■(Spx) 'Maolian' 2018, Bi/Chen 'Maolian' (Xiaoying Bi and Yan Chen, R. 2018). Seedling 2013 140. SPX, 34" (86 cm), Late bloom. Standards very light purple (N76B),...
■(Spx) 'Margot Holmes' 1927, Perry 'Margot Holmes' ( Amos Perry, 1927) MAP (Miscellaneous Apogon) Color Class R7M. ( Iris chrysographes X I. douglasiana ). S...
(SPX) 'Mari' Horinaka 'Mari' (Akira Horinaka). Pale blue suffused pink lavender deeper around cream signal which extends out midrib. Iris versicolor L. X Iris la...
■(SPX) 'Marie Chuard' 2002, Huber 'Marie Chuard' ( Tony Huber, R. 1998). Seedling 1 95 212. SPEC X (reensata), 49" (124 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Stan...
(Spx) 'Mauve Queen' 1942, J. de Goede Sz. 'Mauve Queen' (J. de Goede Sz. registered with KAVB). Standards Malva violet, falls pearl grey with narrow yellow blotch...
(Spx) Iris x mcmurtriei Iris x mcmurtriei (sophenensis x danfordiae) This is the botanical name designating varieties resulting from this cross both first generat...
■(Spx) 'Mercedes' 1988, N. Botman Sons 'Mercedes' (N. Botman Sons, 1988). Standard wisteria blue to dauphin's violet (RHS 92A/90D) with dauphin's violet vei...
(Spx) 'Mercury' 1971, G .D. Hommes 'Mercury' (G .D. Hommes, 1971). "Standards pale lobelia blue with white, falls primrose yellow (RHS 4b), blotch aureolin, bridg...
■(SPX) 'Modelka' 2009, Komarnicki 'Modelka' Lech Komarnicki, R. 2009). Seedling 00/01 BL8. SPEC X (sibtosa), 49" (125 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards deep vio...
(Spx) 'Monwat' Perry 'Monwat'. ( Amos Perry, Not Registered). Series Longipetalae/Californicae. No description found; ( Iris montana X 'Watsoniana'). Iris mis...
■(Spx) 'Mystic Beauty' 1992, Fa. De Geus Vriend 'Mystic Beauty' A hybrid Dutch Iris 'Mystic Beauty' was registered by KAVB (English home page) with the followin...