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(SPX) Species Hybrids - K

■(Spx) 'Kalpa' 2012, Taylor 'Kalpa' (John J. Taylor, R. 2008) SPEC X. Seedling# FF 24 1. SPEC X, 15 20" (38 51 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards creamy yellow, fain...
■(Spx) 'Karyu' 2010, Shimizu 'Karyu' (Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner, R. 2010) SPEC X (Pseudata) ; 22 27", Midseason late bloom. Standards light rose; wide deep...
r9 - 16 Apr 2021 - 18:14 by Harloiris
■(Spx) 'Katharine Hodgkin' 1960 Anderson 'Katharine Hodgkin'. (E. B. Anderson, 1960). Subgenus Hermodactyloides, 4" (10 cm), Very early, Flowers 3 ½" in diamete...
■(Spx) 'Katharine's Gold' 2015, W. van Lierop Zn 'Katharine's Gold' (W. van Lierop Zn: R. 2015) Sport of 'Katharine Hodgkin'. See below: * * References ...
■ (Spx) 'Kiba Giants' Jelitto Seed 'Kiba Giants' (Jelitto Seed, Probably around 1999, Unregistered) Synonym Pardancanda xnorrisii, now Iris xnorrissii; 60", (1...
r3 - 20 Nov 2021 - 15:09 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Kilkivan' 1986, Harvey 'Kilkivan' ( Revie Harvey, R. 1982) Evansia, 54 60" (137 152 cm). Midseason bloom. Pale lavender with pale gold crest on white zone,...
■(SPX) 'Kimboshi' 1971, Ueki 'Kimboshi' (Hisaharu Ueki by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993). SPEC X, (Pseudata); 20" (51 cm), Early bloom. Standards light yel...
r11 - 25 Sep 2020 - 13:43 by Pamina
■ (Spx) 'King Mauve' YYYY, de Goede 'King Mauve' (J. de Goede Sz.). Standards campanula violet, falls grayish blue, yellow blotch.. KAVB. A hybrid Dutch Iris. S...
■(Spx) 'Kinshikou' 2004, Shimizu 'Kinshikou' (Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner, R. 2004) SPEC X (Pseudata); 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards light yellow, very...
(Spx) Iris × kobasensis Prodan 1932 Prodan Iris × kobasensis (Julius Prodan, 1933) Described as a species by Prodan see references below. Accepted as a natural hy...
r3 - 19 Sep 2020 - 14:04 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) Iris × koenigii Sosn. Iris × koenigii Sosn., Botanical name for natural hybrid, I. iberica × I. paradoxa See below: * * References * * Chromoso...
(Spx) 'Korolcyp' 1923, Denis 'Korolcyp' (Fernand Denis, 1923). MB. I. korolkowii X I. cypriana. Also listed as AB see 'Korolcyp'. See below: * References Ref...
■(SPX) 'Krolewskie Barwy' 2009 Komarnicki 'Krolewskie Barwy' (Lech Komarnicki, R. 2009). Seedling 99/0 BL33 A. SPEC X (versilaev tet.), 43" (110 cm), Midseason bl...
■(Spx) 'Kua Fu' 2024, Bi/Yang 'Kua Fu' (Xiaoying Bi and Jinghan Yang, R. 2024). Seedling 2023 01 08, SPEC X, 47.6" (121 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rust red (...
■(Spx) 'Kui Shou' 2024, Bi/Yang 'Kui Shou' ‘(Xiaoying Bi and Jinghan Yang, R. 2024). Seedling 2023 04 09, SPEC X, 55.5" (141 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lilac...
■(Spx) 'Kurokawa Noh' 2011, Aitken 'Kurokawa Noh' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 2011) SPEC X (pseudata), 52" (132 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards cream overlaid burgu...
r18 - 27 Aug 2022 - 16:11 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 16

-- BobPries - 2011-02-14
Topic revision: r1 - 14 Feb 2011, BobPries
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