■(TB) 'A Bit Edgy' 2023, Mego 'A Bit Edgy' (Anton Mego, R. 2023) Seedling AM 14/5793 2, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, 1/2" gold gil...
■(TB) 'A Bit Impulsive' 2016, Derby Miller 'A Bit Impulsive' (Jennifer Derby Miller, R. 2016) Seedling 2011 3a. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standar...
■ (TB) 'A Certain Girl' 2018, Blyth 'A Certain Girl' (Barry Blyth, R. 2016) Seedling Y63 1. TB, 42" (107 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards cream peach, sli...
(TB) 'Aah So Glorioso' 1988, Zurek 'Aah So Glorioso' (Charles Zurek, R. 1988). Seedling Z84 01. TB, Height 28" (71 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white (...
(TB) 'Aahme' 1953, Craig 'Aahme' ( Tom Craig, R. 1953). TB reblooming, height 36" (91 cm). Color Class RV1P, Pale orchid self (light red violet, or orchadee), bea...
(TB) 'Aalen Festival' 1969, Resch 'Aalen Festival' (Julie Resch, R. 1969). TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class Y4V, Standards yellow; falls violet p...
■(TB) 'Aareshorst' 1927, Goos Koenemann 'Aareshorst' ( Max Goos August Koenemann, 1927) TB. 32 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class S9L. G. K. 1927. Synonyms:...
(TB) 'Aaron' 1932, Tobie 'Aaron' ( Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. 'Alcazar' x 'Lent A. Williamson'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Aaron Did It' 2008, Hall 'Aaron Did It' (Jerry Hall, R. 2008). Seedling 2004 6 E. TB, 42" (107 cm), Late bloom. Standards white, yellow center blush; style ...
(TB) 'Aaron's Angel' 1982, Fuller 'Aaron's Angel' ( John Fuller, R. 1982). Seedling JF 46 B. TB, Height 37" (94 cm), Early midseason to late midseason bloom. Ruff...
(TB) 'Aaron's Bluebells' 1988, Poole 'Aaron's Bluebells' (George Poole, R. 1988). Seedling P 2 1. TB, Height 34" (87 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Ruffled medium...
■(TB) 'Aaron's Dream' 1994, Sutton 'Aaron's Dream' (George Sutton, R. 1994). Sdlg. B 331 AR. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom and rebloom. Pale blue ...
(TB) 'Abakan' 2006, Krasheninnikov 'Abakan' Абакан (Boris Krasheninnikov, R. 2006). TB, 30" (75 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms light blue ...
(TB) 'Abalone' 1939, Tobie 'Abalone' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, R. 1940). TB, , Midseason late bloom. Color Class R4L, 'Junaluska' X 'Mercedita'. Name tran...
(TB) 'Abalone Shell' 1942, Essig 'Abalone Shell' (Edward Essig, R. 1942). TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S3M, 'Mount Washington' X seedling 1348a, involvin...
(TB) 'Abana' 1929, Magruder 'Abana' (J. W. Magruder, R. 1929) TB. Color Class B9M. 'Reine Des Belges' x unknown. See below: * References * Culture Referen...
(TB) 'Abbey Treasure' 1937, Pesel 'Abbey Treasure' ( Louisa Pesel, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y6M. 'Anne Marie Cayeux' x white seedling. See below:...
(TB) 'Abbey Violet' 1960, Craig 'Abbey Violet' ( Tom Craig, R. 1960). Seedling A 58 101. TB, 40" (102 cm), Extra early to late bloom. Color Class V1L, Light viole...
(TB) 'Abbie Collet' 1955, Williams 'Abbie Collet' ( B. Kensel Williams, R. 1955). Seedling 513. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, Deep blue self….
(TB) 'Abbotsford' 1935, Bunyard 'Abbotsford' ( George Bunyard Co., R. 1935). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9M. (seedling x seedling) x Col. Candelot'. See b...
