O...
r7 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jillian Meyer' 1939, Meyer 'Jillian Meyer' (H. R. Meyer, R. 1939) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R9D. See below: * * References References: ...
r4 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jill's Frills' 1973, Patterson 'Jill's Frills' (James Patterson, R. 1973). Seedling# 3170. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards copper; falls copper ...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jilted' 1986, Ensminger 'Jilted' (Allan Ensminger by D. S. Varner, R. 1984). Seedling# 3146. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Pink ground with variegated ...
■(TB) 'Jim' 1994, Richardson 'Jim' (Gerald Richardson, R. 1994). Seedling# 87 35 5. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue white; style arms lavend...
■(TB) 'Jim Austell' 2010, Austell 'Jim Austell' (Lionel Austell, R. 2009). Seedling# D828. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards dahlia purple; sty...
r11 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jim Dandy' 1954, Douglas 'Jim Dandy' (Geddes Douglas, R. 1954). Seedling# 523. TB, 34 36". Midseason late bloom. Color Class R3, Red bitone, bright yellow b...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jim Frazier' 1997, Grosvenor 'Jim Frazier' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1997). Seedling# V12 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender white, center ...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jim Wallace' 1932, Wallace Saunders 'Jim Wallace' (James Wallace and William E. Saunders, 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Lord of June' x 'Swe...
r4 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jim White' 1954, Harris 'Jim White' (Fisher Harris, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self. 'Azure Skies' X white seedling.,...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jimbo' 1957, Voris 'Jimbo' (Charles Voris, R. 1954). TB, 36 40", Midseason bloom. Color Class OY1, Golden russet self, rosy flush; yellow beard. 'Golden Rus...
(TB) 'Jimmy Booher' 1976, Scheve 'Jimmy Booher' (Addie Scheve, R. 1975). Seedling# 70 8. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gold, brushed reddish brown, ...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jimmy Carr' 1984, Rowlan 'Jimmy Carr' (Henry Rowlan, R. 1983). Seedling# 77 U 3. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Lightly laced white, light yellow shoulde...
■(TB) 'Jimmy Forever' 2015, Boivin 'Jimmy Forever' (Stéphane Boivin, R. 2015) Seedling 10 01 01. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom; Standards dark pink violet fl...
■(TB) 'Jimmy G' 2015, Schreiner 'Jimmy G' (Schreiner, R. 2015) Seedling# SS 94 A. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Silver white self; beards white. Seedling# JJ...
(TB) 'Jimmy Melrose' 1936, Aylett 'Jimmy Melrose' (William Aylett, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'Vesper Gold' x 'Talisman'. See below: * * Re...
(TB) 'Jimmy Moran' 1941, Bommersbach 'Jimmy Moran' (John Bommersbach, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Grace Sturtevant' x 'Klamath'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Jimmy's Jam' 2024, Schreiner's Gardens 'Jimmy's Jam' (Schreiner's Gardens, R. 2024). Seedling B526 C, TB, 34" (86.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark pu...
■(TB) 'Jimmy's Smile' 1996, Rogers 'Jimmy's Smile' (Francis Rogers, R. 1996). Seedling# C 55 B. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standrads light lavender blue (R...
■(TB) 'Jim's Gem' 2013, Hedgecock 'Jim's Gem' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2013) Seedling# R 102 A. TB, 32 (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, ruffled; style arms w...
(TB) 'Jimze' 1970, Berndt 'Jimze' (Tena Berndt, R. 1969) Seedling# 3B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards golden yellow; falls rosy brown; yellow beard. ...
■(TB) 'Jin Lan' 2023, Liang 'Jin Lan' (Yuting Liang, R. 2023) Seedling PD 8, TB, 18" (46 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white (RHS NN155D) base, edged grey yello...
r5 - 16 Oct 2023 - 15:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jin Xiu' 2024, Jin/Chen 'Jin Xiu' (Biqiong Jin and Shenghong Chen, R. 2024). Seedling B20212402, TB, 51.2" (130 cm), Very late bloom. Standards light yello...
(TB) 'Jineen' 1940, Riebold 'Jineen' (Mrs. F. E. Riebold, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' X 'Santa Barbara'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Jingle Bells' 1972, Baldwin 'Jingle Bells' (John Baldwin, R. 1970). Seedling# 63 69A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Apricot self; laced Standards; pale ...
r6 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jingle Dress' 2010, Niswonger 'Jingle Dress' (O. David Niswonger, R. 2010). Seedling# 10 08. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms bur...
(TB) 'Jingo' 1941, Tharp 'Jingo' (Mary Tharp, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W5D reversed. 'Jean Harriett' x ('Carolina Rose' x 'Madame X'). Tharp 1941...
r6 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jinjang' 1929, White 'Jinjang' OB (Clarence G. White, R. 1939). AB, TMB, tall, Early bloom. Pink flushed white, red flushed feathering on falls. Onco X bear...
r4 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jinmang' 2024, Yuan 'Jinmang' (Yongheng Yang, R. 2024). Seedling 202047, TB, 34.9" (88.67 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards vivid yellow (RHS 12A); style arm...
(TB) 'Jinny Sue' 1936, Williamson 'Jinny Sue' (E. B. Williamson, 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9L. Seedling 892 x unknown. See below: * * References ...
■(TB) 'Jinyemingying' 2023, Zhang 'Jinyemingying' (Yongxia Zhang, R. 2023). Seedling 2010099hua, TB, 31" (78.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow (RHS 4...
■(TB) 'Jitterbug' 1988, Keppel 'Jitterbug' (Keith Keppel, R. 1987). Seedling# 82 42B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. Standards sunflower yellow (M P 9 L 4); falls ...
(TB) 'Jo Anne North' 1981, Jones 'Jo Anne North' (William E. Jones, R. 1981). Seedling# 73 40A. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Laced hot pink, tinted amber on ...
r10 - 06 Feb 2023 - 21:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jo E Francesca' 2023, Garanzini 'Jo E Francesca' (Angelo Garanzini, R. 2023) Seedling 1317 5, TB, 39.4" (100 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards pure ...
(TB) 'Jo Pete' 1993, Meek 'Jo Pete' (Duane Meek, R. 1993). Seedling# 63 1 6. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards sky blue; Falls blue white paling to...
■(TB) 'Jo Tunney' 2017, Rowlands 'Jo Tunney' (Ronda Rowlands, R. 2017) Seedling 2010/12. TB, 27" (69 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards Egyptian bu...
■(TB) 'Jo Vallery' 1985, Hamblen 'Jo Vallery' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1984) Seedling# H79 10B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced light pink (RHS 62D)...
(TB) 'Joan' 1930, Lothrop 'Joan' (Lena Lothrop, R. 1930). TB. Color Class S2. 'Ramona' x 'Loudoun'. See below: * * References References: Awaiting origin...
(TB) 'Joan Caulfield' 1956, Ohl 'Joan Caulfield' (John Ohl, R. 1956). Seedling# 49 50. TB, 38 42" (97 102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale cream yellow; falls...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joan Crawford' 1954, Benson 'Joan Crawford' (Cliff Benson, R. 1952) Seedling# 52 3A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. Silvery blue self, ...
(TB) 'Joan Curtis' 1929, Perry 'Joan Curtis' (Amos Perry, 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting orig...
(TB) 'Joan Grace' 1994, Tubbs 'Joan Grace' (Mary Tubbs, R. 1994). Seedling# WD 4. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Clear yellow, falls edged faint white; beards ...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joan Lay' 1939, Chadburn 'Joan Lay' (H. Chadburn, R. 1939). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. ('Purissima' x 'Gold Imperial) x 'Golden Hind'. Silver Me...
(TB) 'Joan McClemens' 1982, Grosvenor 'Joan McClemens' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1982). Seedling# GG12 3. TB, 36" (90 cm), Very early bloom. Yellow; yellow beard. 'Ge...
r5 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joan Roe' 1938, Sass 'Joan Roe' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1938) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Amas' x unknown. SSee below: * * References Refere...
(TB) 'Joandra' 1935, Gersdorff 'Joandra' (Charles Gersdorff, 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8D. 'Mme Chobaut' X 'Col. Candelot'. See below: * * Refere...
(TB) 'Joann' 2012, Elliott 'Joann' (Nancy Elliott, R. 2012). Seedling# 00 41 8. TB, 34 (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards light yellow (RHS 11D) laced with ...
r4 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joann Austell' 2010, Austell 'Joann Austell' (Lionel Austell, R. 2009). Seedling# G1803. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms opera pi...
r9 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joann Leigh' 1962, M'Cashin 'Joann Leigh' (Dorothy M'Cashin, R. 1962). Seedling# B385. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1P, Camellia rose sel...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joanna' 1936, Stern 'Joanna' ( Major Fred C. Stern, 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. Orpington Nurseries 1936. Not registered. See below: * * ...
(TB) 'Joanna Jansse' 1947, Wedgwood 'Joanna Jansse' (George Wedgewood, R. 1947) TB. Midseason to late midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. 'Purissima' x 'Radiant'. N...
(TB) 'Joanna Margaret' 2010, Hersey 'Joanna Margaret' (Brian Hersey, R. 2010) Seedling# BH99B 01 06. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; sty...
r4 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joanne's Halo' 2011, Speirs *'Joanne's Halo'*(Graham Speirs, R. 2011) Seedling# J6 4. TB, 40 (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gold; falls red brown edge...
■(TB) 'Joann's Dream' 2018, Spoon 'Joann's Dream' (Donald Spoon, 2017. Seedling 2006 20 JO AN DRMIRDB. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light c...
r6 - 21 Sep 2019 - 20:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joan's Party' 2001, Burseen 'Joan's Party' (Tom Burseen, R. 1999). Seedling 95 65B. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled peach (RHS 29C...
■(TB) 'Joan's Pleasure' 1993, Zurbrigg 'Joan's Pleasure' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1992). Seedling# HH 22 1 1. TB, height 26 31" (66 79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
■(TB) 'Joaquin Lady' 1997, Meininger 'Joaquin Lady' (LeRoy Meininger, R. 1997). Seedling Sor 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards rose mauve, midr...
r11 - 13 Nov 2017 - 22:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jocelyn' 1932, Cayeux 'Jocelyn' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. See below: * References References Revue Horticole, 1...
(TB) 'Jocund' 1938, White 'Jocund' (Clarence G. White, R. 1938) AB/TMB. Early bloom. Color Class W5M. Onco x bearded. Also listed in AB Web: 'Jocund'. See below:...
r3 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jocund Day' 1965, Fothergill 'Jocumd Day' (H. Senior Fothergill, R. 1965). Seedling# 1/25. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YO1L, Apricot self….
