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Herbert in Hooker & Arnott, Bot Beech. 395. 1841; |
_Curtis's Botanical Magazine_ 88: tab. 5298. 1862,Two new species of Iris were detected by the naturalists of Captain Beechey's Voyage of H. ML surveying ship Sulphur, in California, both very distinct from any other known of this extensive genus : these are Iris Douglasiana, Herbert in Hook, and Arn. Bot. of Beechey's Voyage, and J. longipetala, I. c. p. 395. Tubers of the latter species have been received at the Royal Horticultural Society, and a specimen was kindly sent to us by Mr. Thomas Moore, from the garden at Chiswick, last summer (1861), from which the accompanying figure is taken. It seems quite hardy, and will prove a great ornament to our flower-gardens. |
Dykes in The Genus Iris, 1913:Description. Rootstock , a short creeping rhizome, with brown sheaths at the base of the leaves. Leaves , firm, narrow ensiform, about 18-24 in. long by ½-3/4 wide, varying in individual plants and not dying down in winter, the new leaves appearing before the old wither, of a dark grey green with glaucous sheen. Stem , 2 ft. high, sometimes bearing two or three reduced leaves, and sometimes one or two lateral heads of flowers besides the terminal cluster. Spathe valves , 3-4 in. long, the outer valves being green, lanceolate, 3-6-flowered. The outermost valve is often and indeed usually set 2-3 in. below the next. Pedicels , 1-3 in. long, those of the various flowers being of different lengths at flowering time, but becoming equal later. Ovary , oblong, trigonal, 3/4-1 in. long, with a somewhat rough uneven surface, and a ridge down each side. Tube , about ¼ in., funnel-shaped, green, faintly striped with purple in the line of the standards. Falls , obovate unguiculate, spreading and drooping rather than reflexing. The central ridge or keel is flanked with yellow, and finely dotted with purple. There are also a number of small deep purple dots about the end of this ridge on the blade, which is white, finely and conspicuously veined with violet, as is also the haft, 2½-3 in. by 1½ in. Nuttall's statement (I.e.) that the falls are yellow is probably due to the fact that he was describing a dried specimen. Standards , somewhat divergent, blunt, broadly emarginate, oblong-unguiculate, 2½-3 in by 3/4 in., white, with violet veins more diffuse, and somewhat paler than those on the falls. Styles , 1½ in. long, narrow at the base, becoming wider above, pale violet. Crests , almost quadrate, with irregularly indented edge. Stigma , obscurely bilobed. Filaments , equal to anthers, white mottled with pale violet. Anthers , purple. Pollen , creamy white. Capsule , 3/4 in. by 1½--2, tapering at either end, with six ribs set at equal distances. The crosssection is almost circular. Seeds , large, almost globular, dark brown, with very slightly wrinkled skins.Observations, see Dykes under Series Longipetalae, |
In The following catalogs; Van T. 1900; Van W. 1907; Farr 1912; Ainsley 1928; Barr 1933; Wal. 1934; Per. 1938; Starker 1938; McDonald 1939. |
Distribution: The distribution of the species gives clues as to its cultural requirements, although plants in cultivation can often tolerate a wider range of variables: The species is found in the following region:Bonap's North American Plant Atlas shows the following map reproduced by permission of Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2015. Taxonomic Data Center. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2015. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)] |
Cultivation; |
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
jpg | Irislongipetela01.jpg | manage | 55 K | 18 Sep 2014 - 23:30 | TerryLaurin | Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection |
jpg | Irislongipetela02.jpg | manage | 64 K | 18 Sep 2014 - 23:32 | TerryLaurin | Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection |
jpg | Irislongipetela03.jpg | manage | 70 K | 18 Sep 2014 - 23:34 | TerryLaurin | Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection |
jpg | Irislongipetela04.jpg | manage | 116 K | 18 Sep 2014 - 23:36 | TerryLaurin | Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection |
JPG | Longipetala.JPG | manage | 64 K | 30 Jan 2011 - 13:30 | IrisP |