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(SPX) Species Hybrids - A

(Spx) 'A. Bloemaard' 1910, Van Tubergen 'A. Bloemaard' (Van Tubergen, 1910) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code B3M; See below: * * References Referenc...
(Spx) 'A. C. Van Den Berg' about 1910, De Graaff Bros. 'A. C. Van Den Berg' (De Graaff. about 1910) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code Y6L See below: * *...
(Spx) 'A. Van Meel' about 1910, de Graaff 'A. Va n Meel' (De Graaff Bros., about 1910) Subgenus Xiphium;; Dutch Iris; Color code S4D See below: * * References ...
(Spx) 'Abraham Storck' 1929, De Graaff 'Abraham Storck' (De Graaff, 1929) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code B3D; See below: * * References Reference...
■(SPX) 'Acadian Samouraï' 2015, Lecomte 'Acadian Samouraï' (Gabriel Lecomte, R. 2015) Seedling XSET3. SPEC X, 15" (38 cm.), Midseason bloom. Styles light blue vio...
■(Spx) 'Acapulco' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Cultivar Name' Awaiting registration Information A hybrid Dutch Iris See below: * * References References: Awaiting...
■(SPX) 'Accord D'Iroise' 2020, Jacob 'Accord D'Iroise' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2023). Seedling 15/165 6. SPEC X (tretraploid cal sib), 27.5" (70 cm). Midseason to ...
r11 - 15 Feb 2024 - 15:18 by Harloiris
(Spx) 'Achievement' 1941, Kemp 'Achievement' ( J. A. Kemp, R. 1941) JI (dbl). Color Class 4BD. 'Harmony' X I. albopurpurea . Kemp 1941. Note: Also listed in JI w...
■(SPX) 'Across The Ocean' 2005, Komarnicki 'Across The Ocean' (Lech Komarnicki, R. 2005). Seedling 000/01 Px 23 A. SPEC X, 18" (45 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards...
r8 - 30 Nov 2022 - 20:59 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Adonis' 1973, Eckhart 'Adonis' (J. Eckhart Jr., registered with KAVB,).Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch iris Standards violet purple (RHS 77A), falls violet (RHS 86...
■(SPX) 'Adrenaline Rush' 2000, Hensler 'Adrenaline Rush'. ( Christy Ann Hensler, R. 2000). Sdlg. 92JS1B. SPEC X, height 48" (122 cm); Early midseason bloom. Stand...
(Spx) 'Adriaan Backer' 1910, De Graaff 'Adriaan Backer' (De Graaff, 1910) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code B7M; See below: * * References References...
(SPX) ‘Adriaan Brower’ YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Adriaan Brower’ (Van Tubergen, R. 1918). Dut Dut W1 (C.G. Van Tubergen 1918); Van T. 1918; Tege. 1927; Adriaen Brouwer….
(Spx) 'Aelbert Cuyp' before 1910, van Tubergen 'Aelbert Cuyp' (Van Tubergen, before 1910) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code W4L; See below: * * Referen...
(SPX) 'Against The Wind' 2002, Marshall 'Against The Wind' (Nerissa Marshall, R. 2002). SPEC X, height 22" (55 cm), Midseason bloom. White (RHS 155C) stained deep...
(Spx) 'Ai Hua' 2014, Gao 'Ai Hua' (Yike Gao, R. 2014). Seedling R6 7 14. SPEC X (norrisii), 19.5" (50 cm). Late bloom. Standards yellow orange, lighter towards ce...
■(SPX) 'Aichi No Kagayaki' 1993, Osugi 'Aichi No Kagayaki' (Shinnosuki Osugi Ryuichi Osugi by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993). SPEC X, (Pseudata); 22" (56...
(SPX) 'Aindling Goldauge' 1992, Winklemann 'Aindling Goldauge' ( Artur Winkelmann, R. 1992). SIB/VERS, height 23.5" (60 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Dark violet,...