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 14:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jody' 1968, Julander 'Jody' (Odell Julander, R. 1968). Seedling# J 66 46. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class V1L, Clear lavender self; flute...
r9 - 16 Dec 2023 - 20:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jody Yarnell' 1961, Housley 'Jody Yarnell' (Lys Housley, R. 1959). Seedling# VV 167F. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class W2, Standards cream...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joe Askins' 1978, Bledsoe 'Joe Askins' (William Bledsoe, R. 1977). Seedling# 71 27. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards russet with pale viole...
■(TB) 'Joe Lynn Turner' 2010, Loktev 'Joe Lynn Turner' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2010) Seedling# 02 279 6. TB, 37" (93 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards violet veined ...
r10 - 20 Nov 2021 - 15:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joe Vial' 1992, Tompkins 'Joe Vial' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1992). Seedling# 84 83C. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom. Lilac self; beards lilac lemon. ('Ast...
r11 - 04 Apr 2020 - 14:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joel Aga' 1952, White 'Joel Aga' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1952). Seedling# 51B52. AB, EC, 25” (64 cm). Midseason bloom. Blend, buff stippled and veined Pe...
r3 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joe's Gold' 2009, Jacobsen 'Joe's Gold' (Marie Jacobsen, R. 2009). TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Standards and style arms cream yellow; falls cr...
(TB) 'Johann Strauss' 1995, Gordodelovy 'Johann Strauss' (Vitali and Nadezhda Gordodelovy, R. 1995). Seeddling# 106. TB, 33" (85 cm), Early midseason bloom. Pink...
r6 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John Betts' 1981, Tohl 'John Betts' (Joan Tohl, R. 1978). Seedling# 8165. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early to midseason late bloom. White self; white beard. 'Patricia...
r6 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John David' 1971, Fuller 'John David' (Gertrude Fuller, R. 1971). TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards reddish tan; falls deeper velvety red,...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John E. Voight' 1990, Protzmann 'John E. Voight' (Clarence Protzmann, R. 1988). Seedling#. 84 28. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cream tan cent...
(TB) 'John Evelyn' 1968, Dughi 'John Evelyn' (John Dughi, R. 1968). seedling# 65 16 3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O3P, Standards light pink; fa...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John George' 1964, Linse 'John George' (Jack Linse, R. 1963). Seedling#. 4. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y4W. Standards barium yell...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'John Glad' 2013, Loktev 'John Glad' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2013) Seedling# 04 712 7. TB, 28 (71 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards lilac light violet; sty...
r5 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'John Hoehner' 1995, Hoage 'John Hoehner' (Joseph Hoage, R. 1993). Seedling# H82 42 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Pale blue; beards dark blue. '...
■(TB) 'John Kearney' 1994, Innerst 'John Kearney' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1993) Seedling# 2752 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards yellow; falls red...
r12 - 05 Jan 2022 - 19:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John Leslie' 1967, Watkins 'John Leslie' (Edward and Arthur Watkins, R. 1966). Seedling# 63 31 A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4B, Standar...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John Ohl' 1981, Ohl 'John Ohl' (John Ohl by F. Dyer, R. 1981). Seedling# D 26 71 T. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pink; falls pink, lightly s...
r8 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'John Paul Jones' 2003, Ensminger 'John Paul Jones' (Allan Ensminger, R. 1997). Seedling# 390 21. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards veronica ...
r16 - 04 Aug 2022 - 18:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John R. Rogers' 1941, Bommersbach 'John R. Rogers' (John Bommersbach, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. 'Persia' x 'Rose Dominion'. See below: ...
(TB) 'John Radcliffe' 1932, Dykes 'John Radcliffe' (Katherine Dykes, R. 1932) TB. Early bloom. Color Class R1L.; Windward 1932; 1939; registered as having some so...
TB 'John Robert' 2001, Attenberger 'John Robert' ( Ed Attenberger, R. 2001) Sdlg. 93 01 04. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled orchid pink, Falls s...
(TB) 'John Rolfe' 1972, Denman 'John Rolfe' (Clarence Denman, R. 1972). TB, 30" (76 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Greyed purple bitone; greyed yellow bea...
(TB) 'John Stearns' 1969, Watkins 'John Stearns' (Arthur Watkins, R. 1969). Seedling# 63 21aa. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4V, Standards white ...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:55 by Harloiris
(TB) John Trumbull' 1937, Gersdorff 'John Trumbull' (Charles Gersdorff, 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9D. 'Geo. J. Tribolet' x ('Bruno' x 'Sherbert'). S...
(TB) 'John Waterer' 1929, Waterer 'John Waterer' (John Waterer Sons Crisp, 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. See below: * * References Referenc...
■(TB) 'Johna' 2011, Faith 'Johna' (M. D. Faith, R. 2011). Seedling# S 62. TB, 28 32" (71 82 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls cobalt blu...
r7 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Johnie Esther' 1971, Ohl 'Johnie Esther' (John Ohl, R. 1971). Seedling# 14 67A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards pongee yellow; falls same, blended br...
r5 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Johnnie's Opal Angel' 2010, Christopherson by Waite 'Johnnie's Opal Angel' (Vincent Christopherson by Ellen Waite, R. 2009). Seedling# L1 46WH. TB, 36" (91...
(TB) 'Johnny Be Good' 2008, Grosvenor 'Johnny Be Good' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2008). Seedling# D24 04 1. TB, 43" (110 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white; f...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Johnny Black' 1930, Black 'Johnny Black' (Mrs. J. L. Black, 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. See below: * * References * * Synonyms Ref...
■(TB) 'Johnny Blue Eyes' 2011, Grosvenor 'Johnny Blue Eyes' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2011) Seedling# A96 01 9. TB, 37 (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style...
r7 - 28 Nov 2019 - 23:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Johnny Come Lately' 2007, Van Liere 'Johnny Come Lately' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2008). Seedling# 98 134. TB, 36" (91 cm), Very late bloom. Standards white in...
r9 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Johnny G' 1983, Zurbrigg 'Johnny G' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1983). Seedling# P 58. TB, height 35" (88 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom (September October in Vi...
■(TB) 'Johnny Reb' 1994, Nelson 'Johnny Reb' (Roger Nelson, R. 1992). Seedling# RN 86 4BF. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards greyed wine (near RHS ...
r15 - 05 Jan 2022 - 19:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Johnny's Choice' 1966, Johnson 'Johnny's Choice' (Ralph Johnson, R. 1966). Seedling# J 59 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1Y, Warm white s...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Johnny's Pride' 1966, Johnson 'Johnny's Pride' (Ralph Johnson, R. 1966). Seedling# J 60 5. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1L, Light orange s...
r5 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John's Discovery' 1966, Smith 'John's Discovery' (Elbert W. Smith, R. 1966). Seedling# 60 ES 6 3. TB, 34 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1Fcm, Deep throa...
r6 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'John's Favorite' 1963, Corey 'John's Favorite' (Mrs. P. E. Corey, R. 1963). Seedling# 11 Z 7. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Stand...
r6 - 08 Nov 2017 - 21:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joke' 2004, Grosvenor 'Joke' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2004). Seedling# W16 1. TB, 35" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards blue violet, fine white rim; f...
■(TB) 'Joker' 1977, Mallory 'Joker' (Robert Mallory, R. 1976). Seedling# MPBC 67 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow; falls oxblood, yellow bord...
r6 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joli Cœur' 1993, Cayeux 'Joli Cœur' (Jean Cayeux, R. 1993). Seedling 8258 B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls lilac pink; beards re...
■(TB) 'Joli Damier' 2023, Cosi 'Joli Damier' (Christine Cosi, R. 2023) Seedling 20125/1, TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white infused very ...
■(TB) 'Joli Mai' 1960, Cayeux 'Joli Mai' (Jean Cayeux, R. 1960). Seedling 5574. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V5R, Cyclamen pink self; gol...
(TB) 'Joli Page' 2004, Fur 'Joli Page' (Virginie Fur, R. 2004). Seedling 96 82 H. TB, 31" (80 cm), Late bloom. Standards and falls orange apricot; style arms apri...
■(TB) 'Jolie' 1967, Schreiner 'Jolie' (Schreiner, R. 1967). Seedling# V 664 1. TB, 32" (81 cm). Early to very early bloom. Color Class W2V. Sharp white background...
■(TB) 'Jolies Bacchantes' 2016, Cosi 'Jolies Bacchantes' (Christine Cosi, R. 2015) Seedling 320913A, TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, midribs ...
(TB) 'Joliet' 1925, Crawford 'Joliet' (Mrs. William Crawford, R. 1925) TB. Color Class B3M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catal...
■(TB) 'Jolimont' 1989, Baldwin 'Jolimont' (John Baldwin, R. 1984). Seedling# 78 25A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ruffled pale blue white; falls he...
r9 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joline's Choice' 2002, Grumbine 'Joline's Choice' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2002). Seedling# MG95 1 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled lavender orchid wi...
r5 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jolly Fall' 1977, Zurbrigg 'Jolly Fall' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1976). Seedling# H 12. TB, height 35" (86 cm), Early bloom and late September. Lightly ruffled w...
■(TB) 'Jolly Goliath' 1971, Zurbrigg 'Jolly Goliath' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1969). Seedling# 67 27. TB, height 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Class...
(TB) 'Jolly Jumbuk' 1994, Baldwin 'Jolly Jumbuk' (John Baldwin, R. 1994). Seedling# 88 5G. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyed orange (RHS 163C); f...
r8 - 24 Nov 2017 - 00:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jolly Miller' 1959, Fothergill 'Jolly Miller' (H. Senior Fothergill, R. 1959). Seedling# 8 21. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late to very late bloom. Color Class YO5D, ...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 14:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jolly Roger' 1934, Nicholls 'Jolly Roger' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. ('Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' x 'Alcazar') X 'Domini...
(TB) 'Jolly Sprite' 1962, Beattie 'Jolly Sprite' (Ron Beattie, R. 1962). Seedling 57 60. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V1, Orchid self, betw...
■(TB) 'Jolt' 1988, Weiler 'Jolt' (John Weiler, R. 1988). Seedling# 81 90 3. TB, 32" (81 cm). Late midseason bloom. Lightly wavy ruffled fiery orange, small yello...
(TB) 'Jomar' 1941, McKee 'Jomar' (William McKee, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5D. Seedling 3859 x 'Chosen'. High Commendation 1942. See below: * ...
r7 - 30 Jan 2020 - 20:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jon Ellen' 2014, Grumbine 'Jon Ellen' ( Mark Grumbine, R. 2010) Sdlg. MG06 602 22. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style arms blue purp...
