

■(TB) 'California Gold'

1933, Mohr-Mitchell

'California Gold' (William Mohr-Sydney B. Mitchell, R. 1933). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class-Y4D. 'Grace Sturtevant' x cream seedling. Salbach 1933. Synonym: Spanish Gold (Mohr-Mit. 1933). Honorable Mention 1936; Award of Merit 1937.

Additional nursery listings: Wayman 1943.

Citations: Bull. A.I.S. 63:62 Oct. 1936; Bull. A.I.S. 66:87 Sept 1937.

See below:
Photo taken at Presby Memorial Iris Gardens by Mike Unserpurchased from Bluebird Havenphoto at PresbyPhoto by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek GardenPhoto by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek GardenPhoto scanned from the 1949 Schreiners catalogue by Terry LaurinPhoto by Argyle AcresPhoto by The Iris FanPhoto by David Potembski, Presby 2016


From Carl Salbach catalog, 1933: CALIFORNIA GOLD (Mohr-Mitchell 1933). Far and away the finest deep yellow on the market. This variety is as much an advance over Pluie d'Or, Mirasol, Rayo de Sol and the other deep yellows as the giant plicatas San Francisco and Los Angeles were in comparison with Ma Mie, Jeanne d'Arc and others of that type. Blooms large and full with color deep bright gold throughout, showing no paling in the standards or falls or beard. Carries the coloring of Chrysoro into a much larger bloom and stalk. Does not fade. The variety, which has no mesopotamica in its parentage, is a cross of a cream colored Mitchell seedling and Grace Sturtevant, so it should do even better in the colder climates than it does in California. Can be described as larger yellow edition of its parent Grace Sturtevant with closed standards. As Grace Sturtevant grows to a height of 42" in the East as against approximately 30" in California, it is most probable that California Gold's 32" will be considerably increased in height when grown in the East. Blooms throughout the season. Technical description- Color-by Ridgway-wax to strontian yellow. Bloom 5x5 inches, falls 2-1/2 inches wide. Height in California 32". Stock limited. $25.00 each.
CALIFORNIA GOLD. Mohr-Mit-Salbach 1933 Self Y1D. Brief. An oblong, compact flower, rich empire yellow, the broad haft finely reticulated raw sienna; 39 in. Details. S. arching; F. drooping to straight hanging; beard projecting, orange. Remarks. Described as a yearling, the color of Pluie d'Or but effect richer and a much larger flower. [R. S. Sturtevant, "Descriptions of Varieties, Part VI", A.I.S. Bulletin 53 (October 1934): 27.]
CALIFORNIA GOLD (Mitchell). Large blooms are brilliant yellow on tall stalk somewhat bunched at top. [Belsley, Ray J., Varietal Comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society 74 (July 1939), 16.]
Wayman 1943: California Gold—36 in. Best deep yellow. Superb. 0.35c.
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-- BetsyHiggins - 2011-03-05
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CaliforniaGold (3)BHI.JPGJPG CaliforniaGold (3)BHI.JPG manage 1 MB 30 Mar 2018 - 15:02 BetsyHiggins Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden
CaliforniaGold2.JPGJPG CaliforniaGold2.JPG manage 97 K 13 Aug 2021 - 02:39 TerryLaurin Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden
CaliforniaGoldAA.jpgjpg CaliforniaGoldAA.jpg manage 20 K 05 Mar 2011 - 20:11 BetsyHiggins Photo by Argyle Acres
CaliforniaGoldTIF.jpgjpg CaliforniaGoldTIF.jpg manage 33 K 04 Dec 2011 - 20:11 BetsyHiggins Photo by The Iris Fan
IMG_7641.jpgjpg IMG_7641.jpg manage 333 K 21 Dec 2018 - 14:37 DavidPotembski Photo by David Potembski, Presby 2016
california-gold1-16.jpgjpg california-gold1-16.jpg manage 92 K 12 Jun 2016 - 00:14 Main.mikeu Photo taken at Presby Memorial Iris Gardens by Mike Unser
california_gold_tb_mohr_mitchell_1933_Presby_Garden_AIS2016a_s,.jpgjpg california_gold_tb_mohr_mitchell_1933_Presby_Garden_AIS2016a_s,.jpg manage 141 K 04 Aug 2018 - 21:13 PhyllisAWilburn photo at Presby
california_gold_tb_mohr_mitchell_1933_athome2016b_sm.jpgjpg california_gold_tb_mohr_mitchell_1933_athome2016b_sm.jpg manage 125 K 04 Aug 2018 - 21:11 PhyllisAWilburn purchased from Bluebird Haven
californiagold5.JPGJPG californiagold5.JPG manage 213 K 13 May 2023 - 02:47 TerryLaurin Photo by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek Garden
californiagold50.JPGJPG californiagold50.JPG manage 192 K 13 May 2023 - 02:47 TerryLaurin Photo by Jeff Bennett-Dry Creek Garden
californiagold9.JPGJPG californiagold9.JPG manage 263 K 13 Oct 2020 - 02:26 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1949 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin
Topic revision: r22 - 06 Jul 2023, TerryLaurin
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