(SPX) 'Aindling Libelle' 1992, Winklemanm 'Aindling Libelle' ( Artur Winkelmann, R. 1992). SIB/VERS, 23.5" (60 cm), Late bloom. Violet self, yellow signal, veined...
(SPX) 'Aindling Morgenstimmung' 1992, Winklemann 'Aindling Morgenstimmung' ( Artur Winkelmann, R. 1992). SIB/VERS; height 27.5" (70 cm), Very late bloom. Medium v...
(SPX) 'Aindling Rohrsaenger' 1992, Winklemann 'Aindling Rohrsaenger' ( Artur Winkelmann, R. 1992). SIB/VERS, height 20" (50 cm), Early bloom. Violet self, yellow ...
(SPX) 'Akaihikari' 'Akaihikari'. Series Laevigatae. Red purple self; Standards may be slightly lighter, small rounded signal with central spear of cream suffused ...
■(Spx) 'Akimatsuri' 2012, Shimizu 'Akimatsuri' (Hiroshi Shimizu by Carol Warner) SPEC X (Pseudatas); 35", Midseason bloom. Standards creamy yellow, style arms wi...
■(SPX) 'Akira Horinaka' 2004, Huber 'Akira Horinaka' ( Tony Huber, R. 1999). Seedlong 95 184. SPEC X (reensata), height 38" (96 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standar...
■(Spx) 'Alabama Blue Fin' 2017, Copeland 'Alabama Blue Fin'  (Jill Copeland, R. 2016) Seedling Y 4. SPEC X (pseudata), 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standa...
(Spx) 'Albert Neuhuys' before 1923, Van Tubergen 'Albert Neuhuys' (Van Tubergen, before 1923) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code Y6M; See below: * * R...
(Spx) 'Albino' 1939, Van Buggenum 'Albino' (Van Buggenum, 1939) Subgenus Xiphium;; Dutch Iris Color code W4 See below: * * References References Homan 1939...
(Spx) 'Alex Von Humboldt' 1898, Krelage 'Alex Von Humboldt' (Krelage, 1898) Subgenus Xiphium;; Spanish Iris; Color Code B1M. See below: * * References Refere...
■(Spx) 'Alida' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Alida' (registered with KAVB, 1997 Introduction). Light blue sport of 'Harmony'. . ( reticulata X histrioides var. major. Iris re...
■(Spx) 'All That Jazz' 2012 McMurtrie 'All That Jazz' (Alan McMurtrie, 2012). Seedling#87 BN 1. SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (not regist...
■(SPX) 'Ally Oops' 2000, Borglum 'Ally Oops' (Dana Borglum, R. 2000) SPEC X, 18" (46 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms light blue; Falls yellow...
■(SPX) 'Alpha Gnu' 1999, Kasperek 'Alpha Gnu' (Brad Kasperek, R. 1998). Seedling 94 13 20. SPEC X, 22" (56 cm). Very early bloom. Red violet (RHS 88A/B) streaked ...
(Spx) Iris x alto barbata A. E. Murray 1969, Murray x alto barbata (Albert Edward Murray, 1969 ) published in Kalmia i. 25 (1969). A botanical name for tetraploid...
■(SPX) 'Always Algonquin' 2015, Lecomte 'Always Algonquin' (Gabriel Lecomte, R. 2015) Seedling SET2. SPEC X, 35.5" (90 cm.), Early to midseason bloom. Styles vio...
■ (Spx) 'Amazing' YYYY, McMurtrie 'Amazing' (Alan McMurtrie Not registered with AIS) Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (not registered with AIS). Se...
■(Spx) Iris x hollandica 'Amber Beauty' 1953, De Graaff Bros. 'Amber Beauty' (De Graaff Bros. Registered by KAVB, 1953) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards em...
■(SPX) 'Âmes Sauvages' 2022, Lecomte 'Âmes Sauvages' (Gabriel Lecomte, R. 2022) Seedling GL 18M3. SPEC X SIBSATA, 39" (99 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards b...