(TB) 'Abdera' 1921, Perry 'Abdera' (Amos Perry, R. 1921) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9L. See below: * * References * * Observations References: Ca...
(TB) 'Abednego' 1940, Horton 'Abednego' ( Mrs. Norman Horton, R. 1940). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2M, . See below: * References * Culture Referenc...
(TB) 'Abenda' 1923, Perry 'Abenda' (Amos Perry, R. 1923). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9L. Perry 1923. (Peckham, 1940, p. 78). Nursery listings: Perry 1923, ...
■(TB) 'Aber Wrac'h' 2020, Jacob 'Aber Wrac'h' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2019) Seedling 11/47 21. TB, 33" (85 cm). Early bloom. Standards medium blue violet; style ar...
(TB) 'Aberdeen' 1946, Lowry 'Aberdeen' ( Mrs. F. P. Lowry, R. 1946). Sdlg. #L 219. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4M, 'Jean Cayeux' x Bronzino'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Abide' 1943, Lothrop 'Abide' ( Lena Lothrup, R. 1943). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, ( I. mesopotamica x unknown) X self. See below: * Referenc...
■(TB) 'Abide With Me' 2023, Van Liere 'Abide With Me' (Robert Van Liere, R. 2022) Seedling 16RL62, TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style a...
■(TB) 'Abigail Ann' 1995, Jorgensen 'Abigail Ann' (Carl Jorgensen, R. 1995). Seedling 84 P 4D. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards azalea pink (HC...
(TB) 'Abominable Snowman' 1960, Johnson 'Abominable Snowman' ( David F. Johnson, R. 1960). Seedling 89. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OR5D. Dark b...
(TB) 'Abora' 1931, Hill 'Abora' (John E. Hill, R. 1928). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. Hill 1931. Honorable Mention 1930. See below: * * References R...
■(TB) 'Above All' 1961, Gordon 'Above All' (Charles Gordon, R. 1961). Seedling G 61 12. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason Late bloom. Color Class W1. White self; white ...
■(TB) 'Above All The Lights' 2019, Duncan 'Above All The Lights' (Roger Duncan, R. 2019) Seedling 13 A 39 12. TB, 40" (102 cm), Standards cold white, some light t...
■(TB) 'Above It All' 2020, Sutton 'Above It All' (Michael Sutton, R. 2019). Seedling AC 611 A. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards bright white, ¼...
■(TB) 'Above The Clouds' 2001, Schreiner 'Above The Clouds' (Schreiner, R. 2001). Seedling FF 378 A. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Heavily ruffled ...
■(TB) 'Above The Rim' 2010, Sutton 'Above The Rim' (Michael Sutton, R. 2010) Seedling U 743 A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason to late bloom and rebloom. Standards yel...
(TB) 'Absentee Ballot' 1973, Nelson 'Absentee Ballot' ( Jeannette Nelson by Mrs. W. Mathews, R. 1973). Seedling 70 41 3. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Lig...
(TB) 'Absolute' 1941, Kirkland 'Absolute' ( James Kirkland, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. See below: * * References References: From Tell...
■(TB) 'Absolute Zero' 2012, Black 'Absolute Zero' (Paul Black, R. 2011). Seedling Q10A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards very pale lavender b...
(TB) 'Absynthe' 1956, Craig 'Absynthe' ( Tom Craig, R. 1956). TB onco, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom season Color Class Y3, Absinthe yellow, splashed khaki (M P); Fa...
(TB) 'Abul Ghraib' 2006, Emmerson 'Abul Ghraib' ( Barry Emmerson, R. 2006). Seedling HP RE21. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Deep dark purple self; beards...
(TB) 'Abundance' 1934, Danenhauer 'Abundance' (H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Jeanne D'Arc' x unknown. See below: * Referenc...
■(TB) 'Abundant Grace' 2015, Middleton 'Abundant Grace' ( Gary Middleton, R. 2015) Seedling 11/PPGS#2. TB, 34 in (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards past...
