Please do not enter images that are not your own without owners' permission, this is against Wiki policy "Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supporte...
Culture of Reticulata Group Irises Quick Summary of Cultural Directions Hardiness Zones 4 8 for most varieties, Some cultivars tolerate colder, others tolerate...
(Spec) List of Articles 1. Sir Michael Foster's 1883 six part stream of articles on hybridization; start here 2. Sir Michael Foster's 1885 article on "So called G...
Bonap Atlas ( The Biota of North America Program, North American Plant Atlas) The Biota of North America Program, North American Plant Atlas Images reproduced wit...
D.K. on Bulbous Irises In The Garden Garden Flora. PLATE 653. BULBOUS IRISES.(with a coloured plate of I. HISTRIO, ROSENBACHIANA, PERSICA, AND KOLPAKOWSKIANA. *)...
Dykes's Analytical Key to the Genus Iris (under construction) Note: This Key is being developed further than Dykes original key. Annotations that were not his ar...
Reverend Ewbanks on Oncocyclus cultivation Taken from p. 13 27, The Book Of Iris, 1904 CHAPTER III ON THE CULTIVATION OF ONCOCYCLUS IRISES I. THERE are some thing...
Sir Michael Foster on Oncocyclus To view original article in Biodiversity Heritage library from The Garden 1893 Garden Flora. by Sir Michael Foster related links;...
So called "German" Irises Sir Michael Foster in The Garden, 1885 THE SO CALLED GERMAN IRISES I have so often to explain to my friends that the "German Irises" of ...
R. Irwin Lynch on Oncocyclus Cultivation 1904 Lynch wrote in the Book Of The Iris, 1904 about Oncocyclus cultivation; "No one has had greater success in growing t...
Irises in the Persica Group by Siehe Article in Gardeners' Chronicle p.313, 1901 IRISES OF THE PERSICA GROUP. The well known Iris persica has, in Asia Minor, a nu...
(SPEC) 'A.H.Nicholls' 1934, Nicholls 'A. H. Nicholls' (Jesse C. Nicholls, Jr., R. 1934); Series Laevigatae. 24" . Color Class W1; White self. Collected by A. H. ...
(SPEC) 'A Little Japanese' circa 2003, Speichert 'A Little Japanese' (C. Greg Speichert, unregistered species). A large lavender flower with flat round overlappin...
■ (SPEC) 'Abbeville Red' circa 1940, Collected 'Abbeville Red'/'Abbeville Red Fulva' Louisiana Iris, (Collected clone, appears in several parentages circa 194...
(SPEC) 'Abbey's Violet' before 1982, Collected 'Abbey's Violet' (Referred to by B. LeRoy Davidson, 1982). Crested Iris, a darker blue purple form. Flowers 1 1/2 i...
(Spec) Iris acaulis Pallas 1776, Pallas Iris acaulis (Peter(Pyotr) Simon von Pallas, 1776) Described in Reise 3, 213, 1776. A synonym of Iris tenuifolia Ma...
(Spec) 'Acleantha' or Iris acleantha Small synonym of Iris brevicaulis Raf., 1931, Small 'Acleantha' (John Kunkel Small, Registered with the American Iris Societ...
■ (Spec) 'Acuta' 1813, Wildenow 'Acuta' (Karl Ludwig Willdenow, 1813, Europe Asia). D Sib; 12" (30 cm); Soft, medium blue, with prominent white center and blue ...
■ (Spec) Iris acutiloba var. bimaculata Trautv. YYYY, Trautvetter 'Iris acutiloba Bimaculata'( Ernst Rudolf Trautvetter, ) A variety of Iris acutiloba with ...
(Spec) Iris adami Willd. ex Link. 1820, Willdenow Iris adami (Carl Ludwig Willdenow by way of Link) Jahrb. Gewächsk. 1(3): 72. 1820. A synonym of Iris graminea ...
(SPEC) 'Adriatic Shores' 1985, Collected 'Adriatic Shores' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994). SPEC, height 18" (46 cm). Midseason bloom. Deep purple, slig...
■ (Spec) Iris adriatica Trinajstic ex Mitic ■ 2002, Mitic B. Iris adriatica (Bozena Mitic (Iridaceae), a new species from Dalmatia (Croatia). Phyton 42: 305 313...
(Spec) Iris ægyptia Nob. 1830, Raffeneau Delile Iris ægyptia Nob. (Alire Raffeneau Delile, 1830). Described as Iris aegyptia, now included in the genus Sisyrinchi...
(Spec) Iris aequiloba Ledeb. 1823, Ledebour Iris aequiloba ( Carl (Karl) Friedrich von Ledebour, 1823) DB (Dwarf Bearded), Color Class S7D (Dark pink or red tone...
(SPEC) 'Agrostifolia' 1914, Dykes 'Agrostifolia' (Unknown). W. R. Dykes (1914) referred to this name used in horticulture for a form of Iris unguicularis of unc...
(SPEC) 'Aisome Gawa' 1935, Wada 'Aisome Gawa' (Wada 1935). Series Laevigatae Color Class B7D, Dark red toned blue self. Chugai 1939. Iris laevigata Fischer. ...
(SPEC) 'Akaikawa' ?, Horinaka 'Akaikawa' ( Akira Horinaka). Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. Three petaled form a little redder than 'Noubeni'; (Translation R...
(SPEC) 'Akebono' 'Akebono' Section Limniris, Three petaled, pale blue violet with violet style arms. Found in Niigata. (Translation Dawn). Iris laevigata Fischer….
(Spec) Iris alabamensis Small 1931, Small Iris alabamensis (John Kunkel Small,1931) In Contr. New York Botinical Garden 327: 336, 354. 1931 Bot. Interp. of the Ir...
■ (SPEC) Iris albertii Regel 1877, Botanical author Regel Iris albertii Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1877, collected Turkestan); Section Iris . TB; Color Cl...
(SPEC) Iris albertii forma erythrocarpa Rodion. YYYY, Botanical author George Rodionenko Iris albertii forma erythrocarpa Rodion (George Rodionenko, yyyy), A red ...
■ (SPEC) Iris albicans Lange 1860, Botanical author Lange Iris albicans Lange (Johan Martin Christian Lange, 1860). Section Iris , 16 20" (40 55 cm) Usually white...
■ (SPEC) Iris albispiritis Small 1929, Small Iris albispiritis Small (John Kunkel Small) Originally described in Addisonia as: IRIS ALBISPIRITUS Ghost Iris Native...
■ (SPEC) Iris albomarginata R. C. Foster 1936, Botanical author R. C. Foster Iris albomarginata R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster); Subgenus Scorpiris . Juno; 8 12" ...
■ (SPEC) 'Albopurpurea Monstrosa' or Iris laevigata var albopupurea monstrosa unknown 'Albopurpurea Monstrosa' Series Laevigatae. This a botanical name that wou...
(SPEC) 'Albulus' 1981, Ghahreman 'Albulus' (A. Ghahreman, 1981, Azarbaijan, between Eeoghli and Makuh, and between Naghadéh and Piranshar). 24 40" (60 100 cm), Ju...
(SPEC) 'Alenesford' 1932, Sanford 'Alenesford'. ( L. W. Sanford, R. 1932). Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; light red toned blue self. Cooley 1932. Iris latifoli...
(SPEC) 'All Falls' 1957, Richard 'All Falls' (Mrs. J. G. Richard, R. 1957) Foliosa, 10" (25 cm). Late bloom. Signal white around gold; all standards and falls ide...
(SPEC) 'Almona' 1892, Kkrelage 'Almona'. ( E. H. Krelage and Sons, 1892). Subgenus Xiphium;; English Iris; Purple bicolor; Krelage Sons 1892. Iris latifolia Mil...
(Spec) Iris alticristata Small 1931, Small alticristata Small( John Kunkel Small, 1931) Although originally described as a species it is now considered a selecti...
(Spec) Iris amabilis Eastw. 1903, Eastwood Iris amabilis (Alice Eastwood, 1903) A synonym of Iris douglasiana . Originally published in Bulletin. Torrey Botany C...
(Spec) Iris amankutanica O.Fedtsch. ex Vved. 1935, Fedtschenko Iris amankutanica (Olga Alexandrowna Fedtschenko, ex Vvedensky, 1935). originally published in Fl...
(SPEC) 'Amanokawa' 'Amanokawa' Section Limniris , Series Laevigatae . Six petaled white with small violet dots. 'Maikujaku' and 'Yaguruma' crossed; (Translation M...
(SPEC) Iris amasiana Bornmueller ex Haussknecht 1889, Bornmueller by way of Haussknecht 'Amasiana' ( Joseph Bornmueller, ex Heinrich Haussknecht, 1889). Subgenus ...
(SPEC) 'Amnicolor' 1931, Alexander 'Amnicolor' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section„ Standards deep purple, reddish violet in lower part, c...
■ (Spec) Iris amoena Candolle 1812, Candolle Iris amoena ( Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in Les Liliacées (Redouté) table 336, 1812). This was probably an early ...
(SPEC) 'Angustifolia' 1853, Boissier ‘Angustifolia’. ( Edmond Boissier, 1853); UNG; Flowers are small with bluish lilac margins and white in the center of the fal...
(Spec) Iris missouriensis forma angustispatha R.C.Foster 1937, Foster 'Angustispatha' ( Robert C. Foster, 1937). Narrow spathes or bracts, which diverge. Iris mi...
(Spec) Iris annae Grossh. 1950, Grossheim Iris annae (Alexander Alfonsovich Grossheim, 1950) Section Oncocyclus. originally described as species in Bot. Mater. Ge...
■ (SPEC) 'Anticosti Discovery' 1998, Huber 'Anticosti Discovery' ( Tony Huber, R. 1998). Seedling # Ex AC 05. Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae.SPEC (versic...
(SPEC) 'Aoinagisa' YYYY, Horinaka 'Aoinagisa' (Akira Horinaka). Section Limniris , Series Laevigatae . Three petaled light blue with a deeper shade. Produced by t...
(SPEC) 'Aoitori' YYYY, Horinaka 'Aoitori' (Akira Horinaka). Section Limniris , Series Laevigatae . Three petaled, the nearest to true blue flower, horizontal fall...
(Spec) Iris arctica Eastw. 1902, Eastwood 'Arctica' (Alice Eastwood, 1902) originally published as species in Botanical Gazette 33: 132. 1902 A synonym for Iris ...
■ (SPEC) Iris arenaria Waldstein Kitaibel ('Arenaria') 1802, Botanical author Waldstein Kitaibel 'Arenaria'. (F. G. von Waldstein and P. Kitaibel, 1802, C...
■ (SPEC) Iris pallida 'Argentea' 1906, Goos Koenemann 'Argentea' (Goos and Koenemann, 1906). TB; B1L; Blue self, Leaves variegated white and green; G K 19...
(SPEC) 'Arkanensis' 1930, Perry 'Arkanensis' ( Amos Perry, R. 1930), Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae., Color Class B2L a light feathered blue, Offered in Perr...
■(SPEC) 'Armenian Caucasus' YYYY, McMurtrie 'Armenian Caucasus' Early; Garden Name for Iris reticulata from that area. See 2n=20 See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Armenian Caucasus Retic' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Armenian Caucasus Retic' Subgenus Hermodactyloides. Red purple, may fade / lighten a little as the flowers age….
(SPEC) Iris aschersonii Fos. 1902, Sir Michael Foster Iris aschersonii M. Foster. (Max Leichtlin, before 1902 Sintensis); Section Limniris, Series Syriacae; Flowe...
■ (SPEC) 'Assyriaca' 1895, Leichtlin 'Assyriaca' ( Max Leichtlin, 1895, collected in Euphrates valley) Subgenus Scorpiris , Juno Color Class W; This is now consi...
(SPEC) Iris danfordiae 'Atilla' before 1998, McMurtries 'Atilla' Collected form of Iris danfordiae; A lovely bright yellow species. Its only fault is the bulb...
■ (Spec) Iris atrocyanea Small Iris atrocyanea ( John Kunkel Small, 1929) Originally described as species but later considered to be only a variation of Iris bre...
(SPEC) Iris atropurpurea var. atrofusca Baker 1894, Baker Iris atropurpurea variety atrofusca (John Gilbert Baker, 1894) Considered at times to be a separate spec...
(SPEC) Iris aurea Lindley 1847, Lindley Iris aurea (John Lindley, 1847) originally published in Edwards's Botanical Register; 33: t. 59.1847 In ; Garden Flora. PL...
(SPEC) Iris aurilinea Alexander 1931, Alexander Iris aurilinea (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931) published in Contr. New York Botanical Gardens 327: 336, 353. 19...
(SPEC) 'Austrian Violet' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Austrian Violet' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 10" (25 cm). Early bloom. Dark reddish violet se...
(Spec) 'Autauga' 1932, Nicholls 'Autauga' (A. H. Nicholls, R. 1932) Series Laevigatae R3L; height 30" (75 cm); A very bright and carrying rose pink. 2n=72. Collec...
(SPEC) Iris autumnalis Tausch 1834, Tausch Iris autumnalis (Ignaz Friedrich Tausch, 1834) Flora 17(2): 522. 1834 said to be a synonym of Iris halophyla Main….
(SPEC) 'Avalon Hybrids' 1943, Hybridizer Rex Pearce 'Avalon Hybrids' (Rex Pearce, unregistered 1943) Said to be hybrids between Belamcanda chinensis and Belamcand...
(Spec) 'Bad Schachen' 1986, Schuster 'Bad Schachen' (Eberhard Schuster, 1986). The only mention of this found so far was in SIGNA p.1273 in an article by Schuster...
(SPEC) 'Barhos' 1933, Longstaff? 'Barhos' (Longstaff?, 1933?) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 68: 1, 205. February 19...
(SPEC) 'Barnumae Mariae' 1882, Barbey 'Barnumae Mariae' ( William Barbey, 1882, between Egypt Palestine) Section Oncocyclus; Color Class R3D, (Dark red bicolor)...
(SPEC) 'Baron Van Humboldt' 1936, Van Tubergen 'Baron Van Humboldt' (Van Tubergen, R. 1936) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Color code R7M See below: * * Ref...
■(Spec) Iris barthii Prodan Buia 1946, Prodan Buia Iris barthii ( Julius Prodan and Alexandra Buia, 1946) Species published in Bul. Grad. Bot. Univ. Cluj xx...
(Spec) Iris barthiiformis (Prodan) Prodan 1966, Prodan Iris barthiiformis ( Julius Prodan, 1966). Described by Prodan in in Savul. Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Roman. xi. ...
(SPEC) 'Bartoni' aka 'Bartonii'; Iris bartoni Foster 1883, Foster 'Bartoni' (Sir Michael Foster, 1883) Usually considered a form of Iris Kashmiriana; In Gardeners...
(Spec) Iris Bartonii Fos. 1883, Foster Iris bartonii (Sir Michael Foster, 1883) originally described in Gardeners' Chronicles (1883) I. 275 ; SEE aka 'Bartoni' ...
(SPEC) Iris bayonnensis Darracq ex Gre. Godr. before 1855, Darracq Iris bayonnensis (Ulysse Darracq, ) 1855 before June 1855 synonym of Iris graminea See belo...
(SPEC) Iris beecheyana Herb. 1840, Hebert Iris beecheyana ( William I. Herbert, 1840) Bot. Beechey Voy. 395. 1840 February March 1840 synonym of Iris douglasia...
■(SPEC) Genus Belamcanda now Iris domestica YYYY, Linneaus Previously Belamcanda chinensis: (Carl Linnaeus). Distinguished from the genus Iris by the six perian...