(SPX) 'Angel Wings' before 1956, De Vries Bros. 'Angel Wings' (De Vries Bros. before 1956) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards yellowish white, falls dresden ...
■(Spx) 'Angels In The Architecture' 2017, Silver 'Angels In The Architecture' (Thomas Silvers, R. 2017) SPEC X, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white gr...
r6 - 24 May 2019 - 17:47 by Harloiris
■(Spx) 'Angenehme Seereise' 2002, Winkelmann 'Angenehme Seereise' (Artur Winkelmann, R. 2002) Sdlg. 2/94. SPEC X (sibtosa tet.), 43" (110 cm). Late bloom. Standar...
(Spx) Iris xhollandica Aniline Beauty 1953, De Graaff Bros. S. A. v. Konijnenburg Co. 'Aniline Beauty' (De Graaff Bros. S. A. v. Konijnenburg Co., Registe...
■(Spx) 'Animato' hybrid Dutch Iris 1976, Reus. 'Animato' (Nic. Reus, registered with KAVB, 1976).Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards white, flag primrose yell...
(Spx) 'Anna' Horinaka 'Anna' ( Akira Horinaka). Dark purple self, white signal with central line extended out to a feathered point. Signal yellow towards stylearm...
(Spx) 'Annie' Horinaka 'Annie' (Akira Horinaka). Pale blue suffused pink lavender deeper around cream signal which extends out midrib. Standards and stylearms lig...
r5 - 28 Apr 2021 - 23:59 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Anticosti Prelude' 2007, Huber 'Anticosti Prelude' ( Tony Huber, R. 2007) Sdlg. 98 45 00 75. SPEC X (versata), 39 43" (100 110 cm), Midseason late bloom. S...
(SPX) 'Anticosti Visitor' 2007, Huber 'Anticosti Visitor' ( Tony Huber, R. 2007) Seedling 03 50. SPEC X, 35 43" (90 110 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards viol...
■(Spx) 'Antique Brass' 2018, Harris 'Antique Brass' (Chad Harris, R. 2017) Seedling 08SPCXL6. SPEC X (pseudata), 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards golden ...
(Spx) 'Anto Mauve' 1909, Van Tubergen 'Anton Mauve' (Van Tubergen, 1909) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Color code B1L; See below: * * References References ...
■(Spx) 'Aphylliated' 2015, Rust 'Aphylliated' (Cindy Rust and Stephanie Chancellor, Seedling 6 10 7A. SPEC X, 18" (46 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light...
r18 - 13 Jun 2022 - 17:28 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'Apollo' 1971, Hommes 'Apollo' (G.D. Hommes, registered with KAVB, 1971).Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards white, tinted blue, falls primrose yell...
■(SPX) 'Appointer' 1994, Tamberg 'Appointer' (Tomas Tamberg, R. 1993). SPEC X, 27" (70 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards blue violet; falls blue violet with so...
r14 - 16 May 2022 - 19:18 by Harloiris
■(Spx) 'Approaching Storm' 2007, McMurtrie 'Approaching Storm' (Alan McMurtrie, 2007). Seedling 89 AC 4. SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (n...
■(SPX) 'Aquatic Alliance' 1994, Reid 'Aquatic Alliance' (Lorena Reid, R. 1994). Seedling 8VL18 1. SPEC X, height 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Light violet, large...
(SPX) ‘Arentine Arendsen’ YYYY, De Graff Bros. ‘Arentine Arendsen’ (De Graff Bros., R. 1919). Dut Dut W3L (De Graaff Bros. 1919); DeG. 1919; variety superseded;...
(SPX) 'Argument' 2000, Bondarenko 'Argument' (Leonid Bondarenko, unregistered). Subgenus Scorpiris (Junos). Height 18" (45 cm). Bloom season early with Iris bucha...
