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■(SPX) 'China in Springtime'

2008, Niswonger

'China In Springtime' (O. David Niswonger, R. 2007). Seedling Sibling. 3-06. SPEC-X, 42" (107 cm). Early bloom. Standards light blue; style arms blue; Falls darker blue; blue bitone. Sib. 6-99: ('Out in Missourri' x I. typhifolia ) X unknown. Cape Iris 2008. Honorable Mention 2013, Award of Merit 2015, Randolph-Perry Medal 2019.

See below:
China in Springtime - SIB-SPEC X D Niswonger 2008.jpgChina in Springtime Spec X SIB O.D. Niswonger 2008.jpgChina in Springtime Spec-X:SIB O.D. Niswonger 2004.jpgchinainspringtime9.JPG


From AIS Bulletin #349 April 2008 Introducing CHINA IN SPRINGTIME (Niswonger'08), SPEC-X, Sdlg. Sib. 3-06: Sib.6-99. (Out In Missouri x I typhifolia) X Unknown. 42" (107 cm), E. The advantage of I typhifolia hybrids is their early bloom compared to most Siberian irises. This one is probably the tallest of most of my hybrids with a good strong stalk. It's an unusual color too, being a light blue bitone with a slight edge of white around the falls. The standards are light blue, the style arms blue and the falls a darker blue. It's fertile both ways, providing an opportunity for further advancement of this line of breeding. $30.00. Dave Niswonger (Cape Iris).

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- LaurieFrazer - 2010-02-05
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
China in Springtime - SIB-SPEC X D Niswonger 2008.jpgjpg China in Springtime - SIB-SPEC X D Niswonger 2008.jpg manage 292 K 08 Mar 2021 - 18:02 Main.georgebacon George Bacon - Breezeway Iris Garden
China in Springtime Spec X SIB O.D. Niswonger 2008.jpgjpg China in Springtime Spec X SIB O.D. Niswonger 2008.jpg manage 415 K 08 Mar 2021 - 18:03 Main.georgebacon George Bacon - Breezeway Iris Garden
China_in_Springtime_Spec-X:SIB_O.D._Niswonger_2004.jpgjpg China_in_Springtime_Spec-X:SIB_O.D._Niswonger_2004.jpg manage 232 K 22 Jan 2016 - 18:31 Main.georgebacon Photo by George Bacon-Breezeway Iris Garden
chinainspringtime9.JPGJPG chinainspringtime9.JPG manage 173 K 16 May 2023 - 19:45 TerryLaurin Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens-taken at the 2023 Region 4 Spring Meeting
Topic revision: r16 - 17 May 2023, Harloiris
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