(SPX) 'P. C. Soutman' 1937, De Graaff 'P.C. Soutman' (De Graaff, 1937waiting registration information See below: * * References References Award of Merit H...
(SPX) 'P.C. Verbeek' 1910, De Graaff 'P.C. Verbeek' (De Graaff, about 1910) Dutch Iris; Color code Y6M See below: * * References References De Graaf 1927; ...
■(SPX) 'Pacific Red Velvet' 1995, Reid 'Pacific Red Velvet' (Lorena Reid, R. 1995). Sdlg. cs9 11 1E. SPEC X (cal sib), 18" (46 cm), Early bloom. Standards and sty...
■(SPX) 'Pacific Waves' 1971, Witt 'Pacific Waves' (Jean Witt, R. 1971). Seedling 69 04 EM. CAL SIB, 22" (56 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Dark lavender so closel...
■(SPX) 'Pagliacci' 2000, Hensler 'Pagliacci' (Christy Ann Hensler, R. 2000) Sdlg. 92JS11A. SPEC X, 24" (61 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium red violet...
■(Spx) 'Painted Lady' 2015, W. van Lierop Zn. B.V.R 'Painted Lady' ( * W. van Lierop Zn. B.V., R.2015 by KAVB) Sport of 'Pauline' . See below: * * Referen...
(Spx) 'Palm Spring' 2000, Fa.J.E. Lievens Zn. 'Palm Spring' (Fa.J.E. Lievens Zn.; R. 2000 with KAVB) Sport from 'George'. Discovered by Wim de Goede Edward ...
■(SPX) 'Paltec' 1928, Denis 'Paltec' (Denis, R.1929) Midseason bloom, color code B1L. (tectorum X 'Edina') See below: * References References Cayeux et Le ...
(SPX) 'Pieter De Hooghe' Before 1911, Van Tubergen 'Pieter De Hooghe' ( Van Tubergen, Before 1911), Dutch Iris; Color code B3L; Krelage 1911; See below: * * R...
■(Spx) 'Pixie' 1998, Van den Berg 'Pixie' (Sport discovered in North Holland by Van Den Berg, introduced 1998. A.J. Kroon Zn., Registered with KAVB, May 28, 200...
(SPX) 'Poggenbeek' about 1910, De Graaff 'Poggenbeek' (De Graaff, about 1910) Dutch Iris; Color code B3M; See below: * * References References Awaiting or...
■(Spx) 'Polar Ice' 2014, Kwekereij De Schullhorn 'Polar Ice' (Kwekereij De Schullhor, R 2014 with KAVB) Sport of 'Katharine Hodgkin'; discovered by Wim de Goede...
(Spx) 'Polly' YYYY, Fauser 'Polly' (Otto Fauser). Medium grey blue Retic with I. reticulata hort.'s form. It has an orange yellow ridge, and the area to either si...
(Spx) 'Pride Of Holland' 1944, van Buggenum 'Pride Of Holland' (D. Van Buggenum). Standards lemon yellow, falls deep golden yellow, flowers large. A.M. B.C. 1944...
■(Spx) 'Prima Della Prima' 2023, Bianco 'Prima Della Prima' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2023) Seedling Ung.3, SPEC X, 11.0" (28 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards pl...
(Spx) 'Professor Blaauw' 1949, van Waveren 'Professor Blaauw' (H. S. van Waveren). ('White Perfection' x Iris tingitana Boiss. Reuter var fontanesii (Godron) Ma...
(Spx) 'Pumila Hybrida' 1899, Goos Koenemann 'Pumila Hybrida' (Goos Koenemann, 1899) named for a strain of hybrids begun in 1899, see article (in translation b...
■(Spx) 'Purple Hill' 2015, Mountains Future VOF (Thijs van den Berg) 'Purple Hill' (Mountains Future VOF; R. 2015) Pod Parent: Involving 'Rhapsody' See below: ...