

■(TB) 'Asia'

1920, Yeld

'Asia' (George Yeld, 1920) TB-Midseason late bloom. Color Class-S3L. Award of Merit, Royal Horticultural Society, 1916, shown by Yeld; R. Wallace & Co. 1920. Synonym: Azia.

Parentage as listed in Treasure Oak catalog, 1921: Trojana x (Pallida x Squalens].

Nursery Listings: R. Wallace & Co. 1929; Sheets 1928; Arvasita[Azia] (Ashley) 1935; Farr 1938; Perry 1938; Wassenberg 1938; Katkamier 1939.

Additional Nurseries: Quality (Pattison) 1925; Salbach 1930; Fairmount (Nesmith) 1931; Brook Gardens 1933

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©2005 Laurie Frazerovercast after rainPhoto by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.


From The Garden 1920: ASIA - the flower-spikes were about 4 feet in length, of branching habit, and carried, in most cases, three or four flowers, expanded, on each spike. The colour effect, seen against a dark green background, was most striking. For the benefit of those who did not see this splendid Iris at Chelsea, an attempt to describe its colour may not be out of place. It is a wonderful mixture of old rose and purple, with a golden orange beard, the colours being blended something in the way of Cattleya mossiae. The flowers are of great size and it is a robust grower.
From Quality Gardens, Freeport, IL, 1925: ASIA (Yeld 1920) A grand Iris, unlike anything else in cultivation, with unusually large flowers and fine, bold, upstanding foliage. Standards broad and massive, pale silvery lavender, deepening at the base to a golden yellow. Beard bright golden yellow. Falls pale reddish purple, lightening in color toward the margin. The whole effect of the flower is unusual and the plant stands out as one of the finest Irises in cultivation. 4½ ft. $4.50.
From Carl Salbach Iris Catalog, Berkeley, CA, 1930: ASIA (Yeld) 1920. Standards which are broad and massive, are pale silvery lavender with golden yellow base. Falls rosy-lavender, lighter at margins. Bright golden yellow beard. A flower of great elegance, both dainty and rich. Blooms from mid season till very late. 48 in. $1.00; 3 for $2.00.
From Robert Wayman, "Best Twenty-five Irises", The Flower Grower, Oct 1925: 40: ASIA grows 4-1/2 feet and is one of the most wonderful Irises in cultivation. The flowers are of perfect shape and are very large.
Journal of The Royal Horticultural Society, Trials 1916 Award of Merit: To Iris ' Asia ' (votes 19), from Mr. G. Yeld, York. A very fine, tall-growing bearded Iris. Spathe valves one-flowered, green, slightly flushed purple, partly scarious, keeled ; pedicels 3/4 inch; flowers 6 inches deep, substance good, odour fragrant, falls wide spathulate, colour dull red-purple, veined darker, margins lighter, slightly smoky, drooping; veins bluish purple, distinct ; haft yellow and white, veins dull purple-brown ; beard white, yellow tipped ; standard light red-purple, veined darker, slightly smoky towards haft, erect; haft yellow, veined purple-brown ; styles purplish, margins yellow, dentate; crest large, acuminate, much dentate; ovary 3/4 inch ; tube 3/4 inch.

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- LaurieFrazer - 2010-01-21
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Asia.JPGJPG Asia.JPG manage 1 MB 25 May 2017 - 23:18 DaveinPA overcast after rain
asia.jpgjpg asia.jpg manage 63 K 21 Jan 2010 - 16:24 Main.htb ©2005 Laurie Frazer
asia01.JPGJPG asia01.JPG manage 394 K 27 Apr 2018 - 20:47 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
asia02.JPGJPG asia02.JPG manage 590 K 27 Apr 2018 - 20:50 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
asia03.JPGJPG asia03.JPG manage 675 K 27 Apr 2018 - 20:51 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
asia04.JPGJPG asia04.JPG manage 489 K 27 Apr 2018 - 20:54 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
asia05.JPGJPG asia05.JPG manage 160 K 08 Jun 2020 - 03:10 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
asia06.JPGJPG asia06.JPG manage 119 K 08 Jun 2020 - 03:12 TerryLaurin Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection.
Topic revision: r26 - 26 Oct 2022, DavidPotembski
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