De Graaff 1915; 1938; Lilley 1915; Grulleman 1916; Salbach 1932; Bulletin of the American Iris Society 65: 34. May 1937 Illustrated; Tip Top 1937; Award of Merit Haarlem 1927; First Class Certificate Haarlem 1930; |
De Graaff 1944 catalog notes "S. DE VLIEGER (Blue Horizon)—Very broad and strong, light violet-blue standards, falls soft sky-blue, narrow orange stripe, large, beautiful flower, 27 inches, AM 1927; FCC 1930." |
Synonym 'Blue Horizon'; 'S. De Vlieger'; |
Scheepers 1936 catalog notes "S. DE VLIEGER: Very large and beautiful flower, very broad and strong light violet-blue standards, falls soft sky-blue with narrow orange stripe through center. $.90 for 10; $6.50 per 100." |