From Indian Spring Farms catalog, 1927: CECILE MINTURN (Farr 1922). S. and F. a uniform shade of soft cattleya-rose. Large dome-shaped flowers with light beards very freely produced on strong stems. Strong grower and a rapid multiplier. The best and largest pink-toned variety available for mass plantings. 75cts. each; $2.00 for 3; $6.00 per doz. |
Wayside 1925 catalog notes; "Cecil Minturn (New) Soft Cattelaya-rose. A beautiful flower with broad petals gracefully waved and crinkled. one of the finest irises for size and extreme beauty… each $2.00" |
Peckham, E. (Ed.). (1940). Alphabetical iris check list: 1939. The American Iris Society. |