(SPEC) Belamcanda chinensis (Linneaus) De Candolle 1805, Author De Candolle Augustin Pyramus De Candolle, Japan, China, E. Russia in the Ussuri region, Taiwan a...
(SPEC) Iris belgica Hort about 1830, Parmentier Iris belgica (Parmentier, about 1830) Published in Vilm. See 'Belgica' See below: * * References References: ...
(SPEC) Iris belouinii Boiss. et Crn. 1915, Boissier et Cornualt Iris belouinii Bois Crn. (Désiré Georges Jean Marie Bois et Pierre Cornuault, 1915, Fes Morocco)...
(SPEC) 'Benacensis' 1887, Collecter Kerner 'Benacensis' (Collected by Anton Joseph Kerner in 1887 in southern Tyrol). DB; Color Class R7D; form of Iris aphylla, ...
(SPEC) 'Benikiren' YYYY, Japan? 'Benikiren' (from Japan in the 1960s). Series Laevigatae. Shades of blue, attractively washed and mottled silver . Iris Laevigata ...
(Spec) Iris benjaminii 1960, Gazit Ginsburg Iris benjaminii (Zvi Gazit Ginsburg, 1960) Mention in the British Iris Society 1960 Iris Year Book. It is suggested by...
(SPEC) Iris aphylla 'Biflora' 1794, Dicksons 'Biflora' (Dicksons and Company, 1794). DB. Early bloom. Color Class B1M; 2 or3 flowered. Flowers of a purple violet;...
(SPEC) Iris bifurca Steven ex Baker 1877, Steven Iris bifurca (Christian von Steven, 1877) Steven ex Baker in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 16: 145. 1877 1878 publ. 1877 ….
(SPEC) Iris binata Schur 1860, Schur 'Binata' (Philipp Johann Ferdinand Schur, 1860) Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift. Gemeinnütziges Organ für Botanik …...
■ (SPEC) Iris bismarckiana Damm. Spreng. 1890, E. Dammann C. Sprenger Iris bismarckiana E. Dammann C. Sprenger (E. Dammann and Carl Sprenger, 1890, N. Pale...
(SPEC) 'Blue Beauty' 1930, Barr 'Blue Beauty' (Barr and Sons, Circa 1930). Series Laevigatae. Iris versicolor. (Not to be confused with a Japanese iris of same na...
■(SPEC) 'Blue Rose' 1945, Christiansen 'Blue Rose' (K. Christiansen, R. 1945) SPEC. Evansia. Double. Color Class B1M. Sport from I. gracilipes . See below: ...
(Spec) 'Bluebird' 1922, Andrews 'Bluebird' ( Darwin Maxon Andrews, R. 1922). Series Longipetalae. "16" (40 cm). Like type, but flowers a deep violet blue" Royal G...
■(Spec) 'Bob Thompson' 1979, Bob Thompson 'Bob Thompson' Collected in Crete by Bob Thompson, but apparently distinct from 'Cretensis'." Said to be introduced by...
(SPEC) Iris boltoniana Hort. ex Regel 1860, Hort. Iris boltoniana (Hort. ex Regel, ) Index Seminum St. Petersburg (1860) 31. Synonym Iris versicolor Mai...
(Spec) 'Bonchurch Variety' YYYY, R.E.S. Spender 'Bonchurch Variety' Unguicularis, "Raised by R.E.S. Spender". Please help us find out more information about this ...
■ (Spec) 'Born To Be Wild' 2010, Aitken 'Born To Be Wild'. ( J. Terry Aitken, R. 2010) Seedling #03SIB 2C. SPEC, height 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Stan...
(Spec) Iris borzeana Prodan 1934, Prodan 'Borzeana' (Julius Prodan, 1934, Turda, Romania). Prodan distinguishes this from the yellow Iris arenaria as having eithe...
■ (SPEC) 'Bourne Graceful' 1975, Dr. Jack Ellis 'Bourne Graceful' (Dr. Jack R. Ellis, R. 1975). Section Lophiris, (Evansia), height 42" (107 cm). Early thro mid...
(Spec) 'Bowle's White' 1880, Arkwright 'Bowle's White' (Found by Edwin Arkwright, approx. 1880, Algiers). flowers are really pure white, with a delightful rich go...
(Spec) Iris brachycuspis Fischer ex Sims (a synonym of Iris setosa) 1822, Ficher Iris brachycuspis Fischer ex Sims was published in Curtis's Botanical Magazine in...
(SPEC) Iris brevicaulis f. boonensis (Daniels) R.C. Foster 1937, Daniels Iris brevicaulis forma boonensis (Francis Potter Daniels then Robert C. Foster, 1937) Con...
(SPEC) Iris brevicuspis Fisch. ex Schult. YYYY, Fischer Iris brevicuspis (Fischer Joseph Schultes) Mant. i. 306. See Iris setosa. Note: Fischer is probably F. E...
(SPEC) Iris brevipes Small 1931, Small Iris brevipes (John Kunkel Small, 1931) Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N. Y. Bot.Gard. ...
(SPEC) Iris brevituba (Maxim.) Vved. now considered a subspecies of ruthenica by Doronkin 1951, Maximowicz 'Brevituba' (Carl Johann (IvanoviÄ) Maximowicz, 1951) ...
(Spec) 'Bridal Pink' 1968, Witt 'Bridal Pink' (Jean Witt) A clear orchid pink, narrow leaved form SIGNA p.118 " Lamented as no longer being available by Witt (...
(Spec) 'Brown Bee' 1982, Davidson 'Brown Bee' (Collected by B. LeRoy Davidson and Jean Witt, 1982), Golden Iris pseudacorus with an intense brown blotch, accented...
(SPEC) 'Broxted Bluebird' 1996, Carpenter 'Broxted Bluebird'. (Ellis Carpenter, recorded with British Iris Society in 1996 Year Book), Iris latifolia. 33 (84 cm)...
(SPEC) 'Broxted Neptune' 1996, Carpenter 'Broxted Neptune' (Ellis Carpenter, recorded with British Iris Society in 1996 Year Book). Iris latifolia. 26" (66 cm). M...
(SPEC) 'Broxted Virgo' 1996, Carpenter 'Broxted Virgo'. ( Ellis Carpenter, recorded with British Iris Society in 1996 Year Book), Iris latifolia . 28 (71 cm), M...
(Spec) 'Bucharica Aurea' 1921, Dykes 'Bucharica Aurea' ( William Rickatson Dykes). JUNO. Y; Yellow; Award of Merit, Royal Horticultural Society March 23, 1920. sh...
■ (SPEC) 'Bukko Form' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Bukko Form' "One of the most graceful of irises, and quite vigorous once established. Similar to Iris gracilipes 'Alba',...
(SPEC) 'Bulbs d'Opal 1999, ???? 'Bulbs d'Opal' Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno). Up to 7 flowers: White with some mauve. Bright orange blotch around crest. Winged. Offe...
(Spec) 'Bunty' 1986, Harvey 'Bunty' ( Revie Harvey, R. 1986). Seedling #Sp/Sp/3. Iris unguicularis , Early to late bloom. Standards pale orchid pink; falls deepe...
(SPEC) Iris burnatii Baker 1892, Baker 'Burnatii' (John Gilbert Baker, 1892) Handbook of the Irideae, 33. 1892 Aug Nov 1892 said to be a deep purple form of Iri...
(SPEC) Iris calabra ( N.Terracc.) Peruzzi 1900, Terracciano, 2009 Peruzzi Iris calabra ( Nicola Terracciano, 1900) Originally described as a variety of Iris x ger...
(SPEC) Iris callilopha Alexander 1931, Alexander Iris callilopha (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931). In Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (C...
(SPEC) Iris canadensis M. Foster YYYY, Foster Iris canadensis ( Sir Michael Foster, ) Synonym of Iris hookeri or Iris setosa Pall. Link subspecies canadensis (M...
■ (SPEC) Iris capnoides Vved. 1971, Botanical author Vvedensky Iris capnoides Vved. ( A. I. Vvedensky), Western Tian Shan and Ala Tau mountains near Tashkent and...
(SPEC) Iris carolina Walter. see Iris virginica 1778, Walter Iris carolina (Thomas Walter, 1778, SE USA ex Small) THIS IS A SYNONYM OF Iris virginica Addition...
(Spec) 'Caroliniana' 1889, Watson 'Caroliniana' ( Sereno Watson, 1889. ). Series Laevigatae Blue; Blue self. Described by Watson as Iris caroliniana in Proc. Amer...
(SPEC) Iris caurina Herb. ex Hook. 1840, Herbert Iris caurina (William I. Herbert, 1840) Fl. Bor. Amer. (Hooker) ii. 206. Synonym of Iris versicolor Main.Bob...
■ (SPEC) Iris cedreti Dins. 1972, Botanical author J. E. Dinsmore Iris cedreti Dinsmore (John Edward Dinsmore, 1972, Cedars of Lebanon region at 2,000 meters); Se...
■ (Spec) Iris cengialti Ambrosi; see also 'Cengialti' 1854, Ambrosi Iris cengialti: (Francesco Ambrosi, 1854) Although this was considered a species by Ambrosi ...
(SPEC) 'Chamaeiris Alba' 1876, botanical author Van Houtte 'Chamaeiris Alba' (Louis Benoît Van Houtte, 1876). DB; Early bloom. Color Class W4; creamy yellow white...
(Spec) 'Charles Hardee' 1933, Nicholls Jr. 'Charles Hardee'. (Jesse C. Nicholls Jr., R. 1933). Series Laevigatae Mla. Color Class B1D; 36" (90 cm). Collected in N...
(SPEC) Iris chrysaeola Small 1929, Small Iris chrysaeola (John Kunkel Small, 1929) in . Now considered a collected hybrid Louisiana Iris. Addisonia gives: IRIS CH...
(SPEC) Iris chrysolopha Small 1931, Small Iris chrysolopha (John Kunkel Small, 1931). In Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N. Y. ...
(SPEC) Iris chrysophoenicia Small 1929, Small Iris chrysophoenicia (John Kunkel Small, 1929) in . Now considered a collected hybrid Louisiana Iris. Addisonia give...
■ (SPEC) Iris chrysophylla Howell 1897, Howell Iris chrysophylla Howell (T. J. Howell, 1897, Oregon); CA (Series Californicae); 8" (20 cm); Color Class Y1; Flower...
(SPEC) Iris ciliata L. f. 1782, Linneaus's Son Iris ciliata (Carl Von Linnaeus, Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. Apr 1782 . Synonym for Moraea ciliata (L.f.) Ker ...
(SPEC) 'Cilicica' 1928, Siehe and Baker ‘Cilicica’. ( Walter Siehe and Baker Cilician Taurus). Reticuata Section; Color Class B1D; Dark blue self. Barr 1928; Coll...
(SPEC) Iris citricristata Small 1931, Small Iris citricristata (John Kunkel Small, 1931) in Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N. ...
(SPEC) Iris citriregalis R. C. Foster 1937, R. C. Foster Iris citriregalis ( Robert Crichton Foster, 1937) in Contr. Gray Herb. 119: 54, nomen. 1937. An uncertain...
■ (SPEC) 'City Of Sails' 1986, May 'City Of Sails' (Merrilyn May, R. 1986). Seedling #U 715. Iris unguicularis . 8" (20 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale ...
(SPEC) Iris clandestina Lehm. 1826, Lehmann Iris clandestina (Johann Georg Christian Lehmann, 1826) in Sem. Hort. Bot. Hamburg. (1828) 16. Since the genus Iris do...
■ (SPEC) 'Claret Cup' 1948, Hillson 'Claret Cup' ( H. M. and R. C. Hillson, R. 1948). Iris versicolor; Color Class R1M; red violet self. (Iris Kermesina X Unkno...
(Spec) 'Claude Barr' 1983, Mech for Barr 'Claude Barr' (Betty Ann Mech, circa 1983). 12 to 14" (30 35 cm), Dwarf white form of Iris missouriensis offered by Rice ...
■(SPEC) Iris clausii Schwarz YYYY, botanical author Schwarz 'Clausii' (Otto Schwarz). Section Iris . Formerly placed as a species but the following information pr...
(SPEC) Iris clusiana Reich. 1847, Reichenbach Iris clusiana ( Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, 1847) Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 328. vol. 9, 1847. As a synonym of Iris...
(SPEC) 'Columbus Park' 1960, Motsch 'Columbus Park' ( Albert Motsch, R. 1960). Seedling #160. I. versicolor . Height 26" (65 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color ...
(SPEC) Iris comitissae Andrz. ex Trautv. 1884, Andrzejowski, Iris comitissae (Antoni Lukianowicz Andrzejowski, by way of Ernst Rudolf von Trautvetter, 1884) in Tr...
(SPEC) Iris compressa N. E. Br. 1782, Linnaeus' son Iris compressa (Carl Linnaeus, Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. Apr 1782 . Probably the same as Dietes iridioid...
(SPEC) 'Conquest' 2002, Unknown 'Conquest' (unregistered). Subgenus Scorpiris. April May bloom season after Reticulatas and at beginning of MDB.s. Offered by Paul...
■ (Spec) 'Contraband Girl' 1953, Duplechain 'Contraband Girl' ( Mrs. W. E. Duplechain, R. 1953). LA 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class Rv1L. Lavender pink self (F...
■(SPEC) Iris corygei Hort. ex Lynch 1904, Lynch Iris corygei (Richard Irwin Lynch,1904) in The Book of the Iris 146. believed to be an Iris variegata hybrid. Se...
(SPEC) Iris cosniae Hort. 1895, Hort Iris cosniae ( Sir Arthur Hort). ex The Garden xlvii. (1895) 351. flowered in Ware's Garden, probably 'Urmiensis' Main.B...
(SPEC) 'Count Of Nassau' a.k.a. 'King Of The Blues' 1896, Krelage 'Count Of Nassau' (E. H. Krelage Sons, 1896) Spanish Iris (Iris xiphium) Color code B3M; "Stan...
(SPEC) Iris crassifolia Lodd. 1832, Loddiges Iris crassifolia (Conrad and Walter Loddiges, 1832) Bot.Cab. 19(7): t. 1861. 1832 Nov 1832 ; name invalid. probably...
(SPEC) 'Crater Lake' 1932, L. W. Sanford 'Crater Lake' (L. W. Sanford, 1932) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Middle to late bloom season; Color code B1M; introd...
(SPEC) 'Crest Of Hope' YYYY, Pries ‘Crest Of Hope’. (Robert Pries, unregistered). SPEC. 6” (15 cm.); Light blue, (RHS 94C) ground, with a white signal area and co...
(SPEC) 'Crested Fairy' 1944, Henry 'Crested Fairy' (Mary Henry, R. 1944) SPEC. Evansia. Color Class W3D. Collected wild, Smoky Mountains, North Carolina. Form of ...
(SPEC) 'Crested Gem' 1948, Henry 'Crested Gem' (Mary Henry, R. 1948) SPEC. Evansia. D. Color Class B1L. Collected from Walker County, Alabama. See below: * * Ref...
(SPEC) 'Crested Ivory' 1948, Henry 'Crested Ivory' (Mary Henry, R. 1948) SPEC. Evansia. D. Color Class W4. Collected 1942 from Walker County, Alabama. See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Cretensis Alba' 1988, Tickner ‘Cretensis Alba’. (Bess and Bernard Tickner, collected, 1988, Crete). White Cretan form, with a greeny yellow stripe in the ...
