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From Tell Muhlestein, Iris Price List, 1946:5. DAMASCUS (Tompkins '45) Yellow standards—falls same brushed orange. $20.00. |
From 1946 Fleur De Lis Gardens catalog: DAMASCUS (Tompkins 1945) M. L. 38 in. A large rich Spanish yellow with a smooth overlay of Navaho or copper orange on the falls. The blooms are of heavy substance and velvet like texture. Stalks are strong and well branched. $20.00 |
From Tell's Iris Garden Catalog, 1947:8. DAMASCUS. (Tompkins 1945) Large orange-yellow, falls brushed orange brown. $15.00. |
From Iris Test Garden Catalog, 1955: DAMASCUS. Rich Spanish yellow with overlay of copper orange on falls. Large flower. A good one. 50c. |