■(Spx) 'Darjeeling' 1944, Giridlian 'Darjeeling' (J. N. Giridlian, R. 1944) Evansia. Color Class W1. 'Nada' x self. See below: * * References References: ...
■(SPX) 'Date With Destiny' 2009, Black 'Date With Destiny' (Paul Black, R. 2009). Seedling K297B. SPEC X, 18" (46 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards medium v...
■(Spx) 'Desert Dream' Drake 'Desert Dream' (Jack Drake, Not Registered). CALSIB, 40 chromosome, Tan and red violet bicolor, (Chrysographes Rubella X Iris innomi...
(Spx) 'Desert Haze' Drake 'Desert Haze' (Jack Drake,Not Registered). CALSIB, 40 chromosomes, Violet. It is probable that this has been distributed in England as a...
(SPX) 'Dirigo Aichi Shiroi' 2005, White 'Dirigo Aichi Shiroi' ( John White, R. 2005) SPEC X (pseudata), height 30" (76 cm), Early to Midseason bloom. White self, ...
(Spx) 'Dirk Dalens' about 1910, De Graaff 'Dirk Dalens' (De Graaff Bros. about 1910) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code B3M; See below: * * References ...
(Spx) 'Dominator' 1948, Kersten 'Dominator' (JB. Kersten, introduced by J. de Wit, 1948). Standards lobelia blue (41/1), falls pale gentian blue (42/2), yellow bl...
(Spx) 'Dorothea' YYYY, ?? 'Dorothea' "Light lavender blue flowers (Larger and paler than 'Toltec') flecked with a deeper tone" Perennial Garden Plants, by G. S. T...