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(SPEC) Iris sari var. lurida

Iberica 1887, Foster & Baker

Iris sari_ var. _lurida ( Sir Michael Foster, 1887). gives the following; Tab. 6960.
IRIS Sari, variety lurida.
Native of Asia Minor. Nat. Ord. Ibidem. -- Tribe Moe-EEJ:: Genus Ibis, Linn.; {Benth. et Rook.f. Gen. PL vol. iii. p. 686.)
Ibis (Oncocyclus) Sari,\a.r. lurida; rhizoniate brevi obliquo, foliis ensiformibus faleatis glancescentibus semipedalibus, pednnctilo tnonoceplialo foliis Bqnilonso, spatha- valvis Ianceolatis Tentricocu pallide viridibus, periutithio tubo bi-pollicari, limbi segmentis orbicularibus oopiositsime fusco-punctatis, ezterioriboi reflexis diffuse barbatis, interioribus erectis, styli appendicibus Im'vibus rotundatis.

I. Sari, var. lurida, Boiss. Fl. Orient, vol. v. p. 131. This curious new Iris belongs to the small section Oncocyclus, and is closely allied to the well-known I. susiana (Bot. Mag., tab. 91). Our drawing was made from a specimen sent by Mr. R. I. Lynch, of the Cambridge Botanic Garden, with whom it flowered last May. We have also had it this summer in the herbaceous ground at Kew, received from Professor Foster. The species was originally described in my synopsis of the genus Iris, published in the " Gardener's Chronicle" in the year 1876 (vol. v. p. 788), from material furnished by Max Leichtlin.
  • Descr. Rhizome short, oblique. Leaves about six, ensiform, falcate, glaucescent, half a foot long at the flowering time, half an inch broad. Peduncle monocephalous, half a foot long ; spathe-valves lanceolate, ventricose, pale green. Perianth-tube two inches long; segments of the limb suborbicular, two and a half or three inches long, copiously
    striped and spotted with claret-purple on a claret-white ground ; outer segments reflexed, darker in colour, furnished with a diffused brown -black beard ; inner segments paler, erect. Filaments shorter than the anthers. Style dark brown, an inch broad, furnished with two short quadrate appendages. -- J. G. Baker.

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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r4 - 22 Feb 2016, Harloiris
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