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Spuria Iris Society

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This page provides history and information about Spuria Iris, the Spuria Iris Society, and the Eric Nies Award and Medal. All of the attachments are available for you to print or download.

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Use this link to view Spuria Iris Society Newsletters included in the Encyclopedia.

For more information on the Spuria Iris Society please visit the Spuria Iris Society website.


On May 18, 1952 the AIS Board of Directors established the Eric Nies Award for Spuria Irises.

During that same month, on May 27, 1952 the Society for Spuria Iris organized as a subsection of the American Iris Society holding its first meeting at the home of Mrs John E. Green, Jr. in Houston Texas.

In the April 1952 Bulletin there appeared a Memoriam for Eric E. Nies.

In the July 1952 Bulletin there was an announcement "Trial of Iris Spuria and Its Hybrids".


In the April 1953 Bulletin the "Ladder of Success" for Spuria Iris was forcast.


From the Minutes of the the 14-15 November 1959 Board of Directors' Meeting in New Orleans, LA it was voted that any Special Interest Iris Society may become a SECTION of the AIS and that any Iris Society may become an AFFILIATE of the AIS.


In the April 1960 Bulletin there was an article which speaks of the Spuria Iris Society as a Section of the AIS.

In the July 1960 Bulletin appeared the first listing of the Spuria Iris Society as an AIS Section along with the Median Iris Society and The Society for Siberian Irises.


From the BOD meetings November 1-3, 1991 minutes, "All of the existing AM-equivalent awards shall be elevated to metal status".


The BOD initiated eligibility for the Nies Medal during the 30 October - 1 November, 1992 Board of Directors Meeting.

In 1993 the first Eric Nies Medal was awarded. Previously the Eric Nies Award was equivalent to an Award of Merit. Note that most classifications within the AIS Awards System began with Award of Merit (AM) equivalent Awards, later elevated to Medal status. At this transition, previous Award winners from a specified period of time re-competed for the higher Medal honors. 'Cinnamon Stick', 'Son Of Sun', and 'Betty Cooper' all won both the Eric Nies Award and subsequently the Eric Nies Medal.


The Niswonger Trophy was created at the 2017 LA convention and is awarded only at Spuria Conventions by the Spuria Iris Society. The trophy was named in honor of Dave Niswonger from a list of several hybridizers who made significant contributions to the spuria culture and society. The trophy goes to the most voted on spuria seen at any of the convention gardens that has been introduced within the 10 previous years. The intent is to honor and encourage hybridizers to continue their support of the spuria culture.

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
1952_04_AIS Eric E. Nies.pdfpdf 1952_04_AIS Eric E. Nies.pdf manage 361 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:33 DougChyz Eric E. Nies Memoriam
1952_07_AIS Eric Nies Award Established.pdfpdf 1952_07_AIS Eric Nies Award Established.pdf manage 61 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:13 DougChyz Eric Nies Award Established
1952_07_AIS Society for Spuria Iris Organized.pdfpdf 1952_07_AIS Society for Spuria Iris Organized.pdf manage 285 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:01 DougChyz Spuria Iris Society Organizes in 1952
1952_07_AIS Trial of Iris Spuria and Its Hybrids.pdfpdf 1952_07_AIS Trial of Iris Spuria and Its Hybrids.pdf manage 162 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:28 DougChyz Trial of Iris Spuria
1953_04_AIS Eric Nies Award.pdfpdf 1953_04_AIS Eric Nies Award.pdf manage 66 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:24 DougChyz "Ladder of Success"
1960_01_AIS Minutes with Section and Affiliate Voting.pdfpdf 1960_01_AIS Minutes with Section and Affiliate Voting.pdf manage 291 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:00 DougChyz November 1959 BOD Minutes
1960_04_AIS Spuria as an AIS Section.pdfpdf 1960_04_AIS Spuria as an AIS Section.pdf manage 86 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:08 DougChyz Spuria Section
1960_07_AIS First Listing of Sections and Affiliates in the AIS Bulletins.pdfpdf 1960_07_AIS First Listing of Sections and Affiliates in the AIS Bulletins.pdf manage 52 K 14 Jun 2023 - 19:13 DougChyz First Bulletin Listing
1992_01_AIS BOD Minutes AM Equivalents to Medals.pdfpdf 1992_01_AIS BOD Minutes AM Equivalents to Medals.pdf manage 3 MB 15 Jun 2023 - 13:19 DougChyz AM Equivalent to Medals
1993_01_AIS Medal Eligibity Initiated.pdfpdf 1993_01_AIS Medal Eligibity Initiated.pdf manage 4 MB 15 Jun 2023 - 23:28 DougChyz Medal Eligibility Initiated
Dave Niswonger Trophy.pdfpdf Dave Niswonger Trophy.pdf manage 18 K 19 Jun 2023 - 11:57 DougChyz Dave Niswonger Trophy
Topic revision: r7 - 06 Jul 2023, RobertBobPries
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