■(TB) 'Jon Farrar' 2008, Middleton 'Jon Farrar' (Gary Middleton, R. 2005). Seedling# 02/SMHK 9. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards deep blue violet;...
r8 - 14 Feb 2024 - 19:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jon Hunter' 2002, Zurbrigg 'Jon Hunter' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 2002). Seedling# JJ 85 A.S. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue lavender, ba...
r9 - 20 Nov 2017 - 13:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jonablue' 1992, Van Mulders 'Jonablue' (Alphonse Van Mulders, R. 1991). Seedling# 35/89. TB, 38" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Azure self, intensifying darker i...
r6 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jonathan' 1938, Bonnell 'Jonathan' (Mrs. Valeria Bonnell, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9D. 'Germaine Perthuis' x 'Nêné'. See below: * * Ref...
■(TB) 'Jonathan Peretz' 2007, Bushnell 'Jonathan Peretz' (Howard Bushnell, R. 2006). Seedling# 98 11 1. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. White self, yellow in throat...
(TB) 'Jonathan’s Rest' 2022, Middleton 'Jonathan’s Rest' (Gary Middleton, R. 2022) Seedling 19/VMCP#2, TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards deep bl...
(TB) 'Jonchée' 1931, Vilmorin 'Jonchée' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1931) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B3. See below: * References References Bulle...
(TB) 'Jondilly' 1955, Rees 'Jondilly' (George Rees, R. 1955). TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards daffodil yellow, Falls sunflower yellow ...
■(TB) 'Jonquil' 1943, Whiting 'Jonquil' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1939) Sdlg. 39 75, TB, 42", Late midseason bloom, Color Class Y4L. 'Amitola' x 'Copper Piece'. Strong...
■(TB) 'Jontue' 1981, Williamson 'Jontue' (Bryce Williamson, R. 1980). Seedling# 3875 4. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards creamy beige apricot, texture ...
r10 - 11 Apr 2023 - 14:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joplin' 1961, McCaffrey 'Joplin' (Hazel McCaffrey, R. 1961). Seedling# 70 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Missouri...
r5 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joppa Parrot' 1945, White 'Joppa Parrot' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1945). AB, TMB, tall. Early bloom. Standards light mauve, streaked mulberry; falls bron...
■(TB) 'Joquellanes' 2020, Altenhofer 'Joquellanes' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2020). Seedling 15 FL x Cattalomak 2. TB, 29.5" (75 cm), Early bloom. Standards light ivor...
(TB) 'Joram' 1937, Nesmith 'Joram' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9M. See below: * * References References: From Fairmoun...
r5 - 18 Nov 2017 - 14:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jordan Alexis Thomas' 2016, Austell 'Jordan Alexis Thomas' (Lionel Austell, R. 2015) Seedling# H2082. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style...
■(TB) 'Jordan Bruat' 1996, Lanthelme 'Jordan Bruat' (Christian Lanthelme, R. 1997). TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms orange; falls orang...
■(TB) 'Jordan River' 2018, Karpenko 'Jordan River' (Victor Karpenko, R. 2018). Seedling 13 37 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms v...
(TB) 'Jordans' 1949, Randall 'Jordans' (Harry Randall, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Golden Days' x yellow seedling. See below: * * Reference...
■(TB) 'Jordan's Joy' 2007, Schreiner 'Jordan's Joy' (Schreiner, R. 2007). Seedling# PP 117 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue (RHS 95D), da...
(TB) 'Joseph Hirschmann's Liebste' 2013, Beer 'Joseph Hirschmann's Liebste' (Manfred Beer, R. 2013). Seedling# MB 8/05A. TB, 37.5 (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Red (R...
r4 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joseph' 1941, Bommersbach 'Joseph' (John Bommersbach, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y8D. 'Loreley' x 'Lux'. See below: * * References Ref...
(TB) 'Joseph E. Fernald' 1941, Graves 'Joseph E. Fernald' (Robert Graves, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Gudrun' x 'Merrimack'. See below: * *...
■(TB) 'Joseph Haydn' 2016, Loktev 'Joseph Haydn' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2016) Seedling# 08 883 B. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; s...
(TB) 'Joseph Le Conte' 1934, Brehm 'Joseph Le Conte' (George Brehm, 1934) TB. Color Class S4M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original ca...
(TB) 'Joseph Lister' 1944, Douglas 'Joseph Lister' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1944) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Coloor Class Y9M. 'Vision' x 'Naranja'. See below: * * R...
(TB) 'Joseph Robidoux' 1937, Callis 'Joseph Robidoux' (Ella Callis, R. 1936) TB. Late bloom. Color Class R3D. 'Dauntless' x 'Redwing'. Callis 1937. See below: ...
r7 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Josephine Smith' 1939, Bommersbach 'Josephine Smith' (John Bommersbach, R. 1939) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class R1D. 'Spokan' x 'Joycette'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Joseph's Coat' Although this was originally registered as a Tall bearded, according to current classification system this would be a Miniature tall bearded….
r8 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joseph's Mantle' 1949, Craig 'Joseph's Mantle' (Tom Craig, R. 1948). TB, Early to late bloom, Rebloomer, Color Class Y8D. ('China Maid' x 'Tiffany') x Mitc...
(TB) 'Josevieve' 1943, Taylor 'Josevieve' (Carl Taylor, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. ('Indian Chief' x 'Mauna Loa') x 'Good Sir'. See below: ...
r4 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joshua' 1923, Burchfield 'Joshua' (Samuel Burchfield, 1923) TB. Color Class S9D. See below: * * References References: From Huron Valley Iris Garden...
(TB) 'Josie' 1986, Morrison 'Josie' (Don Morrison, R. 1986). Seedling# 9744 20. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale rose, blending to pale yellow at...
r5 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jota' 1942, Peckham 'Jota' (Mrs. E. A. Peckham, R. 1942) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'San Diego' x 'Nightshade'. See below: * * References...
r4 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Journey' 1996, Wilkerson 'Journey' (Betty Wilkerson, R. 1996). Seedling# F30 CoBr. TB, height 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Red (RHS 60A) self...
r11 - 01 Mar 2021 - 17:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Journey In Amaranth' 2022, Zalewska Taylor 'Journey In Amaranth' (Katarzyna Zalewska Taylor, R. 2022) Seedling 32 15 KZ A, TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midsea...
(TB) 'Journey's End' 1945 Stevens 'Journey's End' (Mrs. W. R. Stevens, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. ('Magnolia' x 'King Midas') x 'Polynesia'. S...
■(TB) 'Jouvenceau' 2020, Cayeux 'Jouvenceau' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2020). Seedling 11068A. TB. 33.5" (85 cm). Very early bloom. Standards white, large violet plicat...
■(TB) 'Jovial Vagabond' 1987, Ernst 'Jovial Vagabond' (Richard Ernst, R. 1987). Seedling# S905 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards creamy buff with yellow a...
r6 - 23 Nov 2017 - 16:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joviality' 2012, Keppel 'Joviality' (Keith Keppel, R. 2011) Seedling# 04 69A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pure white (M P 9 A 1), central b...
■(TB) 'Jovian Magic' 1976/77, Blyth 'Jovian Magic' (Barry Blyth, R. 1976). Seedling# G152 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late midseason bloom. Orchid pink with ...
(TB) 'Jovita' 2003, Wozniak 'Jovita' (Jerzy Wozniak, R. 2000). Seedling FvG RF 95/9. TB, 34" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light purplish violet (RHS 80B); ...
■(TB) 'Joy' 1943, Carpenter 'Joy' (Carl Carpenter, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. 'Esterel' x 'Golden Flare'. Honorable Mention 1943. See below: ...
(TB) 'Joy Bilston' 1967, Bilston 'Joy Bilston' (Arthur Bilston, R. 1967). TB, 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1F, Violet self, blue center, brown on sh...
■(TB) 'Joy Dancer' 1970, Tucker 'Joy Dancer' (James Tucker, R. 1969). Seedling# 47L. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class V1L, Light lilac self; yel...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joy De Rohan Chabot' 2011, Cayeux 'Joy De Rohan Chabot' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2011) Seedling 02170B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pink; falls...
■(TB) 'Joy Forever' 1972, Porreca 'Joy Forever' (H. C. Porreca, R. 1970). Seedling# 485. TB, 38 40" (97 102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white; falls viol...
■(TB) 'Joy Joy Joy' 1996, Ensminger 'Joy Joy Joy' (Allan Ensminger, R. 1995) Seedling# 90 36. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white; Falls royal ...
■(TB) 'Joy Junction' 1993, Burseen 'Joy Junction' (Tom Burseen, R. 1992). Seedling# 8 133X. TB, height 33" (84 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards tan, blend...
r12 - 18 Nov 2017 - 19:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joy My Love' 2020, Cosi 'Joy My Love' (Christine Cosi, R. 2020). Seedling 1502/02. TB, 33" (84 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pale or...
■(TB) 'Joy Of Springtime' 1980, Sexton 'Joy Of Springtime' (Neva Sexton, R. 1980). Seedling# 59 71. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. White with heavy gold lacing...
r11 - 21 Aug 2021 - 15:39 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joy Returns' 2016, Shadlow 'Joy Returns' (Robin Shadlow, R. 2016). Seedling# 19 11N4. TB, 28" (71 cm). Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards blue vi...
■(TB) 'Joy Ride' 1968, Noyd 'Joy Ride' (Luella Noyd, R. 1967). Seedling# N65 40 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W2OR, Standards brown red...
(TB) 'Joya' 1922, Morrison 'Joya' (Benjamin Y. Morrison, 1922) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Oriflamme' x 'B. Y. Morrison'. See below: * * References ...
■(TB) 'Joyance' 1929, Dykes 'Joyance' (Katherine Dykes, R. 1929). TB, Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W4. Dykes 1929. British Dykes Medal 1929. See below: ...
