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(SPX) Species Hybrids - G

(SPX) 'Gaudiness' 1925, Van Tubergen 'Gaudiness' (C. G. Van Tubergen, 1925). Subgenus Scorpiris, Juno, No description found. ( Iris bucharica X Iris warleyensis)....
r5 - 22 Feb 2015 - 22:23 by Harloiris
(Spx) 'Gem Dandy' 1984, Kennedy 'Gem Dandy' (Grady Kennedy, R. 1984) Sdlg. 147 78 1. LAEV, 33" (84 cm). Very late bloom. Blue lavender. UAH 1, collected seedling ...
■(SPX) 'Gentle Lift' 2002, Huber 'Gentle Lift' (Tony Huber, R. 2002) Seedling 94 010. SPEC X (versata), 35" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards violet blu...
r8 - 12 Apr 2022 - 18:21 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'George' 1973, Eeden 'George' (P. B. Eeden, 1973). Section Hermodactyloides. 3 ¼ 5 ¼" (8,5 13 cm). Flowers 2 ½ 3 ¼" (6 8 cm) in diameter. Bloom seas...
r14 - 13 Nov 2023 - 22:52 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'George Rodionenko' 2006, Huber 'George Rodionenko' (Tony Huber, R. 1999). Seedling 95 214. SPEC X (versata), 38" (98 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards ...
r9 - 23 Apr 2022 - 14:41 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'Gerald Darby' 1967, Darby 'Gerald Darby' (Gerald Darby, deceased, by Coe, R. 1968) LAEV apogon hybrid, up to 6' (183 cm), June. Change of classification, ...
(Spx) 'Gerrit Van Hees' 1924, De Graaff 'Gerrit Van Hees' (De Graaff, 1924) Dutch Iris; Color code B9M; See below: * * References References Awaiting orig...
■(Spx) 'Get The Net' 2019, Copeland 'Get The Net' (Jill Copeland, R. 2018) Seedling S5TXOG 1. SPEC X, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light yello...
r7 - 21 Jul 2023 - 18:06 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'Gettoza' 2003, Mironova 'Gettoza' Геттоза ( Liudmila Mironova, R. 2003) Sdlg. 27 96. SPEC X (sibtosa), 37 41" (95 105 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue...
r7 - 29 Apr 2016 - 04:13 by ruiris
(Spx) 'Gigha' 1986, Harvey 'Gigha' (Revie Harvey, R. 1986) SPECX Evansia, (now Section Lophiris), 33" (84 cm). Early bloom. Smooth lavender blue, deep violet and ...
■(SPX) 'Gladbeck Yellow' 2007, Mathes 'Gladbeck Yellow' ( Harald Mathes by Lowell Baumunk, R. 2006). SPEC X, 16" (41 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom. Light yello...
(SPX) 'Gobble Gobble' 1999, Worel 'Gobble Gobble' (Jack Worel, R. 1999). Sdlg. DDP. SPEC X, 20" (51 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards absent; Falls (6) pinkish amet...
(SPX) 'Gogo Boy' 1998, Dumas Quesnel 'Gogo Boy'(Monique Dumas Quesnel, R. 1992). Sdlg. 90 X versata 1. SPEC X (versata), 40" (105 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
■ (Spx) 'Golden Beauty' 1974, Grakon 'Golden Beauty' (Grakon, 1974). Flowers aureolin (RHS 12B), falls lemon yellow (RHS 14B), blotch cadmium orange (RHS 23A)...
r8 - 05 Mar 2023 - 14:41 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Golden Bronze' 1929, De Graaff 'Golden Bronze' (De Graaff, 1929) Dutch Iris; Color code S3D; See below: * * References References Awaiting original...
r2 - 12 Feb 2022 - 00:53 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'Golden Emperor' 1939, Van Buggenum 'Golden Emperor' ((Van Buggenum„ 1939 A hybrid Dutch Iris See below: * * References References: Awaiti...
■ (Spx) 'Golden Giant' 1971, Nijssen Golden Giant' (P. Nijssen, 1971). Standards chrome yellow (RHS l5C,D), falls Indian yellow (RHS 17B), blotch tangerine or...
(SPX) 'Golden Giant of Van Buggenum' 1939, Van Buggenum 'Golden Giant' (Van Buggenum, 1939) Dutch Iris. There is a newer iris using this name that shows 'Golden G...
(SPX) 'Golden Glory' 1921, De Graaff 'Golden Glory' (De Graaff, 1921) Dutch Iris; Color code Y6D; See below: * * References References De Graaff 1921; 192...
r2 - 12 Feb 2022 - 00:53 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'Golden Harvest' YYYY, Buggenum 'Golden Harvest' (D. van Buggenum). Subgenus Xiphium, Dutch Iris. 18" (45 cm). Flowers golden yellow, shaded orange, st...