(SPEC) Iris cretica Herb. ex Baker 1892, Herbert Iris cretica (John Gilbert Baker, 1892) In Handbook Irid. 3. 1892 Aug Nov 1892 Synonym of Iris unguicularis Po...
(SPEC) Iris crispa L. f. 1781, Linnaeus's Son Iris crispa ( Carl Linnaeus, 1781) in Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. April 1782 Not an Iris but Synonym of Moraea ...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata Solander 1789, botanical author Solander 'Cristata' (Daniel Solander, 1789) Tiny woodland Iris in South and Eastern USA, especially in the ...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata var. alba Dykes 1913, Dykes 'Cristata Alba' (William Rikatson Dykes, 1913) Gen. Iris 107, 241 . 1913; White form of Iris cristata' See b...
(SPEC) 'Azure' 1982, Davidson 'Azure' (B. LeRoy Davidson, 1982). "a good clear azure form found in Eastern Tennessee." B.L. Davidson, Bulletin A.R.G.S. 1982. Iri...
(SPEC) Iris cristata subsp. lacustris ( Nutt.) Iltis 1965, Iltis subspecies lacustris. (Hugh Helmut Iltis, 1965) The plants also known as the species Iris lacustr...
■ (SPEC) 'Cristata McDonald ' 1932, Crissey/McDonald/Borsch 2010, Schmieder 'Cristata McDonald' (W. L. Crissey and C. L. McDonald, Wm. Borsch Son, R. 1932) SPE...
■ (SPEC) Iris croatica Horvat 1962, Botanical authors I. M Horvat. 'Croatica' (Ivo and Marija Horvat, 1962, Croatia) Section iris. Flowers dark violet, Standard...
(SPEC) Iris cuatrecasasii Font Quer 1932, Font Quer Iris cuatrecasasii (Pio(Pius) Font Quer, 1932) in Cavanillesia v. 45 (1932) in obs. this is a synonym of Iris...
(SPEC) Iris cucullata Schur 1853, Schur Iris cucullata (Philipp Johann Ferdinand Schur, 1853). In Verh. Siebenb. Ver. Naturw. iv. (1853) 74. an undetermined beard...
■(SPEC) Iris dabashanensis C. A. Wilsion 2020, Wilson Iris dabashanensis (Carol Wilson) Under construction. See below: * * References References Original...
(Spec) Iris dahurica Herb. ex Klatt = Iris humilis Georgi 1872, Herbert by way of Klatt Iris dahurica (William I. Herbert by way of Klatt, 1872), In Botanische Ze...
(SPEC) 'Dairymaid' 1929, A.C. Anderson 'Dairymaid' (A. C. Anderson, R. 1929) Series Laevigatae. Color code W4: Yellow toned white self. Anders. A.C. 1929. Kellogg...
(SPEC) Iris japonica subsp. dalica Yen, Yang, Waddick 1995, Botanical authors Yen, Yang Waddick 'Dalica' (Yen, C., J. L. Yang and James W. Waddick, 1995, Dali...
(SPEC) Iris daliensis X.D.Dong Y.T.Zhao 1997, Dong Zhao Iris daliensis (X.D.Dong and Y.T.Zhao, 1997) in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 35(1): 81 (1997). a synonym of Ir...
■(SPEC) 'Danica' 1860, Lange 'Danica' (Collected by Johan Martin Christian Lange, 1860, Saltholmen, Denmark). Spur; Blue. "Produces one or two lateral heads of ...
(Spec) 'Dark Veined' 1992, Adamgrove 'Dark Veined' (Adamgrove, 1992). "Much like the typical clones. The markings on the falls are a little darker than usual." A...
■ (SPEC) Iris darwasica Regel 1884, botanical author Regel Iris darwasica Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Bokhara); Section Regelia. Color Class S6D; Height...
■ (SPEC) 'Dash It All' 2013, Schmieder 'Dash It All' ( Barbara and David Schmieder, R. 2013) Seedling #972 IC1 1. SPEC ( I. cristata ), 5 (13 cm), Midseason bl...
(SPEC) 'Datemurasaki' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Datemurasaki' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled blue violet form –The World of Iris. (Translation, 'Purple Finery'). Iris l...
(SPEC) 'David' pre 1978, Unknown not registered 'David' Dark red violet selection from Iris versicolor, 'Kermesina'. World of Iris p. 304. Main.BobPries 20...
(SPEC) 'Davidowii' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Davidowii' Invalidly published name as Iris variegata var. reginae 'Davidowii' Probably should be registered as a cultivar of...
(SPEC) Iris de winkeleri Small 1931, Small Iris de winkeleri (John Kunkel Small, 1931) in Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N.Y. ...
(SPEC) 'Desertorum' 1812, Ker 'Spuria Desertorum' (John Bellenden Ker Gawler, 1812), Series Spuriae. Lavender flowers; "The bloom of the present variety is exceed...
(SPEC) Iris dewinkeleri Small aka 'Dewinkeleri' 1931, Small 'Dewinkeleri' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, S. Louisiana). Vinic; Color Class S4M; Stem erect and rigi...
(SPEC) 'Diana Clare' 2003, R. C. Brown ‘Diana Clare’ (R. C. Brown, R. 2005). SPEC (unguicularis), 22" (55 cm), EML. Standards and falls deep violet blue; style ...
(SPEC) 'Dinar Mountains' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Dinar Mountains' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 18" (46 cm). Midseason late bloom. Standards cre...
(SPEC) 'Dirigo Black Point' 1996, White 'Dirigo Black Point' ( John White, R. 1996). SPEC ( I. versicolor), Height 30 34" (76 91 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark blue p...
(SPEC) 'Doab Gold' YYYY, Collector Furse 'Doab Gold' (Collected by Paul and Polly Furse, Doab in Hindu Kush Mountains of Nportheast Afghanistan). Juno; Golden yel...
(SPEC) 'Dora' 1909, Van Tubergen 'Dora' (Van Tubergen, 1909) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Color code W4 See below: * * References References Van Tube...
(SPEC) 'Dorothy' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Dorothy' "Similar to 'Colchesterensis' but with flowers of a sumptuous purple blue. 60 cm (24") âListed by Croftway Nursery. ...
(SPEC) 'Duc Des Abruzzes' 1909, Van Tubergen 'Duc Des Abruzzes' (Van Tubergen, 1909) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Color code R1L See below: * * References...
(SPEC) 'Duke Of Clarence' 1914, Van Tubergen 'Duke Of Clarence' (Van Tubergen, 1914) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Color code B2L; See below: * * Referenc...
(SPEC) 'Duke Of Richmond' 1872, Krelage 'Duke Of Richmond' (Krelage, 1872) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Color code R1M; See below: * * References Refer...
(SPEC) Iris Duthieii Foster 1887, Foster Iris duthieii (Sir Michael Foster, 1887) Now relegated to a synonym of Iris Kemaonensis Originally described in "Some New...
■(SPEC) 'Eco White Angel' 1993, Jacobs 'Eco White Angel' ( Don Jacobs, not registered 1993) SPEC (cristata), 4" (10 cm). Midseason bloom. Selection of I. crist...
(SPEC) 'Ecristata' 1931, Alexander 'Ecristata' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Class B1D; Standards shorter, wine red to purple except the yell...
■ (SPEC) 'Ecru' pre 1992, Selected 'Ecru' A pale yellow/ivory form, with black circle signals" Laurie's Garden 1992, also Redbud Lane 1992. "This clone actually...
(SPEC) 'Edith Cleaves' 1975, Cleaves by Amend 'Edith Cleaves' ( Edith Cleaves, deceased, by A. Amend, R. 1975) Unguicularis, 11" (27 cm), October April. Full viol...
(SPEC) 'Elegante' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Elegante’. A very dark blue. British Iris Society 1989 Year Book p. 43. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.BobPries 2011 03 0...
(SPEC) Iris elephantina Small aka 'Elephantina' 1931, Small 'Elephantina' ( John Kunkel Small, 1931). Vinic; Color Class S1L; Ivory white, yellow signal patch. Ma...
(SPEC) 'Elwood Molseed' 1979, Molseed by Davidson 'Elwood Molseed' (Elwood Molseed, deceased, by R. Davidson, R. 1979) Evansia, 24" (61 cm). Early bloom. Standard...
(SPEC) 'Emperor' before 1842, ???r 'Emperor' ( before 1842) English Iris; Color code B3D; See below: * * References References Floral Cabinet 10: 261. Nov...
(SPEC) Iris lactea var. chinensis Koidz 1832, Author Fischer 'Ensata Chinensis' (Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer. 1832). Series Ensatae; See below: * * Refe...
(SPEC) 'Ernest' 1973, van Eeden ‘Ernest’. (P. B. van Eeden, 1973). Section Hermodactyloides. Standards Moorish blue (RHS 93C), falls veined bronze green on methyl...
(SPEC) 'Esk' 1998, Wickenden 'Esk' (Michael Wickenden, R. 1998) SPEC (pseudacorus), 66" (168 cm). Midseason bloom. Yellow, signal yellow. Very tall form of Iris ...
(SPEC) Iris eulefeldi Regel 1878?, Botanical author Regel 'Eulefeldi' (Edward August von Regel, 18 ); As Iris Eulefeldii Regel, in Act. Hort. Petrop, vol. v. p.83...
■ (SPEC) Iris unguicularis 'Eye Eye' 2017, Avent 'Eye Eye' (Tony Avent, 2017. Probably not yet registered) Taken from the Plant Delights catalog it is said to ...
(SPEC) 'Fabiola' 2012, W. van Lierop Zn. B.V. 'Fabiola' (W. van Lierop Zn. B.V.; R. 2012 with KAVB) parentage not given (Iris reticulata?) See below: * *...
(SPEC) Iris farreri Dykes 1915, Botanist Dykes Iris farreri Dykes ( William Rikatson Dykes, 1915, Tibet Western China); Section Limnirs, Registered as a series ...
(SPEC) 'Fatima' 1967, Motsch 'Fatima' ( Albert Motsch, R. 1967) LAEV, 25" (62.5 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y9D, Ivory self. (From a group of golden yellow ...
■ (SPEC) 'Fée D'Hiver' 2000, Ransom 'Fée D'Hiver' (Lawrence Ransom, R.2000). SPEC (unguicularis), 10" (26 cm), Early to late bloom (October to March in Southwest ...
■(SPEC) Iris fernaldii R.C.Fos. 1938, R. C. Foster Iris fernaldii Foster (Robert C. Foster, R. 1938; collected Lake Country, California); CA (Series Californica...
(Spec) 'Fieberi' 1847, Reichenbach 'Fieberi' (Collected by Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach 1847); DB, Early bloom, Color Class B7D Icon. 9: tab. CCCXXXIII. f...
■ (SPEC) Iris filifolia Boiss. 1839, Bossier Iris filifolia Bossier (Edmond Boissier, 1839 45, Spain, North Africa and Rock of Gibraltar); Subgenus Xiphium . he...
(SPEC) 'Fimbriata' Foster 1885, Foster 'Fimbriata' a old synonym of Iris japonica; See below: * * References References: Redouté De Candolle, (1807), Les...
(SPEC) 'Flagship' before 2016, Selector Arnis Seisums 'Flagship' (Arnis Seisums, unregistered) From The Rare Plants Catalogue "We have also offered this as Iris g...
(SPEC) Iris flavissima Pallas = Iris humilis Georgi 1773?, Pallas Iris flavissima (Peter(Pyotr) Simon von Pallas, around 1773*) Section Psammiris. Classified by M...
(SPEC) 'Flock of Bluebirds' 2018, Vaughn 'Flock of Bluebirds' (Kevin Vaughn, R. 2018). Seedling S156 4. SPEC, 40" (102 cm). Very early to midseason bloom. Standar...
■ (SPEC) Iris florentina L. 1758, Botanical author Linneaus Iris florentina Linnaeus (botanical author Linnaeus) in Syst. ed. X 863. (see also Iris germanica 'Fl...
(SPEC) Iris fluviatilis Small aka 'Fluviatilis' 1932, Small 'Fluviatilis' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1932). Vinic; Color Class S3M; Standards paler than falls, flush...
■ (SPEC) Iris foetidissima L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris foetidissima L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, Europe and North Africa); Section Limniris . Evergre...
■ (Spec) 'Foetidissima Citrina' Under construction 1926, Syme 'Foetidissima Citrina' (Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell (né Syme) (afterwords Boswell Syme)). S...
(Spec) 'Foetidissima Fructo Albo' YYYY, Blanco White 'Foetidissima Fructo Albo' 'Fructo Albo'. (White seeded form). "This was given to me from the Isle of Man. Th...
(Spec) 'White Flower Form' under construction YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'White Flower Form' Registration information Iris foetidissima L. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(SPEC) Iris foliosa Mack. Bush 1902, botanical authors Mackenzie Bush 'Foliosa' (Kenneth Kent Mackenzie and Benjamin Franklin Bush, 1902, Lower Mississippi Ri...
(SPEC) 'Footstone' 2011, Xiaoying Bi 'Footstone' ( Xiaoying Bi, R. 2011) Seedling #y(h). SPEC, 34 (86 cm), Early to very late bloom. Standards green yellow (RHS 1...
(SPEC) 'Fosteri' 1889, Foster 'Fosteri' ( Sir Michael Foster, 1889). Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. Color Class B7; Pink to red toned blue self, Iris versic...
■ (SPEC) Iris fosteriana Ait. Bak. 1887, Aitchison Baker Iris fosteriana Ait. Baker (J. E. T. Aitchison and John Gilbert Baker, 1887, Transcaspia N. W. ...
(SPEC) Iris fourchiana Small aka 'Fourchiana' 1932, Small 'Fourchiana' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Class S9M; Royal Gardens describes as "3ft. Bea...
■(SPEC) 'Freckle Face' Iris domestica formerly Belamcanda chinensis YYYY, unknown 'Freckle Face' Not regeistered but in commerce since 1990, See Geo. Park Se...
(Spec) 'Frenier' 1933, Nicholls 'Frenier' (Jesse Nicholls Jr., R. 1933). Series Laevigatae. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B7L; Described in Nicholls' catalog ...
(SPEC) 'Fresh Cream' 1997, Bryant for Morley 'Fresh Cream' (Virgil Bryant by Kevin Morley, R. 1993) SPEC (pseudacorus), 27" (69 cm). Early to very late bloom and ...
(Spec) 'Fructo Aurea' Under construction YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Fructo Aurea' Registration information A variety of Iris foetidissima L. Note: Under today's rules fo...
(SPEC) 'Fuiriba' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Fuiriba' (Variegated leaves) is one of the most beautiful among variegated leaved irises with green and white foliage. The thre...
■ (SPEC) Iris fulva Ker Gawl 1812, John Bellenden Ker alias John Gawler Iris fulva Ker Gawl ( John Ker Gawler, 1812, South Central United States); Series Hexag...
■ (SPEC) Iris x fulvala Dykes 1913, Dykes Iris x fulvala (William Rikatson Dykes, 1913) In The Genus Iris: 81 (1913). Dykes notes "Evidence of the affinity o...
(SPEC) Iris fumifulva Small aka 'Fumifulva' 1931, Small 'Fumifulva' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Class S7L; Standards pale salmon suffused pink; vei...
(SPEC) Iris furseorum Tony Hall Arnis Seisums 2014, Tony Hall Arnis Seisums Iris furseorum ( Tony Hall and Arnis Seisums in Curtis's Botanical Magazine) Subge...
(SPEC) Iris fuscaurea Small aka 'Fuscaurea' 1931, Small 'Fuscaurea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, Southern Louisiana). Vinic; Color Class S4L. Rose colored flowers...
