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■(SPEC) 'Pabularia'

1888, Naudin


'Pabularia' (Charles Victor Naudin-1888, described by L. Wittmack 1898). Series Ensatae. 20" (50 cm); Said to be distinct. Larger, with leaves purplish red near the base. Plants much stouter, leaf bases tinged bluish red, those of older leaves remaining as fibers, leaves four to six, 60-120 cm. high, one cm broad, gray-green, usually eight ribbed, flower stalk shorter than the leaves, upright, at fruiting time often lying on the earth, flowers up to 3, perianth segments broad acuminate, the falls broader, bright blue, beautifully veined darker blue, toward the base a little yellowish, the standards dark blue, stigma crest with few teeth, capsule, when half-ripe, cylindric, up to 7 cm. long, with six strong ribs, and a short beak; pedicel 8-9 cm. long. From Kashmir. Flowers with us at the beginning of July; (1939 Checklist. A form of Iris ensata[sic]; the old name for Iris lactea).

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Biodiversity Heritage Library


Revue Horticole, 1888, 60e année, p. 338.
mentions: "A NEW FORAGE PLANT.– The Revue Horticole of August 1 (1888) contains an account of Iris pabularia. This plant was made known to the Societe d'Acclimatation by M. Ermens, who was formerly in the service of the Maharajah of Cashmik. In Cashmir, it appears, Iris pabularia is extensively grown for fodder on account of its nutritive properties. It is thought that it would do well in Algiers and Central France, if the seeds were raised in a nursery and transplanted about February. In the Paris climate, which is not so congenial to it, it should not be planted out until March and April. When once rooted it is said to be almost impossible to extirpate this plant. The seed (which is offered for sale by Messrs. Vilmorin Andrieux et Cie.) should be well soaked before it is sown. There are many parts of India and Australia where it might be advisable to attempt the culture of this plant.
Also mentioned in Garden And Forest, 1888.


as Iris ensata Thun. var. pabularia Naudin in Kom 518, and Ic.1888: & in . Offered by Dammann 1899. Now Iris lactea Pallas.

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-- BobPries - 2009-11-06
Topic revision: r14 - 03 Dec 2022, Harloiris
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