(Spx) 'Golden Orchid' 1939, Van Buggenum 'Golden Orchid' (Van Buggenum, 1939) Dutch Iris; Color codeY6D; See below: * * References References Awaiting orig...
(Spx) 'Golden Sunrise' 1939, Van Buggenum 'Golden Sunrise' (Van Buggenum, 1939) Dutch Iris; Color code Y4D See below: * * References References Awaiting or...
(Spx) 'Golden Sunshine' 1938, Delkin 'Golden Sunshine' (Delkin, 1938) Dutch Irisl Color code Y4D; See below: * * References References Delkin 1938 catalog ...
■(SPX) 'Golden Waves' 1980, Witt 'Golden Waves' (Jean Witt, R. 1979) Seedling 78 11 XC. CAL SIB, 24" (61 cm), Very late bloom. Lightly ruffled clear light yellow ...
(Spx) 'Goltzius' 1933, Van Tubergen 'Goltzius' (Van Tubergen, 1933) Dotch Iris; Color code S3L rev; See below: * * References References Bulbous Iris Trial...
■(Spx) 'Good Eye' 2024, Copeland 'Good Eye' (Jill Copeland, R. 2023) Seedling Z12 Deb, SPEC X, 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light lavender (RHS 91C), v...
■ (Spx) 'Gordon' 1971, van Eeden 'Gordon' (P.B. van Eeden, 1971). Ret; 3 ¾" (9.5 cm), flower diameter 2 ¼" (6 cm), Standards lobelia blue (RHS 91B); falls vio...
(SPX) 'Goring Butterfly' 2003, Maynard 'Goring Butterfly' (Peter Maynard, R. 2003) Sdlg. GBS 16/00. SPEC X (calsibe tet.), 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards whit...
(SPX) 'Goring Gold' 2009, Maynard 'Goring Gold' (Peter Maynard, R. 2009). Seedling GBS 206. SPEC X (calsibe, tet.), 27.5" (70 cm), Late bloom. Standards cream (RH...
(SPX) 'Goring Steeple' 2002, Maynard 'Goring Steeple' (Peter Maynard, R. 2000). Sdlg. GBS 9/97. SPEC X (cal sib tet.), 28" (72 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ind...
■(SPX) 'Gossamer Sails' 1982, Witt 'Gossamer Sails' (Jean Witt, R. 1981) Seedling 78 03 YA. CA SIB, 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls very, ver...
(Spx) 'Govert Flinck' 1920, Van Tubergen 'Govert Flinck' (Van Tubergen, 1920) Dutch Irises; Color code Y4D; See below: * * References References Awaiting ...
■ (Spx) 'Grace' 1971, Nijssen 'Grace' (P. Nijssen, 1971). Standards wisteria blue (RHS 92D), falls primrose yellow (RHS 4C), blotch Indian yellow (RHS 17A), b...
■(SPX) 'Graceful Presence' 2003, Huber 'Graceful Presence' (Tony Huber, R. 2003) Seedling 96 033. SPEC X (versata), 37" (95 cm), Early to late bloom Standardsli...
r5 - 23 Apr 2022 - 14:40 by Harloiris
(Spx) 'Graclac' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Graclac' Listed by W.E. Th. Ingwersen, Birch Farm Nursery, Gravetye, East Grinstad, West Sussex RH19 4LE. Possibly the same as '...
(Spx) Graeberiana X Albomarginata Main.BobPries 2011 03 02
■(SPX) 'Grand Écart' 2019, Jacob 'Grand Écart' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2018). Seedling 15/112 1. SPEC X (cal sib), 23.5" (60 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light ...
(SPX) 'Gratsiya' 1996, Amekhin 'Gratsiya' Грация ( Oleg Amekhin, R. 1996). Sdlg. SPG 2. SPEC X, 32" (80 cm), Very early bloom. Light purple self; style arms cream...
r6 - 04 May 2016 - 17:56 by ruiris
■ (SPX) 'Grazyna' 2001, Lim 'Grazyna' (Yoong Lim, R. 2001) SPEC X (evansia), 45" (115 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Medium blue, Falls with yellow crest ...
■ (Spx) 'Green Ice' 2003 McMurtrie 'Green Ice' ( Alan McMurtrie, 2003). SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (not registered with AIS). For mor...
■(Spx) 'Gubijin' 2005, Shimizu 'Gubijin' (Hiroshi Shimizu, R. 1999) SPEC X, 43" (110 cm), M Yellow. Seed from British Iris Society seed exchange. Parentage unkno...
■ (Spx) 'Gypsy Beauty' 1975, Aten 'Gypsy Beauty' (G. Aten, 1975). Standard methyl violet (RHS 88A), falls dull greenish grey (RHS l95C) to wisteria blue (RHS ...
r7 - 12 Apr 2022 - 18:26 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 42

-- BobPries - 2011-02-14
Topic revision: r1 - 14 Feb 2011, BobPries
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