(TB) 'Joybells' 1954, Wild 'Joybells' (Gilbert Wild, R. 1954). Seedling# 53 3. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M, Deep rose pink self. Two seedlin...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyce Ann' 1962, McHugh 'Joyce Ann' (Clayton J. McHugh, R. 1962). Seedling# 58 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class V3, Standards ...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:44 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyce Diane' 1992, Rogers 'Joyce Diane' (Francis Rogers, R. 1991). Seedling# F651 0. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red purple (RHS 62D), slig...
r7 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyce Donaldson' 1999, Grosvenor 'Joyce Donaldson' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1997). Seedling# U185 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. White self; beards red; ...
r6 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyce Evelyn' 2012, Friesz 'Joyce Evelyn' (Elizabeth Friesz, R. 2012). Seedling# F 7 21. TB, 36 (91 cm). Midseason late to late bloom. Standards yellow; sty...
r5 - 01 Apr 2022 - 16:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyce Lorraine' 1992, Brenner 'Joyce Lorraine' (Francis Brenner, R. 1992). Seedling# B 78 B. TB, 28" (71 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards peach (RHS 29D...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyce M. Edwards' 1967, Luscombe 'Joyce M. Edwards' (Ernest Luscombe, R. 1967). Seedling# 12/4/64. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1L, Light...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyce Meek' 1991, Hamblen 'Joyce Meek' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1990). Seedling# H84 04A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Early tolate bloom. Creamy amber, falls bordered deep...
■(TB) 'Joyce Ragle' 2006, Kerr 'Joyce Ragle' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2005). Seedling# 99 073E. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards dark pink, lighter...
■(TB) 'Joyce Terry' 1974, Muhlestein 'Joyce Terry' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1974). Seedling# 493 A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards yellow; falls whi...
(TB) 'Joyce Thrift' 2005, Kilgore 'Joyce Thrift' (Sue Kilgore, R. 2005). Seedling# C 2000 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Standards peachy pink, lavender infusion...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyce's Wish' 2005, Rogers 'Joyce's Wish' (Francis Rogers, R. 2005). Seedling# C 801 C. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards purple (RHS 76C); style arms...
■(TB) 'Joycette' 1932, Sass 'Joycette' (Jacob Sass, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. Medium red self with pink highlights. Known misspellings/synony...
r16 - 05 Oct 2020 - 15:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyeuse Mode' 2019, Cayeux 'Joyeuse Mode' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2018). Seedling 10 355 A. TB, TB, 31.5" (80 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and falls pink la...
(TB) 'Joyeux Drille' 1953, Cayeux 'Joyeux Drille' (Ferdinand Cayeux, R. 1959). TB. Very late bloom. Color Class YO5D, Red brown copper. Delayed registration. 'Jea...
r15 - 06 Jul 2023 - 21:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyful Beginning' 2019, Taylor 'Joyful Beginning' (Sharon Taylor, R. 2019) TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lavender; falls lavender, violet ce...
r2 - 10 Sep 2020 - 11:50 by Pamina
■(TB) 'Joyful Journey' 2006, Van Liere 'Joyful Journey' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2005). Seedling# 98 1429. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow orange;...
r9 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyful Moment' 2001, Volfovich Moler 'Joyful Moment' (Adolf Volfovich Moler, R. 2000). Seedling# V213. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced ...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:51 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyful News' 1984, Carr 'Joyful News' (Franklin Carr, R. 1979). Seedling# 74 21 B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Light orange (salmon) self; reddi...
■(TB) 'Joyful Skies' 2005, Schreiner 'Joyful Skies' (Schreiner, R. 2004). Seedling# JJ 1882 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Light blue self (RHS 97B...
■(TB) 'Joyful Song' 2004, Braybrook 'Joyful Song' (Eric Braybrook, R. 2004). Seedling# 94/13/A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and falls white veined...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyful Sound' 1981, Carr 'Joyful Sound' (Franklin Carr, R. 1981). Seedling# 74 21 C. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late midseason bloom. Lightly laced light orange; redd...
r7 - 22 Nov 2017 - 20:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyful Spirit' 1973, Schmelzer 'Joyful Spirit' (Hazel Schmelzer, R. 1972). Seedling# 48. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early to late bloom. Ruffled pure orange self; ora...
■(TB) 'Joyfulness' 2006, Willott 'Joyfulness' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 2004). Seedling# W 2K 226. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style ar...
r11 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Joyous' 1929, Sturtevant 'Joyous' (Grace Sturtevant, 1929) TB. Color Class S9L. ('Sarabande' x unknown) x 'Argentina'. See below: * * References Refe...
r5 - 10 Nov 2017 - 20:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyous Cadence' 1988, Hummel 'Joyous Cadence' (Jim Hummel, R. 1987). Seedling# 78 21D. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards primrose yellow ...
(TB) 'Joyous Day' 1971, Carstensen 'Joyous Day' (Katie Carstensen, R. 1970). Seedling# C 2 70. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled pink self; matching beard...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 00:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyous Melody' 1985, Gatty 'Joyous Melody' (Joseph Gatty, R. 1985). Seedling# K94 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards miniature pink (M P 2...
■(TB) 'Joyous Morn' 1992, Schreiner 'Joyous Morn' (Schreiner, R. 1992) Seedling# T 1619 A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Standards dusty rose (RH...
r7 - 11 Nov 2017 - 00:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Joyous Noise' 2003, Rogers 'Joyous Noise' (Francis Rogers, R. 2003). Seedling# C 725 A2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms yellow (RHS ...
(TB) 'Joyous Spring' 1957, Tompkins 'Joyous Spring' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1957) TB, 39" (99 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W2M. Ivory ground plicata, marked...
r9 - 05 Oct 2020 - 15:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Ju Ju' 1952, Schriefer 'Ju Ju' (Fred Schriefer, R. 1952). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y5L, Gold and pink blend. Unknown. See below: * *...
■(TB) 'Ju Juba' 2009, Bianco 'Ju Juba' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2008). Seedling# 959. TB, 37" (95 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms yellow; falls lav...
r11 - 08 Nov 2022 - 15:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juan Bandini' 1936, Monroe 'Juan Bandini' (John Monroe, R.1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. See below: * * References References: Awaitin...
■(TB) 'Juan N Only' 1981, Wolford 'Juan N Only' (Leon Wolford, R. 1980). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards buttercup yellow (RHS 15B); bronze yellow...
r8 - 08 May 2020 - 14:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Juan Valdez' 1993, Maryott's Gardens 'Juan Valdez' (Maryott's Gardens, R. 1989). Seedling# H113A. TB, 37 38" (94 97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards ruffled...
r12 - 28 Oct 2022 - 23:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juana Marie' 1940, DeForest 'Juana Marie' (Fred DeForest, R. 1940) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class S4L. 'Salar' x 'Far West'. See below: * * Referenc...
(TB) 'Juanita Burch' 1955, Burch 'Juanita Burch' (J. E. Burch, R. 1955). Seedling# 54 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VR1L, Orchid pink self, tan...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juanita T' 1969, Tallant 'Juanita T' (Mollie Tallant, R. 1968). Seedling# 66 26. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class B1F, Medium sea blue self; ruffled...
(TB) 'Juba' 1933, Cayeux 'Juba' (Ferdinand Cayeux, 1933) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3M. See below: * References References Bulletin de la Société Na...
(TB) 'Jubil Heart' 1979, Boushay 'Jubil Heart' (Jack Boushay, R. 1979). Seedling# 72 P 4. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peach (Wilson 512/1) with mo...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jubilance' 2021, Keppel 'Jubilance' (Keith Keppel, R. 2020). Seedling 09 42B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards warm white (M P 9 A 1), center a...
(TB) 'Jubilant' 1934, Berry 'Jubilant' (Samuel Berry, 1934) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. 'King Tut' x ('Rose Madder' x 'Mauna Loa'). See below: *...
■(TB) 'Jubilant Psalm' 1982, Miller 'Jubilant Psalm. (Bernice Miller, R. 1975). Seedling# 72 90. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled light blue...
(TB) 'Jubilant Song' 2012, Richmond 'Jubilant Song' (Carol Richmond, R. 2012). Seedling# 08 F. TB, 32 (81 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms light yellow (...
r4 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jubilare' 1983, Corlew 'Jubilare' (Glenn Corlew, R. 1982). Seedling# 1068 8C. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Light yellow, lighter center on falls; yell...
(TB) 'Jubilation' 1955, Tompkins 'Jubilation' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1954). Seedling# 49 106. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Cream lemon with broad edging of rich ...
■(TB) 'Jubilé Rainier III' 1999, Cayeux 'Jubilé Rainier III' (Richard Cayeux, R. 1998). Seedling 90170 A. TB, 32" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards orange apric...
■(TB) 'Jubilee Gem' 1959, Kelway 'Jubilee Gem' (Kelway, R. 1960). Seedling# 585. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4V, Standards cream; falls vi...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jubilee Rose' 1977, Scopes 'Jubilee Rose' (Nora Scopes, R. 1977). Seedling# 185 G 4. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Tearose pink self, lighter ce...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jubilee Trail' 1979, Harder 'Jubilee Trail' (Larry Harder, R. 1974). Seedling# 74 30. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards dark brown; ...
(TB) 'Jubilesta' 1937, Grinter 'Jubilesta' (J. H. Grinter, R. 1937). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Pluie d'Or' x unknown. Quality Gardens 1937. Synonym: ...
(TB) 'Jubilo' 1939, Tharp 'Jubilo' (Mary Tharp, 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. ('Solférino' x 'Madam X') x ('King Karl'). See below: * * Reference...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 19:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jubiloso' 1979, Helsley 'Jubiloso' (Calvin Helsley, R. 1976). Seedling# 2 CH 76. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards butter yellow; falls whi...
■(TB) 'Jud Paynter' 1993, Nichol 'Jud Paynter' (R. E. Nichol, R. 1991). Seedling# L100 1. TB, 41" (104 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards rosy magenta; falls...
r8 - 18 Mar 2021 - 18:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Judée' 1924, Vilmorin 'Judée' (Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie, 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. See below: * References References Bulletin de l...
■(TB) 'Judge Mac' 1981, Slade 'Judge Mac' (George Slade, R. 1980). Seedling# 75 15 2. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Violet blue (near RHS 94A); white ...
(TB) 'Judges' Choice' 1967, Durrance 'Judges' Choice' (John Durrance by Long, R. 1967). Seedling# D60 90. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1L, Apri...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 13:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Judge's Special' 2012, Burseen 'Judge's Special' (Tom Burseen, R. 2011) Seedling 08 1164A. TB, 36 (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms w...
■(TB) 'Judgment Call' 2008, Ernst 'Judgment Call' (Richard Ernst, R. 2008). Seedling# W110 25. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet purple washed de...
r7 - 23 Nov 2017 - 16:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Judith Ellen' 1950, Belsley 'Judith Ellen' (Ray Belsley, R. 1950). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YD1, Cavalry yellow self. 'Golden Eagle' X ...