(SPEC) 'Fuscirosea' 1931, Small 'Fuscirosea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, Southern Louisiana). Vinic; Color Class S7M; Standards dull rose, streaked darker, base ...
(SPEC) Iris fuscisanguinea Small aka 'Fuscisanguinea' 1931, Small 'Fuscisanguinea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, Southern Louisiana). Vinic; Color Class R9L; Stand...
(SPEC) Iris fuscivenosa Small aka 'Fuscivenosa' 1931, Small 'Fuscivenosa' (John Kunkel Small, 1931, Southern Louisiana). Described by Small as "Flower stalk erect...
■ (SPEC) 'Gamlin Blue' 1998, Gamlin 'Gamlin Blue' (Bob Gamlin by Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1998) SPEC (ruthenica), 4 6" (10 15 cm). Late bloom and rebloom. ...
(SPEC) 'Gay' YYYY, Austin ‘Gay’. “Originally from Lloyd Austin. Described as similar to ‘Graeca’ but with shorter leaves and deeper violet flowers.” The Iris Year...
(SPEC) 'Gekko' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Gekko’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with violet style arms and violet marks at the base of the falls. ...
(SPEC) Iris gentilliana Alexander 1931, Alexander 'Gentilliana' (Edward J. Alexander). This is a synonym; Accepted name according to World Checklist is Iris x vi...
(SPEC) 'Georgian Bay' 1933, Nicholls Jr ‘Georgian Bay’. (Jesse C. Nicholls Jr., R. 1933). Sib sic ; MLa; 30” (75 cm); Color Class B7M; A very fine form of Prismat...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris germanica L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753); Section Iris . TB; Early bloom; Color Class B1M; Medium blu...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica L. alba Service 2002, Collected by Nigel Service Iris germanica 'Alba' (Nigel Service, 2002). Section Iris; Iris germanica 'Alba'. See ...
(SPEC) Iris germanica 'Caerulea' 2002, Collector Service Iris germanica 'Caerulea' (Nigel Service, 2002). Section Iris ; Iris germanica 'Caerulea'. See below: ...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica vulgaris Dykes YYYY, Botanical author Dykes 'Germanica Vulgaris' ( William Rickatson Dykes), Section Iris. Early bloom. Color Class B3D)...
■ (SPEC) Iris giganticaerulea Small 1929, Small Iris giganticaerulea (John Kunkel Small, R. 1929); Vinic; 32 48" (80 120 cm); Color Class BD; , illustrated in co...
■ (Spec) 'Giganticaerulea Alba' aka Iris giganticaerulea forma alba 1932, Nicholls 'Giganticaerulea Alba' ( Jesse C. Nicholls Jr., R. 1933) Vinic. Midseason to l...
(Spec) 'Gigas' 1974, Warburton 'Gigas' (Bee Warburton, 1974) (unregistered species). Larger than normal form with ruffled blue falls 'SIGNA' 14: 376. October 1974...
(SPEC) Iris gilgitensis Baker ex Hooker. World Checklist says a synonym of I. hookeriana Foster, 1894, John Gilbert Baker Iris gilgitensis (John Gilbert Baker, 18...
(SPEC) 'Ginga' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Ginga’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. 3 petaled, white heavily marked with pale blue dots but pure white style. (Translation...
■(SPEC) 'Gold Doubloons' 1998, Aldridge 'Gold Doubloons' (Donna Aldridge, R. 1998) SPEC (pseudacorus), 36 40" (90 101 cm). Early to late bloom. Deep clear yello...
■ (Spec) 'Gone With The Wind' 2016, Tony Avent 'Gone With The Wind' (Tony Avent, Unregistered) Spec (Iris domestica). 72" tall, China, zone 5a 8b. See below: ...
(Spec) Iris gormanii Piper 1924, Piper Iris gormanii Piper (Charles Vancouver Piper, 1924) Section Limniris; Series Californicae; Originally described as species ...
■ (SPEC) 'Goshobeni' circa 1960, Ikeda 'Goshobeni'. (Heinosuke Ikeda, unregistered species, about 1960) Series Laevigatae. Light red purple with slender three p...
(SPEC) 'Goshomurasaki' YYYY, Takenaka 'Goshomurasaki' Series Laevigatae. ('Palace Purple').Three petaled wisteria blue found in Kashiwazaki City in Niigata, named...
■ (SPEC) Iris gracilipes Gray 1858, Gray Iris gracilipes (Asa Gray, 1858, Japan) in Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ser. 2, 6(2): 412. 1858...
■ (SPEC) Iris graeberiana Van Tub. ex Sealy 1950, Botanical author Van Tubergen ex Sealy Iris graeberiana C. G. Van Tubergen ex Sealy (Sealy, 1950, Turkestan); Su...
(SPEC) 'Graeca' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Graeca' "Leaves grey green, 6 mm wide, 50 cm long; flowers medium violet with slender petals and deep orange signal line." The ...
■ (SPEC) Iris graminea L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris graminea L. (Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central and southern Europe to Caucasus); Section Limniris, Serie...
(SPEC) 'Grand Lilas' 1910, Perry 'Grand Lilas' (Amos Perry, 1910) English Iris' Color code B1L; See below: * * References References Awaiting original c...
(SPEC) Iris griffithii Baker YYYY, Baker Iris griffithii Bak. (John Gilbert Baker), Section Iris; Dwarf species; No plants have been found since the time of Dykes...
(SPEC) 'Gubijin' 1999, Shimizu 'Gubijin' (Hiroshi Shimizu, R.1999). Classification corrected from Spec. to Spx 2015 R I. See Spx 'Gubijin' for registration in...
(SPEC) 'Hakuchounouta' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Hakuchounouta’. (Akira Horinaka). Three petaled white with red purple style arms. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.BobPrie...
(SPEC) 'Hakuchounouta' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Hakuchounouta’. (Akira Horinaka). Three petaled white with red purple style arms. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.BobPrie...
■ (SPEC) 'Halkis' YYYY, Norman Stevens 'Halkis' (Norman Stevens, ) I. reticulata 'Halkis' was found on Mount Halkis, Turkey by Norman Stevens. See below: *...
(Spec) 'Hansoni' 1889, Barr 'Hansonii'. ( Barr and Sons, 1889). Series Laevigatae . Barr 1889; Listed also by Perry in 1906; Iris versicolor 'Hansonii'. Iris ver...
(SPEC) 'Hashime' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Hashime' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with many blue violet dots. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.BobPries 2011 0...
(Spec) 'Hawksbluff Strain' 1978, Davidson 'Hawksbluff Strain' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, 1978). Seed from plantings of over 68 clones representing collections made over...
(SPEC) 'Hekiun' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Hekiun' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled blue violet. It is descended, through two or three generations from 'Shikizaki'. (Trans...
(Spec) 'Helen Decker' 1942, Ashley 'Helen Decker' ( Roy Ashley, R. 1942). VERS. Color Class WW; Pure white Michigan form. Iris versicolor L.. Main.BobPries ...
(Spec) Iris helenae Barbey ex Boiss. 1882, Barbey Iris helenae (William Barbey, 1882) published by Edmond Pierre Boissier in his Fl. Orient. Boissier 5(1): 132….
(SPEC) Iris hellenica Mermygkas 2010, Mermygkas Iris hellenica Mermygkas, Phytol. Balcan. 16: 264 (2010). More information can be found on this website for Greek...
(SPEC) 'Hello Orange' 2020, Hybridizer 'Hello Orange' A variety of Iris domestica Intoduced into commerce by Jelitto Seed Co. in 2020 See below: * * Referenc...
■ (SPEC) 'Hello Yellow' YYYY, Selector unknown A form of Iris domestica ( Belamcanda Chinensis) The selection of a shorter clear yellow variation of Iris dome...
(SPEC) Iris heracleanum Martinez Rodriguez J. and M.B. Crespo 2013, Martinez Rodriguez and Crespo Iris heracleanum (Martinez Rodriguez J. and M.B. Crespo, 2013). ...
(SPEC) Iris heweri Grey Wilson B. Mathew 1974, Botanical author Grey Wilson and Mathew Iris heweri Grey Wilson B.Mathew (Christopher Grey Wilson Brian Mathe...
■ (SPEC) Iris histrio Reich. 1873, Botanical author Reichenbach Iris histrio (Heinrich Reichenbach, 1873, Lebanon); Collected by Boissier on Mount Gherizin abou...
(SPEC) 'Histrio Orthoptera' 1913, Dykes 'Histrio Orthoptera' (William Rickatson Dykes) The Genus Iris 224. tab. 45. fig. 4. 1913%%. (a form of I. histrio with inc...
■ (SPEC) Iris hookeri Penny YYYY, Botanical author Penny Iris hookeri Penny (Penny, ex G. Don in Loudon's Hortus Britannicus, Supplement i. 591). Series Tripetala...
(SPEC) Iris hookeri Penny forma pallidiflora Fernald 1947, Fernald 'Pallidiflora' (Meritt Lyndon Fernald, 1947) Originally described in as Iris setosa Pallas var….
(SPEC) Iris hookeri forma zonalis (Eames) Fernald 1909, Eames 'Zonalis' (Edwin Hubert Eames,) Originally described as a form of Iris setosa in , but then changed ...
■ (SPEC) Iris hookeriana Foster 1887, Botanical author Foster Iris hookeriana Foster ( Sir Michael Foster, 1887, collected West Tibet and Kashmir); Section Pseud...
(SPEC) 'Hoshikage' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Hoshikage' Series Laevigatae. Six petaled white with violet dots. 'Maikujaku' and 'Yaguruma' crossed. (Translation, 'Star Sha...
(SPEC) 'Hosinoyo' YYYY, Miyasaki 'Hosinoyo' (Raised by Miyazaki). Series Laevigatae. Six petaled white with blue violet dots. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.Bo...
(SPEC) 'Huckleberry Shake' 2005, John J. Taylor ‘Huckleberry Shake’ (John J. Taylor, R. 2005). Sdlg. X 3, SPEC (pumila), 4 4.5" (10 12 cm), Very early bloom. St...
(SPEC) 'Hugo De Groot' 1925, Van Waveren 'Hugo De Groot' (Van Waveren, 1925) English Iris; Color code B3 rev. See below: * * References References Van wa...
■ (SPEC) 'Hyacinthiana' 1914, Farrer 'Hyacinthiana' (Collected by Reginald Farrer, 1914 1915, Tibet or W. China Kansu). Series Ensatae; Color Code B1L; foliage ...
■ (SPEC) hyrcana Iridodyctium hycanum (Woronow ex Grossheim) Rodionenko Iris hyrcana One of the earliest blooming iris from the reticulata group, often showing ...
■ (SPEC) 'Hyrcana Artjushenko Form' YYYY, Artjushenko 'Hyrcana Artjushenko Form' (Dr. E. T. Artjushenko, collected in the southeast Transcaucasus, Azerbajdjzhan...
(SPEC) 'Hycana Ruksans181RS 072/Iran' before 2021, Ruksans 'Hycana Ruksans181RS 072/Iran' "This beautiful iris was collected in Iran on Kuh e Sabalan, at bottom...
(SPEC) 'Iberica Ochracea' 1863, Regel 'Iberica Ochracea' ( Eduard August Regel, 1863) Section Oncocyclus; Color Code Y (yellow). Original Diagnosis in Transaction...
(SPEC) 'Iberica Van Houtteii' 1872, Van Houtte 'Iberica Van Houtteii' (Louis Benoît Van Houtte, 1872), Section Oncocyclus. Van Houtte's form of Iris iberica; Krel...
■(SPEC) 'Ida' 1973, van Eeden ‘Ida’. (P. B. van Eeden, 1973). Section Hermodactyloides. Standards lobelia blue (RHS 91a,b), falls pale lobelia blue, veined green,...
(Spec) 'Igor' YYYY, Hybridizer/collector? 'Igor' (unregistered, ) Subgenus Scorpiris; Very bright white standards and style arms. Falls white with conspicuous cit...
(Spec) 'Iktomi' 1992, Duffy 'Iktomi' (Lawrence J. Duffy, R. 1992). Seedling #W1 7 72. SPEC, 36 41" (91 104 cm), Early bloom. Lavender blue with large white blotch...
(SPEC) 'Il Gengold 1980, Berlin 'Il Gengold' ( Eckard Berlin, R. 1979) Seedling #102 B Mitte. LAEV, 35" (90 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; falls st...
(SPEC) 'Illina Watson' 1931, Watson 'Illina Watson' (J. H. watson, 1931) English Iris; Color code WW: 'Virginia' X 'L'Obscurite'. See below: * References Ref...
■ (SPEC) Iris illyrica Tommasini 1875, Tommasini 'Illyrica' (Mutius von Tommasini, 1875, Lago di Garda to northeast shores of the Adriatic). Dark blue self. Dykes...
(Spec) 'Imperatrice Elizabetta' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Imperatrice Elizabetta' ( Dammann and Company, 1892). Series Unguiculares. November to March. Color Code B3L, Li...
(SPEC) 'Impostor In Purples' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Impostor In Purples' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 18 20" (46 51 cm). Early bloom. Standard...
(Spec) 'Indianensis' 1930, Perry 'Indianensis'. ( Amos Perry, 1930). VERS. Color Code R2M; Medium blue toned feathered red. Listed by Perry in 1930. Iris versicol...
■ (SPEC) Iris innominata L. F. Hend. 1930, Henderson Iris innominata Louis Forniquet Henderson (Collected by Mrs. John R. Leach, 1928, Curry County, Oregon) Cal (...
(SPEC) Iris iochroma Small aka 'Iochroma' 1931, Small 'Iochroma' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Code R1D; "Flower stalk erect: sepals recurved spread...
(SPEC) Iris iocyanea Small aka 'Iocyanea' 1931, Small 'Iocyanea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Code B7D; Described by Small as "Flower stalk erect, s...
(SPEC) 'Iodantha' 1931, Alexander 'Iodantha' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Code B7M; Royal Gardens describes as "4 ft. One of the largest an...
(SPEC) 'Ioleuca' 1931, Alexander 'Ioleuca' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Code S3M; Alexander describes it as "Flower stalk erect stiff: sepa...
(SPEC) 'Iophaea' 1931, Alexander 'Iophaea' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Code S3L; Light blue toned bicolor blend; as Iris iophaea Alex in Bo...
(Spec) 'Itazpejuta' 1992, Duffy 'Itazipejuta' (Lawrence J. Duffy, R. 1992). Seedling #W1 35 81. SPEC. 30 36" (76 91 cm), Early bloom. Purple red with white streak...
(SPEC) 'It's Mine' 1981, Kokich 'It's Mine' (Phylliss Kokich, R. 1980) LAEV, 25.5" (65 cm). Midseason bloom. White with very pale green infusion, thumbspot of dee...
■ (SPEC) 'J.S.Dijt' 1939, J. S. Dijt 'J. S. Dijt' (J. S. Dijt. R. 1939). Section Hermodactyloides. Ret; 3½" (8.5 cm), Flower diameter 2 ¼" (6 cm), B7D; Dark red...
(SPEC) 'Jack Dunderman' 1992, Dunderman 'Jack Dunderman' ( Mary Louise Dunderman, R. 1992) SPEC (versicolor), 18" (46 cm). Late bloom. Blue purple, fewer than usu...
(SPEC) 'James Dewer' before 1927?, Van Waveren 'James Dewer' (Van Waveren, before 1927?) English Iris; Color code B1D; See below: * * References References ...