(Spx) 'Arie Scheffer' 1920, De Graaff 'Arie Scheffer' (De Graaff Bros., 1920) Subgenus Xiphium;; Dutch Iris ; Color code B1D; See below: * * References Ref...
(Spx) 'Ariel tec' 1955, Lenz 'Ariel tec' (Lee Lenz, R. 1955) SPX, Bearded/crested wide cross. Smooth lavender with no haft markings or flecking, flower form more ...
■ (Spx) 'Artist' 1982, Wentiink 'Artist' (H. J. Wentink, registered with KAVB, 1982). Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris, Standards methyl violet (RHS 85A), veined viol...
(SPX) 'Arturo Toscanini' 1952, van Buggenum 'Arturo Toscanini' (D. van Buggenum, 1952) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; standards pale flax blue, somewhat pale yello...
r2 - 13 Feb 2022 - 15:12 by Harloiris
■(SPX) 'Asian Alliance' 1990, Witt 'Asian Alliance' (Jean Witt, R. 1988). Seedling 73 05 GV. SPEC X (Versi Laev), 22" (53 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lighter ...
r17 - 25 Oct 2022 - 23:52 by Harloiris
(SPX) 'Askomil' 1991, Harvey 'Askomil' ( Revie Harvey, R. 1986). SPEC X (evansia), 59" (150 cm), Early bloom. Very pale lavender with gold and light brown signal ...
■(Spx) 'August Affair' 2015, Schafer Sacks 'August Affair' (Marty Schafer Jan Sacks, R. 2015) Seedling xN09 2 1. SPEC X (norrisii), 43" (109 cm), Midseason blo...
(Spx) 'Aureafolia' 1941, Kemp 'Aureafolia' (J. A. Kemp, R. 1941). Jap; Sdlg. 4BD; Dark yellow toned Blue; Its name would indicate that it had golden foliage. 'Har...
■ (Spx) 'Auroral Sail' 2014, Xu 'Auroral Sail' (Wenji Xu, R. 2014) Seedling 10 111. SPEC X, 32.5" (83 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red purple (RHS 72D), red mi...
■(Spx) 'Ause' 2014, Warner 'Ause' (Carol Warner, R. 2014) SPEC X (pseudata), 42" (107 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white, rimmed rose fading to lavend...
r14 - 14 Jul 2023 - 13:20 by Harloiris
■ (Spx) 'Autumn Princess' 2002, De Geuss Vriend 'Autumn Princess'. (Fa. De Geus Vriend, Registered with KAVB, July 22, 2002). A hybrid Dutch Iris. See below: ...
■(SPX) 'Avalanche' 2009, Alan McMurtrie 'Avalanche' (Alan McMurtrie, 2009). SPEC X, Subgenus Hermodactyloides , Reticulata hybrids (not registered with AIS). Seed...
(SPX) 'Aviateur' Before 1939, J. de Goede Sz. 'Aviateur' (J. de Goede Sz. 1939) Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards methyl violet, falls gentian=blue with ye...
■ (Spx) 'Awesome' 2012 McMurtrie 'Awesome' (Alan McMurtrie, 2012).(96 HW) graeberiana x bucharica QQ 2012 Overall this winged Juno is a beautiful mauve blue. The ...
r7 - 22 Feb 2023 - 16:18 by Harloiris
(Spx) 'Azure Beauty' 1947, De Graaff Bros. 'Azure Beauty' (registered with KAVB).Subgenus Xiphium; Dutch Iris; Standards hyacinth blue (40/l), falls French blue (...
(Spx) 'Azure Pinwheel' 2011, Bi and Li 'Azure Pinwheel' (Xiaoying Bi and Hui Li, R. 2011). Seedling F2 7. SPEC X, 29 (74 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards v...
Number of topics: 71

-- BobPries - 2011-02-14
Topic revision: r1 - 14 Feb 2011, BobPries
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