(TB) 'Judith Gardnier' 1942, Tharp 'Judith Gardnier' (Mary Tharp, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class R9D. ('Luther Peterson' x 'Morning Splendor') x 'Joy...
r4 - 11 Nov 2017 - 19:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Judith Lane' 2000, Melliere 'Judith Lane' (Shannon Melliere, R. 2000). Seedling# 94 2 1. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Rosy orchid, falls with peach haf...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Judith McLeod' 1975, Jaeger 'Judith McLeod' (Edwin Jaeger, R. 1975). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled medium orchid self, lighter hafts; yel...
(TB) 'Judith's Joy' 1983, Paul 'Judith's Joy' (Jerome Paul, R. 1983). Seedling# 83 2 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled light pink; pink beard. 'Pink Co...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Judy Brown' 2005, Thomason 'Judy Brown' (Bob Thomason, R. 1993). Seedling# BT 9011A. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards light plum; style arms...
r5 - 07 Nov 2017 - 22:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Judy Carter' 2013, Grumbine 'Judy Carter' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2012). Seedling# MG704 16. TB, 32 (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Pink self; beards tangerine. 'Earl...
r5 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Judy K Saved Me' 2019, Skaggs 'Judy K Saved Me' (Robert Skaggs, R. 2019). Seedling 768. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late midseason bloom. Standards and...
■(TB) 'Judy Marsonette' 1962, Hall 'Judy Marsonette' (David Hall, R. 1962). Seedling# 58 101. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O1P, Deep pink self; t...
■(TB) 'Judy Mogil' 1997, McWhirter 'Judy Mogil' (James McWhirter by Abram Feuerstein, R. 1999). Seedling# J92 316. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Lavender bl...
(TB) 'Judy My Love' 2011, Evans 'Judy My Love' (Judith Evans, deceased, by Graham Speirs, R. 2011). Seedling# B05 02. TB, 37 (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standa...
r4 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Judy Nunn' 2010, Kerr 'Judy Nunn' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2009). Seedling# 03 061A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pink; style arms light orange; ...
■(TB) 'Judy Schneider' 2017, Burseen 'Judy Schneider' (Tom Burseen, R. 2016) Seedling 013 130A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Standards and styl...
■(TB) 'Judy's Choice' 2004, Kennedy 'Judy's Choice' (David Kennedy, R. 2004). Seedling# 7434. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards medium maroon; styl...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 01:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Judy's Smile' 2014, Skaggs 'Judy's Smile' (Robert Skaggs, R. 2012). Seedling# 919. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pink, gold ed...
(TB) 'Juego' 1959, Tompkins 'Juego' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1959). Correction of spelling (JUGEO) in 1959 Check List. TB, See below: * * References References:...
(TB) 'Jug Of Wine' 1939, Graves 'Jug Of Wine' (Robert Graves, 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. 'Indian Chief' x 'Député Nomblot'. See below: * * Ref...
(TB) 'Jugeo' 1959, Tompkins 'Jugeo' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1959) TB Onco, 34" (86 cm). Early midseason bloom. Dark blue self, self colored beard. Whiting: ('Elmohr' x...
r7 - 04 Apr 2020 - 14:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Juggernaut' 2020, Schreiner 'Juggernaut' (Schreiner, R. 2020). Seedling YY 197 D. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow cream; falls d...
■(TB) 'Juicy Fruit' 1988, Byers 'Juicy Fruit' (Monty Byers, R. 1988). Seedling# D30 113. TB, 34" (86 cm). Very early to mideason bloom and rebloom. Standards vary...
■(TB) 'Juicy Rumours' 2006/2007, Blyth 'Juicy Rumours' (Barry Blyth, R. 2005). Seedling# M55 5. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards champagne, light viole...
(TB) 'Juin Lorelei' 1977, Payne 'Juin Lorelei' (Frank Payne, R. 1977). Seedling# 7 1. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards deep cream, laced; falls white, 1/2" ...
r5 - 13 Nov 2017 - 23:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jujitsu' 2005, Williamson 'Jujitsu' (Bryce Williamson, R. 2004). Seedling# 1399 B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards golden tan ble...
■(TB) 'Juke Box Hero' 2003, Lauer 'Juke Box Hero' (Larry Lauer, R. 2003). Seedling# 453 31. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards bluebird blue (RHS 94B); s...
r33 - 30 Aug 2022 - 20:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jukebox Musical' 2023, Bacon 'Jukebox Musical' (George Bacon, R. 2023) Seedling GB 2015 02 P, TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards imperial purple; ...
■ (TB) 'Jules' 2015, Tasquier 'Jules' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2015). Seedling D392D. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms violet blue; Falls lighter...
r27 - 10 Nov 2023 - 22:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jules Chéri' 2023, Albert 'Jules Chéri' (Jean Pierre Albert, R. 2023) Seedling JPA255, TB, 35.4" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale lavender blue, li...
(TB) 'Jules Perot' 1807, Kelway 'Jules Perot' (Kelway and Son, 1807)). TB. Color Class S3L. See below: * References References From Dean Iris Garden, 191...
(TB) 'Jules Verne' 1963, Kelway 'Jules Verne' (Kelway, R. 1963). Seedling 632. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V5, Smoky violet self. 'Chivalry' X ...
(TB) 'Julia Frances' 1968, Osborn 'Julia Frances' (E. G. Osborn, R. 1968). Seedling# JO/64. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OY1F, Golden tan self. '...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia M' 1967, Smith 'Julia M' ( Reuben Smith, R. 1966). Seedling# 62 44. TB, 36 38", Midseason bloom. Color Class Y1Fcm, Standards saffron yellow; falls sa...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Julia Marlowe' 1924, Shull 'Julia Marlow' (J. Marion Shull 1924).TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9M. Never registered. Nursery listings: Shull 1924; 1926...
r15 - 21 Jan 2024 - 22:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia Mead' 1932, Hudson 'Julia Mead' (George Hudson, 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8L. See below: * * References References: Awaiting or...
■(TB) 'Julia My Dear' 2015, Burseen 'Julia My Dear' (Tom Burseen, R. 2014) Seedling 011 492A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ...
(TB) 'Julia Vennor' 1998, Nichol 'Julia Vennor' (R. E. Nichol by Jean Nichol, R. 1998). Seedling# S 290 10. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Yellow ochre (RHS 16...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia Wareham' 1941, Wareham 'Julia Wareham' (John Wareham, R. 1941) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B3D. Seedlings from 'Dominion' x I. trojana . Se...
(TB) 'Juliana' 1939, Stern 'Juliana' (Fred Stern, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original c...
r7 - 06 Jan 2022 - 14:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Juliane Fischer' 2006, Fischer 'Juliane Fischer' (Eberhard Fischer, R. 2006). Seedling# 29. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue; styl...
r7 - 10 Sep 2020 - 21:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julianne' 1955, Foss 'Julianne' (Duane Foss, R. 1955). Seedling# 52 14 (A). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Bicolor; Golden yellow with white area in cent...
r5 - 21 Oct 2017 - 22:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia's Dancer' 2010, Grumbine 'Julia's Dancer' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2006). Seedling# MG00 50 12. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pink; falls pink...
r7 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia's Joy' 2011, Day 'Julia's Joy' (Beth Day, R. 2011) Seedling# 21A. TB, 33 (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards and falls smoky mushroom aging to apricot buff...
r4 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julle Ann' 1943, Callis 'Julle Ann' (Ella Callis, R. 1943) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Missouri Night' x 'Pale Moonlight'. See below: * * Reference...
r5 - 26 Nov 2017 - 21:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julia Anne' 1973, Radschlag 'Julie Anne' (W. H. Radschlag, R. 1973). Seedling# 7 0 5 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Slightly fluted white self; white ...
r7 - 04 Mar 2018 - 19:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julie Bowen' 1954, Hafner 'Julie Bowen' (Lois G. Hafner, R. 1954). Seedling# 1 51. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards tarnishe...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julie Carruthers' 1975, Roberts 'Julie Carruthers' (Evelyn Roberts, R. 1974). Seedling# 69 106 6. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Standards light yellow; fall...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julie Christine' 2007, Kuchel 'Julie Christine' (Margaret Kuchel, R. 2005). Sedling# 8/32 8. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Apricot self; beards red; swe...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julie Elizabeth' 1991, Smith 'Julie Elizabeth' (Louise Smith, R. 1991). Seedling# 83 83. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and waved cream, light ye...
r6 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Julie Meunier' 1860, Verdier 'Julie Meunier' (Eugène Verdier, 1860) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. See below: * References References Awaiting...
■(TB) 'Julie S. Chmiel' 2011, Emmerson 'Julie S. Chmiel' (Barry Emmerson, R. 2011) Seedling# HJ T 17. TB, 37 (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue, deep...
r6 - 19 Mar 2021 - 17:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Julie Stanton' 1991, Jeffries 'Julie Stanton' (Robert Jeffries, R. 1991). Seedling# J84 3 Y/W/A. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards mimosa y...
(TB) 'Julie's Choice' 1973, Donnell 'Julie's Choice' (Leslie Donnell, R. 1973). Seedling# 72.9.3. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early bloom. Standards pale violet (RHS 87D); f...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Julie's Doll' 2024, Meininger 'Julie's Doll' (LeRoy Meininger, R. 2020). Seedling 1 H. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms coral; falls ...
■(TB) 'Juliet' 1946, Kleinsorge 'Juliet' (Rudolph E. Kleinsorge, R 1946). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class R4L. (seedling 269 x 'Prairie Sunset'). Honorable Menti...
■(TB) 'Juliette Gil' 2022, Dejoux 'Juliette Gil' (Roland Dejoux, R. 2022) Seedling RD16 166AA. TB, 39" (100 cm). Late season bloom. Standards, style arms and fall...
■(TB) 'Juliette In Paris' 2017, Balland 'Juliette In Paris' (Martin Balland, R. 2017). Seedling M1587A. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards purple...
(TB) 'Julius Langer' 1984, Heimann 'Julius Langer' (Eva Heimann, R. 1984). Seedling# 7875. TB, 28 29.5" (71 75 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark red. Seedling# 7648 X 'B...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 20:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Juliusz Slowacki' 2015, Kilimnik 'Juliusz Slowacki' (Zbigniew Kilimnik, R. 2011). Seedling# ZK 06 110 A. TB, 31.5 (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lila...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 20:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'July Beauty' 1943, Weed 'July Beauty' (Howard Weed, R. 1943). TB. 36" . Very late bloom. Color Class B1L. National Iris Gardens 1943. From the 2022 Rebloo...