(SPEC) 'Japonica Aphrodite' 1907, Sprenger? 'Japonica Aphrodite' (Distributed by Carl Sprenger an Italian nurseryman, as early as 1907). Section Lophiris, (Evansi...
(SPEC) Iris japonica 'Capri form' 1959, Collector Bedbrook 'Capri Form' (Collected by Charles Bedbrook, 1959) Section Lophiris. "Brought from Japan in 1959 by Ch...
(SPEC) Iris japonica 'Kamayama' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Kamayana' Variegated Japanese form of Iris japonica. (Not to be confused with the Siberian 'Kamayama' above. Iri...
■ (SPEC) 'Japonica Ledger' 1925, Hybridizer 'Japonica Ledger' Section Lophiris, (Evansia), (Brought from the garden of the British Legation in Tokyo to England ...
■ (SPEC) Iris jordana (now considered a group under Iris atrofusca) 1913, Wallace 'Jordana' (Robert W. Wallace, 1913). Section Oncocyclus; Early bloom season. C...
■ (SPEC) 'Joyful At Morning' 2005, Komarnicki 'Joyful At Morning' (Lech Komarnicki, R. 2005) Seedling #96/8 N 295. SPEC ( I. versicolor ), 31" (80 cm). Early mids...
(SPEC) 'Julius' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Julius' English Iris; Awaiting registration information See below: * * References References Awaiting original catalog de...
■ (SPEC) Iris juncea Poir. 1789, Botanical author Poiret Iris juncea Poir. (Jean Louis Marie Poiret, 1789, North Africa and Sicily); Subgenus Xiphium, Spanish Iri...
■ (SPEC) Iris junonia Schott Kotschy 1854, botanical author Schott Kotschy Iris junonia Schott Kotschy. (Heinrich Wilhelm Schott and Karl Georg Theodor Ko...
(SPEC) 'Kachikawa' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Kachikawa’. Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with heavy violet spotting like variety albopurpurea in The Genus Iris by...
(SPEC) 'Kaiserin Elizabethh' 1894, Dammann ‘Kaiserin Elizabeth’. (Offered by Dammann and Company before 1894). Series Unguiculares. Described as “a dwarf ‘form’ o...
■ (SPEC) 'Kamayama' 1968, Witt 'Kamayama' This cultivar was obtained from Japan in 1968 by Jean Witt and has not received a properly registered name. It is 3...
(SPEC) Iris kamelinii Alexeeva YYYY, Botanical author Alexeeva Iris kamelinii Alexeeva (Nina Alexeeva, 200?). Section Psammiris. For paper in Russian with color p...
(SPEC) 'Kelaina' YYYY, Farrer Kelaina (Reginald Farrer). "Flowers very dark purple" painted and photographed by R. Farrer"==SIGNA #26 p.850 Iris lactea Pallas See...
■ (SPEC) 'Kermesina' 1901, Perry 'Kermesina' (Amos Perry, 1901). Series Laevigatae. RM; red violet, Perry 1906; (Additional cultivars have been selected out of ...
■(SPEC) 'King of the Blues' 1898, Barr " Sons 'King of the Blues' (Barr Sons, 1898) SPEC Iris latifolia; flowers dark blue See below: * * References R...
(SPEC) 'King Of The Whites' 1906, Krelage 'King Of The Whites' (E. H. Krelage and Sons, 1906) Spanish Iris (Irs xiphium) Color code WW; Krelage 1906; Barr 1908; 1...
(SPEC) 'King of the Yellows' 1927, Vandenberg 'King of the Yellows' (Vandenberg, 1927) Spanish Iris (Iris xiphium) Vandenberg 1927, Bath 1937; Iris City 1937; Joh...
(SPEC) Iris kingiana Foster 1887, Foster Iris kingiana (Sir Michael Foster, 1887) Now relegated to a synonym of Iris Kemaonensis Originally described in "Some New...
(Spec) 'Kirigamini' YYYY, author? 'Kirigamini' Purple flower from Japan. Sterile , may be a cross with Iris laevigata. See SIGNA p. 434. may be synonym of 'Hondoe...
■ (SPEC) Iris kirkwoodiae Chaud. 1972, Botanical Author Chaudhary Iris kirkwoodii Chaud. (Collected by E. K. Balls and later S. Albury, M. Cheese, and J. Wats...
(SPEC) 'Kitaguni' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Kitaguni’. (Found in Akita, named by Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Three petaled pale gray with violet dots, and deep vio...
(Spec) 'Kiyuksa' 1992, Duffy 'Kiyuksa' (Lawrence J. Duffy, R. 1992). Seedling #W1 67 85. SPEC, 30 36" (76 91 cm). Early bloom. Wine with white streaking at base o...
(SPEC) 'Koh I Noor' 1923, Orpinton 'Koh I Noor' (Orpington 1923) English Iris; Color code B8L; See below: * * References References Awaiting original cat...
■ (SPEC) Iris kolpakowskiana 1877, Botanical author Regel Iris kolpalkowskiana Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1877) Subgenus Hermodactyloides , (Regel in Acta ...
■(SPEC) 'Kopetdaghense' 1998, Kurbanov ‘Kopetdaghense’. (D. Kurbanov, 1998, Western Kopetdag, Turcomania). Section Hermodactyloides. Described as a new species Ir...
(SPEC) 'Korolkowii Atropurpurea' 1912, Van Waveren 'Korolkowii Atropurpurea' ( M. Van Waveren, and Sons, 1912) Section Regelia, Color Code B9. Red purple bitonr, ...
■ (SPEC) 'Korolkowii Brown And Green' circa 1951, Lloyd Austin 'Korolkowii Brown And Green' (Lloyd Austin, unregistered ) Section Regelia "Flowers of silvery wh...
(SPEC) 'Korolkowii Concolor' 1888, Baker for Foster 'Korolkowii Concolor' (John Gilbert Baker for Sir Michael Foster, 1888) Section Regelia. Color Code S7M, Smoot...
(SPEC) 'Korolkowii Incarnata' YYYY, collector ? 'Korolkowii Incarnata' Section Regelia, No description found A form of Iris korolkowii Regel Main.BobPries ...
(SPEC) 'Korolkowii Polyploid Form' 1979, Kew 'Korolkowii Polyploid Form' (Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, 1979, unregistered) Section Regelia. Won an Award of Merit,...
(SPEC) 'Korolkowii Violacea' 1900, Van Tubergen 'Korolkowii Violacea' (E. H. Krelage and Son; and C. G. Van Tubergen, 1900) Section Regelia. Described by Rainbow ...
(SPEC) 'Kourinjiro' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Kourinjiro’. (Akira Horinaka); Series Laevigatae. Three petaled large white flower with wide petals and faint light violet dot...
(SPEC) 'Horinaka' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Kozonoyuki’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with a few small pale violet dots. Sometimes pure white. T...
■ (SPEC) 'Kun e Abr' YYYY, Collected by 'Kun e Abr' (Collector? date) A Iris reticulata collected in the Elbruz Mountains near Kun e Abr, Iran. See below: * *...
(SPEC) 'Variety Name' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Kujaku’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Same colored flower as ‘Orizuru’ with drooping falls. The petals are thicker t...
(SPEC) 'Kupari' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Kupari' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC (pallida), 26" (66 cm). Midseason bloom. White self devoid of haft ...
(Spec) Iris kuschkensis Grey Wilson Mathew YYYY, Grey Wilson Mathew Iris kuschkensis (Christopher Grey Wilson and Brian Mathew, ) Section Regelia. Similar to ...
(SPEC) 'La Etuit' 1933, Van Tubergen 'La Etuit' (Van Tubergen, 1933) English Iris; Color code B9D; See below: * * References References Awaiting original ...
(SPEC) Iris lactea var. chrysantha Y. T. Zhao 1980, Y. T. Zhao 'Chrysantha' (Yu tang Zhao, 1980). Series Ensatae; Yellow flowered form of Iris lactea from Tibet...
(SPEC) Iris fragrans Lindley ('Fragrans') 1840, Lindley Iris fragrans described by John Lindley in with color illustration it is a synonym of Iris lactea Pallas...
(SPEC) 'Ensata Grandiflora Alba' Now Iris lactea var. grandiflora f. alba YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Ensata Grandiflora Alba' Series Ensatae; Color Code WW; White form of ...
(SPEC) Iris illiensis Poljakov YYYY, Botanical author Poljakov 'Lactea Illiensis' ( P. P. Poljakov, From near the Ili River, Kazakstan). Species similar to Iris l...
■(SPEC) 'Lacustris Alba' (Iris lacustris alba) 1931, W. E. Saunders 'Lacustris Alba' (W. E. Saunders Bulletin of the American Iris Society 39: 21. April 1931. See...
■ (SPEC) Iris lacustris forma albiflora Cruise Catling 1972, Cruise Catling 'Lacustris Albiflora' ( J.E. Cruise and P. M. Catling, 1972) in a white flowered...
■ (SPEC) (laevigata)'Atropurpurea' 1940, Perry 'Atropurpurea' Series Laevigatae. Brilliant violet purple blue, Wada introduced this cultivar in Japan in 1935, 1...
(SPEC) 'Laevigata Lilacina' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Laevigata Lilacina’. Series Laevigatae. Pale violet blue with deeper style arms, 6 petaled, 60 cm (24”). Bought from...
(SPEC) 'Laevigata Plena' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Laevigata Plena’. Series Laevigatae, Double. Color Code B1M; Medium blue double. At this point in history true Iris lae...
■ (SPEC) 'Laevigata Variegata' 1916, Van Tubergen 1916 'Laevigata Variegata' (Van Tubergen). Series Laevigatae, Medium blue self. with beautiful white and gree...
■ (SPEC) 'Lake Sevan Form' 1976, Milan Prasil 'Lake Sevan' (Milan Prasil 1976). Iris reticulata variety 'Lake Sevan' From Paul Christian catalog: "First found ne...
(SPEC) 'Lancipetala' 1931, Alexander 'Lancipetala' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 48" (100 cm), Color Code B7L; Royal Gardens describ...
(SPEC) 'Large Flowered Stylosa' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Large Flowered Stylosa' Flowers often 4 to 5 inches across, nearly twice the size of common form. Bright lavende...
■ (SPEC) Iris latifolia Miller "English Iris"...note name change to Iris jacquinii (Shrank) ined. 1768, Miller Iris latifolia Miller, ( Philip Miller, 1768) Subg...
(SPEC) 'Lavinia' 1937, Hybridizer unknown 'Lavinia' {Hybridizer unknown, named by Barr, R. 1939) English Iris; Color code B1L; Barr 1937; 1938; See below: * *...
(SPEC) 'Lazica Tiberias' 1939, G.P. Baker 'Lazica Tiberias' ( George Percival Baker, from Lake Tiberias, R. 1939). Unguicularis Section; Color Code B7L; Yr. Bk., ...
(SPEC) 'Leander' 1898, Wallace 'Leander' ( Robert W. Wallace, 1898). Spanish Iris Section; Color Code Y4D; Described in Bulletin of the American Iris Society as "...
(SPEC) 'Leichtlini' 1883, Regel 'Leichtlini' (Eduard August von Regel, 1883). Onc; Color code=S2M; "Similar to typical species, but with deeper shadings of rustic...
(SPEC) 'Leichtlinia' YYYY, Regel 'Leichtlinia' ( Eduard August von Regel) Iris korolkowii Regel 'Leichtlinia'; International Checklist for Hyacinths and Miscell...
■(SPEC) 'Lepida' 1842, Heuffel 'Lepida' (Collected by Johann Heuffel in 1842 in Banat) Classed as a TB (?) in 1939 checklist. recorded in Flora 36: 621. 1853 pr...
■ (SPEC) Iris leptophylla Lingelsheim 1922, Lingelsheim Iris leptophylla Lingelsheim (collected by Limpricht, described by A. von Lingelsheim, 1922, Szechuan, Chi...
(SPEC) Iris lilacina Borbas circa 1875, Botanical author Borbas Considered as synonym of Iris spuria subspecies sogdiana by Brian Mathew in The Iris. 'Iris Lilaci...
(SPEC) 'LimeSorbet' 1998, Brown 'Lime Sorbet' (R. C. Brown, R. 1998) SPEC (pseudacorus), 30" (76 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and falls yellow; all new foliage...
■(SPEC) Iris lineata Foster ex Regel 1887, Botanical author Foster Iris lineata Foster ex Regel ( Sir Michael Foster by way of Regel, 1887, Northeastern Afghanis...
(SPEC) 'Lingerie' 1932, L. W. Sanford 'Lingerie' (L.W. sanford, 1932) English Iris: Color code B7L; Cooley 1932 See below: * * References References Awaiti...
(SPEC) 'Locks Blue' 2001, English 'Locks Blue' (Carl English, deceased, by Jean Witt, R. 2001) SPEC (clarkei), 24" (61 cm). Early bloom. Royal blue, falls with wh...
(SPEC) 'Locks Purple' 2001, English 'Locks Purple' (Carl English, deceased, by Jean Witt, R. 2001) SPEC (clarkei), 24" (61 cm). Early bloom. Royal purple, falls w...
(SPEC) Iris lokiae Alexeyeva YYYY, Nina Alexeyeva Iris lokiae (Nina Alexeeva, ) Translation of description not yet available; This Iris appears to be closely rela...
■ (SPEC) Iris longifolia of Royle 1839, Royle Iris longifolia Royle; (John Forbes Royle 1839) a synonym for Iris lactea in Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the b...
■ (SPEC) Iris longipetala Herb. 1841, Botanical author Herbert Iris longipetala Herbert (William I. Herbert, 1841), California coast); Series Longipetalae, Long...
(SPEC) Iris longispatha Fischer now = Iris lactea 1825, Fischer Iris longispatha (Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer, 1825) in Curtis's Botanical Magazine, vol.5...
(SPEC) Iris ludoviciana Small aka 'Ludoviciana' 1931, Small 'Ludoviciana' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; 42" (105 cm). Color Code S9M; Royal Gardens descri...
■ (SPEC) Iris lupina Fos. 1887, Foster Iris lupina (Sir Michael Foster, 1887) Described by Foster in "Some New Irises, continued". The Gardeners' Chronicle I. p.7...
(SPEC) 'Lusinda' 1909, Van Tubergen 'Lusinda' (Van Tubergen, Awaiting registration information See below: * * References References Awaiting original cata...
■ (SPEC) Iris lusitanica 1803, Ker Gawler Iris lusitanica (John Ker Gawler), Curtis's Botanical Magazine 18: table 679, 1803 Bot. Mag. give the following descri...
■ (SPEC) Iris iberica subspecies lycotis (Woron.) Takht. 1915, Originally described as a species by Woronoff reduced to subspecies by Takhtajan 'Lycotis' ( G….
(SPEC) Iris macedonica Nadji 1892, Abd ur Rahmen Nadji Iris macedonica Nadji (Adb ur Rahmen Nadji, 1892) Subgenus Iris; Original reference in Empire Ottoman; Géog...
■ (SPEC) Iris machowii probably referred to Iris spuria by BIS YYYY, Rodionenko? Iris machowii. (George Rodionenko?. Main.InfoClassificationSeries Spuriae ...
(Spec) 'Maihura' YYYY, Collector? 'Maihura' Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno). A good form of Iris vicaria from the Maihura river, Hissar mountain range, Tadjikistan. Sl...
(SPEC) 'Maikujaku' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Maikujaku' Series Laevigatae. "a fine variety with six petals and stamens like style arms with twisted crests. It is deep blu...
(SPEC) 'Maizuru' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Maizuru' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with heavy violet dots. In Tokyo it is called 'Orizuru'. (Translation, 'Dance o...
