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(SPX) Species Hybrids - N

■(Spx) 'Nada' 1936, Giridlian 'Nada' (J. N. Giridlian, R. 1937) Evansia. Color Class W1 (White self); Small (2 1/4" (6 cm) wide bright white flower; lightly dotte...
■(Spx) 'Neat Canary' 2024, Copeland 'Neat Canary' (Jill Copeland, R. 2024). Seedling Neat, SPEC X (Ensata hybrid), 46" (117 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standard...
■(Spx) 'Neptune' McMurtrie 'Neptune' (Alan McMurtrie). SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides. Reticulata hybrid (not registered with AIS). For more about Reticulata...
(Spx) Iris × neumayeri Janch. ex Holub YYYY, Hybridizer Iris x neumayeri = I. graminea × I. sibirica; Iris × neumayeri Janch. ex Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. ...
(SPX) 'New Approach' 2007, Huber 'New Approach' (Tony Huber, R. 2007) Sdlg. 98 85. SPEC X (tet. versata), 49" (125 cm), Midseason late to very late bloom. Standar...
(Spx) 'New Departure' 1977, Service 'New Departure' (Nigel Service, R. 1977) Seedling 72 C5. Inter series hybrid, 16" (41 cm). Midseason bloom. Pale yellow, veine...
■(SPX) 'New Possibility' 2008, Komarnicki 'New Possibility' (Lech Komarnicki, R. 2008) Seedling 05/6 BL 22T A. SPEC X, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards vio...
r8 - 30 Nov 2022 - 21:09 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'New York' 1988 I.V.T. 'New York' (I.V.T., 1988, introduced by H.J.A. Rooyakkers). Standard Dauphin's violet (RHS 90B) with darker Victoria violet stripes...
(SPX) 'Nic. Willing' 1929 De Graaff 'Nic. Willing' (De Graaf 1929) Dutch Iris; Color code WW; See below: * * References References Award of Merit Haarlem ...
■(SPX) 'Night Flash' 2005, Huber 'Night Flash' (Tony Huber, R. 1998). Sdlg. 95 140 (93 536). SPEC X, 43" (110 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards blue violet (RH...
■ (Spx) 'Night Hero' 2012, McMurtrie 'Night Hero' This is hybrid between I. zenaidae and I. bucharica. Its flowers are tricoloured, standards NEW and style br...
r3 - 27 Sep 2020 - 15:23 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'Night Mood' 2003, Markham 'Night Mood' (Lynn Markham, R. 2002). Seedling 9395 64A. SPEC X, 24" (61 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards opaque soft wi...
(Spx) 'Norris Lavender' ?, Norris 'Norris Lavender' (Samuel Norris). Series Laevigatae. 36" (90 cm). This is a very well proportioned lilac or lavender flower. 2 ...
■(Spx)Iris × norrisii (L.W.Lenz) C.Whitehouse, Hanburyana 5: 67 (2011). Named after Sam Norris who made the first crosses with Iris dichotoma and Iris domestica (...
■ (Spx) 'North Star' YYYY, McMurtrie *'North Star'*( Alan McMurtrie, 2009). Seedling # SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (not registered wi...
r3 - 23 Sep 2020 - 13:00 by Harloiris
■(Spx) 'North to South' 2020, Copeland 'North to South' (Jill Copeland, R. 2019). Seedling Y 2. SPEC X, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards violet (RHS ...
■(SPX) 'Northern Pink' 1995, Tamberg 'Northern Pink' (Tomas Tamberg, R. 1995). Seedling SSTT 359. SPEC X (tet.), 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale lave...
■(Spx) 'Northern Yellow' 2012, Tamberg 'Northern Yellow' (Tomas Tamberg, R. 2012) Seedling SSTT994. SPEC X (sibtosa tet.), 27" (69 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards...
r9 - 16 May 2022 - 19:10 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'Nothing Else Matters' 2019, Lecomte 'Nothing Else Matters' (Gabriel Lecomte, R. 2019) Seedling GL14XX. SPEC X SIBSATA, 39" (99) cm. Early midseason bloom….
■(SPX) 'Nouvel Age' 1997, Huber 'Nouvel Age' (Tony Huber, R. 1992). Seedling DOM F 2 01. SPEC X, 29" (75 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards purple violet (RHS 86B); ...
r10 - 24 Apr 2023 - 16:06 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Nutfield Blue' 1995, Jeffs 'Nutfield Blue' (H. R. Jeffs, SPEC X, R. 1989). Stillingfleet Lodge Nurseries 1995. Main.LaurieFrazer 2010 02 05
r5 - 26 Aug 2015 - 19:56 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 21

-- BobPries - 2011-02-14
Topic revision: r1 - 14 Feb 2011, BobPries
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