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(TB) 'Blue Velvet'

1929, Loomis

'Blue Velvet' (Dr. P. A. Loomis, R. 1929) TB. Late bloom. Color Class-B1D. Loomis, Quality Gardens 1929; Wassenberg 1938.

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From Quality Gardens catalog 1930: BLUE VELVET (Loomis 1929) L. 46" S.F. A new iris of superlative beauty. Very large flower of great substance, on very thick, rigid stems, finely branched. A self color. A clear, rich, beautiful, very dark blue. The whole flower is of a hitherto unequalled, splendid, velvety appearance. The standards are just as dark as the falls and almost as velvety. It looks like the richest shade of deepest, darkest blue velvet. When the flower first opens it is almost black. It is far ahead of any other Dominion Seedling and in our opinion it is the finest, most beautiful, dark colored iris we have ever seen. There was such a tremendous demand for this iris last year that there were a great many orders, both from the U. S. and abroad, that we were unable to fill. By reason of that and a limited stock we have been compelled to raise our price for this year. It is perhaps unnecessary for us to state that we strongly recommend this to all of our customers. (An extremely limited supply. We can sell only one root to each customer.) $40.00.
BLUE VELVET. Few irises have received more favorable comment during the past two years than has this rich velvety seedling from the hand of Dr. Loomis of Colorado Springs. An iris of the 'Swazi' type, larger, bluer, and finer in every way. Not very rapid of increase, it will lie in demand for a long time to come. Each $14.00. Cooley's Wholesale pricelist, 1932.
Blue Velvet (Loomis)-far too shy a bloomer. G. L. Pilkington, "Iris Notes", A.I.S. Bulletin 74 (July 1939): 31.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2012-06-15
Topic revision: r11 - 23 Aug 2021, Harloiris
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