(SPEC) 'Mangaliae' 1939 Prodan The World Checklist dismisses this as a synonym of iris variegata. Original description is Iris mangaliae Prodan, Fl. Dobrudscha Me...
(SPEC) 'Mansfield' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Mansfield' (G. Meijer) Spec Iris latifolia; Flowers purple, dark blue blotch with white strip. Award of Merit B.C. 1926. See ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mary Barnard' 1962, Anderson 'Mary Barnard' (E. B. Anderson, R. 1962) I unguicularis, 9" (23 cm). Winter bloom. Bluish violet self. Collected by Barna...
■(SPEC) Iris masia Stapf ex Fos. 1888, Botanical author Stapf Iris masia Stapf ex Foster. (Collected by Sintenis, 1888, in Sueverek, N. Mesopotamia); Section Li...
(SPEC) 'McMurtrie #ANMc2325' YYYY, McMurtrie 'McMurtrie #ANMc2325' It is 2n=18 while the form of danfordiae in commerce is a sterile triploid 3n=27; By collec...
(SPEC) 'Megami' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Megami' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with heavy violet dots. (Translation, 'Goddess'). Iris laevigata Fischer. M...
(SPEC) Iris melanosticta Bornm. 1907, Bornmueller Iris melanosticta Bornm. In Gartenflora p. 495, 1907 Probably a synonym of Iris grant duffi. Main.BobPries...
(Spec) Iris mellita Janka = Iris suaveolens 1876, Von Janka Iris mellita: (Victor von Janka, 1876), in Mathematikai és Természettudományi Közlemémyek. Pest = Bu...
(SPEC) 'Mellita Vandee' 1958, Van de Water Schacht 'Mellita Vandee' (Irene Van de Water and W. Schacht, R. 1958) I. mellita, 6" (15 cm). Extra early bloom. Self, ...
(SPEC) 'Menelik' YYYY, J. G. Eldering 'Menelik' (J. G. Eldering, ) SPEC Iris latifolia; flowers dark purple See below: * * References References: Awaitin...
(SPEC) 'Mer De Glace' 1913, Van Tubergen 'Mer De Glace' )Van Tubergen, 1913) English Iris; Color code WW; :Awaiting registration information See below: * * Ref...
(SPEC) 'Mermieri' 1898, Krelage 'Mermieri' (E. H. Krelage and Son, 1898). Spanish; Color Code Y4L; light yellow self. Barr 1898; Krelage Sons 1898; A.M., R.H.S….
(SPEC) 'Middleton Blue' ‘Middleton Blue’. Section Lophiris. Offered by the British Iris Society Seed Exchange. Perhaps from Myddleton, the garden of E. A. Bowles….
(SPEC) 'Midnight' YYYY, Bond 'Midnight' (Sandra Bond). Six petaled deep violet, with very prominent white central stripe on falls; 2ft. (60 cm) shown at the 1988 ...
(SPEC) 'Mirabeau' 1914, Van Tubergen 'Mirabeau' (Van Tubergen, 1914 ) English Iris; Color code B9M; See below: * * References References Van Tubergen 1914...
■ (SPEC) Iris miraculosa Small, see (LA) 'Miraculosa' 1929, Small .Iris miraculosa (John Kunkel Small, 1929) Now considered a Louisiana hybrid 'Miraculosa' but or...
(Spec) 'Miss Bluejay' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Bluejay' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipetalae ; Form of Iris missouriensis ; 24" (60 cm). Early bloom. C...
(Spec) 'Miss Peacock' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Peacock' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipetalae; Form of Iris missouriensis , 21" (52.5 cm), Early bloom s...
(Spec) 'Miss Pink Dove' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Pink Dove' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series longipetalae; Form of Iris missouriensis, 21" (52.5 cm), Early bloom...
(Spec) 'Miss White Canary' 1956, Davidson 'Miss White Canary' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipealae; Form of Iris missouriensis . 20" (50 cm), Early ...
(SPEC) 'Mississippiensis' 1931, Alexander 'Mississippiensis' (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931, South and Central Louisiana). Flower stalk 4 8" (10 20 cm) very zig...
(SPEC) 'Momiji no Nishiki' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Momiji no Nishiki’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Pale with small reddish purple spots. (Translation, 'Maple Bro...
(SPEC) 'Monday's Child' 1957, Quigley 'Monday's Child' (Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Quigley, R. 1957) I. tenax, 9" (23 cm). Early bloom. White self, with small spot of yello...
(SPEC) Iris moorcroftiana Wallich ex Don 1828, Wallich ‘Moorcroftiana’. ( Nathanael Wallich ex Don Cat. no. 5051. 1828); Series Ensatae. 6 8” (15 20 cm), The onl...
(SPEC) 'Mori No Shita' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Mori No Shita’. Series Laevigatae; Color Code 6BM; 6 petaled, medium blue self. Wada 1935. Iris laevigata Fischer. M...
(SPEC) Iris moricolor Small aka 'Moricolor' 1931, Small ‘Moricolor’. ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 36” (90 cm); R; Very deep mulberry purple...
■ (SPEC) 'Mostar' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Mostar' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 25" (64 cm). Late bloom. Blue violet self; beards light yellow; ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mottled Beauty' 1960, Perry ‘Mottled Beauty’. (Perry’s Hardy Plant Farm, R. 1960). Series Laevigatae, 24” (61 cm), Late bloom. Color Code W2. Standard...
(SPEC) 'Mrs. Barclay' 1912, Van Tubergen 'Mrs. Barclay' (Van Tubergen, before 1912) English Iris; Color code W7; Van Waveren 1912; See below: * * References ...
(SPEC) 'Munich Blue' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Munich Blue' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 22" (56 cm). Midseason bloom. Dark violet blue self; bea...
■ (SPEC) Iris munzii R. C. Foster 1938, Botanical author R.C. Foster Iris munzii R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster, R. 1938, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tulare County, ...
(SPEC) 'Murasame' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Murasame’. Series Laevigatae. Three petaled violet, early flowering, somewhat dwarfer than other cultivars. (Translation, 'Pa...
■ (Spec) 'Murrayana' 1935, Andrew Murray 'Murrayana' (Andrew Murray (collector), R. 1935). Series Laevigatae. Color Code WW; Pure white. (Collected on Salmonier...
■ (SPEC) 'Navy Blue Gem' 1998, Schafer/Sacks 'Navy Blue Gem' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1998) SPEC (cristata), 4" (10 cm). Late midseason bloom. Dark blu...
■ (SPEC) Iris nectarifera 1980, Adil Güner This topic is yet to be developed A species within the Section Oncocyclus. See below: * * References * * Chromoso...
■ (Spec) Iris x neglecta Hornm. see also 'Neglecta' 1813, Hornemann….......................................related links .. Color class Neglecta Iris x neglecta...
(SPEC) 'Niagara' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Niagara' Bluish white six petaled form similar to a Japanese iris. Iris laevigata Fischer. See below: * References Referen...
■ (SPEC) Iris nigricans Dinsm. ex Post. 1913, Botanical author Dinsmore Iris nigricans Dinsm (John Dinsmore. Registered in 1939 checklists as a cultivar 'Nigric...
■(SPEC) Iris notha M.Bieb or Iris spuria subspecies notha 1843, Bieberstein Notha (Bieberstein, 1819, Caucasus) accepted by some authors as a species while oth...
■(SPEC) 'Noubeni' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Noubeni' Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. 3 petaled, deep red purple self, found about 140 years ago. Iris laevigata Fisch...
■(SPEC) 'Nova' 1991, Ellis 'Nova' (Dr. J. R. Ellis, unregistered, described 1991). Section Lophiris, Possibly a form of Iris confusa or Iris wattii or possibl...
(SPEC) 'Nuresagi' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Nuresagi’. Series Laevigatae. Three petaled pale wisteria blue with narrow petals from the Edo period. (Translation, Water Bi...
■ (Spec) Iris ochroleuca L. = Iris orientalis 1771, Linneaus Iris ochroleuca (Carl Linnaeus, 1771) Modern binomial nomenclature started with Linneaus' Species Pla...
■ (SPEC) Iris odaesanensis Lee 1974, Botanical author Lee Iris odaesanensis Lee ( Dr. Yong No Lee, 1974, Mount Odaesan, Korea); Section Limniris, Series Chinens...
(SPEC) Iris odaesanensis f. purpurascens Y.N.Lee 2002, Lee Iris odaesanensis f. purpurascens (Y.N.Lee, in Bull. Korea Pl. Res. 2: 14 (2002). A purple form of Iri...
(SPEC) Iris oenantha Small aka 'Oenantha' 1931, Small 'Oenantha' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinic; 48" (120 cm); R; A tall, very large flowered wine red. One o...
(SPEC) 'Oliver Pease' 1982, Pease by Wood 'Oliver Pease' (Oliver Pease by Elizabeth Wood, R. 1982) Versicolor, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Red purple (...
(SPEC) 'Oliver Twist' 1935, Washington 'Oliver Twist' (Thomas Washington) OLIVER TWIST (Washington 1935) A beautiful new iris with soft blue flowers, the color of...
■(SPEC) 'One Starry Night' 2023, Schafer/Sacks 'One Starry Night' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2023) Awaiting registration information See below: * * R...
■(SPEC) Iris orchioides Carrière 1880, Botanical author Carrière Iris orchioides Carrière (Élie Abel Carrière, 1880, East Bokhara); Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno), Col...
(Spec) 'Orchioides Alba Sic ' 1905, Krelage 'Orchioides Alba' E. H. Krelage Sons, 1905; Juno; Color Code W2; Grulleman 1907; Van Tubergen 1909. syn. Iris orch...
(Spec) 'Orchioides Splendens sic ' 1892, Krelage 'Orchioides Splendens' E. H. Krelage Son, 1892. Juno; Color Code YD = Dark yellow; Krelage Sons 1892; syn. I...
(Spec) 'Orchioides Sulphurea sic ' (Iris bucharica) 1900, Krealage 'Orchioides Sulphurea' (E. H. Krelage and Sons 1900. Juno; Color Code Y4L; Flowers canary yel...
■ (SPEC) Iris orientalis Miller 1731, Botanical author Miller Iris orientalis Miller (synonym Iris ochroleuca). (Philip Miller, 1731, Turkey, Greece and the Greek...
(SPEC) 'Orientalis Alba Stellata' 1937, ‘Orientalis Alba Stellata’. Siberian; Double Color Code W; Double white flowers, Wada 1937; Iris sanguinea Hornem ex Donn ...
(SPEC) 'Ottine' 1935, collected 'Ottine' ( R. 1939) Series Hexagonae; Color code= B1L (Light Blue self); Collected Palmetto Park, Ottine Texas 1939; Probably I….
(SPEC) Iris oxypetala Bunge 1834, Bunge Iris oxypetala (Alexander von Bunge , 1834) Not to be confused with Iris oxypetala C. A. Meyer See below: * * Referen...
(SPEC) Iris oxypetala C. A. Meyer 1834, Meyer Iris oxypetala (Carl Anton Meyer, 1834) Not to be confused with iris oxypetala Bunge. Considered a synonym of Iris l...
■(SPEC) 'Pabularia' 1888, Naudin 'Pabularia' (Charles Victor Naudin 1888, described by L. Wittmack 1898). Series Ensatae. 20" (50 cm); Said to be distinct. Larger...
■ (SPEC) Iris pallasii Fisch. ex Trevir. 1821, Fischer Iris pallasii Fisch. ex Trevir., Index Seminum (WROCL) 1821: 2 (1821). It was reported in table 2331 of ...
(Spec) Iris paradoxa forma albo lutescens Van T. 1932, Van Tubergen 'Paradoxa Albo Lutescens' ( C. G. Van Tubergen, 1932). Section Oncocyclus . 4 10" (10 25 cm). ...
(SPEC) Iris paradoxa forma choschab 1901, Van Tubergen 'Choschab' ( C. G. Van Tubergen, 1901). Section Oncocyclus Color Code W2D; Height 4 8" (10 20 cm), one flo...
■ (SPEC) Iris pariensis Welsh 1986, Welsh Iris pariensis (Stanley L. Welsh, 1986) Described in the Great Basin Naturalist (1986); considered a synonym of Iris ...
(Spec) 'Park Farm Hybrid' YYYY, Geo. W. Park Seed? 'Park Farm Hybrid' A.k.a. 'Park Farm Form', Jennifer Hewitt notes "bought by Dr. Marion Wood from an undetermin...
(Spec) 'Park Farm Hybrid' YYYY, Geo. W. Park Seed? 'Park Farm Hybrid' A.k.a. 'Park Farm Form', Jennifer Hewitt notes "bought by Dr. Marion Wood from an undetermin...
(SPEC) 'Parvicaerulea' 1931, Alexander 'Parvicaerulea' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1932). Vinicolores Section; Color Code S1L; Described by Alexander as "Flow...
(SPEC) Iris parvirosea Small aka 'Parvirosea' 1931, Small 'Parvirosea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; Color Code S9L; "Flower stalk erect and ...
(Spec) 'Paul's Gold' YYYY, Who? 'Paul's Gold' ( Who? Probaby unregistered, When? ) A yellow leaved form of Iris foetidissima. Offered by World Seeds in 2012. Regi...
(SPEC) 'Perle De Jerusalem' 1916, Van Tubergen 'Perle De Jerusalem' Van T. 1916; Subgenus Hermodactyloides; A white Iris histrio Synonym; Histrio Perle de Jerusal...
(SPEC) 'Perles Des Jardins' 1901, Van Tubergen 'Perles Des Jardins' (van Tubergen, 1901) English Iris; Color code W2L; See below: * * References References ...
■ (SPEC) Iris perrieri Simonet ex Fournier 1935, Botanical author Simonet ex Fournier Iris perrieri Simonet ex Fournier. (Marc Simonet ex P. Fournier, 1935, Savoy...
■ (SPEC) 'Perryana' 1873, Ware 'Perryana' The Florist: "One of the most striking and curious plants of its extensive family, and one which sooner or later will fi...
(SPEC) Iris persica var. mardinensis, 'Mardinensis' 1957, Davis and Hedges 'Mardinensis' (Davis and Hedges, 1957, Mardin, Turkey, 3,000 feet). Iris persica var. m...
(Spec) 'Picos de Europa' YYYY, Collector? 'Picos de Europa' As yet unregistered species collected clone from the Picos de Europa Mountain Range. Said to have clea...
■(SPEC) 'Pink Peaks' 1988, Shafer/Sacks 'Pink Peaks' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1988) Versicolor, 9" (23 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards dark pink with dist...
(SPEC) 'Point Reyes Purple' 2003, Strybing Arboretum Society by Edgren 'Point Reyes Purple' (Strybing Arboretum Society by Margery Edgren, R. 2003) SPEC (douglasi...
■ (SPEC) Iris polakii Stapf 1885, Stapf Iris polakii (Otto Stapf, 1885) in Denkschr. Acad. Wien l. 20. 1885 (found in Persia) Considered by some current authors...
(SPEC) 'Polly Spout' 1985, Duval 'Polly Spout' (Rene Duval, R. 1985) I. prismatica , 12 15" (30 38 cm). Late bloom. Pale blue purple, heavily and prominently vei...
(Spec) Iris aphylla var. polonika( Blocki ex Asch. Graebn. ) Soo 1971, Blocki Iris aphylla var. polonika. (Bronislaw Blocki by way of Ascherson Graebner) Soo...
(SPEC) 'Pouzdrany 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Pouzdrany' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 14 16" (36 41 cm). Late bloom. Standards deep yellow; falls l...
