

You are here: Iris Wiki>Spec Web>SpeciesIrises>SpecSiberica (10 Oct 2023, Harloiris)Edit Attach

■(SPEC) Iris siberica Linné

Iris siberica Linné synonyms: Iris praestans lamarck; Iris angustifolia Gilberti; Iris stricta Moench; Iris maritima Miller; Iris atracoerulea Lynch; Iris erirhiza Pospichal; Iris acuta Willdenow; Iris trigonocarpa A. Br.; Iris triflora Redouté.

See below:

* * References
Photo by Ensata GardensIris sibericairis siberica? This may represent I. sanguinea due to the red flushed bractsPhoto by John Jearrard -JearradPhoto by John Jearrard -Jearrad


Awaiting original catalog description
As one would assume, due to the many synonyms for Iris siberica, it has a very wide and varied distribution. It is found from northern Europe in the East to Siberia in the West and into parts of Asia. Similar to I. sanguinea, it is distinguished by having dried bud bracts at bloom time, generally 3-5 blossoms, narrower falls and an inflorescence longer than the leaves. The seed capsule is rounder and not more than twice as long as wide. Height varies between 24"/60 cm and 48"/120 cm. Chromosome count 2n=28. Flowers are mid to mid-dark blue with a white signal veined in blue. The throat is gold-yellow, also veined in dark blue. Standards are upright, falls are narrow at the hafts widening to a spatulate and pendant end.


-- JamieVande - 2010-01-02
  • Linneus name is Iris sibirica!!!! Please! indeed we say Siberian irises but in Latin it is sibirica! L.Komarnicki -- LechKomarnicki - 2013-11-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Isiberica3.jpgjpg Isiberica3.jpg manage 142 K 20 Jun 2013 - 22:31 TerryLaurin Photo by Ensata Gardens
siberica1-75k.jpgjpg siberica1-75k.jpg manage 72 K 02 Jan 2010 - 23:05 Main.Regelian Iris siberica
siberica2-75k.jpgjpg siberica2-75k.jpg manage 70 K 02 Jan 2010 - 23:07 Main.Regelian iris siberica? This may represent I. sanguinea due to the red flushed bracts
sibirica5.JPGJPG sibirica5.JPG manage 68 K 04 Oct 2023 - 00:37 TerryLaurin Photo by John Jearrard -Jearrad's Herbal-United Kingdom
sibirica50.JPGJPG sibirica50.JPG manage 65 K 04 Oct 2023 - 00:37 TerryLaurin Photo by John Jearrard -Jearrad's Herbal-United Kingdom
Topic revision: r9 - 10 Oct 2023, Harloiris
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