(SPEC) Iris olbiensis Henon see also 'Olbiensis'
1855, Henon
Iris olbiensis (
Jacques-Louis Henon, 1855)
references; Bot Mag tab 6110, 1878: Tab. 6110.
iris olbiensis. Native of Northern Italy and Southern France. Nat. Ord. IRIDACEAE. — Tribe Irideae. Genus Iris, Linn. ; (Endl. Gen. Plant., p. 266).
Iris olbiensis ; rhizomate crasso, caule brevi, foliis brevibus (2-6 poll.) latiusculis acutis sensim acuminatis scapo brevioribus, floribus breviter pedicellatis magnis, spatha valvis membranaceis laxis abrupte acuminatis ovarium velantibus, perianthii tubo pollicari, limbi 3 poll, lati segmentis obovato-spathulatis decurvis apice rotundatis ungue barbato, interioribus iis sub&qualibus erecto-incurvis conniventibus elliptico-oblongis stipitatis, stigmatibus segmentis perianthii dimidio brevioribus bifidis lobis triangularibus acutis margine exteriore dentatis.
Ibis olbiensis, He'non in Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyons; Gren. et Godr. Fl. de France, vol. iii. pt. i. p. 240 ; Parlatore Flor. Ital, vol. iii. p. 283.
This belongs to a small group of dwarf Iris, which inhabit for the most part Southern Europe, and of which the I. pumila, L. (Tab. nost. 9, 1209 and 1261) may be taken as the type. It is a native of the South of France and North Italy, from Nismes eastwards, but apparently not advancing beyond Tuscany. It varies much in the colour of the flowers, which are sometimes white. It is distinguished from Lpumila by the much larger flowers, which are pedicelled and less fugacious, as also by the shorter perianth-tube. The /. italica of Parlatore appears to be only a variety of it; and it is represented by I. pseudo-pumila in Sicily. It is very closely allied to, if not a mere variety of the I. Chamaciris, Bertoloni, which has a wider range in France and Italy. The specimen here figured flowered in the Royal Gardens in April of the present year.
Descr. Rootstock prostrate, very thick and fleshy, as big as the thumb. Leaves three to six inches long by one-third to two-thirds inch in diameter, erecto-patent, straight or somewhat falcate, usually narrowed almost from the base to the acuminate tip, glaucous green. Scape rather larger than the leaves, stout, erect, closely sheathed. Spathes one to two inches long, large and rather tumid, lax, obliquely truncate and acuminate. Flowers very large for the size of the plant, usually dark purple, three and a half to four inches across the perianth were it spread out ; pedicel short, stout. Perianth- tube longer than the ovary ; outer segments recurved, spathulate-obovate, tip rounded, claw deeply bearded; inner segments as long as the outer, erect and connivent, broadly elliptic-oblong with a narrow claw and cordate base. Stigmas not half the length of the inner perianth segments, their lobes triangular, acute, toothed at the outer edge. — J D H. July 1st, 1874.
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BobPries - 2011-03-07