

■ (SPEC) Iris nigricans Dinsm. ex Post.

1913, Botanical author Dinsmore

Iris nigricans Dinsm (John Dinsmore. Registered in 1939 checklists as a cultivar 'Nigricans' (Krelage & Sons, 1898, Jordan-east of Dead Sea and south of Amman). Section Oncocyclus; Height 8-12" (20-30 cm); Early bloom season. Color Code R9D; Flowers 3-4" (8-10 cm) diameter, Standards so densely veined dark bluish purple that little if any of the white ground color shows, Falls brownish or blackish purple with even darker veins and dots and a very black signal patch, beard white tipped purple; Krelage & Sons 1898; Van Tubergen 1900;
(Dinsmore in Post, ed. 2, 2, 600 (1913--

See below:
Hans Achilles photoSimone Liliana Kovacs photo2Rafael Diez Dominguez photoRafael Diez Dominguez photoSimone Liliana Kovacs photoPhoto by RossPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collection


Iris nigricans Dinsm. in G.E.Post, Fl. Syria, ed. 2, 2: 600 (1933).
George Edward Post, (1933). Flora of Syria, Palestine & Sinai 2: 600. American Press, Beirut. "33. I. nigricans Dinsm. (1933) Black I. (Pl. Dinsm. Fasc. ii). - .3 to .35 rhizome small, with often two stems. Leaves falcate-circinnate, closely sheathing the lower part of the stem, 6-13, mostly radical, .15 to .22 X .0006 to .01. Spathe .075 x .03, obsoletely keeled, scarious at tip; tube of the perigonium .057, narrower than the ovary: ovary .025 X .008, tapering at each end, nearly sessile. Flower about .15 in diameter; falls obovate, .06 x .03, with a very broad haft, and dark-brown-purple veins and dots; signal black, transversely oval, truncate at base, .012 x .02, with dark-purple tipped hairs on a white ground. Standards oval, .07 to .08 x .06 with a short, narrow haft, uniformly covered with dark-purple-lilac veins on a white ground; style-branches much arched. slightly keeled, light-chocolate, the crests a little darker: anther cream-colored, lanceolate, much shorter than the crest, thrice as long as the filament---lntroduced to cultivation in Italy in 1890, as a form or I. atropurpurea. Incorrectly given in the first edition as I. Sari Schott, in Bak. (1896).---April. Grainfields, end. Pal. Madaba and Karak (DH. N.710)."
Danin, A. (2004). Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina Area: 404-410. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Feinbrun-Dothan, N. (1986). Flora Palaestina 4: 112-137. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.



Chromosome counts



Iris nigricans cultivars:'Nigricans', 'Real Ebony'



Iris nigricans crosses: 'Hula Flirt', 'Judean Raven', 'Nomo', 'Persian Pansy'

¼ Iris nigricans crosses: 'Aaron's Shield, 'Black Dazzler', 'Dunshanbe', Bowl Of Violets', 'Doug Goodnight', 'Garnet Tiara, 'Guinevere', 'Hidden Oasis', 'Inscrutable, 'Little Engraved',' Midnight Journey', 'Nehemiah', 'Night Dreamer', 'Persian Accent', 'Persian Dancer', 'Persian Garnet', 'Persian Quest', 'Persian Star', 'Proud Papa', 'Rebecca's Veil', 'Rojen's Saga', 'Sheik Jamal', 'Warrior Chief', 'Whirlwind Romance'


Distribution and Cultivation

Distribution: Region: Jordan


Hans Achilles photoSimone Liliana Kovacs photo2Rafael Diez Dominguez photoRafael Diez Dominguez photoSimone Liliana Kovacs photoPhoto by RossPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collection

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-03
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Iris-nigricans-HansAchilles1.jpgjpg Iris-nigricans-HansAchilles1.jpg manage 143 K 24 Aug 2016 - 18:01 BobPries Hans Achilles photo
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Iris-nigricansRafaelDiezDominguez-2.jpgjpg Iris-nigricansRafaelDiezDominguez-2.jpg manage 203 K 24 Aug 2016 - 18:02 BobPries Rafael Diez Dominguez photo
Iris-nigricansRafaelDiezDominguez-3.jpgjpg Iris-nigricansRafaelDiezDominguez-3.jpg manage 174 K 24 Aug 2016 - 18:06 BobPries Rafael Diez Dominguez photo
Iris-nigricansSimonaLilianaKovacs1_jpg.pngpng Iris-nigricansSimonaLilianaKovacs1_jpg.png manage 166 K 24 Aug 2016 - 18:04 BobPries Simone Liliana Kovacs photo
nigricans.jpgjpg nigricans.jpg manage 13 K 26 Feb 2010 - 17:02 BetsyHiggins Photo by Ross
nigricans01.jpgjpg nigricans01.jpg manage 64 K 27 Dec 2015 - 17:07 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collection
Topic revision: r8 - 04 Apr 2022, TerryLaurin
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