

■ (SPEC) Iris spuria L.

Iris spuria L. (Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central and southern Europe, Spain to Persia, Algeria); Section Limniris, Series Spuriae, Spur-BD; Dark blue, Linnaeus in Species Plantarum ed. 1: 39. 12, 1753;

See below:
Iris spuria ssp. spuria e.jpgSlovakSpuria.jpgSpuria from Dykes Genus Iris.jpgspuria seed.jpgspuriahalophila3.jpg
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Baker gives the following notes in The Gardeners' Chronicle p. 583, Nov. 4, 1876; "Rhizome oblique, short-creeping. Stem 1-2 feet high, little-branched, stout, subterete, with two or three reduced sheathing leaves above the basal tuft, and often one or two lateral sessile, or nearly sessile, clusters of flowers, in addition to the termunal one. Leaves about half-a-gozen in basal tuft, a foot or more long, firm, erecto-patent, ½ inch broad, hardly at all glaucous. Spathes two to three-flowered, made up of tight-clasping, lanceolate valves, 2-3 inches long, membranous and colourless at the tip. Pedicel 1-1 ½ inch long inside the spathe. Ovary ¾-1 inch long, cylindrical, prominently 6-ribbed, narrowed gradually into the short tube, which is under ½ inch long, and dilated suddenly into a cup at the tip; limb 1 ½-2 inches long, bright lilac; falls with a round blade under 1 inch broad, shorter than the claw, hardly at all deflexed, furnished with a bright yellow keel beginning at the base of the limb and running down the claw, which is faintly streaked with purple on a white ground; standards oblanceolate, shorter than the falls, erect bright uniform lilac, ½ inch broad. Stigmas above 1 inch long without the deltoid crests, bright violet in the center, passing into lilac at the edge. Anther ½ inch long, equalling the filament. Capsule oblong-rostrate, 2 inches long, deeply sulcate between the cells, narrowed gradually into the persistent beak."
"The typical form, as above described, spread through Central Europe from France to Spain to Algeria and the North of Persia. All this group are late flowerers, not being in perfection in our London gardens till the middle of June."
Dickson 1794; Prince 1923; Macoun; Farr 1912; Van W. 1912;
Francis 1920; Van T. 1928; Per. 1933; 1938; Berry 1938; Orp. 1938; Barr 1939;
Dykes, The Genus Iris 59. 1913;


Synonyms: Seashore Iris; Reichenbachiana, Klatt; Spathulata, Lam.; Spatulee, Jaume St. Hil.; Xyridion spurium and Reichenbachianum, Klatt.

Chromosome counts

2n=22, Westergaraard, 1938; 2n=22, Lenz & Day, 1963; 2n=40, Banerji, 1970; 2n=40, Sharma & Sar., 1971; 2n=40, Roy et al., 1988.


Iris spuria L is divided into the following subspecies: Iris spuria cultivars: 'Albulus'; 'Belise'; 'Carthalinae'; 'Daenaensis'; 'Danica'; 'Demetrii'; 'Frigiya', 'Georgian Delicacy'; 'Halophila'; 'Halophila lutea'; ‘Halophila Sogdiana’, ‘Hyerensis’, ‘Hyerensis Lilacina’, 'Klattii', ‘Lenkoran’, 'Machowii'; 'Musulmanica', ‘Musulmanica Sky Blue’, ‘Notha’, 'Prilipkoana', ‘Reichenbachiana’, 'Sogdiana', ‘Spuria Alba’, ‘Spuria Caerulea’, ‘Spuria Celestial’, ‘Spuria Daenaensis’, 'Spuria Desertorum', ‘Spuria Hispanica’, ‘Spuria Lilacina’, ‘Spuria Maritima’, ‘Spuria Musulmanica’, ‘Spuria Pallida’, ‘Spuria Smithii’, ‘Spuria Subbarbata’, ‘Spuria Variegata’, ‘Vishenka’,


Iris spuria crosses: 'Gratsiya';

Iris spuria ssp. carthaliniae X Spuria Hybrid: 'Essay';

Iris spuria ssp halophila X Spuria Hybrid: 'Elfin Sunshine'; 'Highline Snowflake'.

Spuria Hybrid X Iris spuria ssp notha: 'Eleven Point River'; 'Gasconade River'.

Iris spuria X Iris monnieri: 'Academus'.

Iris monnieri X Iris spuria 'A. J. Balfour': 'Dorothy Foster'.

Iris spuria X Unknown: 'Belissinado'.

LA Hybrid X Spuria (cross questioned)

more croses: ‘Chrissy Wolfe’; ‘Doris Irene’; ‘La Tajana’? ‘Lumiere’; ‘Maritima Gem’; ‘Missouri Springs’; ‘Monspur’; ‘Monspur Cambridge Blue’; ‘Monspur Milton’; ‘Neophyte’; ‘Premier’; ‘Protégé’; ‘Repertoire’; ‘Rodeo Blue’; ‘Royal Belise’; ‘Russian Blue’; ‘Russian White’; ‘Spanish Lime’; ‘Spuraur’; ‘Suspense’; ‘Ticehurst’; ‘True Blue’?

¼ Iris spuria crosses: 'Megatrend'

Distribution and Cultivation

Distribution: Region:
Cultivation: Full sun, .

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-25
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Iris_spuria_ssp._spuria_e.jpgjpg Iris_spuria_ssp._spuria_e.jpg manage 49 K 21 Jul 2010 - 09:23 Main.rivdel Iris spuria ssp.spuria. Lyon Botanic Garden. by Stephanie Boot
SlovakSpuria.jpgjpg SlovakSpuria.jpg manage 86 K 27 Apr 2016 - 14:53 BobPries  
Spuria_from_Dykes_Genus_Iris.jpgjpg Spuria_from_Dykes_Genus_Iris.jpg manage 48 K 20 Apr 2010 - 13:20 BobPries Spuria from Dykes Genus Iris
spuria_seed.jpgjpg spuria_seed.jpg manage 34 K 29 Sep 2010 - 18:27 BobPries seed
spuriahalophila3.jpgjpg spuriahalophila3.jpg manage 45 K 22 Jan 2014 - 16:18 TerryLaurin Photo by Iris of Sissinghurst,UK
Topic revision: r21 - 13 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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