■(TB) 'July Sunshine' 1965, Brown 'July Sunshine' (G. Percy Brown, R. 1964). TB, 30" (76 cm), Rebloom. Color Class Y1P, Pale yellow self, few veins, yellow beard...
■(TB) 'July Yellow' 2001, Chadwick/Werner 'July Yellow' (Keith Chadwick and Elmer Werner, R. 2000) Seedling# T 2. TB, height 30" (76 cm). Early to midseason bloom...
(TB) 'Juma' 1935, Gersdorff 'Juma' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1929) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Alcazar' x 'Lent A. Williamson'. Gersdorff 1935. ‘Alca...
r5 - 15 Oct 2020 - 00:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jumala' 1931, Nesmith 'Jumala' (Elizabeth Nesmith, 1931) TB. Color Class R1M. 'Romola' x 'Grace Sturtevant'. See below: * * References References: ...
(TB) 'Jumbo Flounce' 1963, Rainbow 'Jumbo Flounce' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1963). Seedling# 27. TB horned, 32" (81 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y1L. Light ...
■(TB) 'Jumbo Jack' 1995, Okken 'Jumbo Jack' (Charles Okken, R. 1993). Seedling# Bh 9. TB, 35" (89 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards glossy deep violet; fal...
r9 - 27 Nov 2017 - 20:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jumbo Jane' 2010, Bebertz 'Jumbo Jane' (Alvina Bebertz, R. 2008). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light purple; style arms purple, etched yellow...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 20:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jumbo Rose' 1964, Austin 'Jumbo Rose' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1964). Seedling# 216. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class R1, Bright carmine rose self, m...
r12 - 11 Nov 2022 - 17:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jump For Joy' 1999, Hager 'Jump For Joy' (Ben Hager, R. 1997). Seedling# SP5507#6PchPk. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Peach pink to pink self; beards ...
r34 - 10 Sep 2022 - 16:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jump In' 2024, Sutton 'Jump In' (Mike Sutton, R. 2024). Seedling AG 109 F, TB, 33" (84 cm), Late season bloom. Standards white; style arms white; falls whi...
(TB) 'Jump Steady Frost' 2012, Hall 'Jump Steady Frost' (Jerry Hall, R. 2012). Seedling# 2004 9 KK. TB, 36 (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style a...
r4 - 22 Nov 2017 - 15:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jump To Blue' 1993, Muska 'Jump To Blue' (Ladislav Muska, R. 1995). Seedling# TGGB 11. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled velvety blue black; be...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 20:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jumpin Jack Flash' 2004, Painter 'Jumpin Jack Flash' (John Painter, R. 2003). Seedling# J98 111. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards dark p...
■(TB) 'Jumping' 2000, Schreiner 'Jumping' (Schreiner, R. 2000) Seedling# EE 975 B. TB, 41" (104 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Standards and style arms violet...
r33 - 28 Jan 2022 - 21:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jumping Jupiter' 1997, Wight 'Jumping Jupiter' (Barbara Wight, R. 1996). Seedling# 90 31. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Light naples yellow (RHS 1...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juna Kay' 1966, Buckles 'Juna Kay' (Eugene Buckles, R. 1965). Seedling# 63 25. TB, 32" (81 cm), . Color Class B1D, 'Whole Cloth' X 'Helen McCaughey'. Buckle...
■(TB) 'Juna Somero' 1997, Golob 'Juna Somero' (Izidor Golob, R. 1997). Seedling# 7613 19. TB, 32" (80 cm), Early bloom. Standards old gold, veined light brown; st...
■(TB) 'Junaluska' 1934, Kirkland 'Junaluska' (James Kirkland, R. 1931). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. 'Rob Roy' x Unknown. Kirkland 1934. Also listed in t...
(TB) 'June Appel' 1948, Becherer 'June Appel' (Joseph Becherer, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. (('Queen Aletha' x (("Lotowana") x ('China Maid' x ...
r4 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'June Brazier' 2000, Grosvenor 'June Brazier' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2000) Seedling# V73 7. TB, 35" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Violet flushed blue; beard...
r23 - 31 Jan 2024 - 18:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'June Bride' 1952, Hall 'June Bride' (David Hall, R. 1952). TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class O1, Pinkish apricot self, tangerine beard. Name re...
(TB) 'June Bride By Grinter' 1920, Grinter 'June Bride' (J. H. Grinter, 1930). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Afterglow' x unknown. Rowell 1920. Note: No...
(TB) 'June Crystal' 1937, Pesel 'June Crystal' (Louisa Pesel, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'San Francisco' x 'Byzantium'. See below: * * Refer...
(TB) 'June Day' 1945, Woodnutt 'June Day' (Josephine Woodnutt, R. 1945) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. From 'Lord Of June' x 'Sensation' seedling. Se...
(TB) 'June Decker' 1957, Freudenburg 'June Decker' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1957). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Color Class YR5L, Buff with rosy cast, gold veining; ...
(TB) 'June Delight' 1938, Tobie 'June Delight' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, 1938) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Mrs. Marion Cran' x unknown. Se...
(TB) 'June Eve' 1943, Hahn 'June Eve' (Hahn's Iris Garden, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. ('Naranja' x 'Mary Geddes') x ('Jean Cayeux' x 'Rameses'...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June Glamour' 1947, Cousins 'June Glamour' (Lyman W. Cousins, R. 1947) TB AIS Bulletin 104:31. January 1947. Not introduced. See below: * References *...
(TB) 'June Jewel' 1934, Homewood 'June Jewel' (Homewood Iris Gardens, Mrs. J. A. Shull, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. ( 'Aksarben') 4 generations...
■(TB) 'June Krausse' 2009, Schreiner 'June Krausse' (Schreiner, R. 2009). Seedling NN 674 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late bloom. Standards, style arms and falls pink (RH...
(TB) 'June Magic' 1960, Brown 'June Magic' (Rex Brown, R. 1959). Seedling# 55 167 12. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards light yellow; fa...
r6 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'June Marie' 2002, Faith 'June Marie' ( M. D. Faith, R. 2002). Sdlg. 963. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards heavy near solid violet blue (RHS 89C)...
r13 - 25 Nov 2017 - 21:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June Melody' 1968, Venner 'June Melody' (J. E. Venner, R. 1968). Seedling# 62/3/7. TB, 42" (107 cm), Late bloom. Color Class VB5, Standards violet blue suff...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'June Meredith' 1954, Muhlestein 'June Meredith' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1953). Seedling# 51 11. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class R1L, Pin...
(TB) 'June Moon' 1954, McKee 'June Moon' (William McKee, R. 1954). Deep golden yellow self, orange tone. 'Mayan Gold' x 'Golden Hawk') X 'Orange Gem'. High Commen...
(TB) 'June Morris' 1954, Rees 'June Morris' (George Rees, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O3, Orange toned bitone (satinwood, M P), Maple ...
(TB) 'June Night' 1931, Egelberg 'June Night'* (Leo Egelberg, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. I. trojana X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. Egelberg 1931….
(TB) 'June Quest' 1945, Cousins 'June Quest' (L. W. Cousins, R. 1945) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. 'Angelus' x pink seedling. See below: * * Refe...
r4 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June Skies' 1954, Brummit 'June Skies' (Leonard Brummitt, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self. 'Spanish Peaks' X 'Seafare...
(TB) 'June Skies by Groff' 1936, Groff 'June Skies' (Henry Groff, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Fragrant. See below: * * References Refere...
(TB) 'June Song' 1962, Crandall 'June Song' (Fred Crandall, R. 1957). Seedling# 56 6B. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, Pure white self, touch o...
■(TB) 'June Sunlight' 1953, Williamson for McCormick 'June Sunlight' (Williamson, introducer for Robert McCormick, R. 1953). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Cl...
■(TB) 'June Sunset' 1981, Niswonger 'June Sunset' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1980). Seedling# 23 77. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards near white; falls pe...
■(TB) 'June Symphony' 1966, Brown 'June Symphony' (Rex Brown, R. 1965). Seedling# 61 35 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4Vcm, Standards ...
(TB) 'June Twilight' 1962, Koon 'June Twilight' (Orval Koon, R. 1962). Seedling# D 155. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1L, Light wedgewood...
(TB) 'June Walker' 2010, Emmerson 'June Walker' (Barry Emmerson, R. 2010) Seedling# T/HJ 05/08. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and falls ...
r4 - 09 Nov 2017 - 18:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June Wedding' 1968, Smith 'June Wedding' (Eva Smith, R. 1967). Seedling# 64 299. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self with yellow b...
r7 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June Zephyr' 1937, Meyer 'June Zephyr' (H. R. Meyer, R. 1937) TB Early midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. Synonym 'Blue Zephyr' See below: * * References ...
■(TB) 'Juneau' 1960, Murawska 'Juneau' (Arthur L. Murawska, R. 1960). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self; yellow beard. 'Blue Blazes' ...
r9 - 28 Dec 2021 - 23:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juneau Ruth' 1991, Smith 'Juneau Ruth' (Louise Smith, R. 1991). Seedling# 77 129. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards white; falls purple, whi...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 18:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'June's Orchid' 1963, Rees 'June's Orchid' (George Rees, R. 1963). TB, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Color Class V5, Orchid pink blend, tangerine beard. 'Pink Sen...
(TB) 'June's Sister' 1959, Muhlestein 'June's Sister' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1958). Seedling# 51 11 E. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class O1P, Peach ...
(TB) 'Junges Gruen' 1966, von Martin 'Junges Gruen' (Victor von Martin, R. 1966). TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class GY1, Standards greenish yellow; fa...
(TB) 'Jungfrau' 1951, Benson 'Jungfrau' (Cliff Benson, R. 1951). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self. 'Gudrun' X 'Matterhorn'. See below...
(TB) 'Jungfrau By Phipps' before 1920, Phipps 'Jungfrau' (G. R. Phipps, before 1920.) TB. Wing 1920. Synonym: Fair Maid. Note: Not to be confused with 'Jungfrau' ...
r2 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:29 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jungle Bird' 1958, Mayberry 'Jungle Bird' (George Mayberry, R. 1957). TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class V5, Standards amaranth; falls...
■(TB) 'Jungle Cat' 1991, Byers 'Jungle Cat' (Monty Byers, R. 1990). Seedling# E55 101. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards variab...
(TB) 'Jungle Country' 1966, Moldovan 'Jingle Country' (Steve Moldovan, R. 1966). Seedling# 66 4. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Standards brown purple; falls viole...
r9 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jungle Dancer' 2002, Hedgecock 'Jungle Dancer' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2002). Seedling# A 31 1. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards creamy beige; Falls ...
r7 - 15 Nov 2017 - 01:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jungle Drums' 1946, Tharp 'Jungle Drums' (Mary Tharp, R. 1946). TB. Very late bloom. Color Class S6D. Parentage lost. See below: * * References Refer...