■ (SPEC) 'Powder Blue Giant' 1997, Norris 'Powder Blue Giant' (Samuel Norris by Jan Sacks and Marty Schafer, R. 1997) SPEC (cristata), 6" (15 cm). Midseason bl...
(SPEC) 'Pozne Odwiedziny' 2009, Komarnicki 'Pozne Odwiedziny' ( Lech Komarnicki, R. 2009). Seedling #01/2 BL20. SPEC (setosa), 35" (90 cm). Late to very late bloo...
■ (Spec) 'Prairie Lights' 2015, Norris 'Prairie Lights' ( Kelly Norris, R. 2014) SPEC (spuria), 29.5" (75 cm), Early bloom. Standards golden green at base fading ...
(Spec) 'Princess' 2002, Ruksans 'Princess' (Janis Ruksans, 2002), Subgenus Scorpiris (JUNO) An Iris bucharica. 10 14" (25 35 cm) April May bloom season after Reti...
■ (SPEC) Iris prismatica var. austrina Fernald 1947, Fernald 'Austrina' (Merit Lyndon Fernald, 1947) Originally described in Rhodora 49: 133 (1947). See below: ...
(SPEC) Prismatica 'Dark Maroon' 1992, Reid 'Dark Maroon' Unregistered seed strain. Iris prismaticaPursh ex Ker Gawl. "Deep maroon with white line around yellow si...
■ (SPEC) Prismatica 'Plicata' 1992, Reid 'Plicata' Series Prismaticae . unregistered seed strain. Iris prismatica Pursh ex Ker Gawl. "White flowers with pale ...
(SPEC) 'Prismatica Tullahoma' 1934, Douglas 'Prismatica Tullahoma' (Geddes Douglas, 1934, Tullahoma, Tenn.). D Sib. sic ; Color Code B1L and B7L and WW. Light bl...
SPEC) Iris proantha var. valida (S.S.Chien) Y.T.Zhao 1982, Zhao Iris proantha var. valida (S.S.Chien) Y.T.Zhao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 20: 100 (1982). See below: ...
■(SPEC) Iris probstii C. A. Wilson 2020, Wilson Iris probstii (Carol Wilson) Original description in Phytokeys September 2020 See below: * * References ...
(SPEC) Iris pseudacorus L. acoriformis (Boreau) Dykes 1858, Boreau 'Acoriformis' (Alexandre Boreau, 1858). Series Laevigatae, Possibly synonymous with I. pseudac...
■ (Spec) 'Pseudacorus Alba' 1906, Perry 'Pseudacorus Alba'. (Amos Perry, 1906) Series Laevigatae White. (note could be a cultivar name for any white pseudacorus...
(SPEC) Iris pseudocristata Small aka 'Pseudocristata' 1931, Small 'Pseudocristata' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; Color Code R1M; Described by...
(SPEC) 'Purple Flame' 2017, Mt. Cuba Center 'Purple Flame' (Mt. Cuba Center, R. 2017). Seedling# U20020317. SPEC (versicolor), 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Stan...
(SPEC) 'Purple Queen' before 1905, Van Waveren? 'Purple Queen' (Van Waveren?. before 1905) English Iris; Color Code B7D; See below: * * References Reference...
(SPEC) 'Queen Of Gazelles' 1934, Wakely 'Queen Of Gazelles' (Wakely R. 1936) Spanish Iris sport of Iris filifolia; Wakely 1034; See below: * * References Re...
(SPEC) 'Queen of the Blues' 1920, G. Van Diermen 'Queen of the Blues' (G. van Diermen} Spec Iris latifolia about 1920; standards indigo blue, falls purle blue. Aw...
(SPEC) 'Queen Of The Whites' 1910, Grulleman 'Queen Of The Whites' (Grulleman, 1910) Spanish Iris; Color code WW; Barr 1911; Blom 1937; See below: * * Referen...
(SPEC) 'Queen Wilhelmina' 1908, H. van Velsen 'Queen Wilhelmina' (H. van Velsen, 1908) Spanish Iris (Iris xiphium) Color code=WW; "Flowers white with deep yellow...
(SPEC) 'R. M. Cooley' 1932, Sanford 'R. M. Cooley' (L. W. Sanford, 1932) English Iris: Color code B1L. Cooley 1932. See below: * * References References Aw...
(SPEC) 'Rainbow In May' 2012, Xiaoying Bi 'Rainbow In May' (Xiaoying Bi, R. 2012) SPEC ( I. tigridia ), 4.5 5.5. Late bloom. Standards light pink violet (RHS N81...
(SPEC) 'Regalis' 1931, Small 'Regalis' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 48" (120 cm); Color Code S7L; One of the finest and most unusual of the ...
(Spec) Iris regeli Maxim ex Regel 1879, Eduard August Regel Iris regeli Maxim. ex Regel (Eduard August Regel, 1879). Subgenus Limniris, Series Tenuifoliae;In T ru...
■ (SPEC) Iris regis uzziae Feinbrun 1978, Botanical author Feinbrun Iris regis uzziae Feinbrun (Professor Naomi Feinbrun, 1978, Edom, southern Jordan and Central ...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Coerulea' 1892, Nelson 'Reticulata Coerulea' (Rev. G. T. (or J. G.) Nelson, before 1892). Subgenus Hermodactyloides . Reticulata. Color Code B1...
■ (SPEC) 'Reticulata Cyanea' 1874, Regel 'Reticulata Cyanea' (Eduard August von Regel, 1874). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata. Color Code B3M; medium blue ...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Hercules' before 1934, Van Tubergen 'Reticulata Hercules' ( C. G. Van Tubergen, before 1934, R. 1936). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata; Co...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Krelagei' 1873, Regel ‘Reticulata Krelagei’. (Eduard August von Regel, 1873 The Caucasus). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata; Color Code R7D...
(SPEC) Iris reticulata var. Luteo Alba 1908, Chapman Iris reticulata var. Luteo Alba ( noted by F. Herbert Chapman, 1908) in notes Iris luteo alba.— This little p...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Major' 1889, Nelson ‘Reticulata Major’. (Rev. G. T. (or J. G.) Nelson, before 1889). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata; Color Code B9D; Dark...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Purpurea' 1892, Leichtlin ‘Reticulata Purpurea’ ( Max Leichtlin). Section Hermodactyloides. D Reticulata; Color Code B7D; Dark red toned blue s...
(SPEC) 'Reticulata Velvet' before 1914, Krelage 'Reticulata Velvet'. ( E. H. Krelage and Son, before 1914, R. 1939). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata; Color C...
(SPEC) 'Rhodantha' 1931, Alexander 'Rhodantha' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Viniccolores Section; 36" (90 cm), Color Code R7M; a fine even self of pure d...
(SPEC) Iris rhodochrysea Small aka 'Rhodochrysea' 1931Y, Small 'Rhodochrysea' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 36" (90 cm), Color CodeS7M; one o...
(SPEC) 'Riopelle' 1992, Huber 'Riopelle' ( Tony Huber, R. 1992) Seedling #1DM Bar 01. SPEC ( I. versicolor ), 27" (70 cm). Very early bloom. Standards light rosy...
(SPEC) 'Rivularis' 1927, Small 'Rivularis' (John Kunkel Small, 1927) Hex: B; Reference; Original description in Addisonia 12: 1, 11. March 1927 with colored plat...
(SPEC) 'Rose Watson' 1931, Watson 'Rose Watson' (J. H. Watson, 1931) English Iris; Color code R7L; Sharp 1931; parentage 'Virginia' X 'L'Obscurite'. See below: ...
■ (SPEC) Iris rosenbachiana Regel 1884, Botanical author Regel Iris rosenbachiana Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Turkestan); Subgenus Scorpiris . Juno; Co...
(SPEC) 'Rousseau' 1906, Van Waveren 'Rousseau' (Van Waveren, 1906) English Iris; Color code B1M; See below: * * References References Van Waveren 1906, 19...
■ (SPEC) 'Rowden Cantata' 2002, Carter 'Rowden Cantata' ( John and Galen Carter, R. 2002) SPEC ( Iris versicolor ), 26" (66 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Stand...
(SPEC) 'Rowden Harmony' 2003, Carter 'Rowden Harmony' ( John and Galen Carter, R. 2003) SPEC ( Iris versicolor ), 20" (51 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards...
(SPEC) 'Rowden Madrigal' 2002, Carter 'Rowden Madrigal' ( John and Galen Carter, R. 2002) SPEC ( Iris versicolor), 24" (61 cm). Midseason to late bloom and rebloo...
(SPEC) Iris rubicunda Small aka 'Rubicunda' 1931, Small 'Rubicunda' (John Kunkel Small R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 42" (105 cm). Color Code RD; A fine large, v...
(SPEC) 'Rubrolilacina' 1931, Alexander 'Rubrolilacina' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; Color Code RL; Alexander gives the following des...
(SPEC) 'Rudolph Spring' 1992?, Rix 'Rudolph Spring' (Collected by Martin Rix, in China ) Perhaps the smaller flowered, dark blue form brought back by Martin Rix; ...
■ (SPEC) Iris rudskyi Considered a variant of Iris variegata by the World Checklist originally considered a separate species by Horvat; Iris rudskyi Horvat ...
■ (SPEC) Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl. 1808, Botanical author Ker Gawler Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl. (John Ker Gawler, 1808, Transylvania to northern China and Korea); ...
■ (SPEC) Iris sambucina L. or see also TB 'Sambucina' 1759, Botanical author Linneaus The first botanist referring to "elder scented" (odore sambuci) irises was C...
(Spec) 'Sangardak' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Sangardak'. Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno). Flower white infused blue, and blue edge to the fall. The yellow blotch on the fall h...
(Spec) 'Sanglok' 2006?, Ruksans 'Sanglok' (Janis Ruksans, unregistered) Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno). Deep Yellow flowers and prominent dark brown blotches on either...
(SPEC) Iris sanguinea var. nana YYYY, Hager 'Iris sanguinea Nana' ( Ben Hager, ). Series Sibiricae . "Iris sanguinea 'Nana' (5 7 in. in flower) A miniature vers...
■ (SPEC) Iris sanguinea var. nana forma alba 1990, We Du ‘Nana Alba’. (Weaver, Richard and Renè Duval, 1990). Series Sibiricae. “Iris sanguinea ‘Nana Alba’ (5 7 ...
(SPEC) Iris sari var. lurida 1887, Foster Baker Iris sari_ var. _lurida ( Sir Michael Foster, 1887). gives the following; Tab. 6960. IRIS Sari, variety lurida….
(SPEC) 'Sasha' 1931, Alexander 'Sasha' (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931, Slidell, Louisiana). Series Laevigatae. Color Code B1L; Light blue self. Form of Iris vir...
(SPEC) Iris schischkinii Grossheim 1947, Grossheim Iris schischkinii Grossheim. ( Alexander Grossheim, 1947, near lake Batabad, above the town of Bitschenach, Nak...
(SPEC) 'Schizolopha' 1931, Alexander 'Schizolopha' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; Color Code S4; Alexander describes it as "Flower sta...
(SPEC) 'Seattle' 2002, Service 'Seattle' (Nigel Service, 2002). Section Iris; Iris germanica 'Seattle'. See below: * References References Described in SI...
■ (SPEC) Iris serotina 1860, Willkomm Lange Iris serotina Willk ( Moritz Willkomm and Johan Lange, 1860, Southeastern Spain, and the middle Atlas and Rif Mo...
■(SPEC) 'Seti Na Beregu' 2013, Loktev 'Seti Na Beregu' Сети на берегу (Sergey Loktev, R. 2012) Seedling #Z1 9. SPEC (lactea), 15 (38 cm), Midseason bloom. Standar...
(Spec) Iris setosa forma alpina Komarov YYYY, Botanical author Komarov 'Alpina' Iris setosa forma alpina Komarov (Vladimir Komarov. A Siberian form with a very sh...
(Spec) Iris setosa variety interior (Anderson) Hulten 1936, Anderson 'Interior' ( Edgar Anderson, 1936) Originally described by Anderson in . The variety of Iris...
(Spec) Iris setosa forma serotina Kom. YYYY, Komarov 'Serotina'. (Vladimir Komarov). Series Tripetalae. A Siberian form with solitary, stemless flowers." The Eur...
(Spec) Iris setosa subspecies setosa Pallas YYYY, Pallas Subspecies setosa. (Peter Pallas). The type of Iris setosa Pallas. Found originally in Northern Asia. ...
(Spec) 'Tricuspis' 1794, Dicksons 'Tricuspis' ( George Dickson's Company, 1794). D Trip; Blue dwarf; Dickson 1794; As Iris tricuspis dubia; (a form of Iris setos...
(SPEC) Iris dichotoma 'Shilka' 1939, Collected by Prof. N. E. Hansen near Shilka, Siberia 'Shilka' Probably unregistered form of the vesper Iris Iris dichotoma Se...
■ (SPEC) 'Shrevei' 1927, Small 'Shrevei' (John Kunkel Small, 1927, collected Central U.S.A) Laev B; A variety of I. virginica with longer branches and capsules t...
■ (SPEC) Iris sibirica L. 1753, Botanical author Linnaeus Iris sibirica L. ( Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central Europe Russia); Section Limniris, Series Sibiricae;...
(SPEC) Iris sieheana Lynch 1904, Richard Lynch Iris_ _sieheana (Richard Lynch 1904). Book of the Iris: 184 (1904). 133. I. Sieheana, mihi ; I. Haussknechti, Siehe...
(SPEC) 'Slowpoke' 1993, Ennenga 'Slowpoke' (James Ennenga, R. 1993) SPEC (I. brevicaulis), 14" (36 cm). Late bloom. Violet blue (RHS 93B), white signal with yello...
(SPEC) 'Snookumchuck Fairy' 1958, Hubbard 'Snookumchuck Fairy' (Mrs. W. R. Hubbard, R. 1958) I. tenax , 10" (25 cm). Midseason bloom. Pure white, yellow signal l...
(SPEC) 'Snowbird' 1922, Andrews 'Snowbord' ( Darwin Maxon Andrews, R. 1920). Series Longipetalae. "16" (40 cm). Like type, but flowers a snow white with no veinin...
(SPEC) 'Solnechny' 2016, Loktev 'Solnechny' Солнечный (Sergey Loktev, R. 2016). Seedling# P 02 2. SPEC (pseudacorus), 30.5" (77 cm). Early to late bloom. Standard...
(Spec) Iris songarica Schrenk. 1841, Schrenk Iris songarica Schrenk ( Alexander Gustov von Schrenk. Subgenus Limniris, Series Tenuifoliae; Schrenk in Enum. Pl. No...
■ (SPEC) Iris spuria L. Iris spuria L. (Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central and southern Europe, Spain to Persia, Algeria); Section Limniris, Series Spuriae, Spur BD; Da...
(Spec) Iris squalens L. 1759, Botanical author Linnaeus 'Squalens' (Wild hybrid, Carl Linnaeus, 1759, Central Europe to the Caucasus and Armenia). TB; Late seaso...
(Spec) 'Stavordale Tiger' 1989, Broadleigh 'Stavordale Tiger'. (Broadleigh Gardens). Series Unguiculares. 15" (37 cm), "We were given this plant some years ago. T...
(SPEC) Iris straussii Leichtlin ex Micheli 1899, Leichtlin Iris straussii (Max Leichtlin ex Micheli, Rev. Hort. (Paris) 71: 363 (1899). There seems to be a lot of...
