Dykes in The Genus Iris, 1913;Description. Rootstock , a small knarled rhizome of Oncocyclus or Regelia character, covered with the hair-like fibres of old leaves. Leaves , falcate, narrow, linear, 4-8 in. long by ¾ in. broad. Stem , slender, 6-10 in. long, bearing a single terminal head. Spathes , 1-1¾ in. long, contammg 2 to 3, or even 4, flowers, apparently green, narrow, acuminate. Pedicel , none or very short. Ovary , Tube , 1 in. Falls , oblong, lanceolate, bearded, I½ in. long. Standards , 1½ in., blade narrowly lanceolate with a canaliculated haft, which usually bears a few hairs. Styles , 1 in. long, keeled. Crests , narrow, pointed, triangular, 3/8 in. long. Stigma , Filaments , Anthers , slightly shorter than the filaments. Pollen , Capsule , of the Regelia character, dehiscing below the apex. Seeds , oval or pyriform, with distinct whitish aril.Observations.The appearance of the rhizome of this Iris and of the many flowered spathes suggested that it is really a member of the Regelia group. This is confirmed by the capsule and by the seeds. The former is smaller than, but similar in shape to, those of the Regelia Irises and the seeds have the characteristic white aril (cf. herbarium specimens and Maximowicz's description in B. A. P. I.e. "hilo perforato albido "). falcifolia does not appear ever to have been in cultivation. |