(TB) 'Acacian' 1943, Small 'Acacian' ( Robert Small, R. 1943). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L, from a seedling line. See below: * References * Culture...
(TB) 'Acadia' 1946, Tompkins 'Acadia' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1946). TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S7L. 'Honeyflow' X 'Coloratura'. Tompkins 1946. See below: ...
(TB) 'Acantha' 1898, Kelway 'Acantha' (Kelway Sons, R. 1898). TB. Color Class B3L. See below: * References * Culture References: Awaiting original c...
(TB) 'Acapulco' 1964, Framke, 'Acapulco' ( Mabel Framke, R. 1964). TB, height 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y1D, Dark molten yellow self; sel...
■(TB) 'Accent' 1953, Buss 'Accent' (Walter Buss, R. 1952). TB, 46" (117 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4, Medium light yellow and rose red. 'Extravaganza' X ...
(TB) 'Accentué' 1934, Danenhauer 'Accentué' ( H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Early bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' x I. trojana. See below: * ...
■(TB) 'Acclamation' 1980, Corlew 'Acclamation' (Glenn Corlew, R. 1978). Seedling 895 5C. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium yellow with lighter center on fa...
(TB) 'Ace High' 1944, Lyell 'Ace High' ( R. L. Lyell, R. 1944). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'California Gold' X 'Happy Days'. Lyell 1945. See below: ...
(TB) 'Ace Of Hearts' 1939, Steinmetz 'Ace Of Hearts' (Karl Steinmetz, R. 1939) TB. Midseason to late midseason bloom. Color Class R6D. 'Indian Chief' x 'Nêné'. Se...
(TB) 'Ace Of Spades' 1941, Salbach 'Ace Of Spades' ( Carl Salbach, R. 1941). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. ( 'Dauntless' x 'Modoc') X 'Dark Knight'. Salba...
■(TB) 'Aces Wild' 2019, Johnson 'Aces Wild' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2019) Seedling TG183ZZ. TB, 30" (76 cm). Early bloom. Standards white ground in center covered d...
(TB) 'Achernar' 1937, Gersdorff 'Achernar' ( Charles Gersdorff, R. 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class WW. 'Caroline E. Stringer' x 'Mary Gibson'. See bel...
(TB) 'Acheron' 1924, Sturtevant 'Acheron' ( Grace Sturtevant, R. 1924) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. 'Anne Leslie' x 'Archevêque'. See below: * * Refer...
(TB) 'Achilles' 1941, Stevens 'Achilles' ( Mrs. W. R. Stevens, R. 1941). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Inspiration' x 'Wellington'. See below: * Refer...
(TB) 'Acme' 1961, Riddle 'Acme' (Matthew Riddle, R. 1961). Seedling L 68 A. TB, 50" (127 cm), Early bloom. Color Class Y3PF, Standards pale yellow to white; falls...
■(TB) 'Acqua Di Rosa' 2000, Bianco 'Acqua Di Rosa' ( Augusto Bianco, R. 1999) Seedling 411 95. TB, 38" (96 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards mallow rose; s...
■(TB) 'Acropole' 1939, Cayeux 'Acropole' (Ferdinand Cayeux by René Cayeux, R. 1939). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W8L, (new data). 'Fakir' X 'San Francisco'. ...
■(TB) 'Acropolis' 1929, Berry 'Acropolis' (Samuel Berry, R. 1929) TB 48" Early midseason bloom. Standards mid blue purple; falls dark blue purple; yellowish beard...
■(TB) 'Across The Storm' 2015, Libera 'Across The Storm' (Davide Dalla Libera, R. 2015) Seedling 4 11 5 09/1. TB, 39.5" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Very dark blu...
■(TB) 'Action Packed' 2011, Black 'Action Packed' (Paul Black, R. 2011) Seedling O177C. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Standards white washed ligh...
(TB) 'Acushla' 1932, Thomson 'Acushla' ( William M. Thomson, R. 1932). TB. Very late bloom. Color Class S3M. See below: * * References References: Awaiti...