■(TB) 'Jungle Dusk' 1993, Tompkins 'Jungle Dusk' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1993). Seedling# 83. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason late to very late bloom. Smooth deep blend of ...
r9 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jungle Enchantress' 1960, Meitzler 'Jungle Enchantress' (Gertrude Meitzler, R. 1959). Seedling# X 00. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class V1F...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jungle Fires' 1960, Schreiner 'Jungle Fires' (Schreiner, R. 1960) Seedling# 0 145 1. TB, Midseason bloom. Soft shade of red, henna cast, slight French viol...
(TB) 'Jungle Flight' 1980, Small 'Jungle Flight' (Robert Small, R. 1980). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Blue black; dark beard. 'Night Owl' X Ohl seedlin...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jungle Ginger' 1941, Groff 'Jungle Ginger' (Henry Groff, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom, Color class R4M, slight fragrance. This iris was not introduced. See ...
(TB) 'Jungle Goddess' 1958, Braun 'Jungle Goddess' (Margaret Braun, R. 1958). Seedling# A 6. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class RY5D, Mahogany bro...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:34 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jungle Hue' 1975, Breth 'Jungle Hue' (Theodore Breth, R. 1974). Seedlng# ML6903SN. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards slightly ruffled full red vio...
(TB) 'Jungle Law' 1973, Schliefert 'Jungle Law' (Arnold Schliefert, R. 1972). Seedling# 62 54A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark yellow orange; fa...
■(TB) 'Jungle Mist' 2016, Black 'Jungle Mist' (Paul Black, R. 2016) Seedling# U38A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards icy blue white, upper hal...
(TB) 'Jungle Night' 1962, Stall 'Jungle Night' (Ann Stall, R. 1962). Seedling# 11159. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V3N, Standards deep pu...
r6 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jungle Out There' 2011, Otterness 'Jungle Out There' (Pat Otterness, R. 2011). Seedling# I 130. TB, 36 38 (9241 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich deep ye...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jungle Princess' 1989, Aitken 'Jungle Princess' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 1989). Seedling# 80 69. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards buckskin ta...
(TB) 'Jungle Rose' 1958, Mayberry 'Jungle Rose' (George Mayberry, R. 1957). Seedling# 52 2 2. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class R1M, Old rose sel...
r5 - 27 Nov 2017 - 21:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jungle Song' 1970, Plough 'Jungle Song' (Gordon Plough, R. 1969). Seedling# 65 7 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. . Color Class RV3D DD, Standards...
(TB) 'Jungleer' 1961, El Dorado 'Jungleer' (El Dorado, R. 1961). Seedling# E 56 44. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R3, Standards oxblood red; falls...
r6 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Juniata' 1909, Farr 'Juniata' (Bertrand Farr, 1909). TB. Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1M. Diploïd. Heterozygous plicata (Pl pl) See below: * * R...
r17 - 17 Oct 2022 - 22:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Junion' 1929 Burton 'Junion' (Frank Burton, 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Lord of June' x 'Dominion'. Not introduced by 1939 checklist. Certi...
(TB) 'Junior' 1946, Bommersbach 'Junior' (John Bommersbach, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y6M. 'Mount Royal' x 'Hélios'. See below: * * References ...
(TB) 'Junior Steller' 1954, Steller 'Junior Steller' (Berta Jane Steller, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class VR5, Blend of rose and wine...
r6 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Junoesque' 2022, Blyth 'Junoesque' (Barry Blyth, R. 2022) Seedling A17 2, TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Standards pure white; style arms white, yellow cre...
(TB) 'Jupiter's Joy' 2003, Pinegar 'Jupiter's Joy' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 2002). Seedling# SH 95 135B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards and style ar...
r8 - 05 Aug 2021 - 23:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jupiter's Rings' 2016, Black 'Jupiter's Rings' (Paul Black, R. 2016). Seedling# U33E. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards mid auburn base ...
■(TB) 'Jupon Blanc' 2023, Habert 'Jupon Blanc' (Bénédicte Habert, R. 2021) Seedling BH14 07/07. TB, 36" (90 cm). Late to very late bloom. Standards white; style a...
■(TB) 'Jurassic Park' 1995, Lauer 'Jurassic Park' (Larry Lauer, R. 1995). Seedling# 89 7 2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ca...
■(TB) 'Juris Prudence' 1986, Ernst 'Juris Prudence' (Richard Ernst, R. 1986). Seedling# S911 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled and laced white; pale bl...
r12 - 13 Jan 2021 - 17:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jus D'Orange' 2008, Cayeux 'Jus D'Orange' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2006). Seedling 98135A. TB, 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Bright orange self; beards red. See...
(TB) 'Jussieu' 1917, Denis 'Jussieu' (Fernand Denis, 1917). TB. Color Class S3M. 'Ricardi', x 'Her Majesty'. See below: * References References From Treho...
■(TB) 'Just A Crush' 2018, Johnson 'Just A Crush' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2018). Seedling TG122YY. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. Standards medium lilac, heavily ove...
■(TB) 'Just A Dream' 2010, Loktev 'Just A Dream' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2010) Seedling# 01 560 1. TB, 33" (85 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards rose; style arms li...
■(TB) 'Just A Fling' 2013, Blyth 'Just A Fling' (Lesley Blyth, R. 2013). Seedling# 08L 55 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards golden yellow...
r12 - 12 Jan 2024 - 16:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just A Kiss Away' 2009, Baumunk 'Just A Kiss Away' (Lowell Baumunk, R. 2008) Seedling# 3208Z. TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow, pi...
■(TB) 'Just A Touch' 2015, Sutton 'Just A Touch' (Michael Sutton, R. 2015). Seedling# Y 3131 A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards palest lemon,...
r8 - 25 Jul 2021 - 14:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just About' 1970, Mick 'Just About' (William Mick, R. 1969). Seedling# M 23 66. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. . Color Class O3PL, Standards pale o...
(TB) 'Just Alan' 2000, Kilgore 'Just Alan' (Sue Kilgore, R. 2006). Seedling# D 2000 10. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards soft yellow; style arms d...
r5 - 20 Nov 2017 - 19:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just An Elusion' 2014, Biggs 'Just An Elusion' (Gary Biggs, R. 2013). Seedling# SRH 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards pink; style arms p...
(TB) 'Just Annie' 1951, Muhlestein 'Just Annie' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1951). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Yellow and white bicolor. ('La...
■(TB) 'Just Before Dawn' 2001, Schreiner 'Just Before Dawn' (Schreiner, R. 2001) Seedling HH 786 B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Light cadmium orange (RHS 23D), f...
r20 - 25 Mar 2023 - 15:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Before Sunrise' 2012, Nicodemus 'Just Before Sunrise' Barbara Nicodemus R. 2012) Seedling# L15A. TB, 28 30" (7188 cm). Early to late bloom. Standar...
r11 - 07 Feb 2021 - 15:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Before Sunset' 2024, Cantu 'Just Before Sunset' (Alda Cantù, R. 2024). TB, 35.4" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light brown; style arms light bro...
■(TB) 'Just Between Us' 2023, Johnson 'Just Between Us' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2023) Seedling TK47ZZ, TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards. medium pink in cen...
■(TB) 'Just Breathe' 2024, Sutton 'Just Breathe' (Mike Sutton, R. 2024). Seedling AG 48792 A, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; style arms whit...
■(TB) 'Just Call Me' 2008, Wilkerson 'Just Call Me' (Betty Wilkerson, R. 2008). Seedling# 1501 02Re. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards and s...
■(TB) 'Just Carry On' 2023, Piątek 'Just Carry On' (Robert Piątek, R. 2023) Seedling 18 2144 C RP, TB, 34" (86 cm) Midseason bloom. Standards very light purple wi...
r6 - 13 Sep 2023 - 17:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Crazy' 2007/08, Blyth 'Just Crazy' (Barry Blyth, R. 2007). Seedling# N187 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light coffee to coffee ...
■(TB) 'Just Curious' 2022, Johnson 'Just Curious' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2021). Seedling TK32ZZ. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom. Standards peach to light orange; style...
(TB) 'Just Cute' 2017, Speirs 'Just Cute' (Graham Speirs, R. 2017) Seedling D14 8. TB, 37.5" (95 cm), Early bloom. Standards light mauve, cream edge; Falls pale m...
r5 - 19 Feb 2024 - 22:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Delicious' 1989/90, Blyth 'Just Delicious' (Barry Blyth, R. 1989). Seedling# V60 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards champagne pin...
(TB) 'Just Desserts' 1987, Corlew 'Just Desserts' (Glenn Corlew, R. 1986). Seedling# 1158 2A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Coral pink; bright tangerine beard. 'St...
■(TB) 'Just Different' 1969, Muhlestein 'Just Different' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1969). Seedling# 147 D. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class B3PFcm...
r9 - 23 Jun 2018 - 21:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Do It' 1995, Miller 'Just Do It' (Lynda Miller, R. 1993). Seedling# 23989A. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards apricot; fa...
■(TB) 'Just Dreaming' 2020, Blyth 'Just Dreaming' (Barry Blyth, R. 2020). Seedling X131 5. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peach, flushed deeper...
r4 - 18 Jul 2021 - 20:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just Due' 1989, Gadd 'Just Due' (Fred Gadd, R. 1988). Seedling# 64 80. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow flushed apricot; falls sligh...
■(TB) 'Just Fer Her' 2016, Burseen 'Just Fer Her' (Tom Burseen, R. 2016) Seedling 013 150. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards pale pearl white; ...
■(TB) 'Just For Fun' 1990, Miller 'Just For Fun' (Lynda Miller, R. 1989). Seedling# 12784B. TB, 31" (79 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled yellow gold, flushed apricot; me...
■(TB) 'Just For Ken' 2022, Tasco 'Just For Ken' (Richard Tasco, R. 2021). Seedling 16 TB 25 04. TB, 43" (109 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards pink, flushed...
■(TB) 'Just For Kicks' 2005, Black 'Just For Kicks' (Paul Black, R. 2005). Seedling# J464C. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms light ...
■(TB) 'Just For Laughs' 1984, Hager 'Just For Laughs' (Ben Hager, R. 1983). Seedling# T3722LgBIBds. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Blue white, very long de...
r9 - 08 May 2020 - 14:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just For Me' 2012, Murati 'Just For Me' (Clément Murati, R. 2012). Seedling 51002. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light pink; style arms pink; ...
