(TB) 'Dark Knight'

1934, Salbach

'Dark Knight' (Carl Salbach, R. 1934). TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class-S9D; 'Glowing Embers' × red brown Seedling. Honorabale Mention 1936. Fragrant. Synonym: Dark Night.

Citations: A.I.S. Bulletin 63:62(Oct. 1936).

1949 Checklist, p. 84 - Adds parentage

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From Carl Salbach catalog, 1934: DARK KNIGHT (Salbach 1931,). This magnificent mahogany red iris is the richest we have seen in its color class, and is a fine bold grower with large, well formed blooms. The color impression created by this ma- jestic iris varies with the light-for at times it appears as inky black as Dr. Kirkland's Black Wings, yet from other angles it offers a rich ruby glow, the like of which we have found in no other iris. A tall, noble flower that is a "standout" in any company. Perfectly formed blooms and the deep rich color carries clear across the garden. Unusually fine substance and finish. Retains its outstanding color qualities under light. Technical description: Height 45". Blooms 5-1/2" from top to bottom, and falls 2-1/2" across. Color defies Ridgway description, but the closest match is: Falls-violet car- mine overlaid velvety-black. Standards, transluscent blackish red-purple. (Note: Despite the Ridgway color-term, the flower carries no suggestion of the color commonly called "purple".) $15.00.
DARK KNIGHT (Salbach 1934) M. 40". A large flower of rich coloring. S. blackish red-purple; F. dark carmine overlaid velvety black. As dark as 'Black Wings' but of an entirely different color effect. $4.00. 1937 Quality Gardens catalog.

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2012-06-03
Topic revision: r8 - 18 May 2019, BetsyHiggins
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