(SPEC) 'Stylosa Superba' 1933, Perry 'Stylosa Superba' Recorded in the 1939 with no registration date but an introduction date by Amos Perry 1933, 1939. Unguicula...
(SPEC) Iris subfulva Small aka 'Subfulva' 1931, Small 'Subfulva' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, S. Louisiana). Vinicolores Section; Color Code R; Flower stalk erect...
■(SPEC) 'Sue's Memory' 2020, Nelson 'Sue's Memory' (Dr. E. Charles Nelson, R. 2020) SPEC (lazica), 6" (15 cm), Early to late season bloom. Lavender blue (RHS ...
■ (Spec) 'Sulphur Queen' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER? 'Sulphur Queen' An unregistered cultivar of Iris pseudacorus that has been listed since 1990 perhaps longer in the tr...
■ (SPEC) 'Summer Azure' 2002, Schafer Sacks 'Summer Azure' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2002) SPEC (prismatica), 18" (46 cm), M. S. light blue (RHS 97B),...
(SPEC) 'Susanna Maria' 1901, Van Tubergen 'Susanna Maria' (Van Tubergen, 1901) English Iris; color code B2L Van Tubergen 1911; See below: * * References Refe...
■ (SPEC) 'Suslik' 1996, Burton 'Suslik' (John Burton II, R. 1995). Seedling #CP4. SPEC (Iris pumila), 4.5" (11 cm), Early bloom. Dark red violet, deeper around ve...
(Spec) Iris suworowi Regel 1886, Regel 'Suworowi' (Eduard August Regel, 1886). As Iris surowori Regel in Acta Horti Petrop. IX. 619 (1886) and in Gartenflora, XXX...
■ (SPEC) 'Swords Of Murex' 2001, Alexander 'Swords Of Murex' (Barbara Alexander, R. 2000) SPEC (I. versicolor), 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium t...
(SPEC) 'Tahiti' 1932, L. W. Sanford 'Tahiti' (L. W. Sanfod, 1932) English Iris; Color code R7L; Extra early bloom season; Cooley 1932; See below: * * Referenc...
(SPEC) 'Talischii' 1900, Foster 'Talischii' Considered a form of Iris imbricata. Iris talischi Sprenger, Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ortic. 1901: 328 (1901). 1970 The Eupog...
(Spec) 'Tashkent' YYYY, Hybridizer/collector? 'Tashkent' (unregistered) Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno) Butter yellow self. The undulate crest the same deep yellow colo...
■ (SPEC) Iris tenax Doug. 1829, Botanical author Douglas Iris tenax Douglas ( David Douglas, 1829, Washington and Oregon); CA (Series Californicae ); 6 14" (15 35...
■ (SPEC) Iris tenuissima Botanican author Dykes, 1912 Iris tenuissima Dykes (W. R. Dykes1912). Flower color is typically cream or off white, veined in gold or vio...
(SPEC) 'Tetrafor' 1964, Steiger 'Tetrafor' ( Max Steiger, R. 1964) I. forrestii, 8" (20 cm), Extra early bloom. Yellow self. Colchicine treated I. forrestii . ...
(SPEC) 'Tetratec' 1964, Steiger 'Tetratec' ( Max Steiger, R. 1964) I. tectorum, 28" (71 cm), Early bloom. Standards light violet; falls blue violet, dark points. ...
(SPEC) 'The Giant' YYYY, Van Tubergen 'The Giant' (Van Tubergen, 1914) English Iris; Color code B1D; See below: * * References References Van Tubergen 191...
(SPEC) Iris thomasii Small aka'Thomasii' 1931, Small 'Thomasii' ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 36" (90 cm); Color Code S9L; A brilliant red p...
■ (SPEC) Iris thompsonii R. C. Foster 1937, Botanical author Robert C. Foster Iris thompsonii R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster, 1937). Series Californicae . Flo...
(SPEC) 'Thunderbolt' 1597?, ?? 'Thunderbolt' (probably known to Parkinson i 1597) Spanish Iris: Color code S9D; See below: * * References References Sir M...
(SPEC) 'Tolmeiana' now =Iris missouriensis YYYY, Hybridizer 'Tolmeiana' I. Tolmieana, Herbert in Hook, et Am. Bot. Beech, p. 395 396; Main.BobPries 2011 03...
■ (Spec) 'Top Gold' before 2002, Paul Christian 'Top Gold' ( unregistered), Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno). April May bloom season after Reticulatas and at beginning ...
■(SPEC) 'Transylvania Native' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Transylvania Native' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC (aphylla), 13" (33 cm). Early bloom. B...
(SPEC) 'Tricolor' 1906, Van Tubergen 'Tricolor' (Van Tubergen, before 1906?) English Iris; Color code B3M; Van Waveren 1906; See below: * * References Refere...
(SPEC) 'Tripetala' 1788, Walter 'Tripetala' (Thomas Walter, 1788) Synonym for Iris tridentata Pursh. Originally described in References: Floral Cabinet 66. 1788;...
(SPEC) Iris trippneriana E.Peter 1938, Peter Iris trippneriana (E.Peter, in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 87: 129 (1938)). As yet unplaced in Kew's World Checklist. Main….
■ (SPEC) Iris trojana Kerner ex Stapf 1887, Botanical author Kerner ex Stapf Iris trojana Kerner ex Stapf. (Anton Joseph Kerner von Marilaun, 1887, Western Asia M...
■ (SPEC) Iris tuberosa L. 1753, Botanical author Linneaus Iris tuberosa L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, Mediterranean areas southeastern France and northern Africa to...
■(SPEC) 'Turkish Blue' 2020, Nelson 'Turkish Blue' (Dr. E. Charles Nelson, R. 2020) Seedling EMR 1020. SPEC (lazica), 6" (15 cm), Early to late season bloom. ...
(SPEC) Iris tyriana Small aka 'Tyriana' 1931, Small 'Tyriana' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; R; Red. Small describes as "Flower stalk erect, s...
(SPEC) 'Unguicularis Lilacina' 1927, Montague 'Unguicularis Lilacina'. ( A. Montague and Company, 1927). Series Unguiculares, Color Code B7D; falls pale lilac. Fl...
(SPEC) 'Unguicularis Marginata' 1901, Dammann 'Unguicularis Marginata'. (Dammann and Company, 1901). Series Unguiculares, Color Code B7M; falls lilac with white e...
■(SPEC) 'Unguicularis Speciosa' 1900, Van Tubergen 'Unguicularis Speciosa'. (C. G. Van Tubergen, 1900). Series Unguiculares; Color Code B3D; falls deep violet b...
(SPEC) 'Unguicularis Violacea' 1927, Berry ‘Unguicularis Violacea’. (Samuel Stillman Berry, 1927). Unguicularis; Color Code B7M; Medium red toned blue self; or “ ...
■(SPEC) 'Varbosiana' Maly Bosnia 'Varbosiana' Believed to be a form of I. germanica, but larger and brighter. 1939 Check List shows Correvon 1927 1937, Turrell,...
■ (Spec) Iris ventricosa Pall. 1773, botanical author Peter(Pyotr) Simon von Pallas Iris ventricosa Pall.; ( Peter Pallas, 1773, found near River Argun, Asia) S...
■(SPEC) Iris verna L. var. smalliana Fernald see 'Vernamont' 1947, Fernald 'Smalliana' (Meritt Lyndon Fernald, 1947) A variety of Iris verna originally describe...
(SPEC) 'Vernal Dawn' 1941, Henry 'Vernal Dawn' ( Mary Henry, R. 1941). Spec. A form of I. verna, Color Class R7L. Collected in Bath County, Virginia. See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Vernal Evening' 1944, Henry 'Vernal Evening' ( Mary Henry, R. 1944), SPEC. A form of I. verna. Color Class B7D Collected in Meriweather County, Georgia….
(SPEC) 'Vernal Fairy' 1944, Henry 'Vernal Fairy' ( Mary Henry, R. 1944) SPEC. A form of I. verna. Color class W3L rev. Collected in Bath County, Virginia. See bel...
(SPEC) 'Vernal Night' 1947, Henry 'Vernal Night' ( Mary Henry, R. 1947. Color Class B7D. A form of I. verna collected in Meriweather County, Georgia. See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Vernal Simplicity' 1944, Henry 'Vernal Simplicity' ( Mary Henry, R. 1944) SPEC. A form of I. verna. Color Class B7L. Collected in Winston County, Alabama….
(SPEC) 'Vernal Snow' 1941, Henry 'Vernal Snow' (Mary Henry', R. 1941). SPEC. A form of I. verna. Color Class WW. Collected in Bath County, Virginia. See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Vernamont' 1929, Small 'Vernamont' (John Kunkel Small, Collected by Rydberg West Virginia, USA) Ver. Color Code B7M. Small, in Addisonia 14: 1: 15. March ...
■ (SPEC) Iris versicolor L. 1753, Botanical author Linneaus Iris versicolor L. ( Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, E. U.S.A); Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. 8 32" (20...
(SPEC) 'Viceroy' 1903?, Van Waveren 'Viceroy' (Van Waveren, ??) English Iris; Color code R3L; See below: * * References References Barr 1903; 1905; Van Wa...
■(SPEC) Iris vinicolor Small aka 'Vinicolor' 1926, Small Iris vinicolor (John Kunkel Small, 1926) originally described in Addisonia as: IRIS VINICOLOR Wine colore...
(SPEC) Iris violipurpurea Small see 'Violipurpurea Synonym: Iris × violipurpurea 1929, Small Iris violipurpurea (John Kunkel Small, 1929) in . Name as Iris x vio...
(SPEC) Iris violivenosa Small aka 'Violivenosa' 1931, Small 'Violivenosa' (John Kunkel Small, R. 1931, S. Louisiana). Vinicolores Section; Color Code R3D; Standar...
(SPEC) 'Virginica De Luxe' 1986, Hewitt 'Virginica De Luxe' (Jennifer Hewitt, selector, R. 1987) LAEV, 42" (107 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards dark viole...
(SPEC) Iris vorobievii Pavlova 1987, Pavlova Iris vorobievii Pavlova (N. S. Pavlova, 1987), Section Psammiris; A species similar to I. humilis Georgi. It has a sh...
(SPEC) Iris vvedenskyi Nevski 1932, Botanical author Nevski Iris vvedenskyi Nevski. ( Sergei Nevski, 1932, Transcaspian; from Kuh i Tang in Pamir Alai Mountains);...
(Spec) 'Wahupa Wa' 1992, Duffy 'Wahupa Wa' ( Lawrence J. Duffy, R. 1992). Seedling #WI 31 80. SPEC. Height 30 36" (76 91 cm), Early bloom. White with some yellow ...
(SPEC) Iris wallisiae Tony Hall Arnis Seisums 2014, Tony Hall Arnis Seisums 'Iris wallisiae ( Tony Hall and Arnis Seisums, 2014, in Curtis Botanical Magazine)...
■ (SPEC) 'Walter Butt' 1962, Anderson 'Walter Butt' (E. B. Anderson, R. 1962) I unguicularis, 8 15" (2070 cm), Winter bloom. Standards pale bluish violet; fFal...
(SPEC) Iris wendelboi Grey Wilson Mathew 1973, Grey Wilson Mathew Iris wendelboi Grey Wilson Mathew. (Christopher Grey Wilson and Brian Mathew, 1973, Southw...
■ (SPEC) 'Weymouth Midnight' 1997, Bennett by Russell 'Weymouth Midnight' ( Norman Bennett by John Clive Russell, R. 1996) SPEC (laevigata), 18" (46 cm). Midsea...
■ (SPEC) 'White Pearl' 1910, Wallace 'White Pearl' ( R. Wallace and Company, 1910) gives: "INTERESTING WINTER IRIS. One of the most interesting plants at the...
■ (SPEC) Iris versicolor 'Wild Wine' 1984, Sindt 'Wild Wine' ( W. G. Sindt, R. 1983) Seedling #SV7. LAEV, 24" (60 cm). Midseason bloom. Dark red to maroon. Seed ...
■ (SPEC) Iris winkleri 1884, Botanical author Regel Iris winkleri Regel. (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Turkestan); Subgenus Hermodactyloides . "Stem almost non ...
(SPEC) 'Winter Gay' YYYY, Cleaves 'Winter Gay' (Edith Cleaves). Series Unguiculares. "Distributed by Edith Cleaves of San Jose, California, "30 cm tall, deep l...
(SPEC) 'Winter Goldback' YYYY, Cleaves ‘Winter Goldback’. (Edith Cleaves). Series Unguiculares. “ deep purple lavender, gold dusted on the back of the falls, 25 ...
(SPEC) 'Winter Memories' 1982, Cleaves by Hager 'Winter Memories' (Edith Cleaves by B. Hager, R. 1982) I. unguicularis 12" (30 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pur...
(SPEC) 'Winter Snowflake' 1969, Cleaves 'Winter Snowflake' ( Edith Cleaves, R. 1966) Stylosa, 10" (25 cm). December to March. White with yellow signal; back of fa...
(SPEC) 'Winter Treasure' 1969, Cleaves 'Winter Treasure' ( Edith Cleaves, R. 1966) Stylosa, 9" (23 cm). November to March. White self with yellow signal. I. ungu...
(SPEC) 'Withington Bride' 1931, Watson J H. 'Withington Bride' (J. H. Watson, 1931) English Iris; Color code W7; Sharp 1931 parentage 'Virginia' X L'Obscurite' Se...
(SPEC) 'Wychwood Surprise' 2011, Henley by Carter 'Wychwood Surprise' ( R. J. Henley by Galen Carter, R. 2011) SPEC (laevigata) (6 F.), 24 (61 cm)., Midseason blo...
(SPEC) Iris X species (The X files) X Files Botanical names representing hybrid crosses have an X before what would normally be the species epithet. Like other bo...
(SPEC) Iris yebrudii Dinsm. ex Chaudhary 1972, Chaudhary Iris yebrudii Dinsmore ex Chaudhary. ( John E. Dinsmore ex Shaukat Chaudhary, 1972, Yebrud region, Syria)...
■ (SPEC) 'Yellow Conundrum' prior to 1960, Hanselmayer 'Yellow Conundrum' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994). SPEC, 8 10" (20 25 cm). Early bloom. Variab...
(Spec) 'Yellow Pearl' before 1990, van Eeden 'Yellow Pearl'. (N.P.A. van Eeden). Standards Aureolin (RHS 3/1), falls buttercup yellow (5/1) with Indian yellow blo...
(Spec) 'Yuki Doro' 1935, Wada 'Yuki Doro'. (Wada 1935). LAEV; Sgl 1W2. Wada 1935; 1937; 1938; Chugai 1939.'Yukidoro' is a three petaled white with pale red violet...
(Spec) 'Yukigesho' YYYY, Horinaka 'Yukigesho'. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white produced with colchicine. (Translation, Snow Dress). S...
■(SPEC) Iris zagrica Mathew Zarrei 2009, Botanical authors Brian Mathew and Mehdi Zarrei Iris zagrica Mathew Zarrei, 2009, Published in Curtis's Botanical M...
■ (SPEC) 'Zwanenburg Beauty' before 1969, Van Tubergen 'Zwanenburg Beauty' ( C. G. van Tubergen, not registered, noted in 1969 checklist). Regelia hybrid, Flowers...
Species By Country: Under Construction: Asia: * China * North Central China: Iris bungei Maxim., Iris dichotoma Pall., Iris domestica (L.) Goldblatt M...
(SPEC) Species Iris Species are the world's wildflowers. This horticultural class of Iris includes all botanical species in the Genus Iris. All Iris can be placed...
Spec Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Spec web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can...