■(SPX) 'Umibotal' 2010, Shimizu 'Umibotal' (Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner, R. 2010) SPEC X (Pseudata); 46", Midseason to late bloom. Standards and Falls violet ...
■(SPX) 'Understated' 2001, Markham 'Understated' (Lynn Markham, R. 2001). Seedling 94 62A. SPEC X, 24" (61 cm), Early to late bloom. Tailored pale parchment infus...
(SPX) 'Unguicularis Peacock' 1924, Dykes 'Unguicularis Peacock' (William Rikatson Dykes, 1924). Series Unguiculares; R8M; "This is said to be derived from a batch...
■(SPX) Unnamed Tetraploid Calsibes YYYY, Tamberg Because of the sterility of the normally Calsibe cross conversion to tetraploidy have been made by Tomas Tamberg….