

AIS 2012 Medal Winners

The American Iris Society awards Medals annually to the top irises of each type and to what will be the next Iris of the Year, the Dykes Medal Winner. The winners of these awards for 2012 are shown below:

'Florentine Silk'
Dykes Medal - Keith Keppel
Florentine Silk
Mohr Medal AB - Thomas Johnson
'Noble Warrior'
White Medal Ar - Richard Tasco
Noble Warrior
'Crow's Feet'
Knowlton Medal BB - Paul Black
Crow's Feet
Sass Medal IB - Paul Black
Payne Medal JI - Chad Harris
'Golden Panther'
2009 - Rick Tasco
Golden Panther
2008 - Marky Smith
'Queen's Circle'
2007 - Fred Kerr
Queen’s Circle


WayneMesser - 2013-05-08
Topic revision: r1 - 09 May 2013, waynemesser
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