(TB) 'Chromylla'

1931, Loomis

'Chromylla' (Dr. P. A. Loomis, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class-Y4M. ( I. trojana x 'Mrs. Neubronner') x 'Argentina'. Honorable Mention 1931. Award of Merit 1932.

Nursery listings: Pat. 1930; Long. 1938; Peckham 1939.

CHROMYLLA. (Loomis 1931) 40" M. This lovely new yellow was one of the delightful surprises of last year’s blooming season. The flowers are large and most beautifully shaped and of a uniform shade of lemon chrome. While it is not quite as deep in coloring as Pluie D’or, the flower has a smoothness of texture and finish that we have not seen equalled in a yellow Iris. The flowers are well distributed on a strong stem and hold their pure color to the end of the bloom. Stock limited and we can sell only one to each customer. $25.00. (Quality, 1931).

CHROMYLLA. (Loomis 1930) M. 40 in. A most beautiful and satisfactory tall, light yellow self. The flowers are large, well formed, exquisitely finished and well placed on tall stems. H.M. 1931, A.M.. 1932. 75c. (Maple Valley, 1937).

CHROMILLA [sic.]. (Loom. ’31) A uniform shade of lemon chrome, with marvelous smoothness of finish and texture. 40". A. M., A. I. S. 32. $12.50. (Over-the-Garden-Wall, 1933, p. 3).

CHROMYLLA. With its soft smooth finish, heavy substance, and uniform lemon chrome coloring, Chromylla has maintained a steady popularity as one of the leading new yellows. Each 50c. (Cooley’s, 1938).

CHROMYLLA. (Loomis). Tall, large flowered soft yellow always makes one think of a plain but beautiful person. Lacks "it" —heavy texture. (Belsley, 1939, p. 16).

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American Iris Society. (1932). 1931 report: Committee awards. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 42(January 1932), 18.
American Iris Society. (1933). Report of the committee on awards. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 46(January 1933), 5.
Peckham, E. (Ed.). (1940). Alphabetical iris check list: 1939. The American Iris Society.
Belsley, R. (1939). Varietal comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 74(July 1939), 15-19).
Cooley’s Gardens. (1938). Nursery catalog for 1938. Biodiversity Heritage Library. Retrieved from https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/149948#page/14/mode/1up.
Quality Gardens. (1931). Nursery catalog for 1931. Biodiversity Heritage Library. Retrieved from https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/255849#page/17/mode/1up.
Maple Valley Iris Gardens. (1937). Nursery catalog. The American Iris Society Iris Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://wiki.irises.org/pub/Hist/Info1937CatalogMapleValleyIrisGardens/Maple%20Valley%20Iris%20Gardens%201937%20searchable.pdf.
Over-the-Garden-Wall. (1933). Nursery catalog for summer 1933 and spring 1934. Biodiversity Heritage Library. Retrieved from https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/265308#page/6/mode/1up.

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-- BetsyHiggins - 2012-06-10
Topic revision: r9 - 06 Aug 2020, DavidPotembski
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