■(TB) 'Exclusive'

1935, Grant

'Exclusive' (Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class-B1M. 'Sensation' x (unknown x 'Dominion'. Grant Gardens 1935.

Also listed in the following nursery catalogs: Fairmount 1946

See below:

* * References
exclusive.JPGExclusive National 1940 26.jpeg


From Schreiners Iris catalog, 1937: EXCLUSIVE (Grant 1935). There are so many blue irises in commerce that when one appears of a shade of blue entirely different from any other it becomes news. Exclusive is a clear, light blue with a distinct silvery sheen especially near the edges of the petals, suggesting in general effect the shade often known as "powderblue". This distinctive iris is exceptionally large and clean-cut with splendid substance inhibiting any sign of floppiness. The unmarred haft and bland yellow beard contribute to the air of serene limpidity which invests this flower. Unlike several other giant irises in the light blue color-section, this iris is of a Spartan hardiness, having passed through - 36° weather without a sign of injury. Exclusive has elicited some of the most favorable comment ever given a new variety in the bulletins of the American Iris Society. We are proud to be the introducers of this fine origination of Dr. Grant. (The picture on page 2 gives a hint of the fine iridescence which characterizes this flower.) Exclusive is 40 inches tall and is finely branched. Price, each $ 15.00.
From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1938/39: EXCLUSIVE (Grant-Schreiner 1937) S. are light periwinkle blue, domed and rounded. F. are deeper periwinkle blue, and quite flaring. Beard yellow. The fl owers have strong heavy substance and a silvery blush that is most attractive. H. M., A. I. S. 1937. 38 in. $10.00.
Exclusive is a misty light blue, of perfect oval form. It is a good foil for the yellow 'Noontide'; they both bloom very late. [Lila McCombs, “A Critical Evaluation of Older Irises”, The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 110 (July 1948): 56.]
EXCLUSIVE - A large, pale gray-blue with hanging falls; very attractive. Lena Lothrop, Alhambra, Calif. [A.I.S. Bulletin 83 (October 1941): 12].

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2013-10-24
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Exclusive_National_1940_26.jpegjpeg Exclusive_National_1940_26.jpeg manage 267 K 14 Dec 2024 - 23:41 DavidPotembski Scanned by David Potembski from National Iris Gardens catalog for 1940, p. 26.
exclusive.JPGJPG exclusive.JPG manage 97 K 02 Sep 2019 - 03:14 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the A.H. Fischer slide collection
Topic revision: r12 - 14 Dec 2024, DavidPotembski
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