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■(Spx) 'White Excelsior'

1920, De Graaff Bros

'White Excelsior' (De Graaff Bros.). Subgenus Xiphium, Dutch Iris. 18" (45 cm). Flowers white, with yellow blotch. (2n=34) A.M.-B.C. 1920, F.C.C.-B.C. 1921, A.M.-R.H.S. 1921.—KAVB. A hybrid Dutch Iris.

See below:

Courtesy KAVB


De Graaff 1921, 1938
Gardeners' Chronicles 1920
Scheepers 1936 catalog notes "WHITE EXCELSIOR: Very early. Of very good form and substance both standards and falls of the purest white. $.90 for 10; $6.50 per 100."
Barr 1926, 1938
Wallace 1927, 1934, 1938
Van Waveren 1928, 1938
Hort.12: 19,331. 1 Oct. 1934 %
Salbach 1938
Stassen 1938
Sutton 1938


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r6 - 12 Feb 2022, Harloiris
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