

■ (SPEC) Iris prismatica var. austrina Fernald

1947, Fernald

'Austrina' (Merit Lyndon Fernald, 1947) Originally described in Rhodora 49: 133 (1947).

See below:
Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collectionPhoto by Dennis Kramb-SIGNA


Rhodora 49: 133 (1947) I. prismatica: leaves terminating new stolons 2-5 mm. wide, shallowly or obscurely corrugated; valves of spathe pale brown, wholly or partly scario-membranaceous, the outer one rarely foliaceous; flower 5-7 cm. broad, with perianth-tube about 3 mm. long; blade of sepal ovate or obovate to roundish, 1.3-2 cm. broad, rather abruptly contracted to the broad claw; faces of capsule 6-14 (av. 9.6) mm. broad; seeds 3-4 mm. long.

Var. austrina: leaves terminating new stolons 5-9 mm. wide, deeply corrugate-sulcate ; valves of spathe firm or subcoriaceous, either brown, or green and foliaceous; flower 8-10 cm. broad, with perianth-tube 5-6 mm. long; sepals spatulate-obovate, 1.2-1.7 cm. broad, the blade gradually tapering into the slender-based claw; faces of capsule 10-14 (av. 12.5) mm. broad; seeds 4-6 mm. long.



Chromosome counts






Distribution and Cultivation

Distribution: Region:


Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collectionPhoto by Dennis Kramb-SIGNA

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Iris_prismatica01.jpgjpg Iris_prismatica01.jpg manage 73 K 11 Oct 2014 - 20:08 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection
IrisprismaticavaraustinaDKramb01.jpgjpg IrisprismaticavaraustinaDKramb01.jpg manage 52 K 11 Oct 2014 - 20:06 TerryLaurin Photo by Dennis Kramb-SIGNA
Topic revision: r7 - 05 Apr 2022, TerryLaurin
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