■(Spx) 'Ban Lan De Hai' 2024, Liang 'Ban Lan De Hai' (Yuting Liang, R. 2024). Seedling T 6, SPEC X, 34.6" (88 cm), Late bloom. Standards yellow white (RHS 155D) w...
(SPX) 'Bee Flamenco' 1999, Dumas Quesnel 'Bee Flamenco' (Monique Dumas Quesnel, R. 1992). Sdlg. 91 X versata O. SPEC X (versata), 43" (110 cm), Midseason to late ...
■ (Spx) 'Beetroot' 1989, Davidson 'Beetroot' (B. LeRoy Davidson, 1989). A heavily veined purple on white, the stalk and foliage to 38 in., the latter deeply color...
■(Spx) 'Benibutae' 2015, Shimizu 'Benibutae' (Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner, R. 2015) SPEC X (pseudata), 32" (81 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards cream,...
(Spx) Iris × binata Schur, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 10: 354 (1860). accepted in the World Checklist as a natural hybrid between I. aphylla × I. pumila See below: * *...
(SPX) 'Bleu Aimable' 1983, P. C. de Geus 'Bleu Aimable' (P.C. de Geus, 1983) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards wisteria blue,flag gentian blue, veined lobel...
■(Spx) 'Blue George' YYYY, William van Eeden 'Blue George' (William van Eeden, never registered ) Sport of 'George' which occurred many times. Registered name o...
■(Spx) 'Blue Hill' 2015, Thijs van den Berg 'Blue Hill' (Mountains Future VOF; R. 2015 by KAVB) Parentage Involving 'Rhapsody'; Said to be tetraploid as a result ...
■ (Spx) 'Blue Ice' 2008 McMurtrie 'Blue Ice' Iris sophenensis x danfordiae 'BLUE ICE' (89 Q 4) 2008 A lovely pale blue with ever so slight hint of yellow on the...
■ (SPX) 'Blue Mystery' 'Blue Mystery'. a hybrid Juno iris raised by Leonid Bondarenko of Lithuania, a cross between Iris willmottiana and Iris magnifica . ...
■(Spx) 'Blue Ruffles' 2011, McMurtrie 'Blue Ruffles' ( Alan McMurtrie, 2011. Not registered with AIS). I. graeberiana x ( I. zenaidae x I. graeberiana . (96 ...
(Spx) 'Blue Water' 2008 McMurtrie 'Blue Water' Iris sophenensis x danfordiae 'BLUE WATER' (92 CI 2) 2008 Almost solid blue, with a bright yellow fall ridge. Re...
(Spx) 'Boukyo' YYYY, Horinaka 'Boukyo' (Akira Horinaka). Pale blue lavender darker on Falls and darker still around signal, cream signal extending out on midrib o...
(SPX) 'Bourne Elegant' 1987, Ellis 'Bourne Elegant'. (Dr. J. R. Ellis by A. Bailey, R. 1988). Sdlg. 1. Section Lophiris, SPEC X, 18 20" (45 50 cm), Early bloom. ...
(Spx) 'By A Bee' Starker 'By A Bee' ( Carl Starker} Not Registered. CAL SIB. Standards violet; Falls purple. Natural hybrid collected in Oregon. (Probably Iris te...
Species Crosses by year of registration. 1961 to 1970, 1971 to 1980, 1981 1990, 1991 2000, 2001 2010, 2021 2030, Image galleries for other years and classificatio...
■(SPX) 'Byakuya No Kumi' 2005, Shimizu 'Byakuya No Kumi' ( Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner, R. 2005). SPEC X (Pseudata); 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Stand...