

■(TB) 'Carrara Marble'

1970, Sheaff

'Carrara Marble' (Marilyn Sheaff, R. 1965). Seedling# 63-50-A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class-WlG, White self with tint of green. 'Galilee' X seedling# 60-3 (Hall pink x 'Celestial Snow'). Sheaff 1970. Honorable Mention 1971.

See below:
Photo from Glenn Corlew slide collection


From AIS Bulletin #197 April 1970 Introducing CARRARA MARBLE. M. 38/1. Sdlg. 63-50-A. (Galilee X (Hall pink x Celestial Snow». One of the most beautifully formed white irises we have ever seen. Carrara Marble is named for the stone from which Michelangelo carved his statues. The deep ruffles extend one-half inch into the petals and are so closely spaced as to give a corregated effect. The color is a definite green-white with lemon yellow beard: buds are very green. Both standards and falls are round, falls flaring, standards domed and touching. Healthy vigorous foliage. Stalk is S-curved carrying 6-9 buds (bud count varies with growing conditions). $25. Sheaff Gardens.
I've seen this one on only a one-year plant so would not say definitely that its increase is only moderate, however this was the case this year. If only one stalk is produced each year, you would have your money's worth. CARRARA MARBLE has enough buds to insure a long bloom period. [Mullin, Ron (1971). Irises I Like, American Iris Society Bulletin 204(January 1972), 9.]

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-10-31
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
carraramarble01.JPGJPG carraramarble01.JPG manage 1 MB 11 Dec 2016 - 21:14 TerryLaurin Photo from Glenn Corlew slide collection
Topic revision: r11 - 22 Nov 2023, DougChyz
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