■(TB) 'Just For Mum' 2012, Cashin 'Just For Mum' (Susan Cashin, R. 2012). Seedling# 2005 A1. TB, 47 (119 cm). Early bloom. Buttercup yellow self; beards orange ...
■(TB) 'Just for Now' 2018, Johnson 'Just for Now' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2018). Seedling TG79G. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white; style arms...
■(TB) 'Just For Sophie' 1998, Ernst 'Just For Sophie' (Richard Ernst, R. 1998). Seedling# M103 10. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards deep pink; style ar...
r18 - 12 Sep 2022 - 18:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just For You' 1997, Spicer 'Just For You' (Shirley Spicer, R. 1996). Seedling# SS 10/2/85. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards butterscotch gold...
r7 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Gorgeous' 1974, Nelson 'Just Gorgeous' (Jeannette Nelson, R. 1974). Seedling# 70 66 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Fluted brilliant o...
r7 - 26 Sep 2021 - 15:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Heaven' 1963, James 'Just Heaven' (Cynthia James, R. 1961). Seedling# 410 43. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1B, Pale blue white se...
■(TB) 'Just Incredible' 2022, Edwards 'Just Incredible' (Craig Edwards, R. 2022) Seedling B1 18, TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Standards lavender, light crimson ...
■(TB) 'Just Kiss Me' 2007, Black 'Just Kiss Me' (Paul Black, R. 2007). Seedling# K16A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light peach pink; style ar...
■(TB) 'Just Like Heaven' 2010, Schreiner 'Just Like Heaven' (Schreiner, R. 2010) Seedling# PP 133 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white (RHS 155C);...
■(TB) 'Just Like Me' 2014, Valenzuela 'Just Like Me' (Margie Valenzuela, R. 2013). Seedling# ERQC 06 BL. TB, 32 34 (8214 cm), Midseason to late midseason bloom. S...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just Like Sarah' 2022, Burseen 'Just Like Sarah' (Tom Burseen, R. 2020). Seedling 16 1238J. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style a...
(TB) 'Just Live Your Life' 2017, Loktev 'Just Live Your Life' (Sergey Loktev, deceased, by Liudmila Rozanova, R. 2017) Seedling 13 358 1. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Early...
(TB) 'Just Made It' 2020, Newberg 'Just Made It' (Karen Newberg, R. 2020). Seedling KN002. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich shimmery violet; styl...
NEW - 18 Jul 2021 - 20:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Magic' 1990/91, Blyth 'Just Magic' (Barry Blyth, R. 1990). Seedling# V71 3. TB, 36 38" (91 97 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards icy white with blue ...
■(TB) 'Just Married' 1984, Ghio 'Just Married' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1983). Seedling# 77 135X. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late midseason bloom. Pearly rose blend; tangerine bear...
r16 - 19 Jan 2023 - 15:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just Mee' 1991, Zurbrigg 'Just Mee' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R/ 1990). Seedling# MEE. TB, height 35" (89 cm), Very early bloom. White ground marked violet. Parentag...
■(TB) 'Just Millie' 2017, Hersey 'Just Millie' (Brian Hersey, R. 2017) Seedling BH32 03 06. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white, light blue midrib...
r4 - 19 Mar 2021 - 17:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just Music' 1957, Branch 'Just Music' (Charles Branch, R. 1956). Seedling# 54 119. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class OR1L, Strawberry pink ...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just My Style' 1999, Ernst 'Just My Style' (Richard Ernst, R. 1999). Seedling# NJF168 2 3A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Ruffled pink, berry and ...
r11 - 16 Jan 2021 - 16:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just One Look' 1995, Tompkins 'Just One Look' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1995). Seedling# 89 57. TB, 38" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Lavender self; beards lavender. (...
r7 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Past Dawn' 2014, Blyth 'Just Past Dawn' (Barry Blyth, R. 2013) Seedling# S5 4. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards soft smooth powder blu...
(TB) 'Just Peachy' 1961, Sheaff 'Just Peachy' (Marilyn Sheaff, R. 1961). Seedling# 59 22. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Apricot peach self, gold haft...
r4 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:55 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Just Plain Pink' 1973, Reynolds 'Just Plain Pink' (Helen Reynolds, R. 1973). Seedling# 59 70. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled deep pure ...
■(TB) 'Just Plum Dandy' 2014, Liddicoat 'Just Plum Dandy' (Glenda Liddicoat, R. 2014). Seedling# A 06 1. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards smoky plum; style...
■(TB) 'Just Point' 2007, Nicholson 'Just Point' (Gordon and Lorraine Nicholson, R. 2007). Seedling# SR 2007. TB, height 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards...
r8 - 28 Nov 2017 - 13:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Pot Luck' 2012. Speirs 'Just Pot Luck' (Graham Speirs, R. 2012) Seedling# K4 7. TB, 36 (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards lavender pink; falls deep v...
■(TB) 'Just Pretending' 2004, Christopherson 'Just Pretending' (Vincent Christopherson, R. 2001). Seedling R5 112AF. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early bloom. Standards light...
(TB) 'Just Rite' 1939, Tharp 'Just Rite' (Mary Tharp, 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4M. (('Rajput' x 'Alcazar') x ('Amanecer')) x ('Alta California'). S...
r5 - 11 Nov 2017 - 19:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Send It' 2024, Liddicoat 'Just Send It' (Glenda Liddicoat, R. 2024). Seedling E 17 12, TB, 36.2" (92 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards orange with pink ...
■(TB) 'Just So Peachy' 2014, Markham 'Just So Peachy' (Stephanie Markham, R. 2014). Seedling# 02 09B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards peach blend...
r12 - 13 Oct 2021 - 17:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just Sumpin' 1955, Voris 'Just Sumpin' (Charles Voris, R. 1955). Seedling# Sampin 5210. TB, 34 36", Midseason late bloom. Color Class W4, Standards white, f...
r5 - 17 Nov 2017 - 16:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just Teasing' 2005, Van Liere 'Just Teasing' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2004) Seedling# 99YY13. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Stand...
(TB) 'Just Terrific' 1997, Barry 'Just Terrific' (Ian Barry, R. 1997). Seedling# 12 J 11. TB, 42" (106 cm), Midseason bloom. Violet blue self; beards dark blue. '...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 14:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Just The Ticket' 2018, Schreiner 'Just The Ticket'  (Schreiner, R. 2018). Seedling C 138 A. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls viol...
■(TB) 'Just There' 2009, Grosvenor 'Just There' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2009). Seedling# A177 01 1. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue; falls...
■(TB) 'Just Too Mauvelous' 2006, Johnson 'Just Too Mauvelous' (Larry Johnson, R. 2006). Seedling# JO0 18 5. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style ar...
r10 - 28 Nov 2017 - 14:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Just True Love' 2012, Speirs 'Just True Love' (Graham Speirs, R. 2012) Seedling# K2 3. TB, 35 (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pink; falls cream blending...
■(TB) 'Just Wanting Attention' 2022, Johnson 'Just Wanting Attention' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2022) Seedling TK199D, TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards icy w...
■(TB) 'Just Witchery' 2012, Barry Blyth 'Just Witchery' (Barry Blyth, R. 2011). Seedling# Q2 2. TB, 35 (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards orchid pink over champa...
■(TB) 'Just You And Me' 2021, Johnson 'Just You And Me' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2021). Seedling TH122A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Standards blended peach pink, pea...
(TB) 'Justa Dream' 1991, Dexter by Ingersoll 'Justa Dream' (Stan Dexter by Marie Ingersoll, R. 1990). Seedling# 1983/275. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. R...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 14:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Justa Musta' 2016, Burseen 'Justa Musta' (Tom Burseen, R. 2015) Seedling 12 705A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms french rose (RHS 49...
(TB) 'Justa Older Claxton' 1995, Wolford 'Justa Older Claxton' (Harry Wolford, R. 1995). Seedling# CO8 R05 1. TB, 32 34" (81 86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ro...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 14:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Juste Beau' 2024, Bourdillon 'Juste Beau (Nicolas Bourdillon, R. 2024) Seedling NB 20 89 10, TB, 40.6" (103 cm), midseason to late bloom. Standards ivory, ...
■(TB) 'Justice' 1969, Ghio 'Justice' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1968). Seedling# 64. 27V. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Medium blue self; ruffled; light blue beard. See...
■(TB) 'Justifiably Proud' 2006, Ernst 'Justifiably Proud' (Richard Ernst, R. 2006). Seedling# U101 2. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards deep pink; ...
r9 - 23 Nov 2017 - 16:52 by Harloiris
■ (TB) 'Justified' 2016, Hedgecock 'Justified' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2016) Seedling# L 29 B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue, darker blue ed...
r4 - 17 May 2023 - 22:43 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Justify' 2022, Filardi 'Justify' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2021). Seedling BFA 026A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light golden tan, slight ...
(TB) 'Justin Tyme' 1990, Tompkins 'Justin Tyme' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1990). Seedling# 83 59. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards colonial white infused...
r9 - 27 Nov 2017 - 13:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Justine' 1949, Weidner 'Justine' (Earl Weidner, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. (white seedling: ( 'Purissima' x 'Great Lakes') x 'Mount Washi...
(TB) 'Justinian' 1878, Salter 'Justinian' (John Salter, 1878. TB. Midseason bloom. Solor Class S9D. Dessert 1896; Farr 1912; Wing 1920. See below: * * Referenc...
(TB) 'Justly Proud' 1970, Zurbrigg 'Justly Proud' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1970). Seedling# 68 101 CCC. TB, height 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. D...
■(TB) 'Jut A Strut' 2012, Burseen 'Jut A Strut' (Tom Burseen, R. 2012) Seedling 09 61B. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late bloom. Standards violet blue (RHS 90D); style arms p...
(TB) 'Jutta' 2000, Beer 'Jutta' (Manfred Beer, R. 1999). Seedling# MB 36/90 X. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms greyed yellow (RHS 150B)...
r6 - 21 Nov 2017 - 14:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Jutta Exner' 1998, Nejedlo 'Jutta Exner' (Pavel Nejedlo, R. 1998). Seedling# HQAC 90 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light orange; style arms...
r5 - 28 Nov 2017 - 14:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Jutta J' 2009, Beer 'Jutta J' (Manfred Beer, R. 2008). Seedling# MB 1/00A. TB, 39" (100 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards blue violet (RHS 91D); falls darker...
r14 - 01 Apr 2021 - 17:02 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 881
Topic revision: r3 - 06 Nov 2021, RachelMarks
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